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      • Círculo de Poesía

        Círculo de Poesía is a publishing group specialized in poetry with three publishing houses. In addition we publish the most widespread digital poetry magazine in the entire Spanish language world to share poems and information about books and authors with more than 12,000,000 readers ( We have built an extensive distribution and advertising networks specialized in poetry books.

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      • GAPSK Language Promotion Council Limited

        GAPSK and YLPSK are the standardized test of Chinese language for children from 3 to 15. From the world- renowned Peking University, GAPSK and YLPSK are certified and approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education as language proficiency measuring tool for children . GAPSK, YLPSK could be conducted on site or completely online. Come join over 100,000 students who taken the tests, contact us at  Find out more at

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        The language of empire

        Myths and metaphors of popular imperialism, 1880-1918

        by Robert Macdonald

        The debate about the Empire dealt in idealism and morality, and both sides employed the language of feeling, and frequently argued their case in dramatic terms. This book opposes two sides of the Empire, first, as it was presented to the public in Britain, and second, as it was experienced or imagined by its subjects abroad. British imperialism was nurtured by such upper middle-class institutions as the public schools, the wardrooms and officers' messes, and the conservative press. The attitudes of 1916 can best be recovered through a reconstruction of a poetics of popular imperialism. The case-study of Rhodesia demonstrates the almost instant application of myth and sign to a contemporary imperial crisis. Rudyard Kipling was acknowledged throughout the English-speaking world not only as a wonderful teller of stories but as the 'singer of Greater Britain', or, as 'the Laureate of Empire'. In the last two decades of the nineteenth century, the Empire gained a beachhead in the classroom, particularly in the coupling of geography and history. The Island Story underlined that stories of heroic soldiers and 'fights for the flag' were easier for teachers to present to children than lessons in morality, or abstractions about liberty and responsible government. The Education Act of 1870 had created a need for standard readers in schools; readers designed to teach boys and girls to be useful citizens. The Indian Mutiny was the supreme test of the imperial conscience, a measure of the morality of the 'master-nation'.

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        History of the German Language

        A textbook for German studies; Part 1: Introduction, prehistory and history; Part 2: Old High German, Middle High German and Early New High German

        by Wilhelm Schmidt, Edited by Dr. Elisabeth Berner and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Norbert Richard Wolf

        The 12th revised and updated version of the History of the German language – long regarded as an indispensable standard work for German Studies, has just been published. From now on, this comprehensive textbook on the history of the language is divided into two volumes. In addition to introducing questions about historical linguistics, the first volume provides a detailed account of the prehistory and history of German right up to the present day. Based on extensive source analyses, the focus is on aspects of culture and social history; only the chapters on the Indo-Germanic and Germanic language include key information about structural history. The second part contains concise, but readily understandable accounts of Old, Middle and Early New High German in terms of phonology, graphemics, morphology and syntax. Not only are synchronous descriptions given of the particular language period, but also the development of German language construction at all structural levels is explained. The association of grammatical synchrony and structural diachrony is a particular characteristic of this second part of Schmidt’s work on the history of language.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2021

        The art of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Danson Brown

        The Art of The Faerie Queene is the first book centrally focused on the forms and poetic techniques employed by Spenser. It offers a sharp new perspective on Spenser by rereading The Faerie Queene as poetry which is at once absorbing, demanding and experimental. Instead of the traditional conservative model of Spenser as poet, this book presents the poem as radical, edgy and unconventional, thus proposing new ways of understanding the Elizabethan poetic Renaissance. The book moves from the individual words of the poem to metre, rhyme and stanza form onto its larger structures of canto and book. It will be of particular relevance to undergraduates studying Elizabethan poetry, graduate students and scholars of Renaissance poetry, for whom the formal aspect of the poetry has been a topic of growing relevance in recent years.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2020

        The art of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Danson Brown, Joshua Samuel Reid

        The Art of The Faerie Queene is the first book centrally focused on the forms and poetic techniques employed by Spenser. It offers a sharp new perspective on Spenser by rereading The Faerie Queene as poetry which is at once absorbing, demanding and experimental. Instead of the traditional conservative model of Spenser as poet, this book presents the poem as radical, edgy and unconventional, thus proposing new ways of understanding the Elizabethan poetic Renaissance. The book moves from the individual words of the poem to metre, rhyme and stanza form onto its larger structures of canto and book. It will be of particular relevance to undergraduates studying Elizabethan poetry, graduate students and scholars of Renaissance poetry, for whom the formal aspect of the poetry has been a topic of growing relevance in recent years.

      • Trusted Partner

        German for Pharmaceutical Practice

        Communicate, research, present

        by Nadine Yvonne Sprecher, Annette Thomas, Annegret Lehmann and Anke Schichte. In collaboration with Christiane Schneider

        In the pharmacy, the staff communicate with customers, colleagues, the medical profession, sales representatives and nursing home staff. Pharmacy employees produce written information based on well-chosen sources and represent the pharmacy to the outside world through presentations, on social media, or with the help of flyers, posters and other promotional materials. All this presupposes the confident use of language, and is best trained in advance. Part A of this work provides assistance for the most diverse communicative requirements in the pharmacy. A short theoretical explanation is always followed by several tasks so that you can immediately put what you have learned into practice and try it out. The „Brief overview of grammar and language knowledge“ boxes point out linguistic stumbling blocks. Those who are not yet sure of the technical terms can make themselves fit in Part B. Here one learns how to conduct a good counselling interview according to the BAC guideline. Extensive lists of technical terms and their explanations suitable for everyday use – all arranged according to organ systems – contain the most important vocabulary for everyday pharmacy work. A totally practical German lesson!

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2002

        The Etruscan language

        An Introduction

        by Giuliano Bonfante, Larissa Bonfante

        A revised, updated and expanded edition of the first concise introduction to the study of the Etruscan language in English. The standard historical reference and a popular textbook for students of languages, linguistics, ancient civilization and Etruscan studies. Provides the best collection of Etruscan inscriptions and texts currently in print. A substantial archeological introduction sets language and inscriptions in their historical, geographical and cultural context. The overview of Etruscan grammar, the glossary and chapters on mythological figures all incorporate the latest scholarship and innovative discoveries. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Poetry (Children's/YA)

        El bolso

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Palmero Cáceres

        Keys, handkerchiefs, coins, three flowers from last spring, a bird. Boys and girls are expert observers and that is why they know that a mother’s purse fits everything. A book in Braille that reminds its readers that when observations are mixed with imagination, the most everyday objects are capable of coming to poetic life.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Prof. J. Golan and Dr. M. Bensoussan

        ENGLISH FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF MATHEMATICS Prof. J. Golan and Dr. M. Bensoussan The purpose of this concise 64-page workbook, designed especially for foreign-language students who plan to pursue advanced studies in mathematics at English-speaking universities, is to teach them how to comprehend technical writing in mathematics. The book is composed of twelve texts in university-level mathematics, especially written to highlight different aspects of technical mathematical style. Each text is followed by exercises intended to check the students’ comprehension of the text, acquisition of vocabulary, and awareness of some of the fine points of mathematical writing.  A bilingual Japanese-language edition of this title was published  and reprinted in Tokyo by Maruzen Co., Ltd. 160 pages, 15X23 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2024

        Borrowed objects and the art of poetry

        Spolia in Old English verse

        by Denis Ferhatovic

        This study examines Exeter riddles, Anglo-Saxon biblical poems (Exodus, Andreas, Judith) and Beowulf in order to uncover the poetics of spolia, an imaginative use of recycled fictional artefacts to create sites of metatextual reflection. Old English poetry famously lacks an explicit ars poetica. This book argues that attention to particularly charged moments within texts - especially those concerned with translation, transformation and the layering of various pasts - yields a previously unrecognised means for theorising Anglo-Saxon poetic creativity. Borrowed objects and the art of poetry works at the intersections of materiality and poetics, balancing insights from thing theory and related approaches with close readings of passages from Old English texts.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2025


        A poetics of displacement

        by John Kinsella

        This book is concerned with the complexities of defining 'place', of observing and 'seeing' place, and how we might write a poetics of place. From Kathy Acker to indigenous Australian poet Jack Davis, the book touches on other writers and theorists, but in essence is a hands-on 'praxis' book of poetic practice. The work extends John Kinsella's theory of 'international regionalism' and posits new ways of reading the relationship between place and individual, between individual and the natural environment, and how place occupies the person as much as the person occupies place. It provides alternative readings of writers through place and space, especially Australian writers, but also non-Australian. Further, close consideration is given to being of 'famine-migrant' Irish heritage and the complexities of 'returning'. A close-up examination of 'belonging' and exclusion is made on a day-to-day basis. The book offers an approach to creating poems and literary texts constituted by experiencing multiple places, developing a model of polyvalent belonging known as 'polysituatedness'. It works as a companion volume to Kinsella's earlier Manchester University Press critical work, Disclosed Poetics: Beyond Landscape to Lyricism.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2016

        The Returning Soul

        by Chen Yingsong

        This is a story of a ghost, who returned to “the birth land”, and died again. It is written by Chen Yingsong, who applies magic realism in his work. The reality of village and absurd existence has been narrated by his poetic and musical language.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2016

        Language training for small moderators

        Children's Language Art Series Textbook

        by Guangzhou Aiyi Education and Training Institution

        This book is an extension of the "Children's Language Art Series Teaching Material-Language Skills Training for Little Hosts". Pinyin is added to facilitate learning and teaching. The teaching method is also more suitable for preschool children, through language training to exercise children's language expression ability. The book consists of two parts: basic knowledge and performance. Full color printing. The book core paper is 80 grams of Monken, which does not hurt the eyes.

      • Trusted Partner
        Family & home stories (Children's/YA)
        October 2020


        by María José Ferrada, Pep Carrió

        The authors of this book take us on a journey through the different ways of inhabiting a house. Based on illustrations by Pep Carrió made with acrylic markers, the writer María José Ferrada uses poetic language and humor to propose a set of micro stories that invite readers to observe their own ways of inhabiting the world.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2025

        Translating Petrarch in early modern Britain

        Canzoniere and Triumphi, c. 1530–1650

        by Marie-Alice Belle, Riccardo Raimondo, Francesco Venturi

        Translating Petrarch in early modern Britain gathers twelve essays by international scholars focusing on the translation of Petrarch's vernacular verse (Canzoniere and Triumphi) into English, from the Tudor age to the mid-seventeenth century (and beyond). Approaching translation as an interpretive process, but also a mode of literary emulation and cultural engagement with Petrarch's prestigious precedent, the collection explores the complex and interconnected trajectories of both poetic works in English and Scottish literary milieux. While situating each translation in its distinct historical, material, and literary context, the essays trace the reception of Petrarch's works in early modern Britain through the combined processes of linguistic and metric innovation, literary imitation, musical adaptation and cultural and material 'domestication'. The collection sheds light on the origins and development of early modern English Petrarchism as part of wider transnational - and indeed, translational-European literary culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2024

        Communication and Tourism

        Reflecting on the construction of the tourist image of Greece

        by Michael Tsangaris

        The nexus of human mobility and communication is intricate, and this volume uncovers the deep-rooted significance of tourism and media . From antiquity to modern day, Western communication systems have artfully crafted the allure of destinations, making places irresistible to the travellers. At its core, this book proposes that the impetus for travel is a primal human necessity, rooted in our inherent need for movement, consciousness expansion, and cultural development. Featuring Greek civilization as a case study, the book reveals how the rich cultural capital of modern Greece, long admired and assimilated by many global cultures, has immensely contributed to Greece's contemporary tourism "imaginary". Readers are challenged to look beyond prevailing practices where tourism management and marketing are the driving force for commercial exchange, but to encompass its broader essence as a vital human function, leading to richer experiences. Drawing on theory from communication studies, social psychology, social anthropology, cultural and tourism studies the book is: · an historical panorama, exploring how communication has continually influenced the allure of tourist destinations · an overview of philosophical essence of tourism as a basic human need intertwined with consciousness expansion. · written in an engaging style to stimulate thought in current issues around the tourism industry It will be of interest to academics within areas related to tourism studies, mobility studies, mass media, communication and cultural studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2022

        Nordic Gothic

        by Maria Holmgren Troy, Johan Hõglund, Yvonne Leffler, Sofia Wijkmark

        Nordic Gothic traces Gothic fiction in the Nordic region from its beginnings in the nineteenth century, with a main focus on the development of Gothic from the 1990s onwards in literature, film, TV and new media. The volume gives an overview of Nordic Gothic fiction in relation to transnational developments and provides a number of case studies and in-depth analyses of individual narratives. It creates an understanding of this under-researched cultural phenomenon by showing how the narratives make visible cultural anxieties haunting the Nordic countries, their welfare systems, identities and ideologies. Nordic Gothic examines how figures from Nordic folklore function as metaphorical expressions of Gothic themes and Nordic settings are explored from perspectives such as ecocriticism and postcolonialism. The book will be of interest to researchers and post- and- undergraduate students in various fields within the Humanities.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2021

        Bad English

        by Rachael Gilmour

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        Theory and Clinical Practice of Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion (in Chinese and English)

        by Chen Shaozong

        For decades, Prof. Chen Shaozong has been dedicating to the research on the modern acupuncture and moxibustion system that is different from the traditional paradigm. As early as 1990, he published Theory and Clinical Application of Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion. The book is the prototype of the modern acupuncture and moxibustion system, though it contains merely 100,000 Chinese characters. 21 years later in 2011, Prof. Chen Shaozong published Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion that contains nearly 1 million Chinese characters with more informative content and a more comprehensive theoretical system. At the same time, as acupuncture and moxibustion grows into a more international discipline, the European and American community of acupuncture and combustion is going beyond the study of traditional acupuncture and moxibustion to start exploring into the acupuncture and moxibustion system in the context of modern science and technology. In recent years, they have gradually developed "western acupuncture and moxibustion" represented by "dry needling". As a response to the huge challenges brought by the evolution of western acupuncture and moxibustion, we published the six-volume Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Prof. Chen Shaozong in 2018. Containing more than 3 million Chinese characters, this book features richer content and a further improved theoretical system.   A few foreign universities have expressed their hope to have a compact edition of Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Chinese and English languages based on the original edition so that they can use it as a textbook in teaching. This is how this Theory and Clinical Practice of Modern Acupuncture and Moxibustion (in Chinese and English) comes into being. It is believed that the publication of this book not only benefits the international exchange and communication on acupuncture and moxibustion, but also produces positive impact on the orientation of the discipline.

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