CABI (CAB International)
Trusted Partner

Improving lives by solving problems in agriculture and the environment.

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CABI is an international, inter-governmental, not-for-profit organization that publishes books in 6 main subject areas: plant sciences, veterinary and animal sciences, agriculture and international development, environmental sciences, human sciences, and Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure.

Licensing Information

Foreign rights are available for print editions of our books, and digital editions by negotiation. We are also happy to consider translations of abridged editions of our titles and customised translations using material from different CABI titles.

If you wish to use image and typesetting files for CABI titles, please make this request when you make an offer. CABI reserves the right to add an additional charge for such files to the licence fee and also reserves the right to refuse to supply such files. It should be noted that CABI does not hold the original files and would have to request them from the typesetter/printer and they may not be available.


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