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View Rights PortalNina is playing on a swing and looking forward to the summer. However, it turns out that there will be neither flowers in the flowerbeds nor any blue dolphins in the sea this summer. And all because of Nina’s carelessness! There’s no reason to despair, though. With a little bit of effort, and the help of other characters in this picture book, Nina will not only save the summer, but also achieve something very special. This book and charming illustrations, originally published in bilingual edition (Ukrainian-English) will appeal to both children and their parents. From 3 to 6 years, 785 words (Ukrainian and English). Rightsholders: olushchevska@gmail.com
All trees are born in summer. Fir trees are among them. The Fir tree Tukoni makes sure that they grow and get stronger for the winter. However, one tree sprouts in the middle of winter, and no one knows exactly where it will appear. No one except the partridge Tukoni. Yet, when this special tree is born, all the forest inhabitants celebrate its arrival. After all, this happens on a special day - the birthday of all the kind spirits of the forest: the Tukoni! This magnificent picture-book by famous Ukrainian artist Oksana Bula will invite young readers to a winter fairy tale and will teach children to care for nature together with the kind forest creatures, the Tukonis. From 3 to 6 years, 151 words Rightsholders: ivan.fedechko@starlev.com.ua
Children love poems. So before Christmas, the Old Lion and a group of modern Ukrainian poets and illustrators created this elegant book to read in the family circle. Snow Poems for Kids are full of fun snow games, magical gifts from St. Nicholas and magical moments of Christmas and New Year. Also, the Old Lion reminds young readers to take care of birds and animals in winter. The collection includes poems by Mariana Savka, Halyna Malyk, Halyna Kirpa, Kateryna Mikhalitsyna, Oleksandr Dermanskyi, Ihor Kalynets, Oksana Lushchevska, Oksana Krotiuk, Hryhorii Falkovich, Tetiana Vynnyk, Yulia Smal, Natalia Poklad, Olesia Mamchych, Ivan Andrusiak , Oleksandr Orlov. Compiler - Natalka Maletych. Illustrated by: Dasha Rakova, Oksana-Olexandra Drachkovska, Yuliia Pylypchatina, Nataliia Oliynyk, Bohdana Bondar, Oksana Bula, Marta Koshulynska, Kateryna Sad.
A long time ago, a girl named Bean lived in old-age Kyiv’s Podil. At that time, many inhabitants of the city could turn into birds or animals. Bean was a werewolf squirrel, which means she could turn into a squirrel. Once a mysterious and elusive villain, the Midnight Glutton, appeared in the city. Bean's dad, the Witcher Beth, was trying to find a way to scare away the intruder. Thus, Bean and her fairy friend Patykoslav go on a journey through the dangerous and strange neighbourhoods of Kiev to find magical herbs for the Beet. Squirrel Bean and the Midnight Glutton by Halyna Tkachuk was shortlisted for BBC Book of the Year 2019.
Oksana Bulas "Nein, ich bin nicht müde! / Ja, ich will ins Bett!" ist ein innovatives Wende-Bilderbuch, das Kindern ab 3 Jahren auf unterhaltsame Weise das Thema Einschlafen näherbringt. Das Buch erzählt zwei charmante Geschichten aus dem Wald: Auf der einen Seite erfahren wir vom Bären, der den Winter erleben möchte und sich gegen den Winterschlaf wehrt, bis ihn die Müdigkeit doch einholt. Auf der anderen Seite begleiten wir den Wisent, der sich nichts sehnlicher wünscht, als die kalte Jahreszeit verschlafen zu können, obwohl seine Art keinen Winterschlaf hält. Durch die entgegengesetzten Perspektiven auf das Thema Schlaf und Ruhe regt das Buch zum Nachdenken und Diskutieren an. Illustriert mit traumhaft gezeichneten Szenen aus Wald und Natur, bietet dieses Werk der ukrainischen Illustratorin Oksana Bula nicht nur eine visuelle Bereicherung, sondern auch eine spielerische Herangehensweise an die Schlafenszeit, die Kinder und Eltern gleichermaßen anspricht. Innovatives Wende-Bilderbuch: Zwei Geschichten in einem Buch bieten doppelten Lesespaß und Abwechslung zur Schlafenszeit. Erziehungsthema Schlafen: Behandelt auf spielerische Weise Herausforderungen und Freuden rund um das Thema Einschlafen und bietet so einen idealen Anknüpfungspunkt für Eltern, um mit ihren Kindern über die Bedeutung von Ruhe und Schlaf zu sprechen. Faszinierende Tiercharaktere: Die Geschichten von Bär und Wisent laden mit ihren gegensätzlichen Wünschen und Erlebnissen zum Vergleich und zur Diskussion ein, wodurch Empathie und Verständnis bei jungen Zuhörern gefördert werden. Traumhafte Illustrationen: Die detailreichen und warmen Illustrationen laden zum Entdecken ein und machen das Buch zu einem visuellen Erlebnis. Vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten: Eignet sich hervorragend zum Vorlesen, als Gute-Nacht-Geschichte und für Leseanfänger zur Förderung der Lesekompetenz. Diskussions- und Lernpotential: Bietet zahlreiche Gesprächsanlässe über Themen wie Zufriedenheit, das Streben nach Unmöglichem und gegenseitige Unterstützung.
Modern authors often return to fairy tales to rethink them and create new texts that are the same tales, but in a new interpretation. Kotygoroshko comprises eight intricate fairy tales by Ukrainian female authors of children's books. Anastasia Lavrenishyna tells an alternative story of Kolobok, Halyna Tkachuk introduces readers to Olenka the Serpent, and Oksana Lushchevska tells the story of Marie, a wise girl with a high IQ. In her tale, Alina Stefan travels to the planet 581g to meet with Kira the Lame Duck, and Mia Marchenko takes her readers to Kiev Podil, where Mykyta the Tanner and Princess Anna save the city. Valentina Vzdulska will tell you the new story of Sirko and the Wolf, and Sasha Kochubey will introduce to you the new character of Kotygoroshko. Finally, there is Anya Khromova's parable about the heart in an iron chest.
Once upon a time a bison met a bear. Winter was coming and he asked the bear where he could get food since everything was covered with snow. The bear answered that he didn’t eat in the winter. Instead he usually went into a deep sleep. Every year at the same time the Tukonis, the magical forest inhabitants, would put him to sleep in a den and wake him up at springtime. The bison was amazed. He had never slept all though the winter and couldn’t even imagine that other animals did. How wonderful it would be to sleep in a cozy nest rather than roam around in the snow searching for food! The bison decided that the Tukonis should put him to bed as well. From 3 to 6 years, 407 words Rightsholders: ivan.fedechko@starlev.com.ua
When children first explore the world, they usually ask many questions. You can try finding answers together with them by reading and looking through the picturebook Скільки?/ How many? The book's interesting questions and beautiful illustrations facilitate a friendly and joyful dialogue between adults and little readers. Скільки?/How many? was originally published as a bilingual picturebook with English and Ukrainian parallel text, which was also helpful for children learning languages. From 3 to 6 years, 199 words (Ukrainian and English) Rightsholders: Oksana Lushcevska, olushchevska@gmail.com
Do you want to live incredible adventures and become part of a real fantasy story?! Then you will undoubtedly love the The Oak of the Three Foresters, which will enchant you with its interesting plot and colorful illustrations! From 7 to 9 years, 18223 words Rightsholders: chitarium@gmail.com
Mira dreams about the sea, but it is so far away! One day an unusual guest visits her, and suddenly Mira begins an unexpected journey. Will it be adventurous? What will happen to Mira on the way? Will she manage to reach the sea? This bilingual Ukrainian-English picturebook tells a story of friendship, imagination, and what happens when one faces life's exciting and sometimes uneasy dilemmas. from 3 to 6 years, 1160 words (Ukrainian and English). Rightsholders: Oksana Luchchevska, olushchevska@gmail.com
Sonia and Nika are best friends. Yet, they live far away from each other: Nika lives on the left bank of the Dripro River and Sonia lives on the right one. To see each other more often the girls come up with a secret game. But sometimes, one of them feels sad. What would Nika do this time to make Sonia laugh? In this bilingual picturebook the readers will dive into a world of endless imagination, present in each child and grown-up as well. From 6 to 9 years, 1250 words (Ukrainian and English). Rightsholders: Oksana Luchchevska, olushchevska@gmail.com
What to do if you love calmness and your family doesn't? Where to hide from the noise that so overwhelms our cities? Of course, you should find a secret place with completely different rules, the most important of which is to remain silent. My Most Silent Book will be a great companion for all little book lovers who like to spend time in absolute silence. From 3 to 6 years, 323 words Rightsholders: nataliya.koval@ranok.com.ua
The nightingale has returned from distant Africa and is looking for a spot to build its nest. And there are so many trees and bushes in the garden to chose from! Which of them would make a good home for a bird? Maybe a sour cherry tree, or a sweet cherry tree... or perhaps even a cherry plum tree? And what about a plum, or a pear tree? Each tree tells its story to the nightingale, describing its own special traits. What emerges from the stories of the trees is the image of the old gardener, clever and kind, who treats the trees as living creatures, talks to them and cherishes them greatly, along with his family, still living in the nearby house, honoring the trees and collecting their fruit. From 3 to 6 years, 2515 words Rightsholders: ivan.fedechko@starlev.com.ua
The book introduces its readers to teaching methods and subjects in different times, from Kyivan Rus to the USSR, and shows how different schooling used to be. It also tells about some punishments for disobedience and misconduct which, luckily, can only be found in books today. All this makes “School Studies” an exciting and optimistic book which can rekindle the love for school even in those who are not very enthusiastic about studies. Written with lots humor and insights.
This is the third picture book from the informative series about trees by Ukrainian writer Kateryna Mikhalitsyna and illustrator Oksana Bula. This is a story about how a grumpy badger and naughty squirrels saved the forest from the fire. Readers will also learn how spruce and larch prepare for the winter, and whether oak moss is actually a moss and why one should not burn deadwood because its not really dead. The book is also interactive: you can try and find all the firebugs hidden in the pictures, learn to distinguish different trees and make a garland in ecostyle.
Little Romko lost his coin but he was not upset for long, since he acquired something much more valuable. This Ukrainian-English bilingual board book tells the story of the extraordinary in everyday life and shows how a bit of humour and imagination can turn a perfectly ordinary day into something unusual. From 3 to 6 years, 1686 words (English and Ukrainian bilingual edition) Rightsholders: Oksana Lushcevska, olushchevska@gmail.com
5+ It is a story of self-discovery and finding one's place in the world—a metaphor for the search for happiness and connection with life. Through creative energy and responsibility, a person transforms a rocky island into a beautiful garden. - A journey of self-discovery, finding one’s purpose, and experiencing happiness through trying new things.- Patience, perseverance, and keen observation pave the way to achieving goals, even those as elusive as happiness.- Modern illustrations in soft pastel tones that appeal to both children and adults.- Highlights a rare profession — ognithologist — and its unique challenges.- Draws attention to endangered species and the importance of their preservation.
The new book of the well-known researcher of Ukrainian decorative and visual arts, Professor Halyna Stelmashchuk, is devoted to the folk clothing worn by Ukrainians of ethnographic groups: Boikos, Lemkos, Hutsuls, Pokutians, Bukovyants in the Carpathians. It has many features in common with the clothing used in all regions of Ukraine, but because of climatic, economic, social conditions, and cultural relations with neighboring states over the centuries, the clothing of the Ukrainians of the Carpathians developed its distinctive local features, which are unique by their colorfulness, decoration, method of wearing and the fact that on festive days it can still be seen on people, especially in the Hutsul Region. The book will be interesting to scientists, artists, students, students, tourists, and everyone interested in the history, culture, and art of Ukrainian people.
All night a thunderstorm raged in the woods. The tukoni named Wanderer was sleeping and didn’t notice anything, but was awoken by the alarm signal that came from his best friend, the tree. Tukoni the Wanderer convenes the other tukoni, including Moth, who is making a magical comforter. The tukoni gather together and save Wanderer’s best friend, the tree that was struck by lightning during the night. The book has the title that it does because it’s about friendship with the place where you live. People live on the planet Earth. Tukoni live in the forest. For the tukoni, the forest isn’t a fortress, a place of work, or their property. The tukoni are friends with each other, but each and every of them is also a friend of the forest, the place where they live. It’s important to treat the place where you live as a friend.
Like every year, at the end of the autumn the bear was going to go to sleep. He doing his final preparations and was waiting for Tukoni, who was to help him to settle down in his den. However, the bear met the bison, who told him about animals who do not hibernate and have fun in the winter forest . And how can the bear go to sleep after this?