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      • Afram Publications

        Afram Publications is an indigenous publishing house in Ghana. Afram Publication is specialized in publishing materials for pre-school and basic education in Ghana. The special focus is the development of local authorship.

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      • Furaha Publishers

        Furaha Publishers founded in 2014 is an independent children’s book publishing house based in Kigali Rwanda. It publishes 30 to 40 titles a year in both Kinyarwanda and English. Two titles were among the top 10 favorite children’s books in 2017.

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      • April 2018

        Lectores, editores y cultura impresa en Colombia: siglos XVI- XXI

        by Editores académicos • Diana Paola Guzmán Méndez Paula Andrea Marín Colorado • Juan David Murillo Sandoval Miguel Ángel Pineda Cupa.

        El lector conocerá sobre la circulación de libros entre los siglos XVI y XVII; el dinamismo del mundo impreso durante el siglo XIX y el papel del Estado en ese periodo; la modernización y especialización de los oficios y la formación de comunidades lectoras; así como la edición “independiente” y digital, y la venta de derechos de autores de literatura colombianos en el extranjero.

      • Literary Fiction
        August 1976

        Minotaur Fighting

        by Tita Valencia

        In 1976, when Minotauromaquia was awarded the Xavier Villaurrutia prize, the Mexican literary system was scandalized with the bluntness that is used to deploy the love disagreement with one of the protagonists of the very masculine intelectual universe of that time. Maybe the most annoying fact was the extraordinary poetic ability that Valencia displayed to build a profound, moving and honest piece of art. To read these pages 43 years later is to give us the chance to make a series of questions that were urgent then and are even more urgent now.

      • Literary Fiction
        February 1974

        About Ausencia

        by María Luisa Mendoza

        It’s likely that Mexican literature hasn’t yet produced another character similar to Ausencia Bautista Lumbres, who went from an impoverished orphan to a rich girl due to the fact that her father bought a prosperous mine before dying. Being a free and independent woman, Ausencia devotes her life to enjoy several lovers and pleasures with the complicity of the faithful Enedina. The protagonist’s conflict comes from a deeper place, from the philosophical questioning of femininity and existence. The author breaks all limits by the use of a complicated language and narrative techniques, that also provoke a unique vertigo sensation. The final result is complex and funny at the same time.

      • Literary Fiction
        October 1990

        In State of Remembering

        by Tununa Mercado

        Due to the military dictatorship in Argentina, Tununa Mercado lived in Mexico for almost 13 years, from 1974 to 1987. Her experience, codified as a novel that breaks the frontiers between genres, depicts the exile as an intimate situation that unravels complex and devastating emotions, where the narrative voice resists oblivion, the body fights for a place in the world and the narrator’s gaze elaborates a myriad of details in order to place itself in reality. To read this book is to illuminate the darkest faces of uprooting, poverty and violence that millions of migrants suffer each year and that have become new forms of dictatorship.

      • Literary Fiction
        August 2019

        The Mirror’s Crypt

        by Marcela del Río

        Marcela del Río was a cultural attaché during the 70s in Prague. From that experience she wrote a magnificent novel about the decay of a Mexican family, a political system and a country lacerated by October 2 massacre. While the male character (an ambassador and pater familias) suffers the injustices of a decadent political system, the peripheral voices that surround him (his wife, his domestic employee, his rebel son) will question and try to transform the hegemonic structures that oppress them.

      • Literary Fiction
        August 1959

        The Place Where the Grass Grows

        by Luisa Josefina Hernández

        The extraordinary ability that Luisa Josefina Hernández displays in her drama acquires a different dimension in her novels. The author once said: “When I write a novel I’m free in time and space. There are no producers, no directors nor actors… nothing. Just me and the text”. The Place Where the Grass Grows, which was published for the first time in 1956 by the Universidad Veracruzana Press, presents a protagonist that submerges herself into the most subtle faces of her conflict. Imprisoned in her house due to a false robbery accusation, she writes a notebook to her first love that is at the same time an intimate and deep reflection about her situation and her identity as a woman.

      • Children's & YA
        March 2020

        Famous Last Words

        by Mónica Beltrán Brozón

        Published for the first time in 2000, this collection includes fourteen short stories of one of the most renowned Children’s and YA Mexican books author. These tales provide a sarcastic and critic point of view, through which the protagonists confront the big system, sometimes coherent and other chaotic, that conforms life and death. This new edition represents the publisher’s interest to retrieve a collection that due to its author’s style and spirit, remains fresh and attractive for young readers.

      • Literary Fiction
        September 2020


        Latin American Short Story Writers

        by Pilar Dughi, Magda Zavala, Ivonne Recinos Aquino, Marta Brunet, Bertalicia Peralta, María Luisa de Luján Campos, Mercedes Durand, María Virginia Estenssoro, María Luisa Puga, Mimí Díaz Lozano, Mirta Yáñez, Gilda Holst, Marvel Moreno, Armonía Somers, Mercedes Gordillo, María Luisa Elío, Hilma Contreras, Silda Cordoliani, Rosario Ferré

        Maybe some of the best short stories written in Spanish aren’t what we thought they were. There are several unjustifiable absences, amazing works of art buried by misogyny, disdain or laziness. This anthology of Latin American writers was born to question the conviction that we know the best short stories written during the XX century. We want to destabilize our literary history. It’s necessary to reread our past in order to vindicate authors and texts that shouldn’t be forgotten. This book is only an example: twenty short stories –and twenty women writers– that establish a dialogue with each other from twenty different Latin American countries as well as Spain. The selection criteria is only, and foremost, artistic quality.

      • Children's & YA
        March 2020

        Zombie Attack

        by Raquel Castro

        Short-story collection that flows from the uncanny to the humorous using metamorphoses as the main ingredient. The author explores the characters’ feelings and reflexions when they establish contact with the walking dead, as zombies or other kind of catastrophes. The protagonists face themselves against the delicate line that divides death from life.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2019

        Nosotros, Colombia… Comunicación, paz y (pos)conflicto

        by Sergio Roncallo-Dow, Juan David Cárdenas Ruiz, Juan Carlos Gómez Giraldo

        Peace seems to have been elusive in Colombian history. The ups and downs in the negotiation processes, the unfulfilled promises, and the political polarization have made Colombia a nation in a state of continuous crisis and that, in spite of itself - to take up the old Bushnell phrase - has managed to stay afloat and, above all, do not lose hope for a stable and lasting peace.   There have been numerous attempts to build it and they seem to have been unsuccessful, especially because a good part of the collective representation that we have of them has been built from the media apparatus that, in the case of our country, has been at the service of power and that it has resulted in skepticism that, especially since the 1990s, has tended to transform into a strong polarization. With this book, we want not only to think about peace and (post) conflict from communication but to remind (us), once again, that we can still be we.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2019

        Lugares, recorridos y sentidos de la memoria histórica: Acercamientos metodológicos

        by Laura Fonseca Durán, Diana Vernot, Tatiana Rojas Roa, Laura Giraldo Martínez, Edwin Corena Puentes, David J. Luquetta Cediel

        This book is an initiative of the Regional Groups of Historical Memory (GRMH), which, together with the National Center for Historical Memory since 2013, generated proposals for the construction of historical memory in Colombia. The objective of the consolidation of the GRMH has been to recognize local research processes carried out by university professors to build bridges between the country's institutions and communities victimized in the framework of the internal armed conflict in Colombia.   Although the participatory social research bets are nourished by multiple edges, disciplines, and schools of thought, there are methodological peculiarities in the investigations that are formulated in the key of historical memory that, on this occasion, are transversal and are deepened in each chapter.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2019

        Enseñemos paz, aprendamos paz: la pedagogía al servicio de la cohesión social

        by Juan David Enciso

        Peace is an idea, an abstract concept, which must be grounded in concrete realities. And building peace involves moving from an initial state, which may or may not be conflict, to a second moment in which people have learned to know, relate, meet, and live together.   This book tries to elaborate on the construction of peace from an educational process, in which individuals learn to recognize themselves as subjects of equal dignity and with the capacity to carry out projects oriented to the common good. Similarly, educational settings, the so-called learning environments, are not confined exclusively to the walls of the classroom or the boundaries of formal education institutions: peace education occurs in any environment in which two or more coincide. people with potential conflicts of interest or collective construction.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        Meksikaner Temes/Temas Mexicanos

        Y nos convertimos en migrantes

        by Moises Rubinstein Badash

        MEKSIKANER TEMES.Admiration and attachment for the new homeland, receptive and poetical, isMeksikaner Temes –Temas mexicanos-- text of Moisés Rubinstein Badash .Written no long after his arrival to the new land, from the now a days Bielorus, theautor absorbes with a Sharp and loving look, the contrasts of the country. Hediscovers the Mexico of the 30’s and the 40’s of past century, as a caressing andsimultaneously agressive; he signalizes the paradox of its enormous wealth andits luxuriant and desastrous poverty. A new homeland powerful andsimultaneously miserable.Rubinstein Badash writes in yiddish, the milenarist lenguage of the askenazi jews,the lenguaje close to their feelings. In yiddish he describes the fascination of thenew comers, dazzles by the “splendor of a pair of beatiful black eyes, of a heartfull of kindness, and infinite desires to live”. With talent and humor, the autorshares variable anecdotes about the streets of Mexico city, its colorfulness, itsmusic, about its inhabitants and its polititian. He even shows deep admiration forPresident Cárdenas.Now a days, in the whole world we witness waves of massive migration, rejectedand vexation, is enriching to witness the gratefullness of the migrants of the past,which arrived to Mexico, and being respected their desires and believes. Thelanguage barrier caused of the scarcity of publication, who may show theimpression of the first generations of mexican jews.. Today, thanks the acurrateand precise translation from yiddish tu spanish, yhe multi- awarded poet, writer andjournalist Becky Rubinstein , we can access this fascinating text, published byEdiciones del Lirio. Shulamit Goldsmit   MEKSIKANER TEMES. Admiración y amor por la nueva patria es lo que destila, de manera abierta ypoética, el texto de Moisés Rubinstein Badash en su libro Meksikaner Temes(Temas mexicanos). Escrito a poco tiempo de haber arribado a esta nueva tierra,desde la hoy Bielorrusia, el autor absorbe con mirada aguda y amorosa loscontrastes del país. Percibe al México de los años 30 y 40 del siglo xx como una nación acariciadora y agresiva; señala la paradoja de sus enormes riquezas y suapabullante pobreza. Una nueva patria poderosa y miserable a la vez.Rubinstein Badash escribe en idish, el idioma milenario de los judiosashkenazis; lalengua que le es cercana y en la que se siente capaz de volcar sus sentimientos. Enidish describe la fascinación de muchos de los recién llegados, deslumbrados por elfulgor esplendoroso de unos ojazos negros, de un corazón colmado de bondades ycon infinitas ganas de vivir. Con talento y humor, el autor relata anécdotas diversassobre las calles de la Ciudad de México, su colorido, su música, sobre sus habitantesy sus gobernantes. Muestra abiertamente su admiración por el presidente Cárdenas.Actualmente, que en el mundo entero se vive una oleada de migraciones masivas,rechazadas y vejadas, resulta enriquecedor escuchar el reconocimiento de aquellosque llegaron a un México receptor y respetuoso de sus anhelos y creencias. Labarrera del idioma ha sido causante de la escasez de publicaciones de muestren allector mexicano la impresión que aquel país en ciernes causó a las primerasgeneraciones de judíos mexicanos. Hoy, gracias a la atinada y feliz traducción quehace del idish al español la multipremiada poeta, escritora y periodista BeckyRubinstein, tenemos a nuestro alcance este entrañable texto, publicado porEdiciones del Lirio. Shulamit Goldsmit

      • Children's & YA

        Panthera Leo

        by Molina, Alicia

        Julia is going through a bad time: her mom and her dad are going to go away for three months to finish their diplomas outside of the country and they have left her aunt Sofía in charge of her, meaning, apart from changing house, she will also have to change school. There Julia will meet every kind of specimens: a protective elephant miss, and an understanding giraffe, some obedient zebras, and a dangerous tigress with whom she will fight against more than once. Julia will have to overcome many obstacles alone, and still, in the middle of it, she will have to find time to visit his very peculiar friend: Panther leo.

      • Children's & YA

        The Guest and Other Sinister Stories

        by Dávila, Amparo

        Through a selection of thrilling and exciting illustrated stories, Mexican author, Amparo Dávila, and Argentinian illustrator, Santiago Caruso, create a fascinating reading spectrum for young audiences. This set combines classic tales of the author: “Petrified trees” and “Concrete music”, alongside with fantastic stories as “The guest”, the story of an ordinary woman hunted by an unknown creature; “High kitchen”, a short story where miniature beings confront their inevitable fate, among others.

      • May 2020

        Diseño latinoamericano: diez miradas a una historia en construcción

        by Marina Garone Gravier; Dina Comisarenco Mirkin; Juan Camilo Buitrago-Trujillo; Marisol Orozco-Álvarez; Alberto Sato; Ana Utsch; Bruno Guimarães Martins; Marcos da Costa Braga; Verónica Devalle; Horacio Caride Bartrons; Alejo García de la Carcova; Pedro Álvarez Caselli; Alejandra Neira Román.

        Este libro ha querido poner de relieve el cruce de caminos en la historia del diseño en Latinoamérica e interrogar ese lugar pleno de diversidades. Como resultado de un proceso consciente, se ofrecen diez ensayos escritos por autores provenientes de las instituciones universitarias más destacadas de la región que abordan, en primera instancia, la historiografía del diseño —en un sentido amplio— en México, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Brasil y Argentina.

      • Food & Drink
        April 2019

        Arepas colombianas: técnicas profesionales de cocina

        by Carlos Gaviria Arbeláez

        Sweet, salty or with a neutral flavor, arepas, an essential food in the diet of Colombians, are the protagonists in this book, which compiles the preparation techniques of 60 different types of arepas.   From a dough that is assembled in different ways, either freehand, with a cutter, stuffed with double dough, stuffed with double arepa, cooked on the grill, slabs, pots, ovens or fried, the arepas that are prepared in the different areas of the country are arracacha, rice, corn, fermented corn, peeled and threshed corn; yam, potato, banana, wheat and cassava. Round in shape and variable in size, arepas, too, vary according to the secondary ingredients that are added, such as milk, butter, cheese, pork fat, egg, meat or pea.   Easy to prepare, hot or cold, arepas are delicious at any time of the day; with coffee or chocolate, they always go well.

      • Food & Drink
        September 2020

        Envoltorios colombianos (cocina en hojas)

        Técnicas profesionales de cocina

        by Carlos Gaviria Arbeláez

        “In Colombia, the art of cooking with leaves is a legacy of our indigenous cuisine, this means that, since before the arrival of the Spaniards, the aboriginal women cook was already taking advantage of a great variety of leaves and with them, she prepared different recipes, many of them which during the colonial years were intervened by Spanish and African cooks, and thus contributed to the miscegenation and the enrichment of our current cuisine” (taken from the prologue, written by Julián Estrada Ochoa). Please get rid of the myth that cooking corn, grinding and wrapping is expensive, requires field, needs many people, or that it is Christmas. This book allows you to get a friendly approach to these preparations and that, together with the arepas, let's start cooking our dough with identity and pride.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        En manos de otros

        Infancia y abandono en la Barcelona del siglo XV

        by Ximena Illanes Zubieta

        Este libro explica cómo fue el abandono de niñas y niños en la Barcelona del siglo XV, deteniéndose en tres etapas esenciales: la escena del abandono, el cuidado de los lactantes en manos de nodrizas y el aprendizaje en casas ajenas. En cada fase se revisan las condiciones de integración y marginación, la presencia de lo femenino y los relatos de amores y desamores. Las historias que aquí se recogen permiten comprender las diferentes dimensiones del abandono, acto que involucraba no solo a los infantes expuestos, sino también a su entorno. Los niños en su mayoría eran abandonados en las puertas del Hospital de la Santa Creu de Barcelona durante las horas menos transitadas para evitar el juicio social. Las cartas que acompañaban a los infantes reflejan el drama de la pobreza y, por ende, la incapacidad forzosa de las madres para asumir el rol de la crianza. Al reconstruir el contexto de la época, el lector tiene la posibilidad de realizar un ejercicio de empatía que vuelve el foco de atención al presente. Es inevitable percibir las duras realidades que se mantienen a lo largo del tiempo y el casi irreparable sufrimiento que causa la soledad en los primeros años de vida.

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