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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult: general non-fiction

        A Delicious History of Ukraine

        by Masha Serdiuk

        What is Ukrainian cuisine? Who invented borscht? Where did the holubtsi (cabbage rolls) come from? And why are Ukrainian varenyky (dumplings) called relatives of Chinese dim sums? Answers to these questions can be found in this book. In an interesting accessible form, we tell children the history of the Ukrainian gastronomy. They will find out what famous Ukrainians loved to eat. We will explain in a plain way how the cuisine of Halychyna differs from that of Volyn and Polissya regions. We will also map all the “delicious” places in the country. Furthermore, of course, young readers will learn how to cook cult Ukrainian dishes.

      • Trusted Partner
        True stories

        Patty Pan Compote

        by Olha Kari

        "Patty Pan Compote" is a series of reportage sketches and essays describing how a whole generation of Ukrainians lived amidst the chaos of declining Soviet Union. This book is about what it was like to live in the 90's, when "pineapple" compote was cooked from the patty pat and eggplant became the substitute for mushrooms, when everyone was gripped by a total knitting obsession due to the lack of clothes. People grew accustomed to stockpiling absolutely everything, and the first sanitary pads have just begun to change the lives of Ukrainian women. Based on her own recollections, the author tells how the punitive gastronomy of that time worked, how the pseudo-brotherly relations with other Soviet republics often manifested themselves and how Abkhazia hosted Ukrainian schoolchildren a few months before the war between Georgia and Abkhazia.

      • Trusted Partner

        Beyond the Sultan's Table: Turkish gastronomy, history, culture and travel

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        IT’S A COOKBOOK … OR IS IT A GUIDEBOOK? … MAYBE IT’S A TRAVEL GUIDE … OR A POCKET HISTORY … AN INTRODUCTION TO A SERIES OF NOVELS ABOUT TURKEY? … A DELICIOUS KEEPSAKE WORK OF ART PRODUCED BY THE INIMITABLE DESIGN PEAKS PRODUCTION? OR … ACTUALLY, BEYOND THE SULTAN’S TABLE IS SO MUCH MORE THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS. IT’S THE PERFECT HYBRID … AND IT IS THE PERFECT GIFT FOR “SOMEONE WHO HAS EVERYTHING” BUT WANTS A “DIFFERENT” ADVENTURE WITH WHICH TO THRILL THEIR FRIENDS! Hugo N. Gerstl, international bestselling novelist, nationally known trial lawyer, musician, world traveler, actor, journalist, Bon Vivant Wannabe,” and former president and CEO of a mid-sized cookbook company, who has enjoyed his “many lives” immensely, now shares his joys and experiences with you. Unquestionably, this most “unusual” guidebook to many things will leave you wondering: Is he a polymath-genius or simply an oddball with a penchant for bringing a smile to your face and taste sensations to your palate? And of course, he and his beloved wife, Lorraine, an educator and author in her own right – and their five adult children – have shared the greatest happiness any two people have ever had. Enjoy something totally different, enriching, and unique! Expand your own horizon.   An English-language edition was published in Spring 2024. 282  pages, 15x 22.5 cm.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Falling of Cardinal Points

        by Luis Fayad Naffah

        “The sayid Abderrahud spoke of the fortune that his son was going to seek, but warned him that he was thinking not only of the fortune of money but above all of tranquility and joy”. La caída de los puntos cardinales dares to imagine the journey of a group of Lebanese teenagers who, by chance, arrive in Colombia at the end of the 19th century. Traversed by a series of violent conflicts on both sides of the ocean, by the adaptation to life in the cities, the slow and confusing consolidation of the State, and the longing for technical and industrial progress, the novel accompanies the characters as they establish themselves in the social and commercial sphere of Bogota's middle class. In this story converge the different ways in which love matures and the friendships of those who migrate grow around the table and the game. For the characters, the learning and stumbling blocks of living in another language intermingle with the urgencies of the present, and the ties with the country of origin cool down and become knotted again in the nostalgia for the passing of time and the longing to live the best life possible. The impact of Lebanese migration to Colombia is in the language, manners and gastronomy of different parts of the country, but the stories of those who crossed the sea and made it their new home are not part of our everyday knowledge. This novel by Luis Fayad reminds us of the power of those lives, in Puerto Colombia and Teusaquillo, in Valle del Cauca and carrera séptima in Bogotá, with a subtle and sharp writing, to integrate them back into an idea of country.”

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2025

        Niche Tourism and Sustainability

        Perspectives, Practices and Prospects

        by Anna Farmaki, Pramendra Singh, Viana Hassan

        Niche tourism, also known as special interest tourism, refers to specialized tourism products offered to a small group of tourists. Examples include ecotourism, rural tourism, birdwatching tourism, dark tourism and motorcycle tourism. Regarded as the antidote to mass tourism, niche tourism has become particularly popular in recent years as a tourism developmental option that can address the problems caused by mass tourism including overtourism. It is commonly acknowledged that niche tourism fosters responsible tourism practices, minimizes negative tourism impacts and helps preserve the environment and culture of destinations; thereby, promoting sustainability in tourism. Likewise, niche tourism seems to be better equipped to address the needs and preferences of today's sophisticated and diverse tourist market. Despite these advantages, niche tourism development faces challenges such as overlap with mass tourism due to growing numbers of visitors, promotion of products that are not environmentally friendly and limited economic benefits being directed to the local community. This book is a collection of 12 conceptual and empirical chapters presenting niche tourism cases from around the world. It examines tourist behaviour and experiences, resident perspectives, implementation practices and future prospects, and contributes to the debate on tourism development and sustainability.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        Ceviche. Das Kochbuch

        Peruanisch magisch

        by Juan Danilo, Patrick Nagtegaal, David Incorvaia, Carmen Pinilla

        Das legendäre peruanische Ceviche – mit Limette und Salz marinierter Fisch – erobert derzeit die internationale Gastronomie. Kein Wunder, denn Ceviche ist eine kulinarische Sensation: ein raffiniertes und frisches Gericht, das sich auf vielfältige Weise variieren lässt – eine wahre Geschmacks- und Farbexplosion. Ozean, Regenwald, Hochgebirge: Peru ist eine natürliche Schatzkammer – und die Heimat des Ceviche. Ein großer Artenreichtum und die Impulse der Einwanderer aus aller Welt bescheren dem Land eine spektakuläre Gastronomie, in der es noch einiges zu entdecken gibt, darunter die facettenreiche Welt des Ceviche. Jeder Hafen am Pazifik, jede Stadt im Gebiet des Amazonas oder in den Anden schwört auf die eigene Zubereitungsart. Ceviche ist ein aufregendes Geschmackserlebnis – und dazu ein leichtes und gesundes Gericht, das nur wenige Zutaten benötigt. Der deutsch-peruanische Chefkoch Juan Danilo kennt alle Geheimnisse der peruanischen Gastronomie und verrät uns in diesem Buch seine Rezepte: von den raffinierten Ceviches der japanisch geprägten Nikkei-Küche über die Klassiker seiner Großmutter bis hin zu seinen eigenen, vegetarischen und fruchtig-exotischen Kreationen.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2019

        Ceviche. Das Kochbuch

        Peruanisch magisch

        by Juan Danilo, Patrick Nagtegaal, David Incorvaia

        Das legendäre peruanische Ceviche – mit Limette und Salz marinierter Fisch – erobert derzeit die internationale Gastronomie. Kein Wunder, denn Ceviche ist eine kulinarische Sensation: ein raffiniertes und frisches Gericht, das sich auf vielfältige Weise variieren lässt – eine wahre Geschmacks- und Farbexplosion.   Ozean, Regenwald, Hochgebirge: Peru ist eine natürliche Schatzkammer – und die Heimat des Ceviche. Ein großer Artenreichtum und die Impulse der Einwanderer aus aller Welt bescheren dem Land eine spektakuläre Gastronomie, in der es noch einiges zu entdecken gibt, darunter die facettenreiche Welt des Ceviche. Jeder Hafen am Pazifik, jede Stadt im Gebiet des Amazonas oder in den Anden schwört auf die eigene Zubereitungsart. Ceviche ist ein aufregendes Geschmackserlebnis – und dazu ein leichtes und gesundes Gericht, das nur wenige Zutaten benötigt. Der deutsch-peruanische Chefkoch Juan Danilo kennt alle Geheimnisse der peruanischen Gastronomie und verrät uns in diesem Buch seine Rezepte: von den raffinierten Ceviches der japanisch geprägten Nikkei-Küche über die Klassiker seiner Großmutter bis hin zu seinen eigenen, vegetarischen und fruchtig-exotischen Kreationen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2017

        Tourism and Geopolitics

        Issues and Concepts from Central and Eastern Europe

        by Derek R Hall

        With 29 contributors from across Europe and beyond, this work represents a unique and important resource that examines the many relationships between tourism and geopolitics, with a focus on experiences drawn from Central and Eastern Europe. It begins by assessing the changing nature of 'geopolitics', from pejorative associations with Nazism to the more recent critical and feminist geopolitics of social science's 'cultural turn'. The book then addresses the important historical role of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in geopolitical thinking, before exemplifying a range of contemporary interactions between tourism and geopolitics within this critical region. Edited by a renowned authority on tourism geopolitics, this book: · Provides the most comprehensive overview of tourism and geopolitics available · Applies a range of geopolitical concepts and approaches to empirical experiences of tourism and mobility in Central and Eastern Europe · Embraces contributions from both established and new academic voices. Pursuing innovative analytical paths, the book demonstrates the interrelated nature of tourism and geopolitics and emphasizes the freshness of this research area. Addressing key principles and ideas which are applicable globally, it is an essential source for researchers, teachers and students of tourism, geography, political science and European studies, as well as for diplomatic, business and consultant practitioners. ; This book is a unique and important resource that discusses the relationship between tourism and geopolitics, with a focus on experience from Central and Eastern Europe ; Part I: Introduction and Overviews1: Bringing geopolitics to tourism2: Tourism and geopolitics: the political imaginary of territory, tourism and space3: Tourism in the geopolitical construction of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)Part II: Reconfiguring Conceptions and Reality4: The Adriatic as a (re-)emerging cultural space5: Crimea: geopolitics and tourism6: The geopolitical trial of tourism in modern Ukraine7: Under pressure: the impact of Russian tourism investment in MontenegroPart III: Tourism and Transnationalism8: Large-scale tourism development in a Czech rural area: contestation over the meaning of modernity9: The expansion of international hotel groups into Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 – strategic couplings and local responses10: Conceptualising trans-national hotel chain penetration in Bulgaria11: New consumption spaces and cross-border mobilitiesPart IV: Borderlands12: From divided to shared spaces: transborder tourism in the Polish-Czech borderlands13: Finnish-Russian border mobility and tourism: localism overruled by geopolitics14: Kaliningrad as a tourism enclave/exclave?15: An evaluation of tourism development in KaliningradPart V: Identity and Image16: Mutli-ethnic food in the mono-ethnic city: tourism, gastronomy and identity in central Warsaw17: Rural tourism as a meeting ground in Bosnia and Herzegovina?18: Interrogating tourism’s relevance: mediating between polarities in Kosovo19: European Night of Museums and the geopolitics of events in Romania20: The power of the Web: blogging destination image in Bucharest and SofiaPart VI: Mobilities21: The role of pioneering tour companies22: The geopolitics of low-cost carriers in Central and Eastern Europe23: Tourism and a geopolitics of connectivity: the Albanian nexus24: Heroes or ‘Others’? A geopolitics of international footballer mobility25: Tourism, mobilities and the geopolitics of erasurePart VII: Conclusions26: In conclusion

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1998

        Meine erste Reise

        Sechzehn wahre Geschichten. Herausgegeben von Hans Scherer

        by Hans Scherer

        Hans Scherer wurde 1938 in Trier geboren. Nach Beginn seiner journalistischen Karriere mit Aufenthalten in Trier, Duisburg und Nürnberg wurde er 1973 Redakteur des Reisemagazins der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung. Scherer schrieb unzählige Berichte über seine Reisen rund um den Globus, aber auch feuilletonistische Beiträge und Glossen über Mode, Werbung und Gastronomie. Ab 1986 lebte und arbeitete er als Kulturkorrespondent der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung in Paris, ab 1996 berichtete er aus Berlin, wo er 1998 starb. 1996 wurde Hans Scherer mit dem Internationalen Reiseliteratur- und Reisejournalismuspreis des Landes Tirol ausgezeichnet.

      • Trusted Partner
        Food & Drink

        The Crimean Tatar cuisine

        by Olena Soboleva

        After reading the book, you will discover a lot of dishes common among the Crimean Tatars at the beginning of the XX century. The book will help you better realize how the national cuisine changed as a result of the forced deportation of these people in 1944. The scientific text is accompanied by the native language of the old-timers, which gives it a special sound. The book was written by a researcher who has been studying the history and culture of the Crimean Tatar people for many years.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Ukraine. Food and History

        by Olena Braichenko, Maryna Hrymych, Ihor Lylo, Vitaly Reznichenko

        This book tells the story of Ukrainian cuisine by placing it in its cultural context and presenting Ukrainian cooking as part of the intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine. The publication also explores the potential of cultural diplomacy and includes recipes that will make you fall in love with Ukraine.

      • Trusted Partner

        La Dolce Vita

        by Gaio Sciloni

        La Dolce Vita - la Cuisine Régionale Italienne  par Gaio Sciloni Gaio Sciloni, célèbre écrivain né en Italie, a offert au lecteur israélien bon nombre d’excellentes traductions des oeuvres d’auteurs et de poètes italiens classiques. Il a consacré plusieurs années d’études à la préparation d’un guide culturel et culinaire, intitulé la Dolce Vita qui fera le bonheur de tous les amoureux de l’Italie. La Dolce Vita n’est pas seulement un livre de cuisine ordinaire, mais plutôt une revue systématique de l’Italie, du Nord au Sud, chaque région étant caractérisée par son paysage, ses traditions et son folklore, et par dessus tout, par sa micro-culture culinaire. Gaio Sciloni, suivant en cela les idées du célèbre auteur italien Pellegrino Artusi, croit lui aussi que la culture locale est inséparable de la cuisine locale. En fait Sciloni ne s’est pas contenté de puiser dans sa très vaste culture dans le domaine de la gastronomie italienne, mais il a étudié un large éventail de sources éthniques. La Dolce Vita a eu le privilège d’être préfacée par le Prof. Franco Massaia, Conseiller Principal du Ministère Italien des Affaires Etrangères pour les Relations Culturelles Internationales dans la région Méditerranée. Les Editions Tamar ont publié une version en hébreu de la Dolce Vita, dans une élégante édition bichrome de 256 pages en format 24x17cm, et celle-ci a connu un très grand succès. Une second édition a d’ailleurs déja été publiée. Le livre est rehaussé d’illustrations, fondées sur des représentations du folklore culinaire régional à travers l’Art italien ancien. Si la possibilité de publier une édition en français de cet ouvrage ou un projet de co-édition vous intéresse, veuillez nous contacter. C'est avec plaisir que nous vous ferons parvenir une documentation supplémentaire.

      • Trusted Partner

        ENIGMA - 229 Devinettes et Challenges Intellectuels

        by Ami Birenboim

        ENIGMA - 229 Devinettes et Challenges Intellectuels par Ami Birenboim Cette collection exceptionelle de devinettes logiques, mathématiques et graphiques a déjà atteint tout les records du genre. Ce best-seller est resté plus de douze semaines consécutives en tête du hit-parade des ventes en Israël, devançant même les très populaires ouvrages de gastronomie. Ce livre a, en capturant l’attention du public, su devenir l’objet cadeau par excellence. Enigma est un manuel de jeux de réflexion destiné à un très large public: lycéens, ingénieurs, cadres supérieurs ou autres, en passant par la communauté hi-tech (au sein de laquelle il est déjà très populaire en Israël). Enigma n’est pas seulement un livre de devinettes, il est également reconnu pour permettre le développement des capacités de créativité et de la vivacité d’esprit. Ecrit avec beaucoup d’humour et dans un style provocateur et une approche moderne, ce livre ne manquera pas de captiver le lecteur, qui tout en prenant plaisir à le parcourir, pourra résoudre les différentes devinettes. Dans sa nouvelle version étendue, Enigma a été divisé en deux volumes, contenant en tout 290 devinettes. Le premier volume étant destiné aux amateurs de devinettes alors que le second volume regroupe des devinettes de niveau plus élévé et destinées à un public plus entraîné. Si la possibilité de publier une édition en français de cet ouvrage, ou un projet de co-édition vous intéresse, c’est avec plaisir que nous vous ferons parvenir un supplément d’information et/ou un exemplaire de l’original hébreu, accompagné de la traduction en français ou en anglais de passages choisis. Veuillez noter que la version originale en hébreu comprend 160 pages couleur, en format 24x17 cm. De plus, une édition italienne de ce titre a été publiée par Sonzogno - RCS Rizzoli Libri.

      • Trusted Partner

        Des Poissons plein le Mer

        by Dr. Bella Galil

        Des Poissons plein le Mer – Un Guide Pratique de Gastronomie Marine - par le Dr. Bella Galil  Ce guide allie une description concise et une connaissance biologique de base des espèces de poissons et fruits de mer les plus populaires, ainsi que des anecdotes historiques et petits secrets culinaires. Chaque espèce est accompagnée d’un dessin scientifique précis et de ses noms dans les différentes langues des pays méditerranéens. Dr. Galil, spécialiste en biologie marine à l’Institut National d’Océanographie de Haïfa, Israël,. mène depuis près de vingt ans des recherches sur la faune marine en Méditerranée. Dans le cadre de ses recherches, l’auteur a été aménée à plonger dans l’océan Pacifique, Atlantique et l’océan Indien, et a décrit de nombreuses nouvelles espèces dans divers publications scientifiques. Lors de ses voyages, Dr; Galil a également recueilli auprès de pêcheurs ou collègues une collection de recettes, qu’elle a d’ailleurs essayé dans sa propre cuisine et décrit dans son livre. Bien qu’écrit dans un style courant, ce livre ne compromet nullement l’exactitude scientifique, et fournit au lecteur tout ce qui est utile de savoir sur les poissons comestibles et les fruits de mer ordinairement trouvés près des côtes méditerranéennes. Des Poissons plein la Mer est certainement un régale pour les amoureux de poissons et fruits de mer, mais aussi un guide de ressources inestimables pour les cuisiniers amateurs ou professionnels. Ce livre comprend plus de 120 espèces différentes, toutes illustrées en détail. Ce titre initialement publié en noir et blanc (avec la possibilité d’ajouter de 16 à 32 illustrations en couleur) a déjà rapporté un franc succés à notre société et je suis sûre qu’il en sera de même pour votre compagnie. Si la possibilité de publier une édition en français de cet ouvrage, ou un projet de co-édition vous intéresse, c’est avec plaisir que nous vous ferons parvenir un supplément d’information et/ou un exemplaire de l’original hébreu, accompagné de la traduction en anglais de passages choisis

      • Food & Drink
        October 2016

        Técnicas profesionales de cocina colombiana

        by Carlos Gaviria Arbeláez

        This book is a special academic contribution of its kind. It shows a meticulous analysis of national culinary techniques (Colombian), which make it a permanent reference text for students, teachers, professionals, and for anyone who wants to immerse themselves and understand our gastronomy in a clear and orderly way.

      • Made in Italy

        treasures, ingredients and traditional recipes

        by Marino Marini

        A book dedicated to all that is typical of Italian gastronomy, with particular attention given to the concept of excellence: Italian delicacies, places and flavours, and above all, 150 of the best traditional recipes. The book is grouped into 10 geographic areas: for each, we present the most representative dishes, the best typical products and producers of excellence, as well as a selection of eateries and restaurants, which are often outside the “official” circuit but always characterized by great quality. A masterpiece that is a must-have for the bookcase of every gourmand, tourist and simple food-enthusiasts.

      • Travel & Transport


        by Martina Liverani

        Stories, ideas, and strolls around the stove Re-mapping the world on the basis of food. A new geography of cuisine and food traditions, to the discovery of a universal language of inclusiveness “Culture is the ingredient of the future” MASSIMO BOTTURA“Nothing – not a conversation, not a handshake, or even a hug – establishes friendship so forcefully as eating together.” JONATHAN SAFRAN FOERCuisine thrives on diversity and variety (in ingredients, techniques, new ways to savor). And it has also always been a brilliant way to overcome differences and bring people together. For food is a vehicle of mutual discovery and understanding. It is the most time-honored and cuttingedge of all social networks, for a table set for a shared meal is all you need to cement any relationship. Eating habits define geographies and territories just as well as political frontiers, language, history or any other legacy. An atlas of stories, ideas, itineraries, illustrated by photographs, drawings and geographical maps based on food – a most relevant topic and a defining element of cultural identities. Such is geo-Gastronomy – an actual the geography of cuisine.

      • Las comidas de Lezama Lima

        by Silvia Mayra Gómez Fariñas

        Along with other artistic manifestations or traditions is the gastronomy. While eating is a biological act, cooking is a cultural act and Lezama evidences it through his literature. Silvia Mayra in this book does not offer the traditional cookbook, but reveals a new edge of multiculturalism that characterizes the work and life of one of the most universal Cuban intellectuals.

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