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View Rights PortalSunono Publishing is an independent publisher rooted in Scotland with deep Arabic heritage. Contact: Feda Shtia: WhatsApp +447379842287
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View Rights PortalEin Sonntagnachmittag Im Kilinski Park von Arieh Stav Gerüchte gingen umher. Ein Geruch von Angst lag in der Luft. Dann geschah alles unglaublich schnell. Die Sowjets gaben die Stadt auf. Die Deutschen standen vor den Toren. Mera Stollar packte ihr Baby und rannte um ihr Leben. Von diesem Tag an war ihr Leben eine Odyssee. Sie war auf der Flucht und es ging täglich um das pure Überleben. Dank der arischen Erscheinung ihres Sohnes (solange er nicht die Hosen herunterlassen musste...), dank ihres Erfindungsreichtums und ihrer Klugheit, entkamen sie aus der Stadt, nachdem bereits alle anderen Juden ermordet worden waren. Ohne Dokumente irrten Mutter und Kind auf Abwegen durch das besetzte Polen und gaben sich als polnische Flüchtlinge aus, bis sie schließlich Warschau erreichten. Unterwegs waren sie ständig in der Furcht, gefangen zu werden, Hunger, Kälte und Krankheit, der Herzlosigkeit gleichgültiger Menschen ausgesetzt. Doch es gab es auch Momente des Mitgefühls. Es war eine gefährliche und schwierige Flucht. Eine Christenfamilie warf sie aus ihrem Haus, als Mera sich mit der linken Hand bekreuzigte. Ein ukrainischer Spitzel verriet sie an die Polizei – der sichere Tod in Treblinka droht. Der Flüchtlingstrek geriet in einen Bombenhagel, und am ersten Tag nach der Befreiung wurde Mera auch noch der Kollaboration mit den Deutschen als schuldig befunden – ein Vergehen, das mit dem Tode bestraft wird. Arieh Stav ist der Direktor des Ariel Center for Policy Research, einer überparteilichen Organisation, die sich der umfassenden Forschung und dem Studium von politischen und strategischen Fragen über Israel und das jüdische Volk widmet. Stav ist Herausgeber von „Nativ“, einer zweimonatlich erscheinenden Zeitschrift für Politik und Kunst, sowie Autor und Herausgeber zahlreicher Bücher und Studien. Er hat zahlreiche Bände mit epischen Gedichten aus verschiedenen Zeiten und in zahlreichen Sprachen ins Hebräische übersetzt.
This book is a tea encyclopedia for those who are new to tea. It includes detailed explanations of 67 kinds of famous teas, 37 practical tea brewing exercises, and 33 tea therapeutic methods and prescriptions. Adopting a large number of exquisite pictures and easy-to-understand words, Tea Book allows readers to receive a complete and clear knowledge of tea from the growing environment, quality characteristics to purchasing criteria, and obtain a profound understanding and appreciation of Chinese tea culture.
Guzhang County, in western Hunan, is one of the birthplace of Chinese tea culture where several kinds of famous Chinese tea are produced and national industries and technology systems developing tea are set up. The book focuses on tea culture, and describes how people in Guzhang County realized poverty alleviation as well as lived a better life in the process of planting tea, making tea, and promoting tea. The book is about 120,000 words divided into four chapters: the first chapter introduces the spirit of tea makers through the story of Guzhang "Tea King", history of tea in Guzhang, wishes of tea planters, and the development of tea industry; the second chapter tells the stories of tea makers who manage the tea industry and promote Guzhang tea; the third chapter talks about the innovation and brand of Guzhang tea; the fourth chapter relates how outsiders contributed to the growth of Guzhang.
The distance from tea lover to tea master is just a book. There are more than 600 sharp images in this book, which showing you how to understand the drink, how to buy good quality tea leaf, how to make a nice cup of tea, how to taste the tea, and knowing about every aspect of tea. The book will lead you from tea ceremony, tea art and tea history of green tea, black tea and Pu'er tea to build your bourgeois life.
The Book of Tea is written by Lu Yu, who is hailed as the "Tea Saint." It was written in the first year of Jianzhong in the Tang Dynasty (AD 780). As the first tea in China and even in the world, "The Book of Tea" pioneered the Chinese tea ceremony and the precedent for the tea "writing study and learning", and its historical and cultural value has so far been unmanned. "The Book of Tea," a comprehensive account of planting tea, picking tea, tea, tea, tea, recorded tea, Yong tea and other rich content. "Continued Tea" Written in the "Book of Songs" was born about a thousand years later, the author is Qing Dynasty scholar Lu Tingcan. "Continued Tea" followed the "tea by" way, the word number is "tea" ten times. This tea monograph collects Luo Hongfu on the historical materials of tea after the Tang Dynasty, which has fine examination, clear definition and high academic and historical value. "The Book of Songs" and "Continuation of the Tea" is a pair of tea culture books in natural sciences and social sciences, material and spiritual clever combination of the shiny treasure. The translation of this translation and English translation by the Dalian University of Technology College of Foreign Languages Jiang Yi, Professor Jiang Xin completed.
Domingo Por La Tarde En El Parque Kilinski por Arieh Stav Había rumores, un olor a miedo en el aire. Y, sin embargo, ocurrió todo con rapidez increíble. Los soviéticos abandonaban la ciudad y los alemanes estaban en sus puertas. Mera Stollar agarró a su bebé y huyó. A partir de aquél día, su vida se convirtió en una odisea de huída y supervivencia. Gracias al aspecto ario de su hijo (siempre y cuando no le bajaran los pantalones…), su ingenio y sabiduría, huyeron de la ciudad después del exterminio de sus habitantes judíos. Sin documentos, la madre y el niño deambularon entre las callejuelas de la Polonia ocupada haciéndose pasar por refugiados polacos hasta que llegaron a Varsovia. En el camino, vivieron con el constante temor de captura, hambre, frío, enfermedad y la crueldad e indiferencia de la gente, pero hubo también casos de compasión y clemencia. Su fuga está acompañada de muchos peligros y amenazas. Una familia cristiana los echa a la calle por haberse persignado con la mano izquierda. Un delator ucraniano los entrega a la policía, lo que significa ser transportados a Treblinka. El tren es bombardeado y, el primer día de la Liberación, Mera es declarada culpable de colaborar con el enemigo alemán, un pecado que es penado con una sentencia de ejecución. DOMINGO POR LA TARDE EN EL PARQUE KILINSKI también relata la historia de Rójele, encarcelada por un par de botas, de Stiepan el policía ucraniano cuyo amor por Vera no evita que mate a toda la familia de ella, de Lieber, protegido por el cadáver de su padre en las fosas de la muerte de Susenki, de Sonia la conversa, a quien el crucifijo que llevaba colgado del cuello no la salvó, de la abuela Yadzia, la polaca que estaba dispuesta a sacrificar su vida por Libi, a quien amaba como su propia nieta, de Alex e Irena, las dos artistas de circo ucranianas que irónicamente estaban bajo la protección de Mera y de Rudolf, el paracaidista alemán cuyo galanteo y amor por Mera provocaron la desilusión. Arieh Stav nació en 1939 en Rovno, Polonia en aquel entonces y hoy día Ucrania. En 1951 emigró a Israel junto con su madre. Se educó en el kibutz Givat Haim, sirvió en el ejército de Israel como paracaidista y fue miembro del kibutz hasta 1963, cuando lo dejó y se mudó a Tel Aviv. Estudió psicología, filosofía y drama en la Universidad de Tel Aviv. Arieh Stav es el director del Ariel Center for Policy Research, una organización apolítica dedicada a la investigación exhaustiva y al debate de asuntos políticos y estratégicos que incumben a Israel y al pueblo judío. Stav es el editor de Nativ, a periódico bimestral sobre política y arte y es autor y editor de muchos libros y estudios de investigación. Tradujo al hebreo y publicó numerosos volúmenes de poemas épicos escritos a lo largo de los tiempos y en un gran número de idiomas.
Dense tea aroma is written in this book by author compared with these books do not involve in too much knowledge on tea tasting but taking “tea tasting” as the title. The author gives new meaning and association on beautiful tea drinking and describes the true aroma, meaning of tea and experience of tea tasting with ink with spiritual technique of writing to bring you feel the secret of tea and enjoy the goodness of life all the time. You can learn the first hand of knowledge of distinguishing and making of tea except enjoy reading of clear picture for distinguishing and detail of tea making procedures. With detail of making procedures and illustrations, simple explanation, let you grasp the secret to make an aromatic tea fast. Even if you are a beginner, you grasp it fast.
Tang Dynasty, tea efficacy, cultivation, collection, decocting and drinking methods, etc. Zhou Chonglin, a famous writer of tea culture, has been studying tea for 15 years with profound knowledge. He has referred to more than 40 kinds of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign editions in detail. He has been well proofread and proofread the Classic of Tea, which is original and easy to understand. In addition to the careful translation of the original text, there is also an in-depth and extended discussion on the theme of each chapter, from the ancient and modern evolution of tea to the basic cultivation of tea people, from tea events in previous dynasties to tea ceremony, tracing back to the source, unique insights, comprehensive revelation of the code of thought of the Book of Tea. The combination of ancient tea sets and tea drawings can help readers understand the features and structure of ancient tea sets more intuitively, feel the elegant tradition of tea, and draw on the wisdom of ancient people in drinking tea. 《茶经》是关于历代制茶、饮茶、茶道演变的百科全书,后世茶书的开源之作;共十篇,全面记述了唐及唐以前的茶叶历史与产地,茶的功效、栽培、采制、煎煮、饮用方法等。 知名茶文化作家周重林,精研茶学15年,功底深厚,详细参考古今中外版本40余种,勘校精良,带来原汁原味而又通俗易懂的《茶经》读本。除对原文的精心译注之外,还有对每个章节主题的深入延伸探讨,从茶的古今演变到茶人的基本修养,从历代茶事到茶席茶礼,溯本求源,见解独到,全方位揭秘《茶经》的思想密码。搭配古代茶具、茶画图,帮助读者更为直观了解古代茶具的特点和构造,感受茶雅传统,汲取古人饮茶智慧。
There were rumors; a smell of fear in the air. And yet, it all happened with incredible suddenness. The Soviets were abandoning the city; the Germans were at the gates. Mera Stollar grabbed her baby and ran for her life. From that day on, her life became an odyssey of flight and survival. Thanks to her son’s Aryan appearance (as long as he did not lower his pants…), her resourcefulness and wisdom, they escaped from the city after the murder of its Jewish inhabitants. Without documents, the mother and child wandered among the back lanes of Occupied Poland under the guise of Polish refugees, until they reached Warsaw. On the way, they endured the ever present fear of capture, hunger, cold, illness and the cruelty and indifference of people; but there are also instances of compassion and mercy. Their flight is accompanied by many dangers and threats. They are thrown into the street by a Christian family for having crossed themselves left-handed; a Ukrainian informer turns them in to the police – meaning transport to Treblinka; the convoy is bombed and on the first day of the Liberation, Mera is found guilty of collaborating with the German enemy, a sin carrying a sentence of execution. A SUNDAY AFTERNOON IN KILINSKI PARK also tells the stories of Rocheleh, thrown into prison over a pair of boots; Stiepan the Ukrainian policeman whose love for Vera does not prevent him from murdering her entire family; of Lieber, protected by his father’s corpse in the Susenki killing pits; Sonia the convert, who was not saved by the crucifix she wore on her throat; Granny Jadzia, the Pole who was prepared to sacrifice her life for Libi, whom she loved like a grandchild; Alex and Irena, the two Ukrainian circus artists who, ironically, come under Mera’s protection; and Rudolph, the German paratrooper whose courtship and love for Mera lead to disillusion. Arieh Stav was born in 1939 in Rovno, Poland at that time, Ukraine today. In 1951, he made aliyah with his mother. He was educated at Kibbutz Givat Haim, served in the IDF as a paratrooper and was a member of the Kibbutz until 1963, when he left and moved to Tel Aviv. He studied psychology, philosophy and drama at Tel Aviv University. Arieh Stav is the Director of the Ariel Center for Policy Research, a non-partisan organization devoted to inclusive research and discussion of political and strategic issues concerning Israel and the Jewish people. Stav is the editor of Nativ, a bi-monthly periodical on politics and the arts, author and editor of numerous books and research studies. He has translated (to Hebrew) and published numerous volumes of epic poems which were written throughout the ages and in a myriad of languages.
150 kinds of common teas and rare Souchong, more than 600 primary pictures of dry tea, tea infusion, infused leaf and tea dance. Distinguish the first-class tea and watch tea dance to enjoy its elegance and vulgarity. You can drink the most authentic Chinese Tea only through three steps of selecting, buying and making a tea. With 30 years of experience in tea, the author can teach you how to distinguish tea without being “cheated” and buy cheaper tea and to make a tea at once. With subtle words, selection method and illustration, it is required reading for these who start drinking tea at first and old tea drinkers for more than decade years.
This book provides evidence to support the health-promoting components of green tea for human health. It explores the significance of green tea and its catechins represented by epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), demonstrating their beneficial effects on diseases including cancer, obesity, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, hepatitis, and neurodegenerative diseases. The present status of human studies and avenues for future research are discussed. It is written by a team of experts from across the globe and makes significant Japanese findings available to international researchers. It is an essential resource for researchers interested in the biochemistry and pharmacology of green tea, and functional foods and beverages.
Bringing together the latest research from leading experts, this book provides an indispensable reference on the health benefits of drinking tea. It examines the general health giving properties of tea before moving on to a detailed review of the evidence for the beneficial effects of tea on specific ailments including cancer, the common cold, renal disease, cardiovascular disease, antiviral influenza, arthritis, lung and pulmonary ailments, aging, oral health, and dementia. The book concludes by challenging misconceptions of the effects of tea.
While botanically quite different, coffee, cocoa and tea are often considered together in the teaching of students of horticulture or agriculture. This is because all three represent plantation cash crops that are used as stimulant beverages and are grown in many of the warmer, less developed regions of the world. While there are a number of specialist books available on aspects of each individual crop, as well as grower manuals focusing on particular regions, there is currently no book that provides a general introductory overview of the scientific principles underlying production of all three crops. This book fills this gap, and will serve as a broad-based text for students of agriculture, horticulture and food science, as well as professionals seeking an overview of the topic.
If learning to prepare tea takes a lifetime, what is truly learned in the process? That is the question that surrounds El viento entre los pinos, Japanese-style: without offering an answer, through anecdotes, poems, and reflections that bring the tea ceremony—one of the most exquisite disciplines of Japanese culture—closer to everyday life. Tasks such as purifying the utensils, arranging flowers, preparing the charcoal, and heating the water appear, in the author's words, as a genuine meditation in motion, inviting us to pause in the present and appreciate our surroundings with all our senses.
Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Constanze Wehnes Band 1