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      • Somewhere Else Entertainment

        Somewhere Else Entertainment manages Huai Guan's story IPs, and develops screenplays and bibles for TV series and films. Huai Guan was born in a small town in southern Taiwan, and spent her childhood years among books. Cao Xueqin’s Story of the Stone and George R. R. Martin’s A Song for Lya  ignited her love for fantasy writing, which no amount of travel or pressure – including a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago – could ever subdue.

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      • Somnins

        Somnins is a packaging company specialized in creative, innovative, entertaining, and educational books for children aged from 0 to 12 years old.    We are also representing Editorial Mediterrània catalog, a publishing house based in Barcelona, and focused on Art Books for children.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        November 2023

        The Rights of Indigenous Peoples Explained

        by Summer Okibe

        Hey Child, I am excited to simplify the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) for you. You are special and you deserve to know that the Indigenous People around you have rights. You should, at all times, respect and acknowledge their rights.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2025

        White Hearts

        by Nnamdi Okose

        Two young boys seeking to be initiated into the order of warriors, find their lives upturned when an accident wakes a vengeful goddess. This story, weaved from the oral lore and magic of the Igbo takes the reader on a journey through the lake where mermaids and crocodiles contend for power. And through enchanted kingdoms ruled by mythical spirits. A curse has been unleashed that would cause the destruction of the world. An army of both humans and mythical creatures must be raised to defend the world. Only a white heart can lead this great army.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2024

        A Place Beyond the Heart

        by Irehobhude O. Iyioha

        A Place Beyond the Heart is a collection of short stories exploring issues at the intersection of war and love, terror and (dis)order, as well as identity, gender, and sexuality. The stories capture the lives of people facing personal, societal and transcultural challenges that define, transform, and ultimately create shifts in the way they see and experience the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        Teardrops on the Weser

        by Amatoritsero Ede

        A masterful evocation of past wrongs through the lens of a seductively peaceful present. Amatoritsero Ede's meditative voice seduces us into a voyeuristic trance on a German river bank. Until we are suddenly awakened to the realisation that the "teardrops" are not for the Weser but for the burden of history carried all the way to Africa and beyond. A compelling read.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2019

        Top 100 Questions and Answers about Fleas and Pets

        by Hany Elsheikha, Ian Wright, Michael Dryden

        If you have a flea problem, you're probably trying to solve it - unfortunately, flea infestations are very difficult to eliminate! Thankfully, we now know more about the biology and treatment of fleas than ever before, which has led to safe, effective, and affordable treatments, both on pets and in the environment. This book provides an easy introduction to the world of fleas, and a flea-educated owner is an owner able to effectively prevent, control and treat infestations. Detailing the most effective treatment and prevention options, the book: - Provides accessible and easy to understand information about fleas and their control; - Describes the changes in animal and human health when flea infestations occur; - Includes practical advice pitched at a level for both owners and veterinary nurses. Top 100 Question and Answers About Fleas covers all the important facts you need to know about fleas in an easy question and answer format. Informative and interesting, it is an invaluable aid in your quest to provide the best quality of life to beloved pets.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        Let's Drink Some Water

        by Iryna Fingerova (Author), Alina Zharikova (Illustrator)

        Does your child like to drink water? Well, may be not really...But everyone in the world should drink enough water every day. Animals, insects, birds, plants, and, of course, people. Maybe you don't know how to get your kid to drink enough water, especially when your they suffer from a cold or throws up? We will be happy to help with this.How? Of course, with this Book. The interactive picture book by writer, doctor and mother Irina Fingerova Let's Drink Some Water will get your kid to drink. Children will help heroes in their adventures, get a smile out of it, and replenish themselves with water!So... Do not forget to prepare a glass of water before reading!   From 2 to 5 years, 320 words. Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019

        365 Questions and Answers About Basic Constructing of Chinese Communist Party in the new era

        by Huang Lihua, Gong Yueping, Deng Weicheng

        This book answers the common questions about the basic constructing of Chinese Communist Party and reflects the Chinese Communist Party's  member's responsibilities, rights, obligations.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Do Not be Afraid. About life, death and everything in between

        by Anastaiia Leukhina

        What to do if someone close to you has an incurable disease? Where to run, where to seek support, how to behave with a sick person? This book contains practical recommendations that provide answers to these and other difficult questions. The book is written is a friendly, simple language, with the knowledge of the Ukrainian medical and social realities, sometimes with humor. It contains sincere and poignant stories of real people who share their own experiences in similar situations, showing that even illness and death will not seem so terrible if you approach them consciously and with love.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Know Us 2. Know you again. Kian & June

        by Jette Menger, Moon Notes

        In "Know you again" kehrt Kian aus Sydney in seine Heimatstadt Bath zurück, getrieben von dem Wunsch, sein altes Leben hinter sich zu lassen und neu zu beginnen, insbesondere mit June, seiner Jugendliebe. Doch schnell wird ihm bewusst, dass die Schatten der Vergangenheit ihn einholen und eine Flucht unmöglich ist. Vor allem, weil er merkt, dass June, trotz ihrer tiefen Verbindung, ihre eigenen Geheimnisse hat und er sich ihr gegenüber nicht verschließen darf. Die Dynamik zwischen den beiden ist geprägt von Missverständnissen, dem Versuch, einander wieder wirklich zu verstehen, und der schmerzhaften Erkenntnis, dass Liebe allein nicht ausreicht, um die Wunden der Vergangenheit zu heilen. Der Roman taucht tief in die emotionalen Turbulenzen ein, die Kian und June durchleben, als sie versuchen, ihre Beziehung inmitten persönlicher Dämonen und externer Einflüsse neu zu definieren. Kian erkennt, dass seine Liebe zu June stärker ist als sein Bedürfnis nach Ruhm und Anerkennung, und dass wahre Zufriedenheit nur gefunden werden kann, wenn man sich seinen Ängsten stellt und echte Offenheit und Vertrauen in der Beziehung zulässt. "Know you again" ist eine Geschichte über den Mut, sich seinen dunkelsten Erinnerungen zu stellen, die Bedeutung von Vergebung und die unerschütterliche Kraft der Liebe, die selbst die tiefsten Gräben überbrücken kann. Emotionale Fortsetzung der Geschichte von Kian und June, erzählt aus Kians Perspektive, die tiefe Einblicke in seine Vergangenheit und die Herausforderungen bietet, denen er sich stellen muss, um seine Beziehung zu June zu bewahren. Die Dynamik zwischen den Charakteren offenbart eine authentische Auseinandersetzung mit der Vergangenheit, die Leser*innen auf eine Reise der Selbstfindung und der Wiederentdeckung alter Bande mitnimmt. Perfekt geeignet für Fans von New Adult-Romanen und romantischen Dramen. Kians Konflikt zwischen Liebe und Ruhm wird meisterhaft dargestellt, indem seine innere Zerrissenheit beleuchtet wird, was die Geschichte für Leser*innen, die sich für die komplexen Entscheidungen im Leben interessieren, umso faszinierender macht. Eine packende Reise nach Sydney bringt nicht nur Wendungen und Geheimnisse ans Licht, sondern auch dramatische Ereignisse, die die Beziehung zwischen June und Kian auf die Probe stellen. Emotionale Tiefe und Authentizität der Charaktere und ihrer Beziehungen fesseln Leser*innen von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite. Neue, überraschende Elemente, die die Handlung bereichern und gleichzeitig zum Nachdenken über wichtige Lebensfragen anregen, machen "Know You Again" zu einem Muss für Fans emotionaler Liebesgeschichten. Spannende Erkundung der Themen Selbstfindung und Überwindung von Lebenshürden, was dem Buch eine zusätzliche Ebene verleiht und es zu einer inspirierenden Lektüre für alle macht, die sich für Geschichten über persönliches Wachstum und die Kraft der Liebe interessieren.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Know Us 1. Know me again. June & Kian

        by Jette Menger, Moon Notes

        June ist aufgeregt und nervös zugleich: Kian, ihr bester Freund aus der Schulzeit, kehrt nach sieben Jahren aus Australien zurück und zieht zu ihr in die WG. Beide haben sich verändert – Kian ist nicht mehr der pummelige Junge von damals, sondern ein attraktiver Mann mit Muskeln und Tattoos, und June, die einst lebhaft und selbstbewusst war, ist nun schüchtern und zurückhaltend. Trotz der Zeit, die sie getrennt verbracht haben, und der Veränderungen, die sie durchgemacht haben, ist die Anziehung zwischen ihnen sofort spürbar. Doch es ist nicht einfach, dort weiterzumachen, wo sie aufgehört haben. Die Vergangenheit und ihre Geheimnisse werfen lange Schatten auf die Gegenwart, und June findet sich hin- und hergerissen zwischen ihren wachsenden Gefühlen für Kian und der Angst vor den Schatten, die ihre gemeinsame Vergangenheit auf ihre mögliche Zukunft wirft. Als Kian beginnt, sich in Junes Alltagsleben zu integrieren, flammen alte Gefühle wieder auf, und es entsteht eine zarte Romanze, die jedoch von Unsicherheiten und unausgesprochenen Wahrheiten belastet wird. Beide müssen lernen, mit ihren veränderten Selbstbildern umzugehen und herausfinden, ob ihre Beziehung stark genug ist, um die Geheimnisse der Vergangenheit zu überwinden. Ihre Reise ist geprägt von Momenten intensiver Nähe und Vertrautheit, aber auch von Missverständnissen und Konflikten, die aus dem mangelnden Mut resultieren, offen miteinander zu kommunizieren. June und Kian stehen vor der Herausforderung, nicht nur sich selbst und ihre Beziehung zueinander neu zu definieren, sondern auch zu entscheiden, wie viel sie bereit sind, für eine gemeinsame Zukunft zu riskieren. Fesselnde, emotionale Liebesgeschichte von June und Kian, die nach Jahren der Trennung wieder zueinanderfinden. Ihre neu entflammten Gefühle stellen sie vor große Herausforderungen und Entscheidungen. Erlebe, wie sich die Hauptcharaktere von ihrer Vergangenheit lösen und durch ihre Erlebnisse wachsen. June und Kian zeigen, dass wahre Liebe Mut zur Veränderung und Offenheit erfordert. Die Autorin Jette Menger entführt die Leser in eine Welt voller intensiver Gefühle, geheimer Wünsche und der Sehnsucht nach Verständnis und Akzeptanz. Spannendes Setting in der malerischen Stadt Bath bildet die perfekte Kulisse für diese berührende Geschichte, in der alte Freundschaften neu entdeckt und verborgene Geheimnisse aufgedeckt werden. Das ständige Hin und Her zwischen Annäherung und Rückzug hält die Spannung bis zum Schluss aufrecht und spiegelt die Komplexität menschlicher Beziehungen wider. Neben der Liebesgeschichte werden wichtige Themen wie Selbstfindung, Verarbeitung von Vergangenheitstraumata und die Bedeutung echter Freundschaft behandelt. Geschrieben aus zwei Perspektiven bietet die Geschichte einen tiefen Einblick in die Gedanken- und Gefühlswelt beider Protagonisten, was sie besonders authentisch und nachvollziehbar macht. Auftakt einer mitreißenden Reihe: "Know Us 1. Know me again" ist der Beginn einer Reihe, die Lust auf mehr macht und Leser*innen gespannt auf die Fortsetzungen warten lässt. Ideal geeignet für Leser*innen, die komplexe Charakterbeziehungen, emotionale Achterbahnfahrten und herzzerreißende Momente lieben.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        The World Around Us

        by Galyna Guzovska-Korytska (Author), Lyudmyla Kharlamova (Illustrator)

        We must see the world from the standpoint of everything that surrounds us, of what we encounter every day, for us to truly understand the issues in our lives, the situations we find ourselves in, and how to address them properly. In our individualistic world, however, we do not always manage to think about what is truly  important.    The World Around Us motivates young readers to deeply examine their values, to recognise the negative actions of the characters in her stories, and to look for a positive approach to the world that surrounds them.   The World Around Us consists of 16 stories, each of which is associated with a specific thematic word such as friendship, the future, wisdom… it is up to the young readers to think the stories through their keywords, and by doing so, they will develop their feelings of empathy, decency, kindness, humanity, and generosity.      From 5 to 8 years readers, 3312 words Rightsholders: Galyna Guzovska;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Habitable Worlds around Distant Stars

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        This eBook provides an in-depth account of past and present efforts to find habitable worlds beyond our solar system on extrasolar planets, or planets that belong to a star other than the Sun. With growing evidence of exoplanets, astronomers are working to validate the hypothesis that planet formation is a normal part of stellar evolution. This eBook ultimately describes how astronomers are detecting planets around distant stars. Special attention is given to the role of NASA's space-based, exoplanet observatories, such as the Kepler Space Telescope and Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        The Twins that Saved Izonbele

        by Michael Afenfia

        Reminiscent of moonlight tales told by African aunties, mothers and grandmothers to children on special nights, The Twins That Saved Izonbele is a thrilling picture book about courage, language and the power of togetherness. It tells the story of how twin siblings, Beke-ere and Bekeowei took up the challenge of finding their lost language and reuniting their village after an unexpected event threatened to break the bond that held them together.

      • Trusted Partner

        Talking about Health and Illness in Simple Terms

        Medical Information Sheets in Plain Language

        by Tanja Sappok, Reinhard Burtscher, Anja Grimmer

        People with intellectual disabilities are signifcantly more likely to suffer from mental and physical disorders than the general population. For this very rea­son, good health­promoting and medi­cal care is especially important. Com­munication diffculties with patients and specialist staff make the neces­sary examinations and treatments more diffcult and can result in critical situations that are avoidable. If pa­tients can be provided with explana­tions that are in line with their capabili­ties, then the level of anxiety and stress is reduced for all concerned. The treat­ment success rate increases. This large­format book includes materi­als that explain about illnesses, exami­nation and treatment methods in lan­guage that is easy to understand. The materials can help medical, treatment and educational personnel with their everyday work. They promote dialogue with relatives and people with learning diffculties, contribute to informed deci­sion­making and strengthen patient rights.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Ukrainian Worlds of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Stories about History

        by Natalya Starchenko

        The vision of the Ukrainian history dominant in the Russian Empire and in the Soviet Union focused exclusively on the heroic Cossacks and disenfranchised peasants. There was no room in it for the local elites: the Ukrainian aristocracy (szlachta) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. As the result of this biased perspective, Ukrainians to this day know very little about the life of those people. This book invites the readers to take a closer look at the Ukrainian aristocracy. This introduction is done in a somewhat unusual form, through true anecdotes from the life of aristocracy gleaned from court records and other sources from the time. We get glimpses of the elites not only in their best garbs but also in their well-worn home clothes. The book brings together 105 brief chapters that describe how these people saw themselves, how they fought and made peace, how they fell in love and got married, how unwavering they were in the defense of their rights in court. Last not least, these essays explore whether the Ukrainian elites were mere extras and viewers in history or its active makers, resolute and strong in their insistence on defending and expanding their rights and freedoms.

      • Trusted Partner
        Nature, the natural world (Children's/YA)
        March 2022

        Hello, Trees

        by Bezuidenhout, Bailey / Lebedeva, Maria

        This is a story about trees and how we may be very much like them. A little girl wanders through a forest and asks questions about the trees she sees. She runs her hands along their trunks... the lines in the bark are so different to her, yet somewhat familiar. Are they like wrinkles in her granny's skin? If that's the case, what do the leaves say? And the roots and the branches and the colour of their flowers? Hello, Trees investigates who we are by taking a closer look at the fascinating lives of trees. We are more than just a body and a name. We are more than just our feelings. Like trees, we are a culmination of many things. Life is a journey of imagination, of nature, and of ourselves. It sparks questions about who we are and what makes us who we are.

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