Do Not be Afraid. About life, death and everything in between
by Anastaiia Leukhina
What to do if someone close to you has an incurable disease? Where to run, where to seek support, how to behave with a sick person? This book contains practical recommendations that provide answers to these and other difficult questions. The book is written is a friendly, simple language, with the knowledge of the Ukrainian medical and social realities, sometimes with humor. It contains sincere and poignant stories of real people who share their own experiences in similar situations, showing that even illness and death will not seem so terrible if you approach them consciously and with love.
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Author Biography
Anastasiia Leukhina — specialist in peacekeeping, lecturer at the Kyiv School of Economics, co-founder of the campaign #пуститевреанимацию (#letmeintheintensivecareunit), head of the NGO "Horizontali", facilitator, researcher of procedural psychology
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Chasopys Dukh i Litera
- Publication Date 2020
- Orginal LanguageUkrainian
- ISBN/Identifier 9781625400871
- Publication Country or regionUkraine
- Pages368
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleЗовсім не страшна книга. Про життя, смерть і все, що поміж ними
- Original Language AuthorsЛеухіна Анастасія