ZNN Network Literary and Illustrator Agency
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View Rights Portal- International Copyright, Licensing, and Literary Agency - International Illustrator Agency and Management Services - Creative Content Development Services
View Rights PortalDetective Gerard, a guinea pig, is known for his sweet tooth. When mysterious crimes occur in the neighborhood, animals both living in nearby homes and on the street ask him for help, promising to pay him tasty fees. Together with Gerard, you will find out who has eaten the cat's breakfast, evade hungry predators, uncover the secrets of an unknown scarecrow that terrorizes good animals, investigate dark corners, and confront your fears. Most importantly, you will learn how to catch intruders using deduction and logic! From 6 to 9 years, 12550 words Rightsholders: n.miroshnyk@vivat.factor.ua
A time comes when every child starts wondering about their body, asking their parents “awkward” questions. In this book, children and their parents, together with a curious boy named Max, will learn about the boys’ private parts and about the right way to treat one’s privacy and intimacy, about hygiene and safety, about illnesses and self-care, and, most importantly, about good behavior and respect. The book approaches the subject in an interesting and fun way, and is beautifully illustrated by Anna Oliynyk. From 3 to 12 years, 7681 words Rightsholders: mybookshelf.publishing@gmail.com
The Turnip is a classic Ukrainian folktale by Ivan Franko which has now found a creative and illustrative embodiment in the project of the art studio Agrafka (Romana Romanyshyn and Andriy Lesiv, Lviv). The text of the book is now adapted to modern Ukrainian language while preserving all the linguistic features of the original. The publication also provides a dictionary of archaisms, which facilitates reading for young children. From 3 to 5 years, 532 words Rightsholders: Diana Semak; bohdanbooksco@gmail.com
›Anna Livia Plurabelle‹ ist das berühmteste, meistzitierte Kapitel des unübersetzbarsten aller Bücher, »Finnegans Wake« von James Joyce. Unser Band bringt den Text des Originals, eine alte und zwei neue Übertragungen (von Wolfgang Hildesheimer und Hans Wollschläger) und eine Einführung von Klaus Reichert. ALP, nach Arno Schmidt die »All-Frau«, die Zusammensetzung »aus der schönen rot-gehaarten Isolde, den Maggies und sonstigen ›Stundentänzerinnen‹«, ist für Joyce das weibliche Prinzip des Universums, Wasser, Erde, Eva, Isis, Isolde und Psyche in einem; sie tritt zu Beginn des Buches mit den Fluten der Liffey auf und wird am Ende im Traum wie ein Fluß dem väterlichen Ozean zugetragen, wo alles sich verliert, sich wiederfindet und von neuem beginnt. »Was soll nun der deutsche Leser mit dem Buch anfangen? Er kann sich ans Nach-Prüfen, Nach-Denken, Nach-Schmecken, Nach-Sprechen von Hildesheimers und Wollschlägers Übertragung machen. Er wird entdecken, daß »Finnegans Wake« doch, wenn man nicht den falschen Ehrgeiz hegt, gleich alles ›verstehen‹ zu wollen, ein ›funeral‹ ist, nämlich eines der Begräbnisse des herkömmlichen Romans, und ein ›fun for all‹, ein Spaß für alle.« »Jörg Drews«
Although not every dad writes poems for his kids, everyone can read this book! Because these cheerful, playful poems, written by Volodymyr Vakulenko, a loving father, for his son, will undoubtedly become a favorite among many children. These poems are interesting, rhythmic, easy to remember and recite. From 3 to 5 years, 5788 words Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko, ivan.fedechko@starlev.com.ua
Hoverla is the tallest mountain in Ukraine. Many people climb it every year. But what do we know about it? Where does its name come from? Where does the Prut waterfall flow? Why is it so important not to trample down the moutain slopes? The story is told by the mountain itself, and many interesting facts and beautiful illustrations will introduce the readers to the diverse world of Hoverla and its inhabitants. Hoverla shows that everything has its unique voice, even the stones if you know how to listen. From 5 to 10 years, 820 words Rightsholders: Nargis Gafurova and Anna Tiurina; crocus.publishers@gmail.com
Ten-year-old sisters Vita and Zlata share their dreams with each other: they would like to go to the forest, swim in the river, lie in the grass, and look at the clouds. They also want to learn some spells so that peace reigns on Earth, but magic exists only in fairy tales... This kind and gentle story tells that there is something more powerful in life than spells: being close to your loved ones and holding hands with them. And imagine being friends with a funny poodle like Buka, that shows to everyone how to laugh and love! This book is a bright and honest reflection of children's confusion during one of life's harshest experiences: war. This warm play was written in the form of a dialogue to be recited. Thus the text can be read or acted out with children at home, in classes, in school theaters or theater groups. Readers can even stage a play online for relatives and friends who are not nearby! From 9 to 12 years, 590 words Rightsholders: Nargis Gafurova and Anna Tiurina, crocus.publishers@gmail.com
Mariana Savka's rhymes from the collection Does a Baboon Have a Granny? have amused more than a generation, and her heroes became favorites of little ones and their parents. In this book you will meet a family of donkeys and hippos, a stubborn billy goat, a little mouse that did not want to sleep, cheerful frogs and mischievous owls, a master beaver and, of course, a little baboon! Funny, cute, childish poetry, which was humorously illustrated by Oleh Petrenko-Zanevskiy, will give magical moments of family reading. From 3 to 6 years, 990 words. Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko, ivan.fedechko@starlev.com.ua
Little Romko lost his coin but he was not upset for long, since he acquired something much more valuable. This Ukrainian-English bilingual board book tells the story of the extraordinary in everyday life and shows how a bit of humour and imagination can turn a perfectly ordinary day into something unusual. From 3 to 6 years, 1686 words (English and Ukrainian bilingual edition) Rightsholders: Oksana Lushcevska, olushchevska@gmail.com
"Ivan and Phoebe" won Ukraine’s Taras Shevchenko National Prise for Literature in 2021. The novel chronicles the lives of several young people involved in the Revolution on the Granite in 1990. The story is set in Uzhgorod, Kyiv and Lviv. As the characters come to exercise their rights to free speech and protest, something that their upbringing absolutely had not prepared them to do, they must also re-evaluate the norms of marriage, family, and home life. While the former initially appear to be areas of peace and harmony, they are soon revealed to be hot beds of conflict and multigenerational trauma.
Kiwi was born in captivity because bird catchers had captured his parents from their homeland in New Zeland. Furthermore, although Kiwi is a bird, he cannot fly! Yet, he managed to escape from the Zoo where he was held; After all, he has strong legs and is extremely fast! So, our Kiwi friend is going to learn soon that life on the loose can be both fun and dangerous, also because Kiwi is a promising football player, one of the best in the birds’ team. But will he and his friends be able to beat the rat team in an upcoming game? Find out in this exciting and whimsical adventure book by Myroslav Laiuk with beautiful illustrations by Rostyslav Popsky. From 6 to 9 years, 8814 words. Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko, ivan.fedechko@starlev.com.ua
The dog Zhuka lives at a gas station with her brother Sirius.They are fed by a nice woman, but one day she disappears. Miserable times await the dogs, because winter is coming, and workers at the gas station decide to get rid of them and take them out as soon as possible. Who knows what would have happened to them if one day a car with a family didn’t stop on the roadside and gave them shelter and love. The story told by Zhuka – the first picture book by the Ukrainian illustrator Grasya Oliyko – is an ingenuous and moving story that will touch the strings of both children’s and adult’s hearts. From 3 to 6 years, 799 words Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko; ivan.fedechko@starlev.com.ua
Wolf works as a Mailman in the Big Forest. Everyone who lives in the Big Forest has a job: for example, Rook is a famous journalist, and Bee is a nurse. One day, Wolf the Mailman started to get strange letters, without an address or even a name. There were surprising things inside… Wolf didn’t stop searching for whoever might have been sending these letters until he uncovered the mystery. And when he found out, his heart became filled with joy and love, for he had opened the door to these feelings himself! From 3 to 5 years, 2102 words. Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko, ivan.fedechko@starlev.com.ua
Ivan Nagel ist dem Theater seit vielen Jahren aufs engste verbunden, als Intendant, Dramaturg, Festspielleiter, Kritiker – in den »Schriften zum Theater«, die den »Schriften zum Drama« folgen und diese ergänzen, sind seine brillant formulierten Texte über einzelne Gestalter und Spieler der Bühne und über die Chancen und Probleme des deutschen Theaters von 1960 bis heute zu entdecken. Dieser Band enthält zum großen Teil Porträts: Bildnisse von Regisseuren und Schauspielern. Ivan Nagel stellt die großen Regisseure vor, die »Theaterarbeiter«, die das Theater seit der Nachkriegszeit maßgeblich geprägt haben: Kortner, Zadek, Stein, Grüber, Wilson, Bondy, Castorf, Marthaler. Ihre Arbeit ist undenkbar ohne die Schauspieler, die den Inszenierungen erst greifbare Wirkung gaben. Einige unvergessene Darsteller werden hier liebevoll und kenntnisreich porträtiert. Schließlich eröffnet Ivan Nagel mit seinen Reden, Briefen und Aufrufen aus fünfzig Jahren Bühnengeschichte viele erhellende und faszinierende Einblicke in die Innenwelt des Theaters und der Theater- und Kulturpolitik.
This book is about an everyday mommy. Perhaps she could have been a queen if she hadn't overslept on New Year's night, the night when miracles happen. Who knows? This book is also about the most ordinary of girls who talks about her love for her mommy, her daddy, her small baby brother in her mommy's tummy, and everything that is truly important in her life. From 3 to 6 years, 2120 words Rightsholder: Nargis Gafurova and Anna Tiurina, crocus.publishers@gmail.com
In her later years a woman bought herself a chick. The chick was weak and a little sad, but the woman loved it and took care of it until it grew into a beautiful rooster. And that’s not the end of the story! No one could have guessed that, when enemies besieged the city where the woman lived, the rooster would be the one to save its inhabitants! From 3 to 5 years, 1971 words Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko; ivan.fedechko@starlev.com.ua
Über Jahrhunderte, von 1300 bis 1800, war die Leitgattung der europäischen Malerei das Historiengemälde. Götter, Helden, Menschen aus heidnischer, jüdischer, christlicher Sage wurden ins Bild geholt. Ivan Nagel zeigt den Aufstieg des neuen Historienbildes von 1300 bis 1500. In einem weit verbreiteten Vorurteil sah man Giottos, Masaccios und Leonardos Werke als »erzählende Bilder«. Ivan Nagel zeigt indessen, daß sie ihr präsentisches Aufleuchten einer Handlung nicht mit dem Epos oder dem Roman teilen, sondern mit dem Drama, das sie, lange vor dem Theater, erneuern. Der Autor zeigt, wie Giotto und Dante gemeinsam die Kunst als sichtbares Sprechen, »visibile parlare«, als Dialog der Gesten, Mienen und Blicke entdecken; wie Giotto seinen lebenslangen Helden Franz von Assis erst als aufrührerischen Lebensreformer, dann als kanonisierten Wundertäter, schließlich als modernen Menschen autonomer Entschlüsse in diesen Bilddialogen spiegelt. Eine weitere Untersuchung gilt der (bislang oft ignorierten) Freundschaft zwischen Masaccio und Alberti. In neuem Licht erscheint »Filippos Kreis«, drei Bund unverheirateter Männer um den wegweisenden Baumeister Brunelleschi, zu dem außer Masaccio und Alberti der Bildhauer Donatello gehörte. Der Kreis wird in den homoerotischen Sitten von Florenz verortet. Sein neuer Blick ermöglichte eine Renaissance des in Freiheit handelnden Männerkörpers, Liebe des Menschen zum Menschen, behielt unterdessen die Entrechtung der Frau als Schandfleck. Zum Abschluß deutet Ivan Nagel die maßgebenden Bilder der Neuen Historie: Giottos "Navicella", Masaccios "Zinsgroschen" und Leonardos »Abendmahl«.
When a farm is left without its owner, the ducks living there began to wonder about their future. They decide to to look for a new owner, but since they can’t write, they must learn how in order to advertise the position. Will the ducks succeed in their plan? You can discover it by flipping through the picture book The Milli000000n-Dollar Idea by Katerina Sad together with your child. Through this wonderful and humorous story, readers will learn what a successful start-up is and that there is always a way out of any difficult situation. From 3 to 6 years, 357 words Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko, ivan.fedechko@starlev.com.ua
Saurus and His Younger Brother is a fairy tale about the changing life of little Saurus from the Stegosaurus family. Saurus' life undergoes a transformation when he learns that a younger brother will soon join his family. Alongside Saurus, young readers will explore emotions such as jealousy toward a younger sibling, self-awareness, and the value of all children, whether older or younger. Through Saurus's story, children will come to understand that younger siblings are not merely trouble-makers but true friends who help you grow stronger, more confident, and more mature. From 3 to 6 years, 2880 words Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko, ivan.fedechko@starlev.com.ua
The earthworm Yakyv got out of his hole in a good mood and crawled around to find his dinner. But on the way he came across a snail, some woodlice, a butterfly and a stag beetle, all crying. Yakyv got angry because he could not understand why they were crying. But soon, Yakyv himself was brought to tears. The book Yakyv and the Wet Evening will help the child understand why we sometimes cry and that crying is nothing to be ahsamed of. The book offers exercises at the end that help children make sense of their own emotions and understand the feelings of others. From 3 to 5 years, 1532 words. Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko; ivan.fedechko@starlev.com.ua