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        La Dolce Vita

        by Gaio Sciloni

        La Dolce Vita - la Cuisine Régionale Italienne  par Gaio Sciloni Gaio Sciloni, célèbre écrivain né en Italie, a offert au lecteur israélien bon nombre d’excellentes traductions des oeuvres d’auteurs et de poètes italiens classiques. Il a consacré plusieurs années d’études à la préparation d’un guide culturel et culinaire, intitulé la Dolce Vita qui fera le bonheur de tous les amoureux de l’Italie. La Dolce Vita n’est pas seulement un livre de cuisine ordinaire, mais plutôt une revue systématique de l’Italie, du Nord au Sud, chaque région étant caractérisée par son paysage, ses traditions et son folklore, et par dessus tout, par sa micro-culture culinaire. Gaio Sciloni, suivant en cela les idées du célèbre auteur italien Pellegrino Artusi, croit lui aussi que la culture locale est inséparable de la cuisine locale. En fait Sciloni ne s’est pas contenté de puiser dans sa très vaste culture dans le domaine de la gastronomie italienne, mais il a étudié un large éventail de sources éthniques. La Dolce Vita a eu le privilège d’être préfacée par le Prof. Franco Massaia, Conseiller Principal du Ministère Italien des Affaires Etrangères pour les Relations Culturelles Internationales dans la région Méditerranée. Les Editions Tamar ont publié une version en hébreu de la Dolce Vita, dans une élégante édition bichrome de 256 pages en format 24x17cm, et celle-ci a connu un très grand succès. Une second édition a d’ailleurs déja été publiée. Le livre est rehaussé d’illustrations, fondées sur des représentations du folklore culinaire régional à travers l’Art italien ancien. Si la possibilité de publier une édition en français de cet ouvrage ou un projet de co-édition vous intéresse, veuillez nous contacter. C'est avec plaisir que nous vous ferons parvenir une documentation supplémentaire.

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        Food & Drink

        First-class Sichuan Cuisine

        by Hao Zhenjiang

        This book introduce 120 authentic Sichuan cuisine clearly in detai. The classics of national banquet, not Sichuan cuisine, Sichuan snack and Sichuan hot pot are not only good to eat, but also pay more attention to nutritional efficacy with meat and vegetarian, to bring out full nutritive value of the food.        This book acdepts the cooking experience of the gold medal chef for more than 20 years, has nearly 200 making of the knack of Sichuan cuisine, and the key points of each dish and knife, which can be called the example of eating and making Sichuan cuisine.

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        Influencers of Chinese Cuisine: The Story of Yan Cheng

        by Dong Keping

        Yan Cheng is a master of Yunnan cuisine. He has inherited the essence of Yunnan cooking and is also a modern innovator in the culinary field. The book begins with the development of Yunnan cuisine and its ingredients, showcasing Yan's influence in the industry. Through his career experiences, readers can see his dedication to the evolution and preservation of Yunnan cuisine, appreciating the craftsmanship and vitality he brings to Chinese culinary arts. The book includes numerous classic recipes, personally crafted by the master himself, with detailed steps and beautiful illustrations that highlight his true expertise.

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        The Arts
        July 2024

        Italian graphic design

        Culture and practice in Milan, 1930s-60s

        by Chiara Barbieri

        Italian graphic design offers a new perspective on the subject by exploring the emergence and articulation of graphic design practice, from the interwar period through to the appearance of an international graphic design discourse in the 1960s. The book asks how graphic designers learned their trade and investigates the ways in which they organised and made their practice visible while negotiating their collective identity with neighbouring practices such as typography, advertising and industrial design. Attention is drawn to everyday design practice, educational issues, mediating channels, networks, design exchange, organisational strategies and discourses on modernism. Drawing on a wide range of primary sources and placing an emphasis on visual analysis, this book provides a model for a contextualised graphic design history as an integral part of the history of design and visual culture.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        Influencers of Chinese Cuisine: The Story of Chen Hanzong

        by Dong Keping

        Chen Hanzong is a master of oyster dishes in Cantonese cuisine. He has inherited the essence of oyster cooking and is also a modern Cantonese culinary innovator. The first part of this book chronicles his journey to becoming a master chef, filled with legendary stories from his experiences in various locations and the hardships he overcame. The second part documents the creation of his classic dishes, blending traditional masterpieces with innovative creations. Readers will enjoy engaging biographical stories and have the opportunity to try their hand at Chen's recipes, experiencing the mastery firsthand.

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        Dolce Vita

        Kosher Regional Italian Cuisine

        by Gaio Sciloni

        A uniquely combined travel journal and regional Italian cookery guide, written by a true, native-born connoisseur of Italian culture. Dolce Vita is not an ordinary cookbook, but rather a systematic regional survey of Italy, from north to south, with each region characterized by its landscape, tradition and folklore, and most importantly, its Kosher though authentic culinary micro-culture. The author, Gaio Sciloni, born and raised in Tuscany, is a well-known writer who has furnished the Israeli reader with excellent translations of Italian literature.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        Influencers of Chinese Cuisine: The Story of Liang Jianyu

        by Dong Keping, Huang Jinglin

        Liang Jianyu is a master of Cantonese cuisine. He has not only inherited the essence of Cantonese cooking but also boldly innovated, blending traditional flavors with other culinary styles to create new and exciting tastes. The first part of this book takes us to South Canton, Liang's culinary birthplace, where we explore his rich personality and the hardships he overcame. The second part delves into Cantonese cooking techniques, sharing Liang's insights and emphasizing the importance of respecting ingredients with the principle of "preserving the original taste of fresh food." The third part showcases the creation of Liang's classic dishes, blending traditional masterpieces with unique innovations. Readers will enjoy fascinating biographical stories and have the opportunity to try Liang's recipes, experiencing the best of both worlds.

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        Children's & young adult: general non-fiction

        A Delicious History of Ukraine

        by Masha Serdiuk

        What is Ukrainian cuisine? Who invented borscht? Where did the holubtsi (cabbage rolls) come from? And why are Ukrainian varenyky (dumplings) called relatives of Chinese dim sums? Answers to these questions can be found in this book. In an interesting accessible form, we tell children the history of the Ukrainian gastronomy. They will find out what famous Ukrainians loved to eat. We will explain in a plain way how the cuisine of Halychyna differs from that of Volyn and Polissya regions. We will also map all the “delicious” places in the country. Furthermore, of course, young readers will learn how to cook cult Ukrainian dishes.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2009

        Chinese Cuisine and Its Cultural Connotations

        by Pang Yi & Wang Jingwu

        This volume illustrates the cultural characteristics of Chinese food, Chinese cooking, food-related myths and legends, food and worship, food and celebrities, and literature.

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        April 2018

        New Mexican Chiles

        by Dave DeWitt

        As the foods and recipes of Mexico have blended over the years into New Mexico's own distinctive cuisine, the chile pepper has become its defining element and single most important ingredient. Though many types were initially cultivated there, the long green variety that turned red in the fall adapted so well to the local soil and climate that it has now become the official state vegetable.To help chefs and diners get the most from this unique chile's great taste–without an overpowering pungency–Dave DeWitt, the noted Pope of Peppers, has compiled a complete guide to growing, harvesting, preserving and much more–topped off with dozens of delicious recipes for dishes, courses, and meals of every kind.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Rules of Ukrainian Cooking

        by Eugenia Kuznetsova

        The Rules of Ukrainian Cooking (Cook in Sorrow) is a guide to Ukrainian cuisine written in an entertaining style of ironic ethnography. It is structured into thirty “recipes”, each exploring one aspect of the Ukrainian culinary tradition. From cooking Borsch (which is never perfect) to brewing homemade wine and hosting guests, the book provides an entertaining account of probably the most cherished aspect of Ukrainian culture. The Ultimate Guide to Ukrainian Cooking puts Ukrainian dishes in social context, offering readers insights about complicated relationship of Ukrainians with cooking, eating, their relatives and even uncovers true love to famous Kherson tomatoes, now under the Russian occupation. The book is beautifully designed and illustrated by a cohort of Ukrainian artists, who represent some of the most prominent names in Ukrainian contemporary book design.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2022

        Fashioning Italian youth

        by Cecilia Brioni

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        March 2023

        Chinese Martial Arts

        by Born in Changsha, Hunan Province, He Dun is a member of the China Writers Association, vice chairman of the Hunan Writers Association, vice chairman of the Changsha Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and a representative writer of "New Realism".

        Chinese Martial Arts is a literary work that recreates the spirit of the times and the fate of the characters with realistic creative techniques. Liu Qirong, the hero, had been ailing since childhood. In order to keep fit, he began learning martial arts at the age of eight and continued to practice throughout his life.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2023

        The bad German and the good Italian

        by Paul Barnaby, Filippo Focardi

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Ukraine. Food and History

        by Olena Braichenko, Maryna Hrymych, Ihor Lylo, Vitaly Reznichenko

        This book tells the story of Ukrainian cuisine by placing it in its cultural context and presenting Ukrainian cooking as part of the intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine. The publication also explores the potential of cultural diplomacy and includes recipes that will make you fall in love with Ukraine.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 1997

        The Italian Resistance

        An anthology

        by Philip Cooke

        Anthology of key extracts, in Italian - both literary and non-literary.. Introduction and notes in English.. Contains material which would mesh well with various standard set texts, such as Pavese, Bittorini, Calvino, Viganò.. A unique selection - no competing Italian edition. ;

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        Food & Drink

        Binge-Watching Snacks

        by Ma Xiaoma, Qi Yan, Xizhen Yishen, Renyu Didi, Jian Xiaoliang, Zou Xiaonie

        Discover top-rated recipes from popular food bloggers on platforms like Xiaohongshu and Weibo. This collection features six themes and 62 snack recipes designed to satisfy even the most discerning taste buds. Enjoy a variety of treats, including Chinese tea snacks, sweet cakes, trendy “internet-famous” snacks, crispy munchies, spicy delights, and visually stunning beverages.

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        My Italy with Berlusconi

        And what has become of it. Essays, conversations, reports

        by Michaela Namuth

        The political era of media entrepreneur and multi-billionaire Silvio Berlusconi began in 1994. German journalist Michaela Namuth also arrived in Rome at that time. He became prime minister, she became a freelance correspondent for various newspapers. She spent the long period of his government with him. During this time, the populist Berlusconi not only paved the way for a far-right government, he was also an ice-breaker for other right-wing populists in Europe and elsewhere. What else happened during and after Berlusconi's time in power is told in 20 chapters of articles, reports and interviews. The result is a colourful mosaic of contemporary Italy. It is about publishing, design, crime fiction, the mafia, a women's factory, the south and Nutella. Under Berlusconi, the country has changed. Many speak of “Berlusconisation”, by which they mean the gradual weakening of democracy. It is a critical book, but also a declaration of love to a contradictory country whose name still has a special ring to many ears.

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