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      • Trusted Partner

        Temor y valor en seis días:

        by Yehuda Reves

        Temor y valor en seis días: El testimonio de un soldado isarelí en perspectiva  por Yehuda Reves   A través del visor de un bazuca, este libro ofrece una visión crítica de temor, valor y orgullo, muerte y amor, amistad y odio, realidad y sueños místicos, de la fe y de lo laico, así como del final y el comienzo. Se trata de una colección de manuscritos, relatos y pensamientos escritos de manera intermitente durante un período de más de cuarenta años en el diario de un combatiente, durante las batallas de la Guerra de los Seis Días y tras ellas. Aquí se pinta una amarga y cruel realidad: cómo soldados matan, son heridos y mueren en el campo de batalla. Aquí se describen hechos entremezclados con imaginación y sueños. Se trata de una descripción que ejemplifica la índole de la sociedad masculina en el ejército israelí, con su combinación de ingenio, tosquedad e inocencia. Este libro fue escrito en el frente de batalla en el norte de Samaria y en el norte de los Altos del Golán. El autor sirvió en el cuerpo de blindados, como comandante de una compañía formada por seis vehículos. Todos estos manuscritos estaban atascados como balas en el cañón de un arma desde el fin de la guerra antes de que estuvieran listos para su recopilación en un volumen que incluye ahora las vivencias y la perspectiva de otro período de más de cuarenta años. Yehuda Reves es un silvicultor que durante toda su vida ha observado a personas, árboles, arbustos, el suelo y rocas inanimadas con un asombro inalterado. Ha tenido a su cargo la recolección de semillas y la propagación y plantación de árboles por cuenta del Departamento de Silvicultura de Israel. Hoy día viaja y se ocupa de la reproducción de plantas silvestres del Mediterráneo. El autor sirvió durante 32 años como oficial subalterno de reserva en el ejército israelí y participó en cuatro guerras. Está casado y tiene dos hijas y nueve nietos.

      • Trusted Partner
        Horror & ghost stories, chillers (Children's/YA)
        October 2021

        El año de la rata

        by Jorge Alderete

        Our forests are shrinking every year due to fires forestry. Trees and all life that inhabits them, from tiny microorganisms to families of birds and animals are destroyed by flames that in most cases, are caused by we, humans.

      • Trusted Partner
        Traditional stories (Children's/YA)

        Bestiario azteca (Aztec bestiary)

        by Ianna Andréadis, Élisabeth Foch

        Eagle, grasshopper, jaguar, butterfly, dog, monkey, feathered serpent, all these animals, real or mythological, tiny or majestic, carry a message. Forty works drawn with pen or brush have a dialogue with the texts of Elisabeth Foch, By taking us to a journey through the museums of Anthropology, the Templo Mayor in Mexico and the collections of the musée du quai Branly in Paris, this book takes us into the world of an ancient Mexico.

      • Trusted Partner
        Family & home stories (Children's/YA)
        October 2020


        by María José Ferrada, Pep Carrió

        The authors of this book take us on a journey through the different ways of inhabiting a house. Based on illustrations by Pep Carrió made with acrylic markers, the writer María José Ferrada uses poetic language and humor to propose a set of micro stories that invite readers to observe their own ways of inhabiting the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        Practical Feline Behaviour

        Understanding Cat Behaviour and Improving Welfare

        by Trudi Atkinson

        Practical Feline Behaviour contains all the relevant information that a veterinary nurse or technician needs to understand and handle the behaviour and welfare of house cats, and to offer safe and practical advice to clients. There have been ground-breaking advances in our understanding of feline behaviour in recent years and, to protect the welfare of cats, it is increasingly important that anyone involved with their care, especially those in a professional capacity, keep up to date with these developments. This approachable and down-to-earth text describes the internal and external influences on feline behaviour; on communication, learning, social behaviour, the relationship between behaviour and disease, and the cat - human relationship. It also provides practical advice on how the welfare of cats in our care may be protected and how behaviour problems should be addressed and how to avoid them. In this book Trudi Atkinson draws on her extensive experience as a veterinary nurse and a Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist to provide a rapid reference and an intensely practical feline behaviour resource for owners, breeders, veterinary professionals, shelter and cattery workers and anyone involved in the care of our feline companions. - Practical, down to earth guide detailing all aspects of feline behaviour - Rapid reference for instant access to information - Written by a well-known animal behaviourist who has extensive experience in treating feline behaviour problems and in advising clients to protect the welfare of their cats - Includes a foreword by John Bradshaw, School of Veterinary Science at University of Bristol, UK

      • Fiction
        September 2021

        Mia Fantasia. Quina amiga més estranya! | What a Strange Friend!

        by Elisenda Roca

        Keep 7-year-old spell-loving readers interested in books with Mía… and her non-stop talking pet friends! Mía Fantasía series is about friendship, family, girl-power, love for animals and living together. Based on the framework of fantasy, adventure and mystery genres, the stories are full of humour and positive thinking. Chapters are kept small to read one or two a night and the story is easy to follow even for younger kids. Readers will enjoy the full colour, expressive and charming illustrations by Betowers that accompany the entertaining stories of Mía, the little witch. In the first issue, Fantasía family life is about to change with the arrival of the new neighbours. The Square House family moves in across the dirt road. Robert and Dora’s house is very modern, minimal and functional. They love to keep their life organized, in order, without unpredictable twists and turns. And so does their daughter Lía until she meets Mía. When Lía enters Mía’s world, she finds out the true magic of colours and happiness and discovers that magic does exist. Who would have said that Mía’s super-confident, daring and adventurous character would pair perfectly with Lia’s logical, fearful one. From then onwards, they become best friends! Click to sing Mía's song!

      • Social issues (Children's/YA)
        September 2019

        No hi vull anar! | I Don’t Want to Go!

        by Elisenda Roca. Cristina Losantos

        Aimed at those early readers who don’t like sleeping away from home. It will help kids to get ready for overnight! Are you ready for camp? Let’s pack the backpack and turn the page. It promises tons of fun!

      • Fiction
        December 2020

        Regreso al Edén (Return To Eden)

        by Paco Roca

        Paco Roca’s homage to his mother and a portrait of post-war Spain Based on a family photo from 1947 taken on the Nazareth beach in Valencia, Paco Roca paints a portrait of post-war Spain featuring one of its many humble families—a reflection of the vast majority of society that survived under Franco’s dictatorship—who faced serious problems in maintaining a livelihood, forced to turn to the black market in order to obtain basic daily provisions. A vigorous and delicate portrait in four colors of a Spain of grey tones and restricted liberties, under a political regime that was a breeding ground for the spread of moral misery. A tribute to autobiographical references, if The House was Paco Roca’s homage to his father, Return to Eden honors the figure of his mother. Emotional and balanced, full of graphic resources and narrative solutions of the highest level, Paco Roca raises his most ambitious work from The House, which received an Eisner Award 2020. Return to Eden will go on sale in Spanish bookstores this Christmas with a first edition of 25,000 copies.

      • Picture books


        by Macarena Roca, Pamela Martínez

        A picture book that tells the adventures of a girl and her herbalist grandmother in landscapes of exuberant nature in southern Chile. Together they will reveal secrets of the countryside and the power of nature and healing plants. The book teaches us about the trascendental of transferring traditions from generation to generation. This is one of the most important heritage that we can pass on to our children to preserve culture and identity. Matico returns to the memories from childhood. It portrays the life of individual cultists who represent a different lifestyle within the horizon of modernity.

      • Fiction

        La noche de plata

        by Elia Barceló

        Who was responsible for the disappearance of a ten year old girl, thirty years ago? Police inspector Carola Rey Rojo, recently retired, will have to travel back in time and enter the heart of darkness in order to resolve this cold case. A Literary Crime Novel full of unexpected twists, as is the author's trademark.

      • Food & Drink
        March 2019

        Mother's Cooking

        by Joan Roca

        A book bringing together typical homemade cuisine with eighty simple recipes for everyone to make at home. Mother’s cooking, traditional cooking, brought up to date, but keeping its ties to the very deeply rooted need to recover and perpetuate the most authentic dishes loved by everyday people. Uncomplicated, non-technical recipes, but with Joan Roca’s special touch. The book contains three types of recipes: our mother’s dishes, the ones we’ve known our whole lives; adaptations for modern palates, with less fat or sugar; others that represent the evolution of traditional recipes with modernized flavors. The book is structured with the classic organization of recipes: starters, fish, meat, eggs, vegetables, sweets. And it will give a brief introduction to basic techniques, with clear, uncomplicated explanations. An homage to all our mothers’ cooking.

      • Fiction

        In Barcino

        by Maria Carme Roca

        Minicia is almost 25 years old when she suffers the contempt of her father, Lucio Minicio Natal Quadronio Vero, governor of proconsular Africa (152-154 A.D.) and winner of the Olympic Quadriga’s race of the year 129 A.D. The reason for his rejection: Minicia had been the secret lover of Theseus when she was very young, before Theseus died competing, precisely, against her father in a quadriga’s race. The noble Minicio cannot consent this and even less that his daughter has had a son with the man he hates, the slave of Dacian origin who mortified and marked his life since they were children. Puzzled by the news, since Minicia thought she had gotten rid of the baby (she didn’t know anything about her lover’s authentic identity and when she finds out she can’t stand the idea of having a son of the man who betrayed her), she will have to undertake a long search to find who is responsible for ensuring the lineage of Theseus and fulfill his revenge that affects not only her, but the entire empire.

      • Philosophy
        June 2017

        Ejercicios espirituales para materialistas

        El diálogo (im)posible entre Pierre Hadot y Michel Foucault

        by Luis Roca Jusmet

        Pierre Hadot and Michel Foucault, two of the most important representatives of contemporary Philosophy of the second half of the 20th century, are cult authors. But, although they share to belong to the same country and the same generation, they have diametrically opposite life and philosophical trajectories. It will be in the early eighties when Foucault, interested in the Alexandrian and Roman schools of the beginning of our era, will begin to treat Hadot's works on the subject. From this meeting, the book deepens into philosophy understood as the art of life and reflects on the most urgent ethical and political problems of the moment in which we live.  * * * Pierre Hadot y Michel Foucault, dos de los más importantes representantes de la filosofía contemporánea de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, son autores de culto. Pero, aunque comparten la pertenencia a un mismo país y a una misma generación, tienen trayectorias vitales y filosóficas diametralmente opuestas. Será a principios de los años ochenta cuando Foucault, interesado por las escuelas alejandrinas y romanas de principios de nuestra era, comenzará a tratar los trabajos de Hadot sobre el tema. A partir de este encuentro, el libro profundiza sobre la filosofía entendida como arte de vida y reflexiona sobre los problemas éticos y políticos más urgentes del momento en el que vivimos.

      • Children's & YA
        April 2021


        by Antonio Ramos Revillas

        Efraín’s life —complicated and with shortcomings— continues impassive, until one day his Mum is violently taken by the police. He and his brothers, Fredy and Marcos, will have to look for all the ways to release her from a cruel system that labels and discriminates them. To build a future for their family, they will have to be cautious of asking help from the wrong people, as any false step could entangle them with the cartels of his neighborhood.

      • Children's & YA

        Animal Love

        A Crazy Flirt

        by Ángeles Quinteros, Ángeles Vargas

        We hug, kiss and cuddle when we are in love. We want to always be close to that special person and even surprise them with gifts. All these actions also take part in the animal kingdom, but not only that! Animals also present a range of endless strange behaviors that will leave you speechless: chases, choreographies and tricks are only some of the things animals do to flirt their mating partners in order to stay together. A book with a sense of humour, but with a scientific and theoretical basis, full of unusual and amusing facts that aim to arouse your curiosity through simple texts, but incorporating the terms used in this specific field, what will broaden the reader's lexicon.

      • Crime & mystery fiction (Children's/YA)

        Mystery at Los Piñones

        by Beatriz García-Huidobro

        Diego is invited by his cousin's family to spend the holidays in Los Piñones, a small village where they have a house for recreation and that only gets a little bit livelier with the arrival of summer. But all the calm of the place will be disturbed by the mysterious disappearance of the queen of the fair on the very day of her coronation.

      • Crime & mystery fiction (Children's/YA)

        Mystery in the Camp

        by Beatriz García-Huidobro

        The follow up of the adventures of Diego and his friends. This time the mystery moves to a camp located in the Andes mountains. There, the stories of suspense are intertwined and will keep the readers' interest.

      • Poetry
        December 2021


        by Reynaldo Jiménez

        Se dice de la irradiación como la emisión de radiaciones luminosas, térmicas o magnéticas. Las palabras de alta actividad contienen elementos cuya irradiación se puede mantener durante siglos. Leer ATRITO en voz alta, direcciona a percibir la sonoridad potente. El mantra de una poética. Palabras no ordinarias, palabras de alienígena lenguaje, invenciones, reunión de sílabas para la ejecución gutural: nuevos sonidos. Partitura. Cántico. Abducción dicción. Algo conmociona por dentro con estas reverberaciones. Por alguna extraña razón, todo siempre coincide en una danza. Imagen: carátula: mantra sonoro. Radiaciones visuales donde lo Escheriano converge, rizoma. Radiaciones palabras emitidas desde cada página: El aire, el tacto, las acciones de las manos, la respiración: Anahata. No es necesario explicar la transmisión puesto que es, sucede. ATRITO potencia como cuando las grandes olas golpean contra las rocas. Una y otra vez. Así.

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