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Promoted ContentChildren's & YA2009
Museum for Old Things
by Alexander Asatiani
The museum keeps not just objects and things but also their past and their memories of the past. That is how it keeps its inhabitants alive.
Promoted ContentBiography & True StoriesFebruary 2025
The true story of Hannah Beswick, the Manchester Mummy
by Hannah Priest
The macabre tale of an eighteenth-century woman immortalised in folklore as the 'Manchester Mummy'. In 1835, the Manchester Natural History Society opened the doors of its museum. Taking pride of place in its collection were three mummies: one was Egyptian, one was Peruvian and one was a woman from Cheetham Hill. This is the first time the true story of Hannah Beswick, the so-called 'Manchester Mummy', has been told. Over the years, explanations for the Manchester Mummy have ranged from the chilling - Hannah's fear of being buried alive - to the downright bizarre - the legend of her buried gold - but the truth is more complex. Exploring this fascinating episode from museum history, Unburied sheds light on the Victorian turn to the macabre and changing attitudes to the display of human remains. It debunks the legends and asks what Hannah Beswick can tell us about death and dying, mummies and museums.
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May 2015Grace: Cultural Relics Exhibition of Women in Ancient China
by The Nanjing Musuem
This is a catalogue about an exhibition on cultural relics related to women in ancient China, enhanced by abundant information and high-quality images, covering all aspects of women’s daily lives in the past. Relying on the collections in Nanjing Museum, the book is designed with the theme of “femininity” and “art”. It makes a breakthrough in its idea and form of the exhibition.
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Humanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2017Curating empire
Museums and the British imperial experience
by Sarah Longair, John McAleer
Curating empire explores the diverse roles played by museums and their curators in moulding and representing the British imperial experience. This collection demonstrates how individuals, their curatorial practices, and intellectual and political agendas influenced the development of a variety of museums across the globe. Taken together, these contributions suggest that museums are not just sites for accessing history but need to be considered as historical sites of significance in themselves. Individual essays examine the work of curators in museums in Britain and the colonies, the historical display and interpretation of empire in Britain, and the establishment of 'museum networks' in the British imperial context. Curating empire sheds new light on the relationship between museums, as repositories for objects and cultural institutions for conveying knowledge, and the politics of culture and the formation of identities throughout the British Empire.
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July 2018The Complete Collection of Paintings of the Four Kings in the Palace Museum
by The Palace Museum
The status of the "Four Kings" in the history of art has experienced ups and downs, reflecting the changes and characteristics of Chinese art research since the end of the 19th century in terms of researchers, research materials, research directions, writing styles, and research methods. These studies were also affected by the political environment and The impact of foreign cultural shocks, therefore, the "Four Kings" are typical in the study of art history. The book collects the paintings of Wang Shimin, Wang Yuanqi, Wang Hui, and Wang Jian in the Palace Museum, compiles his painting theory works and contemporary research articles, sorts out the context of his inheritance and innovation of the pen and ink of the predecessors, and shows the great charm of Chinese painting. The complete collection consists of ten volumes, divided into volumes according to the author of the "Four Kings", divided into Wang Shimin volume (Volume 1), Wang Jian volume (Volume 2 and Volume 3), Wang Hui volume (Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6, and Volume 7) , Wang Yuanqi volume (Volume 8, Volume 9, Volume 10), each volume is divided into catalog, foreword, legend, essay, catalog of plates, plates, etc., comprehensively and completely display the historical features of the "Four Kings" paintings, for the creation of fine arts and Art research provides true and comprehensive first-hand information, and provides an orderly and vivid art reader for the public's aesthetics.
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Science & MathematicsAugust 2021Key Questions in Zoo and Aquarium Studies
A Study and Revision Guide
by Paul Rees
An understanding of the work of zoos and aquariums is central to many programmes of study in wildlife conservation and more specialised programmes in zoo and aquarium science and management. This book is intended as a study and revision guide for students following these programmes. It contains 600 multiple-choice questions (and answers) set at three levels - foundation, intermediate and advanced - and grouped into 10 major topic areas: 1. History of zoos and aquariums 2. Zoo and exhibit design 3. Aquariums and Aquatic exhibits 4 Visitor studies, zoo education and zoo research 5. Nutrition and food presentation 6 Reproductive biology and genetics 7. Conservation breeding and assisted reproductive technologies 8. Behaviour, training and environmental enrichment 9. Animal welfare and conservation medicine 10. Zoo organisation and regulation The book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. It allows the reader to learn and revise the meaning of terms used in zoo and aquarium biology, the principles of animal husbandry and enclosure design, the behaviour of zoo visitors, the operation of captive breeding programmes, the international organisation of zoos, their legal regulation and much more.
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The ArtsAugust 2010Art, museums and touch
by Fiona Candlin, Amelia Jones, Marsha Meskimmon
Art, museums and touch examines conceptions and uses of touch within arts museums and art history. Candlin deftly weaves archival material and contemporary museology together with government policy and art practice to question the foundations of modern art history, museums as sites of visual learning, and the association of touch with female identity and sexuality. This remarkable study presents a challenging riposte to museology and art history that privileges visual experience. Candlin demonstrates that touch was, and still is, crucially important to museums and art history. At the same time she contests the recent characterisation of touch as an accessible and inclusive way of engaging with museum collections, and argues against prevalent ideas of touch as an unmediated and uncomplicated mode of learning. An original and wide-ranging enquiry, this book is essential reading for scholars and students of museum studies, art history, visual culture, disability, and for anyone interested in the cultural construction of the senses. ;
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November 2023Students' Dictionary of Zoo and Aquarium Studies
by Paul A. Rees
This Students' Dictionary of Zoo and Aquarium Studies contains over 5,000 terms (illustrated by 88 figures) used in zoos, aquariums, safari parks, birds of prey centres, petting zoos, animal rescue centres and other facilities that make up the 'zoo industry'. It covers a wide range of topics including animal behaviour, animal husbandry, animal welfare, ecology, law, taxonomy, classification, nutrition, parasitology, physiology, reproduction, experimental design, statistics, veterinary science, disease, visitor studies, water management, wildlife conservation and zoo design and architecture. It should be of great interest to those studying zoo biology, animal management, veterinary science and related subjects along with zookeepers and aquarists in the early stages of their careers. Dr Paul Rees has a long-standing interest in animals and in zoos. He has taught a wide range of subjects including ecology, animal behaviour, zoo biology, and wildlife and zoo law. While lecturing at the University of Salford he created the first undergraduate programme in Wildlife Conservation and Zoo Biology in the United Kingdom and over a period of some 20 years was an external examiner for BSc and MSc programmes in zoo biology and wildlife conservation at the Universities of Edinburgh, Chester, Staffordshire, Wolverhampton, Gloucestershire and Nottingham Trent University. Dr Rees has published research on the large mammal fauna of Ngorongor Crater, Tanzania, the ecology and behaviour of elephants and cheetahs living in zoos, and the laws concerning wildlife reintroductions and the regulation of zoos.
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Teaching, Language & ReferenceAugust 2022Dividing the spoils
Perspectives on military collections and the British empire
by Henrietta Lidchi, Stuart Allan
At a time of heightened international interest in the colonial dimensions of museum collections, Dividing the Spoils provides new perspectives on the motivations and circumstances whereby collections were appropriated and acquired during colonial military service. Combining approaches from the fields of material anthropology, imperial and military history, this book argues for a deeper examination of these collections within a range of intercultural histories that include alliance, diplomacy, curiosity and enquiry, as well as expropriation and cultural hegemony. As museums across Europe reckon with the post-colonial legacies of their collections, Dividing the Spoils explores how the amassing of objects was understood and governed in British military culture, and considers how objects functioned in museum collections thereafter, suggesting new avenues for sustained investigation in a controversial, contested field.
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Children's & YAJanuary 2022History on Track Number 14
by Nastya Muzichenko (Author), Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Illustrator)
On Christmas’ Eve, toy steam locomotive Hriuk lost its owner at the Kyiv-Passenger railway station. But thanks to this mishap, it got acquainted with its unique relatives – the residents of track number 14, where the Museum of Railway Transport of Kyiv is situated. Now young Drezyna, fast Manevrovyi, Mr Steam Locomotive from Budapest, and other residents of the museum exhibition will help and comfort baby Hriuk. They will also tell him and you more about themselves and Ukraine's railway heritage. From 4 to 9 years, 3500 words Rightsholders:
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Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 2024Exhibiting Irishness
Empire, race and nation, c. 1850-1970
by Shahmima Akhtar
Exhibiting Irishness analyses how exhibitions enabled Irish individuals and groups to work out (privately and publicly) their politicised existences across two centuries. As a cultural history of Irish identity, the book considers exhibitions as a formative platform for imagining a host of Irish pasts, presents and futures. Fair organisers responded to the contexts of famine and poverty, migration and diasporic settlement, independence movements and partition, as well as post-colonial nation building. My research demonstrates how Irish businesses and labourers, the elite organisers of the fairs and successive Irish governments curated Irishness. The central malleability of Irish identity on display emerged in tandem with the unfolding of Ireland's political transformation from a colony of the British Empire, a migrant community in the United States, to a divided Ireland in the form of the Republic and Northern Ireland.
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Humanities & Social SciencesJune 2011China: Museums
by Miriam Clifford, Cathy Giangrande, Antony White
This book is a must-have companion for anyone interested in discovering more about China's rich heritage; with over 500 color images, wonderfully descriptive text, quick glance information including 'highlights' and 'key' objects, and all details of address and opening hours. Providing comprehensive descriptions not only of well-known attractions, such as the Forbidden City and the Shanghai Museum, this guide also covers some of the less known and more remote archaeological sites, such as the Linzi Museum (where over 600 horses were buried alive at the whim of an ancient king), the Museum of Oriental Musical Instruments and the Chinese Traditional Medicine Museum. Covering China's most famous and respected museums, the book also covers many smaller, lesser-known museums, ranging from art and archaeology to science and technology, history and politics - all of which combine to provide the reader with a deep understanding of China's past and present.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMarch 2023Golden Mummies of Egypt
Interpreting identities from the Graeco-Roman period
by Campbell Price, Julia Thorne
Golden Mummies of Egypt presents new insights and a rich perspective on beliefs about the afterlife during an era when Egypt was part of the Greek and Roman worlds (c. 300 BCE-200 CE). This beautifully illustrated book, featuring photography by Julia Thorne, accompanies Manchester Museum's first-ever international touring exhibition. Golden Mummies of Egypt is a visually spectacular exhibition that offers visitors unparalleled access to the museum's outstanding collection of Egyptian and Sudanese objects - one of the largest in the UK.
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The ArtsSeptember 2009Nature and culture
Objects, disciplines and the Manchester Museum
by Samuel J. M. M. Alberti
This is a vital new work; the first to take the University of Manchester's Museum as its subject. By setting the museum in its cultural and intellectual contexts, Nature and culture explores twentieth-century collecting and display, and the status of the object in the modern world. Beginning with the origins of the Manchester Museum, accounting for its development as an internationally renowned university museum, and concluding at its major expansion at the turn of the millennium, this book casts new light on the history of museums. How did objects become knowledge? Who encountered museum objects on their way to museums? What happened to collections within the museum? How did visitors use and respond to objects? In answering these questions, Nature and culture illuminates not only the history of one institution, but also contributes to wider discussions in the history of science, cultural history and museology. ;
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Humanities & Social SciencesJune 2017Exhibiting the Empire
Cultures of display and the British Empire
by John McAleer, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, John M. MacKenzie
Exhibiting the empire considers how a whole range of cultural products - from paintings, prints, photographs, panoramas and 'popular' texts to ephemera, newspapers and the press, theatre and music, exhibitions, institutions and architecture - were used to record, celebrate and question the development of the British Empire. It represents a significant and original contribution to our understanding of the relationship between culture and empire. Written by leading scholars from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, individual chapters bring fresh perspectives to the interpretation of media, material culture and display, and their interaction with history. Taken together, this collection suggests that the history of empire needs to be, in part at least, a history of display and of reception. This book will be essential reading for scholars and students interested in British history, the history of empire, art history and the history of museums and collecting.
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Humanities & Social SciencesOctober 2015Exhibiting the Empire
Cultures of display and the British Empire
by John McAleer, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, John Mackenzie
Exhibiting the empire considers how a whole range of cultural products - from paintings, prints, photographs, panoramas and 'popular' texts to ephemera, newspapers and the press, theatre and music, exhibitions, institutions and architecture - were used to record, celebrate and question the development of the British Empire. It represents a significant and original contribution to our understanding of the relationship between culture and empire. Written by leading scholars from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, individual chapters bring fresh perspectives to the interpretation of media, material culture and display, and their interaction with history. Taken together, this collection suggests that the history of empire needs to be, in part at least, a history of display and of reception. This book will be essential reading for scholars and students interested in British history, the history of empire, art history and the history of museums and collecting. ;
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Humanities & Social SciencesMarch 2017Exhibiting the Empire
Cultures of display and the British Empire
by John McAleer, John M. MacKenzie
Exhibiting the empire considers how a whole range of cultural products - from paintings, prints, photographs, panoramas and 'popular' texts to ephemera, newspapers and the press, theatre and music, exhibitions, institutions and architecture - were used to record, celebrate and question the development of the British Empire. It represents a significant and original contribution to our understanding of the relationship between culture and empire. Written by leading scholars from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, individual chapters bring fresh perspectives to the interpretation of media, material culture and display, and their interaction with history. Taken together, this collection suggests that the history of empire needs to be, in part at least, a history of display and of reception. This book will be essential reading for scholars and students interested in British history, the history of empire, art history and the history of museums and collecting.
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Teaching, Language & ReferenceNovember 2022Stories from small museums
by Fiona Candlin, Toby Butler, Jake Watts
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Biography & True StoriesMay 2017Qi Baishi: Life of Hunan Modern Painting Master
Study on Qi Baishi's Art and Life
by Qi Baishi Memorial Museum
Qi Baishi is an outstanding Chinese artist starting as a carpenter and developing into a master of painting, printing, book, poetry, literati art, and folk art. In his life, he made great contribution in the field of arts. This book is an academic book with plentiful pictures written by Qi Baishi Memorial Museum, which studies the life of Qi Baishi. The book strives to reflect the characteristics of Baishi's hometown, and focuses on the first half of his life. The book is a collection of readability and artistry to present the research on Qi Baishi.