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      • Nanjing University Press

        Nanjing University Press Co., Ltd. (NJUP) is a leading comprehensive academic publishing house among the 108 Chinese publishers subordinate to universities. NJUP was founded in 1984 and supervised by Nanjing University. More than 200 employees were under the editing, marketing, production, warehousing, human resources and accounting departments. We publish around 1500 titles each year including nearly 100 translation works. Most of them focus on Philosophy, Aesthetics, Literature, History, Modern Culture and Mass Media. Our backlist comprises over 16,000 titles in total.

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      • Nanmeebooks Co., Ltd.

        Founded in September 1992, Nanmeebooks is one of the leading publishers in Thailand, which publish both fiction and non-fiction for people at all ages licensed from around the world. We are known for educational books for children and youth literature including Harry Potter. Our outstanding and bestselling titles are including books from J.K. Rowling, Paolo Coelho, Yu Hua, Yi Zhongtian, Dr. Tom Wu and Nobel writer Mo Yan. We are also honored to publish the work of HRH Princess Sirindhorn, as well as various Nobel Prize literatures.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2014

        Cheongsam Glamour

        by The Nanjing Musuem

        This is a collection of quality images of typical Chinese Cheongsam of various styles and in different stages of evolution, with brief introductions on the history and culture of Cheongsam, written by the most authoritative experts in the feld. The cheongsam is a body-hugging one-piece Chinese dress for women, also known in Mandarin Chinese as qipao, and Mandarin gown in English. The stylish and often tight-fitting cheongsam or qipao that is best known today was created in the 1920s in Shanghai and made fashionable by socialites and upper class women.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2018

        The History of Nanjing Massacre

        by Edit by Zhang Jianjun,Zhang Sheng

        This book is a documentary work recording history of the Nanjing Massacre survivors. Through the testimony of the few still living survivors and a large number of detailed and meticulous historical archives, this book has fully restored scenes of daily life and stories of Nanjing citizens before and after the Nanjing Massacre. With complete and abundant details, it brings to light the profound disasters caused by Japanese aggression and atrocities.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Common Witness: The Rape of Nankin (1937)

        by The Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre

        Exhibition: Mémorial pour la Paix de Caen, France, October to December 2016. More than 270 historical photos, letters, diaries and media reports. Recorded by western scholars, doctors, priests, diplomats and journalists who were in Nanjing displaying the true history of Sino-Japanese war. Like the Auschwitz massacres, the Nanjing Massacre is also a crime against humanity. More than 300,000 people were killed and more than 20,000 people were rape in less than two months. The beautiful city Nanjing, capital of China at that time, were bombed and ruined. Thanks to those kind international friends who stayed in Nanjing, more than 200,000 Chinese victims were rescued and kept safe. Their letters and photos also recorded the unforgettable holocaust as an impartial third party.

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        Biography & True Stories

        1937, Nanjing Memory

        by Xu Zhigeng

        The editing team of《1937, Nanjing Memory》persistently insets the picture elements into this reportage book. The book uses words and a bit of pictures from the Nanjing massacre period to show the cruelty and misery of the war to the little readers. The book naturally presents the normal life of citizens living in Nanjing in 1937 by using the vivid and lovely sketching picture as the decoration pictures of the layout.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2017

        Nanjing Never Cries

        by Zheng Hong

        Set in the city of Nanjing during the time of the Sino-Japanese war (1937-1945), this novel tells the story of four people caught up in the violence and tumult of these years: John Winthrop and his MTI classmate, the brilliant Chinese physicist Calvin Ren (Ren Kewen) and his wife. They work at Nanjing's National Central University on a secret project to design and build warplanes to enable the Chinese to defend themselves against Japanese bombers. John enjoys his new life in Nanjing. He helps a lovely and determined yound lady Chen May with her English, falling a little in love with her; he shops for antiques; meets with Chiang Kai-Shek and Madame Chiang. But when the Japanese invade, there is no safe place in the city. The Japanese murder, torture, and rape indiscriminately. May's whole family are killed; John works in a shelter for women and children; Calvin's family flees the city while Calvin, weakened by overwork, stays behind to work on the warplane project. Each tries to survive against the odds. Vivid and disturbing, Nanjing Never Cries offers a compelling story of the horror of war and the power of love and friendships.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2013

        Gold Artifacts of Ancient China

        by Nanjing Museum

        This is a complete catalog of Gold Artifacts of Ancient China, enhanced by 400 high-quality images. These artifacts were displayed in five famous museums throughout China, including Nanjing Museum, Inner Mongolia Museum, Shanxi History Museum, Hubei Provincial Museum and Yunnan Provincial Museum. When reading the book, readers will be able to feel the beauty of these artifacts, the richness of the history and the brightness of the culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2016

        Records of Citizens in Nanjing Alleys

        by Gu Yicheng

        This book humorously depicts the bittersweet lives of Nanjing’s underclass who are busy and delighted with making a living in the 1970s and 1980s, which mirrors the toils of daily lives and sincerity of working people. Andemen Labour Market, Liuhe Noodle House, Huiming Bridge Market, etc. mentioned by the book make readers in Nanjing who are familiar with the surroundings feel particularly close.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2018

        Summer Vacation in Nanjing

        by Zhou Rui

        Zhou Rui, a famous childhood literature writer, wrote this childhood novel in an autobiographical style. It sets the protagonist Qingning as the main clue. With the historical background of China in the 1950s and 1960s, it runs through historical events such as the Liberation War and the Cultural Revolution. The warmth of the strokes tells the love story of Qingning’s parents, his four brothers and sisters, and that his father who suffered in those historical turmoil had to send Qingning from Nanjing to grandparents’ home in Shanghai for fostering. Qingning could reunite with my parents only during the summer vacation. Despite all these uneasiness, he still managed to grow up well with the positive influence of his parents. It shows the joys and sorrows of oridinary people in the social turmoil during the special historical period.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2016

        The Battle In Nanjing

        by Tan Bo Niu

        It's a record about famous historical characters in Qing Dynasty of the 19th century. They fought against rebels and foreign enemies for long term. The author stands in a special aspect to describe this unusual period and its people honestly.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        December 2012

        Nanjing Cloud-pattern Brocade

        by Zhang Daoyi

        Symbol of Jiangsu is devoted to twelve most representative and iconic symbols of Jiangsu culture. The texts are accompanied by pictures, bringing out an analysis of the past and present of Jiangsu culture. This series will present to readers all over the world a panoramic view of Jiangsu culture and help them deepen their understanding of traditional Chinese culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2025

        The Ynagtze Flows East

        by ZHANG HENSHUI

        This book is adapted from real people and facts. It carefully depicts the bloody atrocities of defending the Zhonghua Gate and the massacre of Nanjing soldiers and civilians by the Japanese army, and makes a living record of the bloodthirsty crimes of the invaders. Among them, the description of young soldiers' love and marriage and the righteousness of choice is a true portrayal of the author's insistence on resisting Japan and to die for the country.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Shi Shuqing

        This novel tells two stories of an ancient Chinese monk and a modern young lady. With elegant narration, the author discusses love, lust, and Buddhism. Crossing the time of 1500 years, the fate of protagonists interweaved in Nanjing, the city of Buddhism.

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        July 2005

        The Art History of the War of Resistance Against Japan

        by Huang Zongxian

        The fine arts reflecting the War of Resistance Against Japan extended their trails of development in a particular historical period, in which the Chinese fine arts developed in an unprecedented manner. Taking pencils and painters as their weapons, artists threw themselves in the War of Resistance Against Japan, which was like a raging fire. With patriotic enthusiasm, they created reputable works in the history of Chinese fine arts and invented a series of methods in creation influencing later generations. After the founding of New China in 1949, a group of artists in the army and other artists created paintings and pictures reflecting the various periods of the War of Resistance Against Japan, e.g. Tunnel Warfare, Five Heroes on Langya Mountain, A Great Campaign Waged by a Hundred Regiments, The Massacre in Nanjing, Eight Women Soldiers Would Rather Drown Themselves in a River Than Surrender and so on. The book collects art works of this theme made during the War of Resistance Against Japan and since 1949. More than 500 pictures with abundant notes referring to the background exhibit the history of the fine arts reflecting the War of Resistance Against Japan and artists' participation in culture.

      • Trusted Partner

        Movable Type·Destruction of Character - Character Destructed

        by Cao Fang

        This series is a collection of art works about character designing of The Global Exhibition of Characters held by Nanjing University of the Arts and student works. These three books are in different size and color, very well classified and designed. It contains art works about character design of diverse languages by several designers, such as Reza Abedini(Iran), Michael Bierut(USA),Robert Appleton(USA),Stephan Bundi(Swiss), Kit Hinrichs(USA), Lech Majewski(Poland)Leonardo Sonnoli(Italy), Clotilde Olyff(Belgium), Paula Scher(USA), Philippe Apeloig(France), Ahn Sang—soo(Korea), Shiraki Akira(Japan), Bi Xuefeng(China), Kan Tai—keung(Hongkong), Cao Fang(China), etc.. Also it collects high quality assigned project student works of font designing course. The world of typeface will totally amaze you. Won "The Beauty of Books in China " Prize in 2013.

      • Trusted Partner

        Movable Type·Collage of Character - Character Collaged

        by Cao Fang

        This series is a collection of art works about character designing of The Global Exhibition of Characters held by Nanjing University of the Arts and student works. These three books are in different size and color, very well classified and designed. It contains art works about character design of diverse languages by several designers, such as Reza Abedini(Iran), Michael Bierut(USA),Robert Appleton(USA),Stephan Bundi(Swiss), Kit Hinrichs(USA), Lech Majewski(Poland)Leonardo Sonnoli(Italy), Clotilde Olyff(Belgium), Paula Scher(USA), Philippe Apeloig(France), Ahn Sang—soo(Korea), Shiraki Akira(Japan), Bi Xuefeng(China), Kan Tai—keung(Hongkong), Cao Fang(China), etc.. Also it collects high quality assigned project student works of font designing course. The world of typeface will totally amaze you. Won "The Beauty of Books in China " Prize in 2013.

      • Trusted Partner

        Movable Type·World of Character-Character of the World

        by Cao Fang

        This series is a collection of art works about character designing of The Global Exhibition of Characters held by Nanjing University of the Arts and student works. These three books are in different size and color, very well classified and designed. It contains art works about character design of diverse languages by several designers, such as Reza Abedini(Iran), Michael Bierut(USA),Robert Appleton(USA),Stephan Bundi(Swiss), Kit Hinrichs(USA), Lech Majewski(Poland)Leonardo Sonnoli(Italy), Clotilde Olyff(Belgium), Paula Scher(USA), Philippe Apeloig(France), Ahn Sang—soo(Korea), Shiraki Akira(Japan), Bi Xuefeng(China), Kan Tai—keung(Hongkong), Cao Fang(China), etc.. Also it collects high quality assigned project student works of font designing course. The world of typeface will totally amaze you. Won "The Beauty of Books in China " Prize in 2013.

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