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Promoted ContentPsychology
ACT: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
With ACT Questionnaires for Clinical Assessment, 100 Questions
by Paolo Moderato, Giovambattista Presti, Francesco dell’Orco
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a psychotherapeutic intervention based on experimental evidence. Its goal is to help people implement concrete behaviors in accordance with their values even in the presence of diffcult or interfering events. The authors clearly describe how ACT works and provide useful guidance for clinical practice. Soon the concepts of fusion and defusion become familiar and the Hexafex a way of thinking rather than appearing as a mere scheme. Acceptance and commitment replace refusal and renunciation: this is the innovative therapeutic challenge of ACT. This manual, enriched with metaphors and exercises that can be used in a therapeutic session, is intended for reading by specialists by tackling the themes of this approach with rigor and depth, taking the reader step by step into the heart of ACT. The appendix contains seven ACT questionnaires for clinical assessment.
Promoted ContentApril 2022
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
by Eifert, Georg H.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) aims to teach people to face emotional problems openly with mindfulness and compassion while pursuing what they truly care about in their lives. The book provides an introduction to the principles and methods of ACT and presents therapeutic strategies across disorders. ACT is not primarily about eliminating and controlling symptoms, but about developing greater psychological flexibility through learning mindful acceptance. Using numerous examples, the book describes how clients can learn to respond with greater kindness to their unwanted inner experience, to gently deal with their emotional and thought barriers, and to focus on committed life-goal-oriented action. Numerous experiential exercises, metaphors, mindfulness techniques, and behavioral activation methods are presented for this purpose. In addition, this new edition of the book provides information on current effectiveness evidence and developments in ACT, e.g. promoting self- compassion. For:• psychotherapists• psychiatrists• clinical psychologists• students and teachers in psychotherapeutictraining, furthertraining, and continuing education
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BiotechnologyApril 2004Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified Foods
by Edited by Robert E Evenson, Vittorio Santaniello
In recent years there have been increasing concerns about the potential health risks of genetically modified foods. Consumer perceptions vary between countries, but are probably most pronounced in Europe and least in North America. These have had a profound and controversial effect on the development of markets for GM products.This book presents a compilation of studies of consumer acceptance of GM foods. These studies utilized different methods and evidence including: price and expenditure data; experimental methods; "willingness to pay"; consumer attitudes; and economic consequences.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMarch 2020Toleration, power and the right to justification
by Rainer Forst, Bert van den Brink, Anthony Laden, Peter Niesen, David Owen
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Children's & YA2020What a Brilliant Idea!
by Narjes Mohammadi
Cookie is unhappy with his “big” ears. He decides to wear a mask over his head to hide them. Everyone is amazed by his “brilliant idea” and decides to the same. They’re all hiding something they dislike about themselves, yet no one is distinguishable anymore! This outcome makes Cookie ponder… “What a Brilliant Idea!” is a story about self-esteem, self-image, and self-acceptance. It helps children to understand that no matter how they look like, difference is beautiful and beauty is different. AWARDS & RECOGNITION: COW Design Biennale Little Hakka Picture Book Competition
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Children's & YAWhat's On Your Face?
by Fatima Jamal Abdullah
Amin, a little boy, is the narrator of this story. Ill with the vitiligo disease, which causes his skin to have large white stains, Amin struggles in school.As Amin describes his daily challenges, young readers gain a better understanding of his behaviors and learn valuable lessons about tolerance and acceptance. As his parents say, what matters is that he has a white heart, pure and kind
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Children's & YA2018Ace
by Payam Ebrahimi
For many generations, everyone in Abtin’s family was a champion of one sports or another. But he has no resemblance to the rest of his family. He was neither an athlete, nor even liked to be one. His family was totally disappointed with him, especially his dad. He tried very hard to turn his son into a champion, but Abtin has his own way to make the family proud! AWARDS & RECOGNITION: Biennial of Illustration Bratislava Bologna Children's Book Fair Sharjah Children’s Illustration Exhibition Image of the Books Winner, Russia 2019
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January 2022Konrad oder Das Kind aus der Konservenbüchse
by Christine Nöstlinger, Annette Swoboda
Mit Kindern hat Frau Bartolotti nicht viel am Hut. Darum fällt sie aus allen Wolken, als sie mit der Post einen Sohn geschickt bekommt: Konrad aus der Konservenbüchse. Er ist schrecklich ordentlich und nahezu perfekt und Frau Bartolotti ist sehr chaotisch. Aber dann gewinnt Frau Bartolotti Konrad so lieb, dass sie ihn gar nicht wieder hergeben will – auch wenn die unheimlichen Menschen aus der Konservenfabrik schon nach ihm suchen … Christine Nöstlingers Welterfolg - der österreichische Kinderbuch-Klassiker für Kinder ab 6 Jahren, zum Vorlesen und Selberlesen. Bestens geeignet für Lesemuffel durch die lustige und unkonventionelle Geschichte über eine exzentrische Mutter und ihren braven Adoptivsohn. Begeistert auch erwachsene Leser, für die das Werk häufig eine geliebte Kindheitserinnerung ist.
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Agricultural scienceOctober 2015Crop Improvement, Adoption and Impact of Improved Varieties in Food Crops in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Edited by Dr Thomas S. Walker, Jeffrey Alwang
Following on from the CGIAR study by Evenson and Gollin (published by CABI in 2003), this volume provides up-to-date estimates of adoption outcomes and productivity impacts of crop variety improvement research in sub-Saharan Africa. The book reports on the results of the DIIVA Project that focussed on the varietal generation, adoption and impact for 20 food crops in 30 countries. It also compares adoption outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa to those in South Asia, and guides future efforts for global agricultural research
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FictionJuly 2015We Will Have Bread
by Miao Wei
“We will have bread, and we will have everything.” This is a motto that helps David Young survive hardship. As his food import company develops, he is wealthy, contented, and has plenty of time to try the best cuisine around the world. During a gourmet travel, he entered into relationship with Helen, a relationship built on shared passion for wining and dining and full of fascinating tasting trips. However, a sudden illness deprived David of his appetite and also his lover. Relying on an utterly healthy diet, David experiences changes not only in his daily routines, but also in his life desires.
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Humanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2008The culture of toleration in diverse societies
Reasonable tolerance
by Catriona McKinnon, Dario Castiglione
The idea of toleration as the appropriate response to difference has been central to liberal thought since Locke. Although the subject has been widely and variously explored, there has been reluctance to acknowledge the new meaning that current debates on toleration have when compared with those at its origins in the early modern period and with subsequent discussions about pluralism and freedom of expression. This collection starts from a clear recognition of the new terms of the debate. It recognises that a new academic consensus is slowly emerging on a view of tolerance that is reasonable in two senses. Firstly of reflecting the capacity of seeing the other's viewpoint, secondly on the relatively limited extent to which toleration can be granted. It reflects the cross-thematic and cross-disciplinary nature of such discussions, dissecting a number of debates such as liberalism and communitarianism, public and private, multiculturalism and the politics of identity, and a number of disciplines: moral, legal and political philosophy, historical and educational studies, anthropology, sociology and psychology. A group of distinguished authors explore the complexities emerging from the new debate. They scrutinise, with analytical sophistication, the philosophical foundation, the normative content and the broadly political implications of a new culture of toleration for diverse societies. Specific issues considered include the toleration of religious discrimination in employment, city life and community, social ethos, publicity, justice and reason and ethics. The book is unique in resolutely looking forward to the theoretical and practical challenges posed by commitment to a conception of toleration demanding empathy and understanding in an ever-diversifying world. ;
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Botany & plant sciencesJuly 1998Take-All Disease of Cereals
A Regional Perspective
by Geoffrey L Bateman, Richard J Gutteridge, Philippe Lucas, Anne E Osbourn, Elaine Ward. Edited by David Hornby.
Take-all is the most important root disease of cereals worldwide and a major disease problem in northern European wheat-growing regions. It is regarded by many as an intractable problem because of the lack of economically-viable chemical controls and resistant cultivars. It remains one of the great challenges of plant pathology and serves as an ideal model for many of the problems of root diseases in general. This book, an initiative of the IACR/ADAS/Universities Cereal Root Pathology Group, is the first since 1981 to provide an up-to-date review of the practical aspects of take-all research. It contains the experience of several contributors with long and active careers in take-all research or the advisory services and includes a comprehensive worldwide bibliography of relevant literature published over the last 15 years. The book concentrates on Europe, particularly the UK and France, and this regional theme is developed through comparisons with approaches used in, for example, North America and Australia. Chapters deal with history, disease and epidemiology, take-all in relation to cereal production systems, strategies for management, the pathogens and related fungi, field techniques and future prospects. This book is essential reading for advanced students and professionals in cereal crop protection research and will be of interest to plant pathologists as well as agricultural advisors.
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Children's & YAThe Enchanting Three (1). Hoggs and Bear Courage
by Stefanie Dahle
Hoggs the bear would love to be brave. But he is afraid of spiders and ghosts. And so Hoggs and his best friend Poki the skunk decide to go on an adventure in order to practise being brave. They head for the abandoned witch’s house behind the bee field. Ugh, it’s certainly ghostly! In fact there’s a kettle bubbling quite scarily…”Anybody there?” asks Hoggs cautiously. Yes! Fips the rabbit urgently needs help. And – whoosh! – suddenly the friends find themselves right in the middle of a stormy but magical adventure…
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Picture books, activity books & early learning material2016Bear Does Not Want to Sleep
by Oksana Bula
Like every year, at the end of the autumn the bear was going to go to sleep. He doing his final preparations and was waiting for Tukoni, who was to help him to settle down in his den. However, the bear met the bison, who told him about animals who do not hibernate and have fun in the winter forest . And how can the bear go to sleep after this?
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December 2006Politik als Wissenschaft.
Festschrift für Wilfried Röhrich zum 70. Geburtstag.
by Herausgegeben von Take, Michael
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Children's & YA2021Does the Baboon Have a Granny?
by Mariana Savka (Author), Oleh Petrenko-Zanevsky (Illustrator)
Mariana Savka's rhymes from the collection Does a Baboon Have a Granny? have amused more than a generation, and her heroes became favorites of little ones and their parents. In this book you will meet a family of donkeys and hippos, a stubborn billy goat, a little mouse that did not want to sleep, cheerful frogs and mischievous owls, a master beaver and, of course, a little baboon! Funny, cute, childish poetry, which was humorously illustrated by Oleh Petrenko-Zanevskiy, will give magical moments of family reading. From 3 to 6 years, 990 words. Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko,
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Children's & YAAugust 2017I Have Two Homes Instead of One
by Lorka SbeityIllustrated By: Mona Yakzan
“I am happy now, I have two homes instead of one. I visit my father in the village during the weekend. My mom reads me bedtime stories And I will not see her sad anymore.” The story targets a big part of any community nowadays; it deals with divorce from the children’s perspective. It shows the separation’s psychological damages on the child if not well approached. It facilitates the smooth and healthy acceptance of divorce for both parents and children.
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Children's & YA2020Why does Panther have spots?
by Ulrich Talla Wamba
"Why does Panther have spots?" is a short tale that tells the story of a lazy and unruly little panther. A book that tells in an innocent and naive way the origin of the black spots on the skin of panthers to toddlers.
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Children's & YABear Chasers at the Reindeer Camp
by Gerelchimeg Blackcrane
The story in the book happens deep inside the Daxing'anling mountains. For thousands of years, the Ewenkis made living by hunting and raising reindeer in the vast forest. They raised ferocious dogs to assist in hunting and camp guard. As time goes by and the world changes, the Ewenkis today are no longer hunting and the bloodline of their hunting dogs has ended. Instead, the tall, ferocious Mongolian shepherds who are able to chase away and kill wolves become the new camp guard responsible for protecting the reindeers. They drive off bears coveting the camp and grow into real bear chasers. Blackcrane is one of the few children's book authors who come from minority groups in China, which makes him special in China's literati. His works always offer a glimpse into "the call of the wild" from the forest in the north of China. In this original full-length children's novel published for the first time, Blackcrane not only focuses on the beauty of wildlife but also emphasizes the emotional connections between humans and animals, allowing children to not only be nourished by literature but gain authentic and accurate information on the broadness of nature.
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June 2014Clumsy-wolf and Fatty-bear
by Tang Sulan
The Series of Clumsy-wolf include The Series of Clumsy-wolf, Clumsy-wolf and His Parents, Clumsy-wolf and Smart-bunny, Clumsy-wolf and Fatty-bear, The Campus Life of Clumsy-wolf, The Adventure of Clumsy-wolf. Being simple and honest, cute and always curious about the world, Clumsy-wolf has become a classic character in the Chinese original children’s literature. Being bestsellers for more than 20 years, this series is an excellent and outstanding children’s book that can be the most valuable memory for young readers.