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      • Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

        Brookes Publishing is an independent publisher based in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. For more than 40 years, Brookes has been a leading provider of professional resources and assessments in early childhood, communication and language, education (particularly special education), and disability. Brookes Publishing is committed to bettering lives and outcomes for all people.

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      • Hawker Brownlow Education

        Hawker Brownlow Education, a Solution Tree company, is Australasia’s leading provider of educational resources, events and professional development services. Since 1985, we have empowered F–12 teachers and educational professionals with the tools and skills they need to improve classrooms and raise student achievement. From our head office in Melbourne, we publish the latest and best-regarded educational thinking from around the region and the world, releasing over 300 new titles and printing over 100 000 publications each year to support educational professionals. Our publications can be found on the shelves of over 9200 schools across Australia and New Zealand, in addition to reaching educational professionals in over 50 countries globally. We train and inspire thousands of educational professionals through major annual conferences, regional events and in-school support, delivering over 2000 hours of professional development each year. For more, visit and follow @HawkerBrownlow on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2021

        Brothers in the Great War

        by Linda Maynard, Penny Summerfield

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        Crime & mystery

        Kobzar 2000

        by Kapranov Brothers

        Ukraine is the most mystical country in Europe. To this day, witches and fortune-tellers cast their spells here while forests are scattered with werewolves and rusalkas. In his novellas, Roman shares modern-day mystery stories, continuing Hohol's tradition.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Painted history of Ukraine

        by Kapranov Brothers

        It's a well-known short narration of the history of Ukraine starting from archaeological cultures going all the way to the declaration of independence in 1991, accompanied by comics, maps and portraits of prominent figures.

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        Ángeles en el Cielo de Judea

        by Daniel Gelleri

        Ángeles en el Cielo de Judea – Novela por Daniel Gelleri ?GUERRA CIVIL EN ISRAEL! Aun cuando parezca imposible, los medios de comunicación en todo el mundo lo anuncian a toda voz en sus titulares. ?Es que el mayor experimento de democracia ha fallado completamente? Mientras el mundo árabe no oculta su satisfacción, los Estados Unidos, la única superpotencia que ha quedado en el mundo, se mueren de angustia. ?Puede ser que haya respaldado al actor equivocado en el escenario de la política internacional? Ciento diez años después del nacimiento de Itzjak Isaac Isserlish, descendiente de una prominente dinastía de rabinos de Cracovia, en Polonia, sus bisnietos luchan entre ellos en las colinas de Jerusalén, en una guerra que podría probar al mundo que Armagedón se avecina. En una saga transgeneracional de apretada trama, Daniel Gelleri, autor de la popular novela Iris, sigue las vidas de cinco generaciones de una familia judía israelí cuyos miembros no sólo comparten con sus antepasados tiempo, lugar, esperanzas y sueños, sino que también se ven profundamente afectados por las pesadillas y los temores de sus propias vidas.   A raíz de la decisión del gobierno de Israel de retirarse a las fronteras anteriores a 1967, la controversia ideológica hace trizas la frágil estructura de lo que el mundo siempre ha visto como un faro de esperanza, un monolito seguro en un mar de discordia. Lo que antes se susurraba a puertas cerradas ahora explota en las calles de cada ciudad y villa. Cada lado se mantiene inflexible en lo que considera debe ser el modelo final del país. Cada lado también está resuelto a conseguir su objetivo deseado. Lo que tantos temían se vuelve realidad: ?GUERRA CIVIL! Ciudadanos israelíes se enfrentan unos a otros, hermano contra hermano. Todos aman a su país, todos quieren lo mejor para él y todos temen por su seguridad, pero a la inversa y trágicamente, cada uno considera que la opinión de su adversario es una abominación. En un diminuto país que se ha enfrentado sin temor a sus enemigos durante setenta y cinco años, lo imposible sucede: el enemigo está adentro. ?El enemigo no está en la puerta, el enemigo está puertas adentro! Cada lado lucha para lograr su propia justicia, su propia fe, su propia verdad y su propia visión de un Israel bíblico redimido. Daniel Gelleri, alto oficial de las unidades de reserva de la Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel, fue originalmente un judío laico que se convirtió en ortodoxo a los 25 años. Durante diez años vivió con su familia en el asentamiento Bat-Ayn de la Margen Occidental. Cuando un extremista judío asesinó al Primer Ministro Itzjak Rabin, Gelleri comenzo a reexaminar su fe y sus creencias. Después de un periodo de examen de conciencia volvió a su estilo de vida laico original y abandonó el mundo religioso en el que había vivido. Su primera novela Iris ha sido un gran suceso.

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        My Brother

        by Tang Sulan, Li Xianhong

        I was so keen to have a baby brother. However, when my brother was born, he didn't seem to like me. He wouldn't even look at me when I called his nickname warmly; he cried loudly when I tried to hug him. My mum and dad told me that my brother has autism. Since then, my whole family has been running around for my brother's recovery...

      • Trusted Partner
        Microbiology (non-medical)
        January 1981

        Taxonomy of Pseudoperonospora

        by G M Waterhouse, M P Brothers

        Mycological paper discussing the taxonomy and nomenclature of Pseudoperonospora

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Saurus and His Younger Brother

        by Myroslav Laiuk (Author), Katerina Sad (Illustrator)

        Saurus and His Younger Brother is a fairy tale about the changing life of little Saurus from the Stegosaurus family. Saurus' life undergoes a transformation when he learns that a younger brother will soon join his family. Alongside Saurus, young readers will explore emotions such as jealousy toward a younger sibling, self-awareness, and the value of all children, whether older or younger. Through Saurus's story, children will come to understand that younger siblings are not merely trouble-makers but true friends who help you grow stronger, more confident, and more mature.   From 3 to 6 years, 2880 words Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko,

      • Trusted Partner
        Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        Friend Li Bo, Brother Du Fu..

        by Oleh Lysheha

        Friend Li Bo, Brother Du Fu.. is a collection of prose by the Ukrainian poet Oleh Lysheha, which was on the BBC Ukraine Book of the Year award long list in 2010. According to the author, this book took him about thirty years to write. It includes, for instance, fragments of his lost fantasy novel "Peacock".

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Heart of Mist

        by Katrin Lange

        A girl torn between two brothers. Regardless of which one she falls in love with it will be disastrous for the other. Christopher and Adrian have sworn that no girl will ever come between them again, because there is a sleeping monster inside Adrian, just waiting to hurt his brother. But then Jessa comes to High Moor Grange… Jessa would do anything to find her sister Alice, who has been registered as missing for five years. High Moor Grange is the first clue she has been given after all this time – but apart from a ruin shrouded in mist, all she finds there are the owners of this dilapidated manor house. Jessa suspects that they both know more about Alice’s disappearance than they admit. Christopher wants nothing more than to be rid of her, and constantly gets on her nerves with his arrogance – and even his warm-hearted brother Adrian seems to be harbouring some secrets. Jessica knows that she ought to stay away from the twin brothers, because instead of finding answers at High Moor Grange, she finds herself in danger of losing her heart in a battle against a 200-year-old curse. Dark, irresistible and deeply romantic – a modern Beauty and the Beast story by the queen of emotions!

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2016

        La mujer de la guarda

        by Sara Bertrand, Alejandra Algorta

        Jacinta wants to know how her mother is able to breathe inside the coffin, but her aunts tell her it’s better if she concentrates in taking care of her brothers. Jacinta remembers some things about her mum, like the sound of the spoon in the cup when she stirred the milk until it was smooth. When her father arrives early, Jacinta and her brothers eat together and laugh at dessert time when he draws milk toffees and chewing gum from behind their ears. Jacinta is a weirdo in a world where other children have a mother. Jacinta has no guardian angel, but a woman traveling on a blue horse watches over her.

      • Trusted Partner

        Rejoice, My Heart

        by Alawiya Sobh

        Ghassan, a musician and Oud player, leaves for New York, fleeing the Lebanese civil war after his extremist bother, Afif, murdered his older and pacifist brother Jamal, who sought to open the door to Muslim-Christian dialogue. In New York, Ghassan struggles to erase all his memories but his thoughts would always bring him back to his hometown, Dar El Ezz, as it was long before the war. ///Soon, he falls in love with and marries Kristin, becomes more emotionally stable, and embraces American culture. But when he must return to Lebanon for his father’s funeral, nostalgia for his homeland and a series of events force Ghassan to face a convergence of two cultures. ///“Efrah Ya Qalbi” (Rejoice, My Heart!) is a novel about love, music, identity, one’s sense of belonging, brotherly conflicts, and the diaspora. It dives into the lives, troubles, and dilemmas of the characters. ///The stories intertwine amid a fascinating narrative, thus revealing the turmoil and troubles of the Lebanese community torn by wars and outbursts. The novel also addresses the relationship between the East and the West, where struggling and cracked identities are silenced and offers a new vision through analysis and narration.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss

        My Life with Terence McKenna

        by Dennis McKenna

        Tracing the McKenna brothers’ childhood in western Colorado during the 1950s and ’60s, Dennis chronicles their adolescent adventures and formative encounters with mind-altering substances, along with the people and ideas that shaped them both. Dennis, now world-renowned for this ethnobotanical work, describes his early interests in cosmology and astrology, his sometimes rocky relationship with his older brother, how their paths diverged later in life, and his mother’s and Terence’s battles with cancer. In his account of what has become known as “The Experiment at La Chorrera”—which Terence documented in his own 1989 book, True Hallucinations— Dennis describes visions of merging mushroom and human DNA, the brothers’ predictions for the future, and their evolving ideas about society and consciousness. In this updated edition, Dennis also reflects on scientific revelations, climate change, and the social and political crises of our time.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Five Directors

        Auteurism from Assayas to Ozon

        by Kate Ince

        Auteurism - the idea that a director of a film is its source of meaning and should retain creative control over the finished product - has been one of film studies' most important paradigms ever since the French New Wave of the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the adoption of the term auteur by Andrew Sarris. Through the popular, controversial and critically acclaimed films of Olivier Assayas, Jacques Audiard, the Dardenne borthers, Michael Haneke and Francois Ozon, this book looks into how the meaning of 'auteur' has changed over this half-century, and assesses the current state of Francophone auteur cinema. It combines French philosophical and sociological approaches with methodologies from the Anglo-American fields of gender studies, queer theory and postmodernism. This volume will be of interest to researchers and students of film studies, European cinema and French and Francophone studies, as well as to film enthusiasts.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        I Want a Minion

        The Minion Series

        by Tang Haijuan

        Nowadays, more and more Chinese family is welcoming their second baby. The minion series is taking the perspective of a girl, who is the first baby in the family. The book helps the eldest child to accept their brothers and sisters, and deal with their family relations properly.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        Finally,Waiting for Until You, My Minion!

        The Minion Series

        by Tang Haijuan

        Nowadays, more and more Chinese family is welcoming their second baby. The minion series is taking the perspective of a girl, who is the first baby in the family. The book helps the eldest child to accept their brothers and sisters, and deal with their family relations properly.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        Who the hell is a Minion

        The Minion Series

        by Tang Haijuan

        Nowadays, more and more Chinese family is welcoming their second baby. The minion series is taking the perspective of a girl, who is the first baby in the family. The book helps the eldest child to accept their brothers and sisters, and deal with their family relations properly.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        I Become a Minion

        The Minion Series

        by Tang Haijuan

        Nowadays, more and more Chinese family is welcoming their second baby. The minion series is taking the perspective of a girl, who is the first baby in the family. The book helps the eldest child to accept their brothers and sisters, and deal with their family relations properly.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        March 2021

        My Upside Down World

        by Ken Spillman and Silvana Giraldo

        “This is a TRUE story. It’s about my world” There’s smoke in the kitchen. Dad acts normal but Mom is worried her head might explode. Even so, the biggest problem is global. You-Know-Who has been at it again and the world must be put right. Today! Big brothers are mean. Big brothers spell trouble. And Big Brothers are not to be trusted, especially if they turn your world upside down. Or is it downside up? In this book where the parallel crazy worlds with their upside-downness and downside-upness weave a fantastic, troubled, creased co-existence, nothing is what it seems like and everything is up for wonder. Ken Spillman adroitly plays around with words and situations both believable and unbelievable, while Silvana Giraldo spins a splendidly broken-but-beautiful world to bring alive an Orwellian dystopia into this picture book.

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