A tale about two brothers and a sister
by Dara Kornii
The World was beautiful and happy then. There was no hatred, malice, or envy. The earth gave birth generously, the sun shone gently, the sky poured with a bountiful rain, and children grew in harmony with nature. The Creator admired his beloved creation. Two brothers, Morok and Zhytnyk, and the youngest sister Veselka grew up in one glorious family. They were beautiful children, generously gifted with talents. Everything changed when one of the brothers wanted to feel like God and shed the first innocent blood. And the other brother did not stop him. Evil, envy, hatred, and temptation entered the World. The Creator knew in advance how everything would end for this World and decided to destroy people. But not everything is so simple, because this is a fairy tale. Who or what saved people from death? Why is it so important to value other people's lives, love the land you walk on, and reject temptations, even if they promise you omnipotence?
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Rights Information
Rights manager Yurii Nykolyshyn, info@apriori.lviv.ua, +380672689754
Contact of the Ukrainian Book Institute: ubi@ubi.org.ua
Author Biography
Ukrainian writer of urban fantasy. Winner of the third "Coronation of the Word" prize for the novel "Honykhmarnyk" (2010).
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Apriori
- Publication Date October 2021
- Orginal LanguageUkrainian
- ISBN/Identifier 9786176296645
- Publication Country or regionUkraine
- Pages41
- ReadershipChildren
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleКазка про двох братів та сестру
- Original Language AuthorsКорній Дара