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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2005

        Political marketing

        A comparative perspective

        by Darren Lilleker, Jennifer Lees-Marshment

        Political marketing has become a global phenomenon as parties try to copy the market-oriented approach employed by Tony Blair to win power for New Labour in 1997. Increasingly voters choose parties like consumers choose products, and this study looks at how some political parties, such as Sinn Fein, have been able to capitalise on this to gain support. It raises fresh perspectives on the more established political marketing practices in the UK and US, such as how to incorporate political leadership within the market-oriented framework and the democratic implications when faced with the actually business of governing. This book also highlights how the market-oriented party approach has spread around the world, including Europe and the new democracies of Brazil and Peru. The chapters, in demonstrating this convergence in practices, also question whether this strategy is appropriate for political systems based on proportional representation and coalition governments such as those in Austria, Germany, New Zealand, Canada, and devolved systems in Northern Ireland and Scotland. The collection also introduces the debate on whether such practices enhance or undermine democracy, raising important questions on the future of political marketing. This book should become an established essential text for students and academics of political science and marketing. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Political parties
        May 2005

        Political marketing

        A comparative perspective

        by Edited by Darren Lilleker and Jennifer Lees-Marshment

        Political marketing has become a global phenomenon as parties try to copy the market-oriented approach employed by Tony Blair to win power for New Labour in 1997. Increasingly voters choose parties like consumers choose products, and this study looks at how some political parties, such as Sinn Fein, have been able to capitalise on this to gain support. It raises fresh perspectives on the more established political marketing practices in the UK and US, such as how to incorporate political leadership within the market-oriented framework and the democratic implications when faced with the actually business of governing. This book also highlights how the market-oriented party approach has spread around the world, including Europe and the new democracies of Brazil and Peru. The chapters, in demonstrating this convergence in practices, also question whether this strategy is appropriate for political systems based on proportional representation and coalition governments such as those in Austria, Germany, New Zealand, Canada, and devolved systems in Northern Ireland and Scotland. The collection also introduces the debate on whether such practices enhance or undermine democracy, raising important questions on the future of political marketing. This book should become an established essential text for students and academics of political science and marketing.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Managing Risk in Agriculture

        A Development Perspective

        by Ashok K. Mishra, Subal C. Kumbhakar, Gudbrand Lien

        The book addresses and documents farmers' risks in developing and emerging economies. It draws lessons from experimental economics on measuring risk preferences, attitudes, gender differences in managing risks, and risk management strategies in countries across Africa and Asia. It argues policy makers, especially in emerging economies, need a better understanding of farmers' attitudes toward risk and choices of risk management strategies when designing policies to support production agriculture. The book includes chapters on three themes: understanding risk attitudes and preferences; using experimental economics to measure risk, preferences, and risk management strategies; and understanding climate change, risk, and risk management. The book critically examines the currently held beliefs about risk preference, attitudes, and empirical estimation of risk management strategies, emphasizing developing and emerging economies (DEE). "The agricultural development space is an inherently risky one and this welcome collection belatedly helps to plug an important hole." Jock R. Anderson, Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of New England, Armidale, Australia "Over time, agricultural production practices have evolved, as have the markets and value chains for food and agricultural products. A constant consideration, however, and one that continues to define agriculture worldwide, is risk. The risks that impinge on agriculture come in all shapes and sizes. Of course, production risks are ubiquitous. But so are market risks. And the same is true for macroeconomic and financial risks and the risks associated with an evolving climate. This book will be a valuable, comprehensive resource for any applied economist desiring to understand the risk management principles relevant to modern food and agricultural systems." Matthew Holt, Prof. and head of the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA, USA.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation:

        Case Studies and Plans

        by Secretariat of the First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo Organizing Committee

        China-Africa Economics and Trade Cooperation: Case Studies and Plans comes in 3 languages: Chinese(2 volumes), English(2 volumes), and French(2 volumes). This book series include 101 excellent case studies , which related to 21 Chinese provinces and cities and 31 countries in Africa, containing agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and trade, infrastructure, industrial parks, energy and mining, financing and other fields in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. This set of books is practical and useful for all readers. In addition, the book gives the vivid interpretation on the concept of common prosperity, win-win cooperation, mutual negotiation and construction, shared innovation and progression of Belt and Road Initiative.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2024

        The Untold Stories of African Agriculture

        Lessons from Ethiopia

        by Tsedeke Abate

        This landmark volume presents the results of a comprehensive and coherent in-depth assessment of Ethiopian agriculture and draws lessons from it to generate actionable recommendations that will inform policy decisions and priority setting for agricultural transformation across Africa. Policy makers in Africa are faced with the challenges of ensuring food and nutrition security and the economic wellbeing of their rapidly growing populations while at the same time maintaining the integrity of their natural resource base. Between 2000 and 2021, 74% of the growth in overall crop production on the continent was derived from increases in land area expansion, while increases in yield contributed only 26% of the growth. This unchecked expansion of land use puts the sustainability of the natural resource base under severe pressure. Even though some countries have made substantial increases in their farm productivity over the last two decades, the overall performance for Africa is far behind other regions. For the most part, in Africa, agriculture is not fulfilling its expected functions of food and nutrition security, increased export earnings, import substitution, and raw material supply for local industries. Attempts have been made to transform African agriculture over the years, but few countries have succeeded in achieving sustainable change. Using examples from Ethiopia this book identifies the major factors for success and the root causes of underperformance, and offers evidence-based recommendations for future decision making, policy change and the creation of growth. This book: · Draws on a unique set of case studies from Ethiopia described and told from a truly African perspective. · Emphasises to policy makers in Africa that development cannot be outsourced and there are no shortcuts; it is only through consistent effort and sustained support for their agricultural research and development that positive change can be brought about. · States that past agricultural development efforts by the international community have not properly included a strong African voice, and that therefore, all future academic research, policies and strategies dealing with the continent's agriculture and food security should be formulated by Africa's own leading thinkers and experts. · Is not a polemic; its arguments are knowledge and evidence based, building a compelling picture of how agricultural development can be sustained for the future.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Sustainable Agricultural Intensification

        A Handbook for Practitioners in East and Southern Africa

        by Mateete Bekunda, Jonathan Odhong, Irmgard Hoeschle-Zeledon

        This book provides an insight into the background, lessons learned, and the methodology of facilitating the application of best-bet/best-fit agricultural technologies to smallholder farms in East and Southern Africa (ESA). All technologies highlighted within this book, except those on livestock feeding, were trialed and demonstrated in farmers' fields over an eight-year period [2012 - 2020] as part of the Feed the Future/USAID funded research-for-development Africa RISING ESA Project and supported by the CGIAR. The livestock feed technologies were compiled from Eastern Africa literature and included to offer a full set of technologies relevant for farmers in mixed farming systems. Topics covered include the introduction of resilient and nutrient-dense crops, better arrangement of crops in the field to amplify intercrop benefits, and the management of soils to improve soil fertility and minimize physical soil and nutrient loss. The publication also features technologies for postharvest loss reduction, livestock feeding, food processing, and in the later chapters, important expositions on how multiple technologies can be creatively integrated in a farming system and how key products of research can be taken to scale. In the first chapter and throughout the handbook, the importance of taking gender dynamics into account to ensure technologies produce equitable outcomes is emphasized. This book: provides evidence-based descriptions of sustainable agricultural intensification technologies that have been validated iteratively with smallholder farmers. a convenient, easy-to-read, and science-based 'how-to' guide for successful deployment of improved agricultural technologies that will ensure readers from development/scaling agencies save time and resources for research trials and instead focus on technology deployment. gives evidence of how building research and development partnerships can be a critical element for successful delivery and scaling up of agricultural technologies. The book is aimed primarily at development practitioners who seek new competences in taking new technologies to scale. However, the breadth of topics covered makes this book an essential resource for agricultural scientists as well as university and college students aspiring to apply systems thinking in future agricultural research and development work.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2020

        Sustainable Destination Branding and Marketing

        Strategies for Tourism Development

        by Anukrati Sharma, Juan Ignacio Pulido-Fernández, Azizul Hassan

        Destination branding and marketing form the backbone of tourism industry growth, but it is increasingly important that the strategies employed consider and promote sustainable solutions. This book provides a comprehensive set of tools and techniques for branding and marketing for sustainable tourism development. It blends tourism and marketing strategies with practical, innovative information technology solutions and a psychological perspective, providing illustrative case studies and examples to aid understanding. Addressing opportunities and challenges across the field, it also reviews how different types of tourism such as community based, accessible, film, agricultural and cultural-heritage tourism entail unique issues for development. Competition between destinations has led to a real need for different strategies in order to differentiate the tourism product. This book: - Uniquely covers both marketing and branding of a destination from a sustainability perspective; - Considers the role of emotions and experiences when advertising a destination; - Brings together a set of global authors to provide a varied and universally applicable approach to the subject. A thought-provoking read for anyone interested in questions of sustainability in destinations, this book provides an invaluable resource for researchers of tourism, marketing and international development studies as well as destination managers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        November 2003

        Agriculture and International Trade

        Law, Policy and the WTO

        by Edited by Michael N Cardwell, Margaret R Grossman, Christopher Rodgers

        The World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture has had a fundamental impact on agricultural policy worldwide. The new WTO agreements will cover agriculture,sanitary and phytosanitary measures, technical barriers to trade and trade in intellectual property rights. This book addresses the interface between the law of international agricultural trade, the emerging legal and economic order for agricultural trade under the auspices of the WTO, and its impact on agricultural policy reform both in the European Union and the USA. With contributions from leading authorities in the appropriate areas.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1997

        Agro-food Marketing

        by Edited by Daniel I Padberg, Christopher Ritson, Luis Miguel Albisu

        The purpose of this book is to integrate aspects of food product marketing with traditional agricultural marketing. This novel approach fills a gap in the current literature and reflects a growing trend to teach these subjects in an integrated way. The authors are leading authorities from the USA and Europe and the book has been developed from a very successful series of courses run for several years by the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) in Zaragoza, Spain. These courses have been attended by postgraduates from a wide range of countries, so the book is likely to have worldwide appeal.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2020

        The Economics of Farm Animal Welfare

        Theory, Evidence and Policy

        by Bouda Vosough Ahmadi, Dominic Moran, Rick D'Eath

        This landmark new text charts the latest developments in economic research relevant to farm animal welfare. A range of global experts and key opinion leaders outline the challenges of achieving sustainable intensification whilst improving both climate change and animal welfare, and make policy-relevant recommendations for the future. Theoretical yet practical, the book examines: - Origins, cross-disciplinary interactions and the future of farm animal welfare; - Consumer demand and changing preferences as animal welfare rises up the social agenda; - The impact on animal welfare of political organisations such as the EU and WTO. An important resource for policy makers and animal welfare scientists and clinicians, this book provides a thought-provoking yet evidence-based review for all those interested in quantifying farm animal welfare.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2004

        The political marketing revolution

        Transforming the government of the UK

        by Jennifer Lees-Marshment

        This book shows how British politics is being transformed from a leadership-run system to one dictated by public needs and demands. No longer confined to party politics, organisations including the monarchy, the BBC, universities, local councils, charities and the Scottish Parliament are adopting the tools of market intelligence to understand their market needs and demands. The political marketing revolution raises many questions, such as whether the student or patient really does know best and can decide their own education and health care. The book calls for a debate about the movement of the British political system towards a market-orientation and a re-negotiation of the relationship between leaders and the market. Whilst recognising the need for political leaders to listen, this debate places some responsibilities on the political consumer, looking to create a new relationship that might work more effectively for both sides.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        June 2015

        Transition to Agricultural Market Economies

        The Future of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine

        by Edited by Andrew Schmitz, William H Meyers.

        It is believed that the major countries of the former Soviet Union—specifically Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine (KRU region)—are the part of the world with the most potential to increase food supplies and strengthen world food security. This book examines the future of the KRU countries in global agricultural markets and will examine a number of agricultural sectors, including meat, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. However particular attention is paid to the region’s potential expansion of the grain sector and why the KRU region emerged during the 2000s as a major grain exporter, and its potential to further expand grain production and exports. It also examine the issues of environmental constraints and trade-offs for agriculture, sustainability, and the possible effects of climate change

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2025

        Glossary of Agricultural Biotechnology

        by Gurbachan Singh Miglani, Parveen Chhuneja, Satbir Singh Gosal

        The rapid progress in molecular genetic techniques and molecular biology has led to a great expansion in the range of biotechnology applications in agriculture. The field is supported by a large number of basic and applied sciences, and agricultural biotechnology has become a multidisciplinary field. A vast amount of technical terms is required to be grasped by students, teachers and research workers and this new Glossary of Agricultural Biotechnology covers all the scientific areas in this important field, including agricultural biotechnology, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, biostatistics, cell biology, computer science, CRISPR/Cas, cytogenetics, DNA nanotechnology, epigenetics, epigenomics, genetics, genome editing, genomics, intellectual property rights, molecular biology, molecular genetics, nanobiotechnology, plant breeding, plant pathology, plant physiology, remote sensing, therapeutics, and tissue culture. The book includes: · Common abbreviations in agricultural biotechnology · Brief descriptions and definitions of each term written in a user-friendly style · A comprehensive bibliography. This book is designed to be an easy-to-use reference for students, teachers, research workers, workers in biotechnology-related government agencies, and the biotechnology industry.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        Agrarian Systems and Climate Change

        by Hubert Cochet, Olivier Ducourtieux, Nadège Garambois, Elsa Champeaux, Hubert Cochet, Olivier Ducourtieux, Samir El Ouaamari, Mathilde Fert, Nadège Garambois, Thérèse Hartog, Jean-Luc Paul, Philippe Le Clerc, Niel Verhoog, Esther Laske, Thibault Labetoulle, Ulysse Le Goff, Léa Radzik, Céline Tewa, Lucie Thibaudeau, Louis Thomazo, Charlotte Verger-Lécuyer, Florie-Anne Wiel

        This book examines the link between global change and impacts and adaptation at the local level, combining a systemic approach and connecting different scales of analysis. It unravels the complex ties between the scenarios developed at global, continental, regional scales of analysis and farmers' concrete experiences, lived at the territorial level. In addition to this great discrepancy in terms of scales of analysis and understanding of processes, there is a need to relate the multi-generational scale of possible climatic changes to that of agricultural practices carried out on the agricultural season level. Based on the detailed study and comparison of a dozen contrasting local situations in sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia, the authors highlight the processes and trajectories which explain the high exposure to the hazards of different groups of farmers, as well as their unequal capacity to adapt. They explain the causes of this vulnerability and illustrate the weight of past and current choices in terms of agricultural, environmental and trade policies. Finally, they present the adjustment modalities and the past and current transformations of peasant practices moving towards a reduction in exposure to hazards, a reduction in vulnerability, and better adaptation to global changes: climate change, demographic growth, increased competition for access to resources, changes in relative prices and market fluctuations, deregulation and decline in public support, etc. In conclusion, they outline possible paths in terms of adaptation and proposals for political measures to support producers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Development economics
        June 2011

        Vegetable Production and Marketing in Africa

        Socio-economic Research

        by Edited by Dagmar Mithöfer, Hermann Waibel.

        Vegetables are a significant component of agricultural farming systems in Africa and have recently moved into the focus of research organizations, development partners and policy makers. Beyond income generating opportunities for producers, vegetable production for domestic and export markets is an important driver for growth due to employment opportunities in production, processing and trade. Providing the latest socioeconomic research methodologies alongside empirical examples, this volume explores the potential for vegetable production to alleviate poverty, the impact of food production standards on various stakeholders, an assessment of markets and marketing potential for different crops and advanced economic approaches to production.

      • Trusted Partner
        Plant reproduction & propagation
        February 2002

        Agricultural Biotechnology and Transatlantic Trade

        Regulatory Barriers to GM Crops

        by Grant E Isaac

        Genetically modified (GM) agricultural crops which are approved as safe in North America (Canada and the United States) are facing significant regulatory hurdles in gaining access to the European Union. The development and commercialization of GM crops illustrate a complex challenge facing trade diplomacy - the challenge of regulatory regionalism created by social regulatory barriers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        November 2019

        Tropical Roots and Tuber Crops, 2nd Edition

        Cassava, sweet potato, yams and aroids

        by Vincent Lebot

        Root and tuber crops are important to agriculture, food security and income for 2.2 billion people in developing countries. These species produce large quantities of dietary energy and have stable yields under difficult environmental conditions. This second edition of Tropical Root and Tuber Crops is an authoritative treatment of four important root and tuber crops: cassava. sweet potato, yams, and aroids. The same format is followed for each crop: Origin and History, Taxonomy and Botany, Breeding and Genetics, Developmental Physiology, Agronomy, Pests and Diseases, Post-Harvest Quality and Marketing. This new edition reviews the scientific literature produced during the last decade and presents major technical advancements. Modern molecular tools have been used to clarify the phylogeny, taxonomy and origin of these species. Similar advances have been made in physiology, agronomy, pathology and product chemistry. It is essential reading for students, researchers and horticulturists.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        June 2006

        WTO Negotiations and Agricultural Trade Liberalization

        The Effect of Developed Countries' Policies on Developing Countries

        by Edited by Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla, Soren E Frandsen, Sherman Robinson

        The purpose of this book is to analyze the effects of developed countries' agricultural policies on developing countries. The main focus is on food security, poverty and other topics such as multifunctionality, biotechnology and regional agreements, as an input to policy reform within the World Trade Organization (WTO) trade negotiations. The book arises from a joint project between the Food and Resource Economics Institute in Denmark and the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington.

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