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      • Penerbit Republika

        Republika Penerbit is a Jakarta-based publishing company. We publish books with genres ranging from religious (Islamic books), nonfiction, biography, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, fantasy, picture books, to comics.  Some of our fiction has been adapted into films and there will be more to be filmed.

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      • Cassava Republic Press

        Cassava Republic Presswas founded with the aim of bringing high quality fiction and non-fiction for adults and children alike to a global audience.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Three steps to reduce blood pressure

        by Hong Zhu

        The World Health Organization predicts that chronic lifestyle diseases such as hypertension will become the number one killer of human health by about 2020. Zhu Hongzhu's "Three Steps to Reduce Blood Pressure" combines the experience and cases of professional doctors in treating hypertension for many years, focusing on the problem of lowering blood pressure and stabilizing pressure that hypertension patients are most concerned about, using easy-to-understand language, to provide you with practical and effective methods, so that you can understand and use them easily.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2021

        The War on the Uyghurs

        by Sean R. Roberts, Ben Emmerson

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2014

        Hunan-Birthplace Army History

        by Wang Dun

        This book is a breakthrough composition about Xiang Army history. The book, taking Xiang Army history as its core, gives a comprehensive analysis to the Xiang Army: from construction, expansion, to decline. Starting from the repression of peasant uprising in early stage to suppression of border unrest and to anti-aggression war in its later stage, the book affirms Xiang Army’s important historical positions. Furthermore, the well-knit structure, clear thread, comprehensive contents and accurate historical materials are also highlights of the book.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2021

        Outcasts: Punished by Space

        by Tamara Vronska, Olena Stiazhkina

        Minusnyky (outcasts) are a verbal and social creation of the Soviet state, which, through repression, discrimination and control, created communities of "friends" and "foes", branding the latter with punitive methods and forming a specific language to denote them. The book talks about a special category of citizens of the "Soviet country" who were recognized as "socially dangerous" and punished by a ban on settling in a number of areas of the USSR after forced "removal" from their places of permanent residence, as well as serving time in the Gulag system. The researchers analyze the process of constructing the Bolshevik concept of the geographical isolation of the "disloyal" and determine the logic of creating the Soviet space as a space of prohibitions. The regularity of the Soviet territories is analyzed not only as a manifestation of Stalin's repressive policy but also as an organic part of the functioning of the totalitarian mechanism which picked up momentum when the Bolsheviks seized power.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 1984

        La casa de Bernarda Alba

        by Federico García Lorca

        by H. Ramsden

        Completed only two months before the author's execution in Granada at the age of thirty-eight, La casa de Bernarda Alba marks the completion of Lorca's 'trilogia de la tierra española' and is commonly held to be his greatest play. The theme of vitality and repression that runs as a leitmotif through his writings takes on a clearer social dimension in the 'drama de mujeres en los pueblos de España', with the presentation of a household of five unmarried daughters tyrannised by their mother's excessive concern with social class and obscurantist village morality. ;

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        June 2006

        Kontrolle und Repression

        Individuelle Erfahrungen in der DDR 1971–1989. Historische Studie und methodologischer Beitrag zur Oral History

        by Bauer, Babett

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        My Grandfather Was the Best Dancer

        by Kateryna Babkina

        “My Grandfather Was the Best Dancer” is a series of short stories following the family histories of five protagonists who met on their first day of school in the first year of Ukraine’s independence and became lifelong friends. These family histories take the reader through the events of the 1920s in Kharkiv, the repression of the Les Kurbas Theater during the Great Terror, the Holodomor (the man-made genocidal famine of 1932–33), World War II, the 1990s, several waves of emigration and the war in Donbas. First and foremost, this is a book about accepting the past. It describes how events and circumstances affect us, whether consciously or unconsciously. It addresses continuity and ties between generations, yearning for love and acceptance, and loneliness as the product of or reason behind our choices. It deals with losses both conscious and unconscious, justified and pointless. Most importantly, it stresses that no matter how lonely, outcast or broken you feel, you can survive and live because, notwithstanding, there is always a chance to attain happiness at last.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1983

        Protest und Repression im Vormärz

        Norddeutschland zwischen Restauration und Revolution

        by Husung, Hans-Gerhard

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1977

        Studentische Emanzipation und staatliche Repression

        Die politische Bewegung der Tübinger Studenten im Vormärz, insbesondere von 1825 bis 1837

        by Müth, Reinhard

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        A savage song

        Racist violence and armed resistance in the early twentieth-century U.S.–Mexico Borderlands

        by Margarita Aragon

        This book examines key moments in which collective and state violence invigorated racialized social boundaries around Mexican and African Americans in the United States, and in which they violently contested them. Bringing anti-Mexican violence into a common analytical framework with anti-black violence, A savage song examines several focal points in this oft-ignored history, including the 1915 rebellion of ethnic Mexicans in South Texas, and its brutal repression by the Texas Rangers and the 1917 mutiny of black soldiers of the 24th Infantry Regiment in Houston, Texas, in response to police brutality. Aragon considers both the continuities and stark contrasts across these different moments: how were racialized constructions of masculinity differently employed? How did African and Mexican American men, including those in uniform, respond to the violence of racism? And how was their resistance, including their claims to manhood and nation, understood by law enforcement, politicians, and the press? Building on extensive archival research, the book examines how African and Mexican American men have been constructed as 'racial problems', investigating, in particular, their relationship with law enforcement and ideas about black and Mexican criminality.

      • Trusted Partner

        Where is Russia Heading?

        by Jens Siegert

        Vladimir Putin has been ruling Russia for 25 years. There is no end in sight to his dictatorship. He relies on repression at home and is waging a war of destruction against a neighbouring country. The conflict with the West has long become a systemic conflict between an illiberal-autocratic ideology and liberal-democratic principles. Nothing will change as long as Putin remains in power. Nevertheless, as far as can be ascertained under unfree conditions, the majority of the population seems to be supporting Putin. Does this mean that too many people in Russia do not want democracy or peace? Will everything remain the same after Putin? Or is there a chance that Russia will eventually take a different, more democratic path? Whatever the outcome of the war in Ukraine, Russia is not going to disappear. We will still have to deal with our big neighbour in the east. This makes it all the more important to focus on longer-term developments. As a recognised expert on Russian history and society, the author outlines what the post-Putin era might look like. His in-depth analysis makes it clear that Russia is partly Putin, but Putin is not everything about Russia.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Food & beverage technology
        August 2010

        Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Fruits and Vegetables

        by A Keith Thompson

        The use of controlled atmosphere storage has great potential to reduce the postharvest use of chemicals, maintain the nutritional quality of fruits and vegetables and reduce physical losses. This revised edition incorporates the latest research to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the range of conditions currently in use, their effect on flavour, quality and physiology, the influence of pests and diseases, environmental factors and packaging as well as a synthesis of recommendations for each fruit and vegetable.

      • Trusted Partner
        Pest control
        February 2008

        Areawide Pest Management

        Theory and Implementation

        by Edited by Opender Koul, Gerrit W Cuperus, Norman Elliot

        Pest management has long been a problem for farmers worldwide and new techniques are continually being developed to reduce the adverse effects of pest populations. The use of areawide pest management has increased dramatically over the past decade and offers potential advantages to traditional and more localized approaches. Suppression over a broad area can reduce re-infestation of previously treated areas and the specific pest management techniques may be more effective when applied over larger areas. Providing the first comprehensive discussion of areawide pest management, this book will explore the theoretical development and implementation of techniques from a worldwide perspective. Areas covered include history and development, biological and ecological impacts and recent case studies of pest management programmes.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2025


        Der Anteil des Rechts an der Entstehung der Weltgesellschaft

        by Hauke Brunkhorst

        Seit der Päpstlichen Revolution des 11. Jahrhunderts waren alle Revolutionen solche des Rechts. Ein ums andre Mal brachten sie eine neue Verfassung und ein neues Recht hervor und veränderten die Gesellschaft im Ganzen. Dabei verbesserten sie die Anpassungsleistung der Gesellschaft und etablierten jeweils neue und erweiterte Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen. An zahllosen Beispielen zeigt sich dabei die tiefe Ambivalenz des Rechts: es dient der Stabilisierung von Herrschaft, kann aber auch gegen sie zurückschlagen. Welche Bedeutung dieser zugleich repressive und emanzipatorische Charakter der Rechtsrevolutionen für die Entstehung der modernen Gesellschaft sowie für deren Entwicklung zur heutigen Weltgesellschaft hat, zeigt dieses Buch.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1996

        Wie im Kriege also auch im Frieden

        by Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Wilfried Böhringer

        In seinen frühen Erzählungen entfaltet Cabrera Infante ein Kaleidoskop der kubanischen Gesellschaft zur Zeit des Batista-Regimes: vierzehn anrührende bis abstruse Szenarios von Alltag unter den Bedingungen der Diktatur. Fünfzehn Textvignetten umrahmen die Erzählungen: Schlaglichter auf die repressive Gewalt des Batista-Regimes, schlichte und gerade deshalb so bewegende Nachrufe auf die Opfer, Ihr lakonischer Stil nimmt vorweg, was in »Ansicht der Tropen im Morgengrauen« zum bestimmenden Merkmal wird, währen in den Erzählungen selbst bereits gegenwärtig ist, was den Autor mit dem Roman »Drei traurige Tiger« in die erste Riege der lateinamerikanischen Schriftsteller vorrücken ließ: seine virtuose Beherrschung aller Sprachregister.

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