Hunan-Birthplace Army History
by Wang Dun
This book is a breakthrough composition about Xiang Army history. The book, taking Xiang Army history as its core, gives a comprehensive analysis to the Xiang Army: from construction, expansion, to decline. Starting from the repression of peasant uprising in early stage to suppression of border unrest and to anti-aggression war in its later stage, the book affirms Xiang Army’s important historical positions. Furthermore, the well-knit structure, clear thread, comprehensive contents and accurate historical materials are also highlights of the book.
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Hunan Yuelu Publishing House
Publishing ancient books, sorting local documents, publishing academic monographs.
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- Publisher Hunan Yuelu Publishing House Co., Ltd.
- Publication Date January 2014
- Orginal LanguageChinese simplified
- ISBN/Identifier 9787553802459
- Publication Country or regionChina
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 48 CNY
- Pages524
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language Title湘军史
- Original Language Authors王盾
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