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      • Somewhere Else Entertainment

        Somewhere Else Entertainment manages Huai Guan's story IPs, and develops screenplays and bibles for TV series and films. Huai Guan was born in a small town in southern Taiwan, and spent her childhood years among books. Cao Xueqin’s Story of the Stone and George R. R. Martin’s A Song for Lya  ignited her love for fantasy writing, which no amount of travel or pressure – including a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago – could ever subdue.

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      • Atlantyca Entertainment S.p.A.

        Atlantyca Entertainment develops properties for children’s publishing, animation and consumer products licensing. We handle over 8.000 translation and publishing contracts with renowned publishers worldwide. Our offices are in Milan and Beijing.

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        Tourism industry
        October 2009

        Entertainment Industry

        An Introduction

        by Edited by Stuart Moss.

        Entertainment studies are an important emerging subject in tourism, and this introductory textbook provides a detailed overview of the entertainment industry discipline in order to prepare students for roles such as promoters, festival managers and technical support workers. Covering key aspects of entertainment by profiling individual sectors, each chapter is written by an expert working in the field and covers the history and background, products and segmentation, contemporary issues, micro and macro business, environmental influences, detailed case studies and future directions of that sector. It will be an essential text for undergraduate students in entertainment management, events management and related tourism subjects.

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        March 2022

        Lin Handa Chinese History Stories (Comic version)·The Spring and Autumn Period

        by Lin Handa

        The comic illustrated series of “Lin Handa Chinese History Stories” is the original unabridged comic illustrated version of “Lin Handa Chinese History Stories”. There are five sets, divided into: the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period, Western Han, Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms. This set of 8 volumes has 1 knowledge booklet, suitable for children from the third grade and above. Author Lin Handa is a famous educator and linguist. He has edited the “Lin Handa Chinese History Stories” and this series sell best for more than 50 years. This is a classic book of Chinese history for children.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Popular imperialism and the military, 1850-1950

        by John M. MacKenzie

        Colonial war played a vital part in transforming the reputation of the military and placing it on a standing equal to that of the navy. The book is concerned with the interactive culture of colonial warfare, with the representation of the military in popular media at home, and how these images affected attitudes towards war itself and wider intellectual and institutional forces. It sets out to relate the changing image of the military to these fundamental facts. For the dominant people they were an atavistic form of war, shorn of guilt by Social Darwinian and racial ideas, and rendered less dangerous by the increasing technological gap between Europe and the world. Attempts to justify and understand war were naturally important to dominant people, for the extension of imperial power was seldom a peaceful process. The entertainment value of war in the British imperial experience does seem to have taken new and more intensive forms from roughly the middle of the nineteenth century. Themes such as the delusive seduction of martial music, the sketch of the music hall song, powerful mythic texts of popular imperialism, and heroic myths of empire are discussed extensively. The first important British war correspondent was William Howard Russell (1820-1907) of The Times, in the Crimea. The 1870s saw a dramatic change in the representation of the officer in British battle painting. Up to that point it was the officer's courage, tactical wisdom and social prestige that were put on display.

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        A Civil Code Comic Book that Children Can Understand

        by Du Zili, Du Chang'en

        This book presents a selection of articles in the Civil Code that are relevant to teenagers, and it explains the Civil Code in a question-and-answer format through comic and specific cases. The combination of fun and knowledge in the format prevents readers from becoming intimidated by the legal language. Each case is closely related to social hot topics, and each issue is professionally explained by legal scholars to provide legal countermeasures, which not only facilitates teenagers' learning and understanding, but also makes it easy for them to apply their knowledge to solve legal problems in their lives. Through the youth-friendly ways to promote legal education, to help them better understand and use the law as a tool.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2022

        Comic Spenser

        by Victoria Coldham-Fussell, Joshua Samuel Reid

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2022

        Comic empires

        Imperialism in cartoons, caricature, and satirical art

        by Richard Scully, Alan Lester, Andrekos Varnava

        Comic empires is a unique collection of new research exploring the relationship between imperialism and political cartoons, caricature, and satirical art. Edited by leading scholars across both fields (and with contributions from contexts as diverse as Egypt, Australia, the United States, and China, as well as Europe) the volume provides new perspectives on well-known events, and illuminates little-known players in the 'great game' of empire in modern times. Some of the finest comic art of the period is deployed as evidence, and examined seriously, in its own right, for the first time. Accessible to students of history at all levels, Comic empires is a major addition to the world-leading 'Studies in Imperialism' series, as well as standing alone as an innovative and significant contribution to the ever-growing international field of comics studies.

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        June 2024

        KoboldKroniken. Dein Comic-Zeichenbuch

        by Daniel Bleckmann, Thomas Hussung

        Zeichne deinen eigenen Kobold-Comic! Dieses interaktive Comic-Zeichenbuch ist eine koboldkoole Kombination aus Kobold-Comic und Zeichenbuch. Hier lernst du, deine Lieblingsfiguren aus den KoboldKroniken zu zeichnen und in eine spannende Geschichte einzubauen. So entsteht ganz easy dein eigener Comic mit einer coolen Story. Zusätzlich bekommst du einen Kreaturen-Zeichenkurs, bei dem du Schritt für Schritt die wichtigsten Zeichen-Basics lernst. Ein absolutes Muss für kreative Comic-Leser*innen und alle Fans von Dario, Lennard, Clara-mit-C und Rumpel! Die ultimative Koboldwelt Cooles Konzept: Eine durchgängige Story in Form eines witzigen Comics, kombiniert mit einem interaktiv zu befüllenden Zeichenbuch. Kurzer Text: Der Comic und die interaktive Einbindung sind ideal für Kinder ab 9 Jahren, die nicht so viel lesen möchten oder können. Ganz easy: Mit einfachen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen die Lieblingsfiguren aus den KoboldKroniken nachzeichnen. Geniale Optik: Monstermäßig illustriert von Thomas Hussung („Das Kleine Böse Buch“). Große Koboldwelt: Zu den KoboldKroniken gibt es viele tolle Produkte wie Beschäftigungsbücher, Escape-Abenteuer, Spiele und eine coole App. Die KoboldKroniken sind lässige Bücher mit coolen Illus, wenig Text und einer genialen App für Kinder ab 9 Jahren. Die Geschichten sind in Tagebuchform geschrieben und superleicht zu lesen. Sie verbinden die Elemente Freundschaft, Gaming und Schule mit Monstern und Fantasywelten. Für alle Fans dieser interaktiven Buchreihe gibt es ein gigantisches Kobold-Universum mit Hörbüchern, Rätseln, Puzzles, Quest-Büchern und vielem mehr.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2018

        Five Elizabethan progress entertainments

        by Leah Scragg, Paul Edmondson

        Designed to introduce the student or general reader to a largely unfamiliar area of Elizabethan theatrical activity, Five Elizabethan progress entertainments focuses on a group of entertainments mounted for the monarch in the closing years of her reign. Richly annotated, and prefaced by a substantial introduction, the texts enable an understanding of the motives underlying not only the progress itself, but the choice of locations the monarch elected to visit and the personal and political preoccupations of those with whom she determined to stay. Selected for their diversity, the entertainments exhibit the tensions underlying some royal visits, the lavish expenditure entailed for the monarch's hosts and the overlap in terms of both material and authorship between the progress entertainments and the more widely studied products of the sixteenth-century stage.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2021

        Five Elizabethan progress entertainments

        by Leah Scragg

        Designed to introduce the student or general reader to a largely unfamiliar area of Elizabethan theatrical activity, Five Elizabethan progress entertainments focuses on a group of entertainments mounted for the monarch in the closing years of her reign. Richly annotated, and prefaced by a substantial introduction, the texts enable an understanding of the motives underlying not only the progress itself, but the choice of locations the monarch elected to visit and the personal and political preoccupations of those with whom she determined to stay. Selected for their diversity, the entertainments exhibit the tensions underlying some royal visits, the lavish expenditure entailed for the monarch's hosts and the overlap in terms of both material and authorship between the progress entertainments and the more widely studied products of the sixteenth-century stage.

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        June 2015

        Dream Amusement Park

        Parent-Child Stories

        by Zhen Guoguo

        Imaginary plots and humorous dialogue enable children to think about the meaning of dreams. The work includes a group of little characters in an amusement park. They have their own small dreams, which make them happy and joyful. Only the park manager’s steps can make them quiet again.

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        August 2024

        Animox als Comic-Roman 2. Das Auge der Schlange

        Aufregende Leseabenteuer mit Oetinger SPLASH

        by Aimée Carter, Malou Großklaus

        Animox Band 2 als packender Comic-Roman Simon ist ein Animox – ein Mensch, der sich in Tiere verwandeln kann. Er gerät mitten in den Kampf der Tierreiche. Zusammen mit seinen Freunden begibt er sich auf die gefährliche Suche nach den verschollenen Teilen der Waffe des legendären Bestienkönigs. Die Suche führt Simon mitten hinein in eine unheimliche Schlangengrube. Dort gelingt es ihm, das gesuchte Stück der Waffe zu bergen. Doch damit ist das Abenteuer noch lange nicht zu Ende... Die Erfolgsreihe „Animox” ist ein packendes Fantasy-Abenteuer rund um Tierwandler und Magie. Den zweiten Band der Bestseller-Reihe von Aimèe Carter gibt es jetzt als genialen Comic-Roman für Kinder ab 8 Jahren mit vielen coolen Comic-Elementen. Durch die leicht gekürzten Texten und die einfache Sprache eignet sich die Comic-Geschichte auch hervorragend für leseschwächere Kinder, die in die fantastische Welt von Animox eintauchen möchten. Animox. Das Auge der Schlange: Die Bestseller-Reihe für Einsteiger Ein Muss für jüngere Animox-Fans: Band 2 der spannenden Fantasy-Reihe als einzigartiger Comic für Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Comic trifft Roman: Die geniale Kombination aus Text und Comic-Elementen macht das Lesen zum Vergnügen. Zielgruppengerecht: Einfach, unterhaltsam und leicht verständlich erzählt für Leseanfänger*innen und leseungeübte Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Faszination Animox: Der ideale Einstieg in die Bestseller-Reihe von Aimèe Carter für junge Animox-Fans und alle, die es werden wollen. In diesem Comic-Roman werden die spannenden Geschichten rund um die Animox auf geniale Weise zum Leben erweckt. Die perfekte Mischung aus kurzen Texten und faszinierenden Comic-Elementen macht die fantastische Welt der Tierwandler für kleine Lesemuffel ganz einfach zugänglich. Der perfekte Einstieg in die Bestseller-Reihe!

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