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Cultural Relics Press
Cultural Relics Press was established in 1957, and is the only press dedicated to publishing archeology related books. It is committed to salvaging and protecting China’s cultural heritage and publicizing the content and artistic charm of traditional Chinese culture. Over the past 60 years, it has published about 7000 kinds of books on culture and archeology”. Its publications on traditional Chinese culture are well received across the world. It is the first press to engage in cultural exchange abroad and cooperate with counterparts in Europe, the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan. It has collaborated with partners in UK, USA, Italy, Japan, former Yugoslavia, Taiwan. More than 300 awards has been received at home and abroad, including, among others, National Book Award, China Book Award, and “Most Beautiful Books in the World” (Leipzig).
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Un mar de peces
by por la Dra. Bella Galil
Un mar de peces: Una guía culinaria sobre pescados y mariscos del Mediterraneo - por la Dra. Bella Galil. Esta guía culinaria combina anécdotas históricas, consejos de cocina y una descripción concisa con una información biológica básica sobre las especies mediterraneas más populares. Cada plato viene acompañado por una ilustración científicamente exacta con sus nombres en las diferentes lenguas mediterraneas. La Dra. Bella Galil es una bióloga marina en el Instituto Nacional de Oceanografía. Ha estado investigando la vida marina en el Mediterraneo durante unos 20 años. En sus viajes ha reunido una selección de recetas provenientes de pescadores y colegas que ha probado en su propia cocina.
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Dolce Vita
by Gaio Sciloni
Dolce Vita: Cocina regional italiana por Gaio Sciloni Una guía que combina singularmente la cocina regional italiana con un itinerario de viaje. Escrita por un nativo que es un verdadero conocedor de la cultura italiana. Dolce Vita no es un libro común de recetas sino mas bien un recorrido sistemático por las regiones de Italia de norte a sur. Cada región está caracterizada por su paisaje, tradiciones, folklore y por lo más importante, su micro-cultura culinaria. El autor, Gaio Sciloni, es un famoso escritor italiano que le ha proporcionado al lector israelí excelentes traducciones de literatura italiana y viceversa.
GeographyMay 2020
Geografía Gastronómica Venezolana: Edición Especial Siglo XXI
Con recetas de 49 excelentes chefs venezolanos en la diáspora.
by Ramón David León Author: Ramón David León; Daniel León; Editor; Julio León, Editor
This book first came out in 1954 and it’s considered one of the pioneers in trying to paint a picture of our cuisine. The second volume boasts the other 63, and 49 remaining recipes, prepared by several Venezuelan chefs that are in exile. It wasn’t possible to write down the recipes for all biographies, since some include entries about the tabaco del guácharo, coffee, white rum, and pollo cañero (a type of toad eaten in the Orinoco Delta), among others. The new edition of Geografía gastronómica venezolana also includes a photographic journey with panoramic images from emblematic Venezuelan locations.
Literature: history & criticismFebruary 2023
Comerse a Venezuela, en 14 platos nacionales
by Ramón David León / Daniel León / Julio León
"Comerse a Venezuela, en 14 platos nacionales", es una selección de 14 biografías culinarias incluidas en la obra original: "Geografía Gastronómica Venezolana", publicada en 1954. La nueva edición: "Geografía de Venezuela: Una experiencia culinaria - Siglo XXI- Limitada Edition", desde su publicación en marzo de 2019, ha sido distinguida en siete categorías por los Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, durante los años 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, y 2023.
Food & DrinkSeptember 2020
Envoltorios colombianos (cocina en hojas)
Técnicas profesionales de cocina
by Carlos Gaviria Arbeláez
“In Colombia, the art of cooking with leaves is a legacy of our indigenous cuisine, this means that, since before the arrival of the Spaniards, the aboriginal women cook was already taking advantage of a great variety of leaves and with them, she prepared different recipes, many of them which during the colonial years were intervened by Spanish and African cooks, and thus contributed to the miscegenation and the enrichment of our current cuisine” (taken from the prologue, written by Julián Estrada Ochoa). Please get rid of the myth that cooking corn, grinding and wrapping is expensive, requires field, needs many people, or that it is Christmas. This book allows you to get a friendly approach to these preparations and that, together with the arepas, let's start cooking our dough with identity and pride.
Cookery by ingredientSeptember 2022
Tutti frutti
Tecniche e ricette per confetture, marmellate, composte, gelatine e canditi artigianali secondo tradizione italiana
by Francesca Maggio, Marco Arduino
Thanks to this book you will learn how to prepare excellent jams, marmalades, compotes, jar jellies and candied fruits using very few ingredients: fruit, sugar, lemon juice, flavourings, spices and... nothing else! Through these 80 recipes, you will rediscover the traditions of the best Italian home cooking, made of genuine ingredients, natural cooking and conservation methods. Because, today, innovating doesn't mean so much inventing new things as finding the products, gestures and simplicity of our country's rich culinary tradition in your own home. Delicious reading!
Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)August 2018
Cuentos TRANS
by Inma Chacón, Fermina Ponce, Germán Padinger, Margarita García Gallardo, Antonio J. Quesada, Sharon E. Smith, Carlos A. Colla, Miquel Bota
Is TRANS an adjective? Is TRANS- a prefix? What is TRANS? What does it mean? Each reader can ask this question from very different perspectives, depending on the moment in time and life trajectory. So you can simultaneously enjoy all the amazing stories in this collection, and playfully challenge your reading preconceptions. TRANS Stories brings together eight narrative voices from different backgrounds, which offer unique approaches to the term “trans”. Some of the inhabitants of this transliterary journey are: a lonely being who celebrates a (happy) birthday; a mother and a daughter who face the coldness of an operating room; a journalist who lives in space, in a colony on Earth; a young civil servant who is confused by the night; a cook and an artist who decide to revolutionize the world of the senses; the wife of an entomologist ready to solve a mystery; a Kabbalist who undergoes a transformation after an outbreak of (ir)reality; and the male models of a painter who are discovered through a game of identities. The characters and voices in these stories are part of a transitory and transcribed space in which nothing, and everything, is what it seems, and in which everything, and nothing, becomes transgressive. These eight stories make TRANS something transfigurative.
Food & DrinkOctober 2016
Técnicas profesionales de cocina colombiana
by Carlos Gaviria Arbeláez
This book is a special academic contribution of its kind. It shows a meticulous analysis of national culinary techniques (Colombian), which make it a permanent reference text for students, teachers, professionals, and for anyone who wants to immerse themselves and understand our gastronomy in a clear and orderly way.
Food & DrinkApril 2019
Arepas colombianas: técnicas profesionales de cocina
by Carlos Gaviria Arbeláez
Sweet, salty or with a neutral flavor, arepas, an essential food in the diet of Colombians, are the protagonists in this book, which compiles the preparation techniques of 60 different types of arepas. From a dough that is assembled in different ways, either freehand, with a cutter, stuffed with double dough, stuffed with double arepa, cooked on the grill, slabs, pots, ovens or fried, the arepas that are prepared in the different areas of the country are arracacha, rice, corn, fermented corn, peeled and threshed corn; yam, potato, banana, wheat and cassava. Round in shape and variable in size, arepas, too, vary according to the secondary ingredients that are added, such as milk, butter, cheese, pork fat, egg, meat or pea. Easy to prepare, hot or cold, arepas are delicious at any time of the day; with coffee or chocolate, they always go well.
Made in Italy
treasures, ingredients and traditional recipes
by Marino Marini
A book dedicated to all that is typical of Italian gastronomy, with particular attention given to the concept of excellence: Italian delicacies, places and flavours, and above all, 150 of the best traditional recipes. The book is grouped into 10 geographic areas: for each, we present the most representative dishes, the best typical products and producers of excellence, as well as a selection of eateries and restaurants, which are often outside the “official” circuit but always characterized by great quality. A masterpiece that is a must-have for the bookcase of every gourmand, tourist and simple food-enthusiasts.
GeographyOctober 2020
Geografía Gastronómica Venezolana; Edición Especial Siglo XXI
Con recetas de 79 excelentes chefs venezolanos
by Ramón David León, Author; Daniel León, Editor; Julio León, Editor
New edition of the history classic and culinary book, which was written by Ramón David León in 1954, whose original title is: “Gastronomic Geography of Venezuela”, by adapting it to the twenty-first century. The third volume, which gathers the original work of the 93 biographies with their 79 illustrated recipes, is still under development and is expected to be published in July 2020. This volume will also include five Venezuelan songs on MP3 format, from several Venezuelan musicians, and 60 panoramic 360º photographs.
Food & DrinkApril 2023
Liguria in Cucina - The flavours of Liguria
Ricette della tradizione Traditional recipes
by Enrica Monzani
“As happens all over the world, the nature of a place, its history, its culture and the character of those who live there are all revealed at the dining table. So how can we define the Ligurian kitchen? It is multifaceted, colourful and above all full of contrasts, because Liguria is itself like this: made of high mountains that fall steeply to the coast, of sea and woodland, different in the East and the West, of seafaring and peasant culture but also mercantile and cosmopolitan, shy and reserved, yet open to the world.” This book is an act of love for the flavours, terroir and history of Liguria; a culinary journey through a region where everything is used, and where past and present, simplicity and creativity all have influence in the kitchen. Enrica Monzani shares the tastes and aromas of home, the land that Ligurian sailors longed for while on their long voyages at sea.
Medicina en tu cocina
Cómo los alimentos benefician al sistema inmune
by Susan Bueno y Claudia Riedel
El sistema inmune está compuesto por células y tejidos cuya principal función es defendernos de elementos potencialmente dañinos para nuestra salud, protegiendo y respetando nuestros propios tejidos. Lo que comemos tiene un efecto directo en el funcionamiento de nuestras defensas, por lo que la correcta elección de los alimentos es fundamental para la salud del sistema inmune. Medicina en tu cocina: cómo los alimentos benefician al sistema inmune entrega información sobre cómo algunos alimentos benefician o perjudican el funcionamiento del sistema inmune. Conocer aquellos alimentos que son más beneficiosos y aquellos que pueden perjudicar nuestras defensas nos ayuda a elegir una dieta que mejore nuestra calidad de vida y la de nuestros seres queridos. Los alimentos que más benefician al sistema inmune nos ayudan a vivir de manera más saludable y… ¡son deliciosos! "El buen funcionamiento de nuestro sistema inmune no es infalible y esto queda evidenciado por el creciente número, a nivel mundial, de enfermedades asociadas al sistema inmune. Entre estas afecciones se encuentran las enfermedades autoinmunes, inflamatorias, los tumores y las alergias. Por este motivo, en este libro aprenderemos sobre el efecto de la alimentación en el correcto funcionamiento del sistema inmune".
Unico grande amore
A trip through Italy thanks to football
by Toni Padilla
This trip through Italy is not intended to arrive as soon as possible. The guide is Toni Padilla, who, accompanied by a ball, and based on themes such as death, music, cheese or stickers, is impregnated with the country's double soul. Here are the majestic Italy and the Italy massacred by prejudices, lying on this journey from north to south and from east to west. The raw material of the stories, which are only on the author's radar, are the walks through the homeland of Benito Mussolini, Rafaella Carrà or Francesco Totti. Its pages are a map where memories are celebrated and goals are savored. Written with detailed prose and a leisurely gaze, they seem from another era, now that we don't have time for everything. But calcium is in no rush to get off this train.
Food & DrinkOctober 2022
The Heart of Cocoa
500 Years of Chocolate History
by Napoleone Neri
The temptation par excellence, that craving that suddenly arises and we cannot fight it unless we satisfy it: the desire for chocolate. Perhaps it is because of this power that it is called the most loved food on the planet. Or perhaps it is because its cultivation, production and consumption - which has been growing strongly in the last 10 years - are spread across all continents. Napoleon Neri tells its story, starting with the plant and its fruit, from the pioneers of chocolate, to the birth of confectionery factories in the 19th century and then the great modern industries. He describes in detail the processing and transformation of cocoa beans, their beneficial properties, the sensory characteristics of the finished product, and spices everything up with a thousand anecdotes and curiosities that only those who have lived and worked in this world for so long can know.