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Editora do Brasil
Founded in 1943, Editora do Brasil has a wonderful history of commitment to culture and education. As a solid and experienced publisher, we are increasingly connected to the new times. One of the largest Brazilian companies in the segment, we believe in strengthening education and culture nationally and abroad. With a diverse and award-winning catalog, Editora do Brasil is always seeking to stay current and offer the best material. Our books feature a variety of themes by some of the best authors and designers, some of whom are internationally renowned.
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Promoted ContentGeography & the EnvironmentJune 2024
Gendered urban violence among Brazilians
Painful truths from Rio de Janeiro and London
by Cathy McIlwaine, Paul Heritage, Miriam Krenzinger Azambuja, Moniza Rizzini Ansari, Eliana Sousa Silva, Yara Evans
This book aims to examine the nature of and resistance to gendered urban violence among Brazilian women in London and in the favelas of Maré, Rio de Janeiro. Drawing on the conceptualisation of translocational gendered urban violence framework, it highlights the importance of examining direct forms of gender-based violence across private, public and transnational spheres as interlinked with structural, symbolic and infrastructural violence. The book also explores the embodied and spatialised nature of gendered urban violence, explored through artistic engagements and arts-based methods. In developing a translocational feminist tracing methodological and epistemological approach across the social sciences and the arts, the book argues for the importance of a collaborative approach among academic, civil society organisations, artists and creative researchers with a view to engendering empathetic transformation to address gendered urban violence in the long-term.
Promoted ContentThe ArtsJanuary 2019
Popular cinema in Brazil, 1930–2001
by Stephanie Dennison, Lisa Shaw
Brazil has one of the most significant and productive film industries in Latin America. This ground-breaking study provides an entertaining insight into the Brazilian films that have most captured the imagination of domestic audiences over the years. The recent international success of films such as Central Station and City of God, has stimulated widespread interest in Brazilian film, but studies written in English focus on the 'auteur' cinema of the 1960s. This book focuses on individual films in their socio-historical context, drawing on extensive fieldwork in Brazil and Latin America. It argues that Brazilian cinema has almost always been grounded in intrinsically home-grown cultural forms, dating back to the nineteenth century, such as the Brazilian music-hall, the travelling circus, radio shows, carnival, and, later, comedy television. Combining a chronological structure with groundbreaking research and a lively approach, Popular cinema in Brazil is the ideal introduction to Brazilian cinema.
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- Basics Techniques
by Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral
Jiu-Jitsu, literally meaning "the gentle art," is a popular form of self-defense that does not necessarily rely on physical strength and power. Seven-time World Champion Fabio Gurgel presents us with a comprehensive two-volume series that brings simplicity to the complex movements of this Martial Art, as he reveals the secrets of Jiu-Jitsu step by step. The book, titled BJJ BASICS, is fully illustrated and simplify the technical expressions of the art form to allow any student to learn and improve. Originally, Jiu-Jitsu was developed for the Samurai, ancient warriors who had little or no armor to defend themselves against a more powerful and well-armed enemy. As such, Jiu-Jitsu is the father of Japanese Martial Arts, including Judo and Aikido, and it has influenced Karate and other styles of Martial Arts. It utilizes techniques of strikes, holds, locks, throws, and evasions. Mentally, Jiu-Jitsu teaches self-confidence, improves self-esteem, relieves stress, and increases the ability to focus. Jiu-Jitsu utilizes physics and science through leverage and knowledge of human anatomy to overcome any attacker, with as little effort and physical strength as possible. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu differs from traditional Jiu-Jitsu in that it was developed in a different environment and area as a response to different needs. This caused the development of additional techniques that are more relevant to ground fighting and some relevant needs for dealing with violence in modern day life. Today, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is famous for its excellent ground fighting, high-level competitions, and competitors, as well as for its tactical thinking and maneuvers. Seven-time World Champion Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral began practicing Jiu-Jitsu at the age of 13 and received his black belt at the age of 19. Along with his master, Romero Jacaré, he is the co-founder of the two-time World Champion Alliance Team with 40 academies around the world – from Venezuela to New York, from Finland to Germany. Gurgel continues to teach at his own academy in São Paulo and gives seminars throughout the world. He is president of the Professional League of Jiu-Jitsu. A North American English-language edition was published in February 2007. A Czech edition was published in Fall 2009. 152 pages; 16.5 x 24 cm.
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BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU - Advanced Techniques
Advanced Techniques
by Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral
Jiu-Jitsu, literally meaning "the gentle art," is a popular form of self-defense that does not necessarily rely on physical strength and power. Seven-time World Champion Fabio Gurgel presents us with a comprehensive two-volume series that brings simplicity to the complex movements of this Martial Art, as he reveals the secrets of Jiu-Jitsu step by step. The book, titled ADVANCED BJJ, is fully illustrated and simplify the technical expressions of the art form to allow any student to learn and improve. Originally, Jiu-Jitsu was developed for the Samurai, ancient warriors who had little or no armor to defend themselves against a more powerful and well-armed enemy. As such, Jiu-Jitsu is the father of Japanese Martial Arts, including Judo and Aikido, and it has influenced Karate and other styles of Martial Arts. It utilizes techniques of strikes, holds, locks, throws, and evasions. Mentally, Jiu-Jitsu teaches self-confidence, improves self-esteem, relieves stress, and increases the ability to focus. Jiu-Jitsu utilizes physics and science through leverage and knowledge of human anatomy to overcome any attacker, with as little effort and physical strength as possible. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu differs from traditional Jiu-Jitsu in that it was developed in a different environment and area as a response to different needs. This caused the development of additional techniques that are more relevant to ground fighting and some relevant needs for dealing with violence in modern day life. Today, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is famous for its excellent ground fighting, high-level competitions, and competitors, as well as for its tactical thinking and maneuvers. Seven-time World Champion Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral began practicing Jiu-Jitsu at the age of 13 and received his black belt at the age of 19. Along with his master, Romero Jacaré, he is the co-founder of the two-time World Champion Alliance Team with 40 academies around the world – from Venezuela to New York, from Finland to Germany. Gurgel continues to teach at his own academy in São Paulo and gives seminars throughout the world. He is president of the Professional League of Jiu-Jitsu. A North American English-language edition was published in July 2007. A Czech edition was published in 2010. 142 pages; 16.5 x 24 cm.
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Political organization of Brazilian agribusinees
by Caio Pompeia
What is agriculture? In this essential book for understanding contemporary Brazil, Caio Pompeia scrutinizes the political intricacies of the self-proclaimed most important sector of the national economy. From the origins of the concept of agribusiness at Harvard University in the 1950s - soon used as a front for imperialist expansion by the United States - to the first years of the Jair Bolsonaro government, through to the internal disputes between entities that represent Brazilian agribusiness on and off the farms, the author explains in detail, naming the oxen, how agribusiness entered the state and imposed its agenda on the country, with successive attempts to run the tractor over agrarian reform, indigenous rights, environmental preservation and the will of the ballot box.
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The futures of Darcy Ribeiro
by Darcy Ribeiro
This book contains a careful selection of Darcy Ribeiro's writings, forming a panorama of his visions for the future. By going through the different phases of Darcy's thought, it is possible to understand the complexity of Brazilian social formation and glimpse ways to overcome chronic problems, which, in the author's words, would enable us to “flourish tomorrow as a new civilization, mestizo and tropical, proud of itself”. Returning today to the futures undertaken by Darcy between the 1960s and 1990s makes it possible to see what we could have been, helps us understand why we are still far from being so and reveals some of the reasons why we repeatedly turn a deaf ear to emancipatory projects.
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A History of the Original Brazilian Martial Art
by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)
Capoeira, an original Afro-Brazilian discipline, is not so easily defined due to its numerous facets, as a deadly martial art, an exotic dancing discipline, inspired by an ancient far-away culture. Nearly four hundred years of slave trade brought to Brazil an envyingly cultural heritage, composed of a continuous influx of different ethnic groups, which, concomitant with the different native, African and European regional expressions and its rich constant geopolitical changes, has produced a singular, colorful and vibrant multicultural and multiethnic society engaged in their new Brazilian identity. From the XVIII to the XIX century, the harsh conditions with which black slaves were treated led to increasing numbers of slave revolts in the Americas, where escaped slaves forming independent Maroon communities in French, Hispanic, British and the Netherlands Antilles, and the Quilombola communities in Brazil, organized fighting guerrilla wars against the plantation masters and owners, giving rise to campaigns against slavery in Europe and the abolition of slavery in the Americas. Capoeira became the result of Brazil’s own diasporic experience, a branch of a large tree which grew into a unique and complex social art that cannot be dissociated from its historical and anthropological perspectives. The Amazing History of Capoeira, written by expert Brazilian capoeira Mestre Ricardo Cachorro, unveils the Age of Exploration and the resulted Atlantic slave trade, unfolding African slavery in Europe as early as in the 15th century, much before black slaves were taken to the New World. The enchanting saga of the Akindele family from the beautiful Yoruba kingdom of Adágún L}wá will take you deeply into pre-colonial Africa and to the lands of newly explored Bahia de Todos os Santos in 1531, where the almost sacred history of capoeira began. From the new findings in Africa to the discoveries in Brazil, this captivating book navigates through the Feitorias and Capitanias – the sugarcane mills of the 17th century – the real and virtually unknown cradle of capoeira. It brings to surface beautiful historic and cultural aspects of the colonial periods with its arts, music and religion, the African melting pot which was formed from the blend of ancient African cultures and the new Afro-Brazilian rural and urban settings and, finally, the old and the modern founders of capoeira. The Amazing History of Capoeira is a delicious treat for all Capoeira's lovers, practitioners, and instructors who want to know more about this original Afro-Brazilian discipline, as well as students of history, anthropology, art, music, theatre, and related fields – all the way from the academic researcher to the curious history & culture lover. An English-language edition was published in fall 2012. 224 pages, 16.5X24 cm with full-color photographs& B/W illustrations. And if it also makes you desire to actually practice the art of capoeira in the roda, you will be most welcome then to read: UNKNOWN CAPOEIRA: Secret Techniques of the Original Brazilian Martial Art
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Jiu-Jitsu brésilien – Techniques de base et avancées
by Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral
Jiu-Jitsu brésilien – Techniques de base et avancées Par Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral Le jiu-jitsu, qui signifie littéralement « l’art doux », est une forme populaire d’autodéfense qui ne repose pas nécessairement sur la force physique et sur la puissance. Fabio Gurgel, sept fois champion du monde, nous présente une série complète en deux volumes (Techniques de base et Techniques avancées) qui introduit la simplicité dans les mouvements complexes de cet art martial, lorsqu’il nous révèle étape par étape les secrets du Jiu-Jitsu. Ces livres sont pleinement illustrés et simplifient les expressions techniques de la forme artistique, de façon à permettre à chaque étudiant d’apprendre et de s’améliorer. Au départ, le jiu-jitsu avait été développé pour les samurai, d’anciens guerriers qui n’avaient que peu d’armure, ou pas du tout, pour se défendre contre un ennemi plus puissant et mieux armé. Ainsi, le jiu-jitsu est le père des arts martiaux japonais, y compris le judo et l’aïkido, et il a influencé le karaté et d’autres styles d’arts martiaux. Il utilise des techniques de coups, de prises, de clés, de projections et d’esquives. Du point de vue mental, le jiu-jitsu enseigne la confiance en soi, accroît l’estime de soi-même, relâche le stress et augmente les facultés de concentration. Le jiu-jitsu emploie la physique et la science par les applications des moments et la connaissance de l’anatomie humaine pour venir à bout de tout agresseur en utilisant aussi peu d’effort et de force physique que possible. Le jiu-jitsu brésilien diffère du jiu-jitsu traditionnel par le fait qu’il a été développé dans un environnement et des lieux différents en réponse à des besoins différents. Cela a occasionné le développement de techniques supplémentaires qui correspondent mieux au combat sur le terrain et certaines nécessités appropriées pour affronter la violence dans la vie moderne. Aujourd’hui, le jiu-jitsu brésilien est réputé pour son excellent combat sur le terrain, le haut niveau de ses compétitions et de ses athlètes, ainsi que pour ses tactiques de pensée et de manœuvres. Sept fois champion du monde, Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral a commencé à pratiquer le jiu-jitsu à l’âge de 13 ans et a reçu sa ceinture noire à l’âge de 19 ans. Avec son maître, Romero Jacaré, il a fondé l’équipe Alliance Team, deux fois champion du monde, avec 40 académies à travers le monde – du Venezuela jusqu’à New York, et de la Finlande à l’Allemagne. Gurgel continue à enseigner dans sa propre académie à São Paulo et organise des séminaires à travers le monde. Il est le président de la Ligue Professionnelle du Jiu-jitsu. L'édition en anglais pour l'Amérique du Nord a été publiée en septembre 2008. L'édition tchèque a été publiée en septembre 2009. 176 pages ; 16.5 x 24 cm.
Trusted PartnerFertilizers & manuresFebruary 2006
Soil Biodiversity in Amazonian and Other Brazilian Ecosystems
by Edited by Fattima M S Moreira, Jose O Siqueira, Lijbert Brussaard
The loss of biological diversity has become an increased concern over recent years and is now enshrined in international conventions. Most biodiversity in fact occurs in the soil. Soil organisms (especially bacteria, fungi and soil invertebrates) play a major role in the formation of soil structure and are primary agents of decomposition and are drivers of nutrient cycling, and hence agricultural production.This book reviews soil biodiversity in one of the key biodiversity hotspots of the world, i.e. the Amazon and nearby regions of Brazil. It covers both the tropical savannah and rain forests . The work reported is based on a project "Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity", executed by TSBF-CIAT with co-financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implementation support from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The book represents a major contribution to the literature and will interest those in biodiversity conservation, soil scienceand ecology and biodiversity conservation.
Trusted PartnerFilm, TV & radioMay 2012
Screening songs in Hispanic and Lusophone cinema
by Edited by Lisa Shaw and Robert Stone
In this volume, eighteen experts from a variety of academic backgrounds explore the use of songs in films from the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking worlds. This volume illustrates how - rather than simply helping to tell the story of - songs in Hispanic and Lusophone cinema commonly upset the hierarchy of the visual over the aural, thereby rendering their hearing a complex and rich subject for analysis. Screening songs... constitutes a ground-breaking, interdisciplinary collection. Of particular interest to scholars and academics in the areas of Film Studies, Hispanic Studies, Lusophone Studies and Musicology, this volume opens up the study of Hispanic and Lusophone cinema to vital, new, critical approaches. The soundtracks of films as varied as City of God, All About My Mother, Bad Education and Buena Vista Social Club are analysed alongside those of lesser-known works that range from the melodramas of Mexican cinema's golden age to Brazilian and Portuguese musical comedies from the 1940s and 1950s. Fiction films are studied alongside documentaries, the work of established directors like Pedro Almodóvar, Carlos Saura and Nelson Pereira dos Santos alongside that of emerging filmmakers, and performances by iconic stars like Caetano Veloso and Chavela Vargas alongside the songs of Spanish Gypsy groups, Mexican folk songs and contemporary Brazilian rap.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YA
The Seven Lives of Jouralbo the Cat
by Allan Sieber (author)
The cute Jouralbo is an unlucky cat that lives many adventures, never losing the hope of finding a loving home. Thankfully, he has 7 lives! The first optimistic book from acclaimed Brazilian grumpy cartoonist Allan Sieber.
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsOctober 2013
Photography and documentary film in the making of modern Brazil
by Luciana Martins, Amelia Jones, Marsha Meskimmon
Photography and documentary film in the making of modern Brazil provides a major contribution to the field of visual culture through a study of still and moving images of Brazil in the first four decades of the twentieth century, when the camera played a key role in making Brazilian peoples and places visible to a variety of audiences. The book explores what is distinctive about the visual representation of Brazil in an era of modernisation, also attending to the significance of the different technical properties of film and photography for the writing of new histories of visual technologies. It offers new insights into the work of key writers, photographers, anthropologists and filmmakers, including Claude Lévi-Strauss, Mário de Andrade, Silvino Santos and Aloha Baker. Unearthing a wealth of materials from archives in the USA, Britain, and Brazil, the book seeks to contribute to the postcolonial theoretical project of pinpointing locally distinctive histories of visual technologies and practices. ;
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YAJuly 2021
Vielleicht Jetzt
by Carolin Wahl
Maybe Now (MAYBE Trilogy, Vol. 1) Gabriella, Joana and Karla share a flat. To finance their studies, they all work at a catering company. And the three not only realize their professional dreams, but also find the love of their lives. Gabrielle almost missed her plane in Brazil and now she sits next to this super rude guy. Great! She‘s flying to Munich to finally meet her biological father. Undercover, as she starts an internship in his catering company. On her first day in the kitchen, her instructor turns out to be, of all people, Anton. Her rude – or rather rudely handsome – seatmate from the plane! He not only lights a fire at the stove... Gabriella tries in vain to fight the sparks between them. Because Anton has clear rules when it comes to relationships at work. As hot as the Brazilian sun and as seductive as a perfect chocolate mousse! • Feel-good page turner for New Adults• Original plots in heartfelt narrations, leaving out familiar clichés• Girl power: 3 self-confident protagonists and their strong friendship• Stories about first steps towards independence: Career choices, fear of the future, parental pressure, exploring roots to find your place
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secret Techniques of the Original Brazilian Martial Art
by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)
Capoeira is a martial art developed by African slaves in Brazil from the 16th century, as a result of the fusion of several ethnic groups that originally brought with them to South America their cultural identity, as well as their seeds of liberty. Despite the strong evidence of influence from a plurality of other forms of ancient African martial arts, capoeira is essentially an original Brazilian expression with many practitioners and enthusiasts in every continent. Although capoeira values much of its cultural and historical aspects, no one should be misled - it is an efficient and deadly fighting system! As a result of its development throughout the years, capoeira became the richest and the most spectacular and beautiful martial art on the planet. However, what even most capoeiristas do not know is that this fascinating martial art can turn into a gracefully athletic and also lethal weapon at the hands (and feet) of any disciplined, serious practitioner. In this book you will learn unique secrets of capoeira as performed in the roda or in actual combat. Moves, ground fighting and aerial techniques are fully described to the level of perfection, with the help of hundreds of pictures. Diagrams explain special maneuvers never before published in the world of martial arts. Additionally, readers will have free access to exciting animated GIF files for the numerous moves presented in the book. Mestre Ricardo, a.k.a. Cachorro, a graduate of Mestre Adilson’s Grupo Bantus de Capoeira at Morro do Pavão e Pavãozinho – poverty-stricken slums in the midst of the rich suburbs of Rio de Janeiro – was the first Mestre of the YMCA Capoeira Group in Governor’s Island, achieving this honor in 1975. The following year, he became a certified Mestre from the first federation of capoeira of Rio de Janeiro, the FCP, and in the same year he introduced capoeira in a live TV show filmed in North Carolina, sponsored by the local YMCA. In the 1970’s Mestre Ricardo was a member of the Olympic gymnastics team of Rio de Janeiro’s Fluminense Football Club, where he specialized in floor exercises. During his professional career as a capoeira practitioner, Ricardo learned and practiced boxing, Shotokan karate and judo as a means to better understand the body mechanics of motion involved in different martial arts. An English-language edition was publlished in fall 2009, 288 pages, two colors, 16.5X24 cm, 200-plus illustrated practical moves. Further new title in the Capoeira series: The Amazing History of Capoeira
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawJanuary 2017
Cruise Ship Tourism
by Ross Dowling, Clare Weeden
Completely updated and revised, Cruise Ship Tourism, 2nd Edition covers the economic, social and environmental impacts of cruising, combining the latest knowledge and research to provide a comprehensive account of the subject. Despite the industry growing rapidly, there is a substantial gap in the related literature, and this book addresses the key issues for researchers, students and industry professionals. This second edition: - Reviews the fundamental principles of the industry, the cruise experience from a passenger perspective, marketing, planning and destination development. - Includes case studies throughout, translating theory into practical management advice. - Comprises contributions from over fifty international contributors to portray a truly global perspective. - Provides numerous full colour illustrations to bring the subject to life. A valuable 'one-stop-shop' for those interested in cruise ships and maritime tourism, this new edition from major names in the field is also an invaluable resource for anyone concerned more widely with tourism and business development. ; Covering the economic, social and environmental impacts of cruising, this book combines the latest research with practical case studies to provide a comprehensive account of the subject. It reviews the fundamental principles of the industry, the cruise experience from a passenger perspective, marketing, planning and destination development. ; 1: The world of cruising Part 1: Fundamental principles 2: Power and profits in the global cruise industry 3: Representation without taxation 4: Flags of convenience and the global cruise labor market 5: Corporate social responsibility in the cruise sector 6: Passengers and risk: Health, wellbeing and liability 7: Economics of cruise shipping: The need for a new business model 8: High fees on the high seas? The provision of extra-fee products and services 9: ‘Oceans apart’: Bridging the gap between academic research and professional practice in cruise tourism Part 2: The cruise experience: People and passengers 10: Talent management and the cruise industry 11: A sailor’s life for me: An example of how one port of call has developed in the hope of meeting crew expectations 12: Mediating the cruise experience 13: Conceptualizing the cruise ship tourist experience 14: Managing health-related crises in the cruise industry 15: Cruises, safety and security in a violent world Part 3: Markets, marketing and motivations 16: Safe, secure and sustainable: Attributes of a strong cruise brand 17: The image of cruise ship holidays on Italian television: A comparative analysis 18: Purchasing attributes for cruise passengers 19: Motivations and constraints of cruising for the US and Chinese markets 20: Children and the family market 21: Cruising with Pride: The LGBT cruise market 22: The changing consumer: ‘Digital cruising’ Part 4: Impacts of cruise ship tourism: Stakeholders, politics and power 23: Stakeholders’ perceived gains and obstacles of cruise ship tourism development: the case of La Palma Island 24: Cruise ships and protected areas in the marine biome: An analysis of tourism in the Brazilian context 25: Sailing into stormy waters? Understanding the community impacts of cruise tourism growth in Akaroa, New Zealand 26: Cruise tourism in a remote small island – High yield and low impact? 27: Cruise tourists on the mainland: Itineraries and interactions Part 5: Planning and management for sustainable cruising 28: Environmental reporting in the cruise industry 29: Improving sustainable management of expedition cruise destinations in Australia: Governance and management lessons from the Great Barrier Reef, the Kimberley and Tasmania 30: Sailing in icy waters: Antarctic cruise tourism development, regulation and management Part 6: Ports, destinations and infrastructure development 31: Development of cruise tourism in Saudi Arabia 32: Cruise itinerary planning 33: Is China a new goldmine for cruise companies? 34: Cruising in Asia with a focus on China Part 7: Conclusions and future directions 35: Conclusions and future directions
Trusted PartnerMedicineSeptember 2018
Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Poultry
by Robert Blair
Organic poultry production has increased significantly in recent years to keep up with increasing consumer demand for organic eggs and meat. There are many guidelines and restrictions on what should go into the feed of organically-farmed poultry, from which difficulties arise when trying to ensure a well-balanced nutritious diet without the use of any unapproved supplements. This, the second edition of Robert Blair's classic and bestselling book on the nutrition and feeding of organic poultry, presents advice for organic producers, and the agencies and organizations serving them. It covers: - Selecting suitable ingredients. - Preparing appropriate feed mixtures and integrating them into organic poultry production systems. - International standards for organic feeding. - Breeds that are most suitable for organic farming. - Examples of diets formulated to organic standards. Completely updated and revised to address how to formulate organic diets in situations where there is a declining supply of organic feed, this new edition also includes up-to-date information on the nutritional requirements of poultry and feed-related disease incidence in organic flocks. Also including the feasibility of utilizing novel feed, such as insect meal, and their acceptability by consumers of organic meat products, this book forms a comprehensive reference for students, organic farmers, veterinarians and researchers.
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawDecember 2016
Visitor Management in Tourism Destinations
by Julia N Albrecht
Visitor management may be considered as a component of destination management at all levels of a destination. It involves a wide range of stakeholders. This book demonstrates current knowledge on visitor management. Visitor Management in Tourism Destinations provides insight into critical concepts such as the visitor experience, service quality, the uses of indicators and frameworks, and interpretation. It also addresses current issues including the social and political dimensions of visitor management, the implementation of monitoring, vandalism and augmented reality. Authored by leading international researchers in the field of visitor management research, this book is primarily aimed at researchers and postgraduate students. Key Features: · Considers critical concepts and influential factors in visitor management. · Illustrates current issues in visitor management. · Research-based case studies contribute to an overall understanding of core issues. · Covers the state-of-the-art in guiding and interpretation. ; This book demonstrates current knowledge on Visitor Management and provides insight into conceptual issues. ; PART I: Introduction and Foundation Chapter 1: Introduction to Visitor Management in tourism Destinations Chapter 2: Destination Management and Visitor Management: Non-convergent Literatures but Complementary Activities and Issues Chapter 3: Meeting the Challenge of Managing Visitor Experiences at Tourism Attractions Chapter 4: The Social and Political Dimensions of Visitor Management: Rural Home-based Accommodations PART II: Critical Concepts in Visitor Management Chapter 5: Indicators and Standards-Based Visitor Management Frameworks in Achieving Sustainability at Cultural Heritage Sites Chapter 6: Managing Nature-Based Visitors’ Perceived Service Quality, Satisfaction and Future Behaviour Intention Chapter 7: The Relevance of Visitors’ National Park Affinity for Effective Visitor Management in Protected Areas PART III: Current Issues in Visitor Management Chapter 8: Visitor Monitoring in the Tapajós National Forest, Brazil Chapter 9: Tourist Behaviours, Vandalism and Stakeholder Responses Chapter 10: Augmented Reality Application in Museum Visitor Experiences PART IV: The State of the Art in Guiding and Interpretation Chapter 11: Strategies for Successful Interpretation Techniques in Visitor Attractions: The Operationalization of Guided Tours in Museums Chapter 12: Using Heritage Interpretation to Manage Film-induced Tourism at Heritage visitor Attractions Chapter 13: Theories of Learning and their Application in Interpretation Chapter 14: Critical Reflections on the Role of Interpretation in Visitor Management PART V: Conclusion Chapter 15: Current Knowledge and Future Research Directions in Visitor Management
Native Brazilians
Children's Edition
by Daniel Munduruku
A carefully produced Brazil’s native populations. This title introduces the most important elements of the culture, beliefs, and lifestyle of Brazilian Indians, explaining the differences between the numerous nations that inhabited the country long before the arrival of the Portuguese colonizers. Today there are more than 200 native nations in Brazil, with a population of approximately 750 thousand people.
The ArtsApril 2018
by Fernão Pessoa Ramos and Sheila Schvarzman (editors)
This second volume of New History of Brazilian Cinema covers Brazilian cinema from the postwar period up to the present, discussing the Cinema Novo and Cinema Marginal movements, the state-owned producer Embrafilme, pornochanchada (soft-core sex comedies) and the crisis and revival of Brazilian film production from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s, ending with an overview of experimental filmmaking, documentary film and contemporary film fiction up to 2016. Ebook version brings additional texts: “Brazilian New Cinema (1960-1972)”, by Bertrand Ficamos, and the extensive filmography “Brazilian films released from 1969 to 2016”, by Luiz Felipe Miranda