The Beauty of Traditional Chinese Make-up
by Ya Li, Shiyu Chen
Based on ancient Chinese documents, images and cultural relics, combined with mass pictures,this book traces the aesthetic changes of ancient Chinese makeup. The authors are committed to making up for the lack of makeup images, trying to restore some makeups that can be only found in historical records without pictures. Therefore, they initiated the ancient Chinese makeup restoration project, inviting makeup artists, photographers and models to work together to restore the full spectrum of Chinese women's makeup. The book not only reveals key turning points of women's makeup in nearly three thousand years, but also presents the changes in women's status and aesthetic trends in ancient Chinese society. 本书以中国古代文献、图像和文物为基础,以图文结合的方式,复盘中国古代妆容审美的变迁。 该书从商周的文身起笔,历数素妆风行的周代、彩妆肇始的秦代、审美成型的两汉、自在灵动的南北朝、奢侈华丽的唐、回归素朴的宋、异域风情的辽元、端庄清丽的明、花样繁多的清,不仅在细节处点明历代女性妆容的要点,也从侧面呈现了中国古代的社会风貌、女性地位和审美思潮的变迁。 这不仅是一部妆容史,更是一部全面的中国妆容图谱。两位作者致力于补齐妆容图像的缺失,尝试将一些仅见于史籍记载,而没有历史文物图片的妆型复原出来,故而发起中国古代妆容复原项目,邀请造型、化妆、摄影专家和模特,共同完成了了中国女性妆容复原全谱,是为本书重要配图。 全书用语通俗,考据严谨,图片精美,可为中国古代妆容研究提供重要参考,也是探索中国传统文化与审美的入门读物。