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      • Historical fiction

        The Punishment

        by Paula Marais

        A story of love, betrayal and the choices that define who we become. France, 1942 – In a time when friends become enemies and secrets are traded like currency, the forbidden love between a German officer and a young Frenchwoman can only lead to disaster. Against all odds and despite the obvious danger, Cédonie Boineau and Kommandant Kurt Auer get caught up in a romance they find impossible to resist.But as the illicit relationship builds, Cédonie’s ardent admirer and vindictive rival lurk in the shadows, and watch. Thibault Bosc nurses his unrequited love for Cédonie along with his growing hate for the Boche invaders, while Odette de Bary gathers gossip that will change the town forever.And when the war is finally over and truths come to the light, Cédonie is left at the mercy of the town to face her punishment. Author Paula Marais has woven a beautiful tale of the complex loyalties of the human heart and the surprising forms that love can take in war.

      • Historical fiction

        The Punishment

        by Paula Marais

        A story of love, betrayal and the choices that define who we become. France, 1942 – In a time when friends become enemies and secrets are traded like currency, the forbidden love between a German officer and a young Frenchwoman can only lead to disaster. Against all odds and despite the obvious danger, Cédonie Boineau and Kommandant Kurt Auer get caught up in a romance they find impossible to resist.But as the illicit relationship builds, Cédonie’s ardent admirer and vindictive rival lurk in the shadows, and watch. Thibault Bosc nurses his unrequited love for Cédonie along with his growing hate for the Boche invaders, while Odette de Bary gathers gossip that will change the town forever.And when the war is finally over and truths come to the light, Cédonie is left at the mercy of the town to face her punishment. Author Paula Marais has woven a beautiful tale of the complex loyalties of the human heart and the surprising forms that love can take in war.

      • Fiction

        La certeza de los caminos

        by Daniela Rosset

        La certeza de los caminos es la necesaria continuación de Pasos Aparentes, novela en la que Gabriela Valier –buscando ser la hacedora de su propio destino- se dejaba encandilar por el mundo aparentemente perfecto que le ofrecía el capitán Diego Venturi. Pronto descubría la trastienda sucia de una historia que involucraba incluso a su propia familia y, cuando los secretos se revelaban con su fetidez, arrastraban a Gabriela hacia el abismo. En esta segunda parte, tras su matrimonio fallido con Diego Venturi, Gabriela regresa a Córdoba acompañada por su suegra y por su cuñado, Esteban Paz. Es mayo de 1940 y con sus escasos veintiún años, Gabriela carga con heridas y estigmas difíciles de superar. Pero su fuerza interior no se ha perdido y, a pesar de que fantasea con el retorno a su Paraná natal, pronto van abriéndose caminos a su paso con tonada cordobesa, y la figura de Esteban –invisible para ella hasta apenas un año atrás- crece, se fortalece y se agiganta a tal punto que se convierte en el nombre que no puede dejar de repetir. Animarse a cuestionar creencias propias y ajenas, desnudar hipocresías familiares, vencer prejuicios y liberarse del peso del deber ser será el desafío y el proceso de ambos si quieren recorrer juntos esos nuevos caminos.

      • Fiction

        Al Zafarana

        A Date with A Beautiful Lady

        by Ahmed Salama

        The novel is classified as one of the best novels that have been recently published. It is a romance mixed with the charming history of ancient Egyptians.The novel has been on the bestseller list since 2015.The plot revolves around an Egyptian archaeologist and a beautiful Greek woman searching the desert for an ancient Egyptian secret that has been kept for thousands of years and which reshapes our definition of the modern world.

      • Fiction
        September 2019


        by Hua Ling

        Wedding singer Li Yi-Hsing has a talent for mimicry; she can morph her voice at will to sound like any pop star. However, because of her crippling stage fright, she cannot pursue her dreams of stardom, and only performs at the familiar venue where she works.   One day after a performance she is hit with a withering criticism: like the moon, she will never shine with a light of her own, and can only reflect the light of others. Shattered, Li Yi-Hsing visits a temple for guidance, drawing a fortune on a slip of paper. When she returns home she discovers a young woman dressed head-to-toe in vintage clothes who insists that this is, in fact, her house. She says she is Peng Hsuen-Mei, a recently-signed singer about to begin her first recording sessions… in the year 1934! Adding to the mystery, the time traveler has also drawn a fortune at the temple: the exact fortune that Li Yi-Hsing drew.   Li Yi-Hsing and her brother dig through historical records but can’t find anything — no surviving recordings by Peng Hsuen-Mei, nor any reference to them. Meanwhile, they have also been searching for a lost phonograph of a song written by their grandfather, also made in 1934. Could the girl from 1934 be the key that unlocks the mystery of their family’s musical legacy? The only sensible thing to do is have Peng Hsuen-Mei stay with them while they continue to delve into these mysteries and search for a way to return her to 1934. For her part, Peng Hsuen-Mei must adapt to contemporary life even as she continues to pursue her musical dreams.   Young women of different eras with identical dreams, both attempting to uncover their pasts, both of them to rushing to meet their futures. In an era of great unknowns, readers are sure to appreciate this mysterious tale of youthful dreamers who join together to explore the enigmas of love, friendship, family, and fortune.

      • Fiction

        You Will Return to Isfahan

        by Mostafa Ensafi

        If you think that Iran is merely a land of war and revolution, you’ll be surprised to be taken into its romances to realize that Iran is a land of love rather than anything else.   Shamim Shamseh, a well-established and successful literature professor, has lost the love of his life, Audrey, many years ago, never knowing why. Now with the appearing of Elisa -a polish girl who has apparently come to Iran to seek her grandma who was forced to migrate to a camp near Isfahan during the second world war- he walks down the memory lane and relives what he knows of Audrey or at least his assumptions about her. Elisa is aware that Shamim was once her mother’s lover. However, Shamim still yearns to unfold Audrey’s secret as much as Elisa wishes to know about her mother’s unknown side through his eyes. Despite his wife and child’s insistence to leave turbulent Iran after the 2009 Iranian presidential election, Shamim stays in the country and tries to find Audrey, or perhaps himself, with Elisa’s help. In this quest, he comes to know about some aspects of himself and of people around him, which were formerly unknown. Is Audrey the same as before? Why did beautiful Audrey disappear all of a sudden? Why did she leave everything behind including her passionate love?

      • Fiction
        July 2020

        Men who talks with stars

        by João Torcato Justa

        In this novel by John Torcato Justa, a narrator witnesses the history of their ancestry through the protagonist, mother and best friend uncle, recreating a line of magical time crossing the border of Alto Alentejo and reaches the neighboring plain Extremadura, in Spain. Anthony, known in the small Alentejo village by Lobo, is an adventurous young bohemian, fearless and womanizer. The day that your heart is taken away by the unmistakable beauty of the Spanish Soledad, wife of one of the most powerful men in Spain, marks the beginning of a journey defined by Destiny, the Stars and the courage of men and women who make miracles. As background, a rural Alentejo marked by the customs of a Portugal, in the times of Salazar, and the neighboring Spanish province of Extremadura, in a terrible process of healing wounds of the Civil War. John, a participant narrator, invites us to the family memories that turned his family and region, revealing the amazing dramatic density of his characters and an unconventional plot affective links and metaphysical touch with reality.

      • Romance
        May 2019

        Auszeit in die Liebe

        by Monika Arend

        Die erfolgreiche Liebesromanautorin Julia Reuter hat von Männern die Nase gestrichen voll. Einzig ihr Jugendfreund Robert, genannt Romeo, ihre Muse, ihr Kummerkasten, steht noch hoch in ihrer Gunst.Auf den Spuren der Tagebucheintragungen ihrer Oma Marie reist Julia in das beschauliche Städtchen Fritzlar, um sich eine Auszeit zu gönnen. Hier lernt sie einen hochbetagten Maler kennen, der ihr Schlüssel zum Glück wird.

      • Fiction
        March 2022

        Il Varcaporta

        by Laura Costantini

        London, 1897.England prevails over all the countries of Europe thanks to the discovery of Kh-Ram, a mysterious source of energy that freed it from coal and steam. Of course, substance comes at a cost, but Victoria's kingdom acts pragmatically: it hides its dissimilarities and exploits them as needed. Of wretches the streets are full. Some become fodder for processing energy. Another, selected, enters an elite body that masters Kh-Ram, which is only possible for a pair, that is, a pair of young people with certain characteristics, including an exclusive, absolute, and strictly male bond. The substance, in fact, abhors women, movement, and heat. England willingly turns a blind eye to such unions; it also turns two blind eyes to the fate of the unfortunate ones. But what if that is not the only price to pay? Aster Paul, Astrea Lucinda, Zachary Tucker, Devereux Willoghby, and some old acquaintances will find out and will have to decide which side to take. It will be a struggle for survival marked by unpredictable alliances and deception, in which the most intense and purest feelings will become the only guide.

      • Fiction
        July 2019

        The Red Gene

        by Barbara Lamplugh

        When Rose, a young English nurse with humanitarian ideals, decides to volunteer in the Spanish Civil War, she is little prepared for the experiences that await her. Working on one front after another, witness to all the horrors of war, she falls in love with a Republican fighter, Miguel. In 1939 as defeat becomes inevitable, Rose is faced with a decision that will change her life and leave her with lasting scars. Interspersed with Rose's story is that of Consuelo, a girl growing up in a staunchly Catholic family on the other side of the ideological divide. Never quite belonging, treated unkindly, she discovers at a young age that she was adopted but her attempts to learn more about her origins are largely thwarted. It falls to the third generation, to Consuelo's daughter Marisol, born in the year of Franco's death and growing up in a rapidly changing Spain, to investigate the dark secrets of her family and find the answers that have until now eluded her mother.

      • Fiction

        The Last Long Night

        # 5 in the Bregdan Chronicles Historical Fiction Romance Series

        by Ginny Dye

        Can they survive the Last, Long Night of the Civil War? Historical fiction is my passion. I so love bringing history to life - the reason I dedicate most of my time to writing historical fiction books! The Last, Long Night is the fifth book in the ongoing Bregdan Chronicles historical novel series. It's readers like you who have turned it into a worldwide bestseller. Thank you! Description: The power of the Union army brings the South to its knees in surrender, but not until a year of intense pain and violence creates a chasm that may be impossible for the country to bridge. Carrie struggles to hold on to hope as the world caves in around her, hanging on to the promise she’s been given. She also finally gets to reveal the secret she has held so close. Moses is gravely wounded in battle. Aunt Abby faces danger as she gets more deeply involved with women’s rights, and spends time in Washington, D.C. Robert’s plantation takes a severe loss, but is saved from burning by an unlikely source. Rose continues to thrive in the Contraband Camp and finally has a dream come true. Volume # 5 of The Bregdan Chronicles continues the sweeping saga that now encompasses the final year of the American Civil War. ** How many books will be in the Bregdan Chronicles? You'll have to ask God about that... I intend to write these character's stories, one year at a time, for as long as I'm able to write. I'm passionate about bringing history to life through historical fiction. Since I'm amazingly healthy, that could be for a very long time! I don't like stories to end any more than you do. This one won't end for a very long time!

      • Fiction

        Carried Forward By Hope

        # 6 in the Bregdan Chronicles Historical Fiction Romance Series

        by Ginny Dye

        The Civil War has ended, but the struggle to rebuild America is just beginning. Historical fiction is my passion. I so love bringing history to life - the reason I dedicate most of my time to writing historical fiction books! Carried Forward By Hope is the 6th book in the ongoing Bregdan Chronicles historical novel series. It's readers like you who have turned it into a world-wide best-seller. Thank you! Description: America struggles to rebuild in the aftermath of Lincoln’s assassination. Promises will be broken, and everyone you have grown to love will be asked to pay a high price to make freedom for the slaves more than just a mockery. Robert fights to emerge from the darkness as Carrie risks everything to bring him back to her. Moses is offered the opportunity of a lifetime, while Rose returns to her roots with a dream that will change everything. Matthew is caught up in the worst maritime disaster in American history, while Jeremy discovers the cost of embracing his true heritage. Thomas and Abby are surprised by a future they never dreamed was possible. Volume # 6 of The Bregdan Chronicles continues the sweeping historical saga that now encompasses the first year of Reconstruction following the Civil War. ** How many books will be in the Bregdan Chronicles? You'll have to ask God about that... I intend to write these character's stories, one year at a time, for as long as I'm able to write. I'm passionate about bringing history to life through historical fiction. Since I'm amazingly healthy, that could be for a very long time! I don't like stories to end any more than you do. This one won't end for a very long time!

      • Fiction

        Glimmers of Change

        # 7 in the Bregdan Chronicles Historical Fiction Romance Series

        by Ginny Dye

        Glimmers of Change is the seventh book in the Bregdan Chronicles historical fiction series. As of today, there are 10 books in the series. Make sure you start reading with # 1 – Storm Clouds Rolling In. It's readers like you who have turned the series into a world-wide best-seller. Thank you!Book Description: The Civil War has ended, but the struggle to rebuild America is just beginning.Carrie and Janie are living their dream in Philadelphia, but what price will they pay when cholera sweeps through America once again? Robert searches for peace on the plantation, but forces are in place that are determined to deny it. Moses and Rose are driven by forces beyond their control to become leaders in the midst of a violent racial revolution. Jeremy discovers love, but will the reality of his heritage make it impossible, and will he survive the forces determined to destroy the factory? And will Matthew finally free his heart? Volume # 7 of the Bregdan Chronicles continues to sweeping historical saga that now encompasses the first full year of American Reconstruction.How many books will be in the Bregdan Chronicles?   No one knows yet… Ginny intends to write these character's stories, one year at a time, for as long as she is able to write. She is passionate about bringing history to life through historical fiction. Since she is amazingly healthy, that could be for a very long time! She doesn’t like stories to end any more than you do. This one won't end for a very long time!

      • Fiction

        Shifted By The Winds

        # 8 in the Bregdan Chronicles Historical Fiction Romance Series

        by Ginny Dye

        Will Reconstruction really change America? Historical fiction is my passion. I so love bringing history to life - the reason I dedicate most of my time to writing historical fiction books! Shifted By The Winds is the 8th book in the ongoing Bregdan Chronicles historical novel series. It's readers like you who have turned it into a worldwide bestseller. Thank you! Description: Carrie and her housemates battle cholera in Philadelphia. Her world is turned upside down when she discovers the truth of her heritage. Will it completely change her path? Robert watches his dreams fade before his eyes when he refuses to align himself with southern beliefs after the war. Rose has to face down a new threat, and Moses is forced to step into the role he has avoided. Janie has agreed to marry Matthew, but can she actually move beyond her fears and become his wife? And will Jeremy realize Marietta’s life as a Mulatto’s wife is just too dangerous for the woman he loves? So many of the characters you have come to know and love face both challenges and joys in this turbulent time in history. Volume # 8 of the Bregdan Chronicles continues the sweeping historical saga that now encompasses the second year of American Reconstruction. ** How many books will be in the Bregdan Chronicles? You'll have to ask God about that... I intend to write these character's stories, one year at a time, for as long as I'm able to write. I'm passionate about bringing history to life through historical fiction. Since I'm amazingly healthy, that could be for a very long time! I don't like stories to end any more than you do. This one won't end for a very long time! Ginny Dye

      • Fiction

        Always Forward

        # 9 in the Bregdan Chronicles Historical Fiction Romance Series

        by Ginny Dye

        Always Forward is the ninth book in the Bregdan Chronicles historical fiction series. As of today, there are 10 books in the series. Make sure you start reading with # 1 – Storm Clouds Rolling In. It's readers like you who have turned the series into a world-wide best-seller. Thank you!Book Description:Can America survive the struggle to rebuild?Carrie and Robert’s dream comes true, but is Carrie strong enough to survive what comes next? Rose’s school comes under attack by vigilantes. No one could have predicted what will happen next. Abby makes the choice to go to Kansas to fight for Woman Suffrage, and almost pays the ultimate price. Violence and hatred run rampant through the country as America tries to come to grips with 2,000,000 freed slaves. So many of the characters you have come to know and love face both challenges and joys in this turbulent time in history. Volume # 9 of the Bregdan Chronicles continues the sweeping historical saga that now encompasses the second year of American Reconstruction. How many books will be in the Bregdan Chronicles? No one knows yet… Ginny intends to write these character's stories, one year at a time, for as long as she is able to write. She is passionate about bringing history to life through historical fiction. Since she is amazingly healthy, that could be for a very long time! She doesn’t like stories to end any more than you do. This one won't end for a very long time!

      • Fiction

        Walking Into The Unknown

        # 10 in the Bregdan Chronicles Historical Fiction Romance Series

        by Ginny Dye

        Walking Into The Unknown is the 10th book in the Bregdan Chronicles historical fiction series. As of today, there are 10 books in the series. Make sure you start reading with # 1 – Storm Clouds Rolling In. It's readers like you who have turned the series into a world-wide best-seller. Thank you!Book Description:Where will Americans find the courage to walk into the unknown?Carrie is rebuilding her life, but an unexpected twist sends her, Janie and Matthew onto an adventure she could never have envisioned – but not before she has to say good-bye to someone very special.Moses and Rose are finally free to pursue their dream of college. Will it be everything they hoped for? And will they push through their fears to actually do it?Jeremy and Marietta receive exciting news, but will the outcome force them to leave their life in Richmond behind?Abby struggles to adjust to life without Carrie, Rose and Moses, but Matthew sends someone very unexpected into her life.When everyone really just wants a simple, clear future, each person finds they have no choice but to walk into the unknown.Volume # 10 of the Bregdan Chronicles continues the sweeping historical saga that now encompasses the third year of American Reconstruction. How many books will be in the Bregdan Chronicles?  No one knows yet… Ginny intends to write these character's stories, one year at a time, for as long as she is able to write. She is passionate about bringing history to life through historical fiction. Since she is amazingly healthy, that could be for a very long time! She doesn’t like stories to end any more than you do. This one won't end for a very long time!

      • Fiction

        Horizons Unfolding

        # 12 in the Bregdan Chronicles Historical Fiction Romance Series

        by Ginny Dye

        Horizons Unfolding is the 12th book in the Bregdan Chronicles historical fiction series. As of today, there are 12 books in the series. Make sure you start reading with # 1 – Storm Clouds Rolling In. It's readers like you who have turned the series into a world-wide best-seller. Thank you! Book Description: Is Reconstruction healing America, or is it really a covering for a new war? America continues the struggle to become a country for everyone… Carrie steps into a new season of love in her life, but once again has to leave the plantation to fulfill her dream.  Her heart is both happy and torn. She is pulled into a new challenge when Frances makes friends that reveal a hidden horror for children in America. Rose and Moses are thrilled to be home, but are swept up once again in the new war raging in America. Susan takes a huge step into happiness, while Thomas and Abby create a miracle for Marcus. Jeremy and Marietta are forging through challenges to create a new life in Philadelphia, but wonder if they will lose everything. When everyone really just wants a simple, clear future, each person finds they have to make the best choices possible as they watch their Horizons Unfolding. ***** Volume # 12 of the Bregdan Chronicles continues the sweeping historical saga that now encompasses the fourth year of American Reconstruction. How many books will be in the Bregdan Chronicles? No one knows yet… Ginny intends to write these character's stories, one year at a time, for as long as she is able to write. She is passionate about bringing history to life through historical fiction. Since she is amazingly healthy, that could be for a very long time! She doesn’t like stories to end any more than you do. This one won't end for a very long time!

      • Fiction

        Misty Shadows Of Hope

        # 14 in the Bregdan Chronicles Historical Fiction Romance Series

        by Ginny Dye

        Misty Shadows Of Hope is the 14th book in the Bregdan Chronicles historical fiction series. As of today, there are 14 books in the series. Make sure you start reading with # 1 – Storm Clouds Rolling In. It's readers like you who have turned the series into a world-wide best-seller. Thank you! Book Description: Is Reconstruction healing America, or is it really a covering for a new war? America continues the struggle to become a country for everyone… Carrie and Abby, hoping for a peaceful visit to the plantation find themselves pulled into a violent conflict in Richmond as struggle for control of the city boils over. Rose and Moses are happy on the plantation, enjoying a respite from all the violence, while Susan travels north to expand the plantation breeding operation. Matthew finds himself embroiled in another type of southern war as KKK violence spills into North Carolina.  What he discovers will change things for Janie. Jeremy and Marietta are forging through challenges to create a new life in Philadelphia, but wonder if Jeremy’s new passion for baseball will be the tipping point for the violence they hoped to avoid when they left Richmond. Bregdan Women comes to life with an astounding array of women fighting to change America for the better. When everyone really just wants a simple, clear future, each person finds they have to discover misty shadows of hope in the midst of the life they are living. ***** Volume # 14 of the Bregdan Chronicles continues the sweeping historical saga that now encompasses 1870. How many books will be in the Bregdan Chronicles? No one knows yet… Ginny intends to write these character's stories, one year at a time, for as long as she is able to write. She is passionate about bringing history to life through historical fiction. Since she is amazingly healthy, that could be for a very long time! She doesn’t like stories to end any more than you do. This one won't end for a very long time!

      • Fiction

        Twin Flame

        by Nish Amarnath

        TWIN FLAME is an inter-racial love story with literary overtones, multicultural stripes and strands of magical realism.   A South Asian Math prodigy’s wish for a boy in a painting to come alive materializes in the form of an Austrian-Jewish writer. But a troubling secret wrenches them apart, forcing them to confront their worst fears, if life is to give them one final chance. Sherry Kasal, diagnosed with type-1 diabetes at the age of five, hopes to draw upon her passion for Math to discover a cure for conditions like her own. She stumbles upon a painting of a boy trapped in a snowstorm. She talks to the boy in this picture whenever she's sad, frustrated, angry and/or dejected. When writer Shaddy Haas enters her life, Sherry is motivated to resume work on a concentric model of electromagnetism that she had abandoned as a teen. Alas, circumstances wrench Sherry and Shaddy apart. Sherry, who reluctantly marries a lawyer, lands in Manhattan, where she scrambles to pick up the vestiges of her shelved research dream and realizes that she’s living a lie. Sherry must also unravel a flabbergasting secret that links Shaddy to the painting of the boy in the snowstorm as they try to find their way back to each other.   Twin Flame, whose narrative is embedded with the alternating voices of its protagonists in both first-person and third-person points of view, combines the mystical ethos of Elif Shafak's 'Forty Rules of Love' with the futuristic cadence of Erich Segal's 'Prizes' and the exotic romanticism of Jan-Philipp Sendker's 'The Art of Hearing Heartbeats.'

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