Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
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by Dr. Andreas S. Ziegler, Philipp Böhmer, Prof. Dr. Udo Bonnet, Prof. Dr. Peter Cremer-Schaeffer, Dr. Manfred Fankhauser, Dr. Hendrik Greve, Jackie Grünert, Dr. Klaus Häußermann, Carla Heldt, Prof. Dr. Thomas Herdegen, Dr. Michael Jeitler, Prof. Matthias Karst, PD Dr. Christian S. Kessler, PD Dr. Werner Knöß, Dr. Alberto Manasse Laginha, Dr. Kirsten Müller-Vahl, Dr. Frank Musshoff, Dr. Dr. Gerhard Nahler, Dr. Thorsten Opitz, Prof. Dr. Michael Orth, Albina Petker, PD Dr. Magdalena Prüß, Klaus Reh, Prof. Dr. Roman Rolke, PD Dr. Gisela Skopp, Dr. Felix Stehle, Prof. Dr. Philipp Steven, Prof. Dr. Markus Veit, Dr. Sascha Weber, Jakob Johann Wiese, Dr. Jacqueline Wiesner, Dr. Anne Katrin Wolf, Prof. Dr. Astrid Zobel
Specialist books in the field of pharmacy - drug information - pharmaceutical law - hospital and pharmacy administration - medicine - biology - nursing - nutrition - history of pharmacy
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