Pharmacology for Midwives

Principles, theory and practice

by Dr. Philipp Kircher, Elisabeth Remplik and Dr. Peter Killian


Midwives use drugs on their own authority, or guide and support pregnant and breastfeeding women in their therapy. At the same time, the giving of drugs during pregnancy and lactation frequently entails a balancing act between medical need and experience on the one hand and often the absence of studies with evidence of harmlessness and safety on the other. Anyone who wants to make the correct decisions and deal responsibly with this dilemma can only do so on the basis of solid knowledge. This new reference book provides ideal preparation and imparts the necessary information: - General advice on the handling of drugs and the principles of pharmacology - Description of common drug substances and particular aspects of their use in pregnancy, childbirth and lactation - Treatment options from complementary medicine and phytotherapy - Advice about correct diet The clear and concise presentation of facts as well as numerous illustrations make it easier to understand and grasp the content. Text boxes highlight important elements or refer the reader to interesting additional information: The textbook and reference work for students, practical training and everyday work!

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publisher Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft
  • Publication Date 2022
  • Orginal LanguageGerman
  • ISBN/Identifier 9783804740495
  • FormatPaperback
  • Primary Price 39 EUR
  • ReadershipProfessional and Scholarly
  • Publish StatusPublished
  • Original Language TitleArzneimittellehre für Hebammen. Grundlagen, Theorie und Praxis
  • Edition1st edition 2022
  • Copyright Year2022
  • Illustration95 colour figures, 47 colour tables

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