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        June 2019

        A Dog Who Wants to Be the Sun

        by Bing Bo, Cristiana Cerretti

        A Dog Who Wants to Be the Sun is according to the folktales of Thailand. Once upon a time, there was a puppy who felt smarter than all the other puppies. The puppy had many dreams. He wanted to be the sun, the clouds, the wind, the mound, the buffalo, the rope... In the end, he felt that he was the happiest dog to run around every day.

      • Trusted Partner

        Huang Beijia Telling Stories: The Dog Haihai

        by Huang Beijia

        “Huang Beijia Telling Stories” is a series of short stories created by famous writer Huang Beijia for elementary school students. The author writes stories about childhoods with empathy and positive power.   The Dog Haihai contains two stories: The Dog Haihai Xiao Xiao actually hid a puppy in the backyard of the canteen! There is no secret in the school. His classmates soon learned of the news. Xiao Xiao planned to raise the puppy and give it to friends at Hope Primary School in the mountain village. And the whole class took turns being on duty to feed the puppy.   The Happy Cooking Class From the second semester of the fifth grade, the students at Changjiang Road Primary School began to learn a new skill - cooking. The cooking class is a happy class. You don’t have to do annoying mathematical calculations, nor do you need to memorize English words, or task your mind to write essays. It’s almost as lovely as art and music classes! No, no, it’s even lovelier! After class, everyone can share the food they have made.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2024

        Die Superpfoten 1. Ein Hund mit Pups-Power

        Aufregende Leseabenteuer mit Oetinger SPLASH

        by Mark Tatulli, Mark Tatulli, Matthias Wieland

        Ein Superheld auf vier Pfoten Bosco führt ein gemütliches Hundeleben. Als zwei Einbrecher in sein geliebtes Heim eindringen, schlägt er sie mit seinen superdehnbaren Beinen, seinem Hundeatmen und seinen mächtigen Hundepupsen in die Flucht. Da kommt ein Roboter angeflogen und entführt Bosco in das geheime Hauptquartier der Superpfoten. Dort soll Bosco zum Superhelden ausgebildet werden. Bosco und ein anstrengender Job? Nein, danke! Doch dann erfährt er, dass überall auf der Welt niedliche kleine Kätzchen ins Weltall entführt werden… Dieser Comic-Roman für Kinder ab 8 Jahren bietet ein ganz besonderes Lesevergnügen: Leicht verständliche Texte, lustige Illustrationen und eine rasante Geschichte machen es auch leseschwächeren Kindern leicht, den Spaß am Lesen für sich zu entdecken. Die perfekte Kombination aus tierischen Superhelden und spannendem Weltraumabenteuer verpackt in eine herrlich verrückte Bildergeschichte – zum Pupsen lustig! Die Superpfoten 1. Ein Hund mit Pups-Power: Bosco rettet die Kätzchen Ein tierischer Superheld: Witziger und leicht lesbarer Comic-Roman für Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Ideal für Leseanfänger: Die leicht verständliche Geschichte ist ein unterhaltsamer Einstieg in das selbstständige Lesen. Geniale Kombination: Lieblingsthemen wie Hunde, Pupsen, Superhelden und Weltall – verpackt in einem lebhaften Comic. Witzig und spannend: Die lustige Geschichte rund um Freundschaft, Mut und Abenteuer macht Spaß und weckt die Lust am Lesen. Die Superpfoten bereitet Kindern ab 8 Jahren einen einfachen und lustigen Einstieg in die Welt des Lesens. Eine wunderbare, leicht lesbare Lektüre im Comic-Stil für Fans von tierischen Abenteuern wie Paw Patrol und Dog Man.

      • Trusted Partner
        Crime & mystery

        The Last Wish

        by Eugenia Kononenko

        The manuscript has been lost several years ago. Perhaps then it was not the time to read it. But 15 years later, in the age of the developed Internet and social networks, the writer's son receives back a notebook with a puppy on the cover. And it was that very notebook in which the old sick writer wrote his last novel, 'The Last Wish'. Is it necessary and possible to solve all the secrets of the past? At least it is worth striving for. Only conscious knowledge gives that freedom, without which the birth of a conscious person of the future, who would become the master of his or her own destiny under any conditions, is impossible.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Big Big Banana Rides a Dog

        by Mei Zihan

        An argument happens in the kindergarten: Big Banana said that he dares to ride a puppy down the street. Meanwhile, teacher kitty said that he once rode a tiger on the street. However, all this happens in their dreams. As a result, kids begin talking about all of their dreams…These lovely “nonsenses” are not lies, but really fairy tales in the eyes of a person who loves kids a lot. The book is written by famous children’s literature writer-Mei Zihan, and its stories are humorous and slightly naughty, and full of vivid illustrations. The book is painted by youthful painter-Bu Jiamei, and she deftly uses color to distinguish reality from imagination, which makes the book colorful and strongly expressive.

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        by Sharon Thayer

        In a far-off ocean lagoon, a young ham-merhead shark pup who is different from the others learns how to deal with bullies, hearing his mom de-scribe

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2024

        Das Krokodil pupst viel zu viel

        by Susanne Weber, Tanja Jacobs

        Die Luft muss raus! Das Krokodil kann einfach nicht aufhören, zu furzen. Während der Frosch sich vor Lachen kaputtlacht, beschweren sich die anderen Tiere über den üblen Gestank. Bis die Maus allen erklärt, dass Pupsen ein ganz normaler Vorgang ist… Dieses charmante Pappbilderbuch der „Dein-Spiegel“-Bestseller-Autorin Susanne Weber widmet sich einem Thema, das bei Kindern ab 18 Monaten stets für Kicheranfälle sorgt: das Pupsen. Die lustigen Reime und die fröhlichen Illustrationen von Tanja Jacobs animieren die Kleinen dazu, die Pupsgeräusche nachzuahmen. Ein wunderbares Vorlesebuch, das Kindern auf humorvolle Weise Wissen über die natürlichen Funktionen ihres Körpers vermittelt! Das Krokodil pupst zu viel: Pups-Alarm im Tierreich Fröhliche Furzerei: Ein gereimtes Pappbilderbuch für Kinder ab 18 Monaten, das zeigt, dass Pupsen lustig sein kann und ganz natürlich ist. Interaktiver Spaß: Das lustige Tierbuch lädt dazu ein, die Pupsgeräusche des Krokodils nachzuahmen. Lustige Wissensvermittlung: Das Bilderbuch erklärt kindgerecht, warum Tiere und Menschen pupsen müssen. Ein witziges Pups-Abenteuer: Mit humorvollen Reimen von „Dein-Spiegel“-Bestseller-Autorin Susanne Weber und lebendigen Illustrationen von Erfolgsillustratorin Tanja Jacobs. Das lustige Pupsbuch bietet nicht nur großen Vorlesespaß, sondern vermittelt Kindern ab 18 Monaten spielerisch und altersgerecht erstes Wissen über ihren Körper. Ein vergnügliches erstes Tierbuch in der beliebten „Die kleine Eule“-Reihe.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        Practical Feline Behaviour

        Understanding Cat Behaviour and Improving Welfare

        by Trudi Atkinson

        Practical Feline Behaviour contains all the relevant information that a veterinary nurse or technician needs to understand and handle the behaviour and welfare of house cats, and to offer safe and practical advice to clients. There have been ground-breaking advances in our understanding of feline behaviour in recent years and, to protect the welfare of cats, it is increasingly important that anyone involved with their care, especially those in a professional capacity, keep up to date with these developments. This approachable and down-to-earth text describes the internal and external influences on feline behaviour; on communication, learning, social behaviour, the relationship between behaviour and disease, and the cat - human relationship. It also provides practical advice on how the welfare of cats in our care may be protected and how behaviour problems should be addressed and how to avoid them. In this book Trudi Atkinson draws on her extensive experience as a veterinary nurse and a Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist to provide a rapid reference and an intensely practical feline behaviour resource for owners, breeders, veterinary professionals, shelter and cattery workers and anyone involved in the care of our feline companions. - Practical, down to earth guide detailing all aspects of feline behaviour - Rapid reference for instant access to information - Written by a well-known animal behaviourist who has extensive experience in treating feline behaviour problems and in advising clients to protect the welfare of their cats - Includes a foreword by John Bradshaw, School of Veterinary Science at University of Bristol, UK

      • Trusted Partner
        Business & management
        November 2012

        Veterinary Practice Management

        by Catherine R Coates, Alan Jones, Michael W Coates

        Veterinarians are increasingly aware of the need to recognise they are working in a business enterprise. From operating as small practices twenty years ago, veterinary businesses are now run along sophisticated models and operate out of multi-million pound hospitals. Drawing together the latest information on practice management, this textbook provides practical and straightforward coverage of major elements, including client relationships and staff management, business and financial procedures, computer systems and project management. This book covers practice management topics as taught in veterinary schools worldwide, providing students with a textbook resource in this increasingly important subject. It is also a valuable source of information for newly qualified veterinarians, veterinarians interested in practice management and veterinary practice managers.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Wer pupst hier so? Wo ist das Klo?

        by Richert, Katja

        Oje, ein Pups! Jetzt ist es dringend: Panda, Elefant und Co. müssen mal! Doch wo ist das Klo? Ein tolles neues Fühlbuch, das doppelt Spaß macht.

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        Children's & YA

        Les chimpanzés de Bossou (The chimpanzees of Bossou)

        by Moussa Kourouma

        The chimpanzee is a very intelligent animal that knows how to use tools: stones to crush palm kernels, sticks to pick fruit, leaves to drink water, stems to search termite mounds or catch grasshoppers. When he falls ill he knows how to use certain plants to heal himself.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Die Erzählungen. Vier Bände

        Band 1: Die Nacht auf dem Rücken

        by Julio Cortázar, Wolfgang Promies, Rudolf Wittkopf, Mario Vargas Llosa

        Julio Cortázars weltweiter Ruf als »phantastischer« Autor gründet vor allem auf seinen Erzählungen. Geschichten wie Bestiarium, Axolotl, Das besetzte Haus und Die Nacht auf dem Rücken sind selbstverständlicher Bestandteil der Weltliteratur.In diesem ersten Band der vierbändigen Taschenbuchausgabe sind erstmals auch zwölf frühe Erzählungen enthalten, die bislang nicht als Einzelausgabe erschienen sind. Liebhaber des argentinischen Meistererzählers werden diesen Bänden gleich neben Cortázars literarischem Meilenstein, dem Antiroman, Rayuela. Himmel und Hölle, ihren gebührenden Platz einräumen. »Die wahre Rebellion Cortázars findet in seinen Erzählungen statt. In ihnen experimentierte Cortázar nicht: er fand, er entdeckte, er schuf etwas Unvergängliches«, so Mario Vargas Llosa in seinem Vorwort.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        Born Hutsi

        by Fiston Mudacumura

        The author was raised in a family of only survivors from the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis. Even FARG (A survivors fund) allegedly paid for his school fees for some time. Through FARG reform, he learned that his father had associated with perpetrators even if he was also killed in 1994. Digesting that information as a teenager was not easy. In this book, you read about his other close-to-normal upbringing like infatuation, sex advice from fellow teenagers, getting conned in Paris and arrested on his first trip to France, his take from the "Ndi umunyarwanda" campaign, #PK saving him from getting expelled at the university, joining a political party at the university,...

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2024

        The Wigmaker of Königsberg

        A difficult friendship with Immanuel Kant

        by Michael Lichtwarck-Aschoff

        It is said that all the ladies in Königsberg had a crush on Kant. How one coifs one’s intellectual giants, one’s occidental luminaries. Although at the time, Kant employed a Huguenot wigmaker to style his hair. Of whom not much is known. Except that he would have liked to get rid of the wigs and replace them with a short back and sides. And that he tried to comply practically with the idea of enlightenment. But with Kant’s sentences the great philosopher only ever addressed the enlightenment-driven rulers of Europe, and never the people of Africa, whose diff erent skin colour alone proved to Kant that they could not reach a higher level of civilisation on their own. But he and Kant only really fell out seriously over Esther, the pleasing and seductive maid...

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        Let's Make Friends

        by Anastasia Merenkova (Author), Kateryna Razin’kova (Illustrator)

        This is the story of a little wolf. One day, the wolf's mother gave two candies to the little cub, one for him and one for a new friend, that he had yet to find. But he did not understand why he needed to find friends to share candies with. After all, he did not like to share, and he loved sweets very much! In the end, no one wants to be friends with a selfish animal, so how can our wolf cub even find one? Maybe he has to learn that happiness does not only mean candies?   From 3 to 5 years, 606 words. Rightsholders:

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        The New Girl Code

        by Niki Smit

        Tumi Letsatsi is a 13-year old melanin kween living in Rondebosch, Cape Town. Her favourite colour is yellow, she's still trying to figure out how not to dent her afro on the bus, and how one goes about (ahem!) “french kissing”. She’s a little awkward and a lot uncertain about her future, friendships and how to put together a cool outfit! But then she stumbles across the magic of coding and creates an app called “Project Prep” that goes viral and rockets her and her friends to fame. Then everything starts to fall apart, as she deals with a catfish who befriends her and steals her code, nasty rumours at school and the newfound attention of a crush. The New Girl Code (by Niki Smit, locally edited by Buhle Ngaba) is about the wonders of working in tech, aimed at girls and young women aged 9-15. The project is an initiative of Inspiring Fifty and based on an idea by Janneke Niessen.

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        Children's & YA
        August 2022

        T wie Tessa - Geheime Geschäfte (Band 3)

        by Frauke Scheunemann

        T for Tessa – Secret Business (Vol. 3) Fast fashion with a clear conscience? - Tessa and the Fashion MafiaChaos Queen Tessa's comfortable life has finally come to an end since she became a secret agent (by mistake) of the internationally operating secret service R.I.N.G. Now she's out to put a stop to the masterminds of organized crime.Cool, stylish, and exciting, T for Tessa combines classic chick-lit elements with trendy agent plotting. In each volume, there is a new thrilling case to keep readers on their toes.What happens in Volume 3:Tessa joins the school newspaper because she wants to prove to her crush Timo, the editor-in-chief, that she is a damn cool eighth grader. Wouldn't it be laughable if Tessa didn't make a top investigative journalist with her newly acquired agent skills? She wants to research how well recycling clothes works: Customers can return their used clothing, and stores like Fashionista refurbish the clothes and donate them to neighborhood projects. With the help of a GPS tracker sewn into a used sweater, they track the sweater to the Suez Canal ... but this does not fit the promises of Fashionista at all. The problem of old clothes imports seems to be even bigger than Tessa suspects. And then Tessa and the Girl Group receive a tip that calls for RING's intervention ...• Chick-lit with trendy agent plot in international settings: Charlie's Angels meets Austin Powers• Exciting and humorous entertainment for readers aged 11 and up, unmistakably humorous and entertaining à la Frauke Scheunemann• Special topic: fast fashion & greenwashing, narrated with coolness, humor and a touch of romance

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