The New Girl Code
by Niki Smit
Tumi Letsatsi is a 13-year old melanin kween living in Rondebosch, Cape Town. Her favourite colour is yellow, she's still trying to figure out how not to dent her afro on the bus, and how one goes about (ahem!) “french kissing”. She’s a little awkward and a lot uncertain about her future, friendships and how to put together a cool outfit! But then she stumbles across the magic of coding and creates an app called “Project Prep” that goes viral and rockets her and her friends to fame. Then everything starts to fall apart, as she deals with a catfish who befriends her and steals her code, nasty rumours at school and the newfound attention of a crush. The New Girl Code (by Niki Smit, locally edited by Buhle Ngaba) is about the wonders of working in tech, aimed at girls and young women aged 9-15. The project is an initiative of Inspiring Fifty and based on an idea by Janneke Niessen.
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Technology means possibilities, innovation and creativity. However, a lot of young femmes have a totally different view of tech. They see tech as one-note, something exclusive and expensive, to be done alone. Not as something creative that can be used across various fields. That’s why we wanted to create an authentic and relatable voice for young girls, a reflection of the possibilities of tech to life and to make it relevant for them. A recent study underlines the need for initiatives such as this one. Girls lose interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) at a very young age, and both female role models and the need to provide girls with the opportunity to express their creativity through hands-on experiences are seen as crucial to change this. We need this change for the girls themselves, but also for an economy that cannot afford to forget these girls. Around 90% of jobs are estimated to need at least some level of digital skills and we are already facing a big shortage of skilled people to fill all jobs in technology. A shortage that will only increase. The book’s Dutch edition was launched with the support of Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, where it is a best-seller. The New Girl Code has become a movement in its home country and now aims to do the same in other countries to inspire and empower girls to work in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The project is an initiative of Inspiring Fifty and a joint effort of serial technology entrepreneur Janneke Niessen, seasoned editor Andrea Stanley, best-selling children’s author Niki Smit, with illustrations by famed artist Josselin Bijl. Inspiring actress, artist and author Buhle Ngaba is the editor of the South African version. This is a non-profit initiative and the funds that will be made with the book will be used to further support the activities to increase diversity in technology.
Author Biography
Niki Smit is a Dutch writer and illustrator of children's books . Her first book, 100% Nina, was published in 2005. In 2017 Coco's first book adaptation was shown in the cinema, the film 100% Cocois directed by Tessa Schram. In the past, Smit worked as editor-in-chief of a website for teenagers and a fashion blog. In 2011 Smit completed the study screenwriting for film and television at Scriptschool in Amsterdam. Niki has illustrated her books 100% Coco, 100% Coco-Paris, 100% Coco New York and 100% Coco Berlin herself. Since 2015, Niki has been ambassador of the Day of the French Language.
Imagnary House
Imagnary House is a South African publisher founded in 2016, focused on children’s books and young-adult literature. The house was built off the phrase, "If you walk in the measurable, you miss out on the imaginable".
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Imagnary House
- Publication Date 2018
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- Publication Country or regionSouth Africa
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 120 ZAR
- Pages327
- Publish StatusPublished
- Copyright Year2018
- Dimensions210x148 mm
- IllustrationFully illustrated