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        Micronutrient Depleters: Cholesterol-lowering Drugs

        Things to know about medicines and micronutrients

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        Elevated blood lipid levels are among the major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. The class of substances most commonly used for lowering blood lipids is the type of cholesterol-lowering drug known as statins. Taking cholesterol-lowering drugs can lead to disruption of the coenzyme Q10 balance and muscle metabolism. In addition, statin therapy increases the need for selenium, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins and L-carnitine. This guide provides patients with important medical information about the interactions of their medicines with these micronutrients. This way, patients can optimise their treatment, reduce the side effects of their medication, and improve their quality of life!

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        Food Composition Table for the Practice

        The small Souci/Fachmann/Kraut

        by Founded by S.W. Souci, W. Fachmann and H. Kraut. Revised by Dr. Petra Steinhaus. Edited by the Leibniz Institute of Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich.

        ■ How many omega-3 fatty acids does salmon contain? ■ Which dairy product contains the most calcium? ■ How iron-rich is spinach, really? Whether calories, vitamins or amino acids – whether in field beans, bananas, eggs, chicken, parmesan cheese or onion – it is all here. The compact edition of the time-tested „large SFK [Souci/Fachmann/Kraut]“ offers tested data on over 70 ingredients in more than 360 foods, systematically structured according to food groups. This edition with thousands of values has been completely revised and updated by the Leibniz Institute of Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich. Extra: 32 summary tables cover more than 300 other, less common foods and allow for targeted, clear comparisons. 16 orientation tables provide information about foods with particularly high or low amounts of ingredients. Nutritional values, energy content, main components and ingredients displayed in uniform systematics and a practical format – just look it up!

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        The Fat

        by Yingchun Zhu

        Fat is a collection of essays on the topic of fat , which was carefully edited and designed by Zhu Yingchun, the winner of "The most Beautiful Book in the world", after six years of manuscript preparation. The book invites more than 100 authors to tell the story of "fat" together, as well as a number of well-known artists to draw illustrations in the text. The book includes memories of famous people from all walks of life, such as Shen Changwen, Zhong Shuhe, Su Tong, Li 'er, Ye Zhaoyan, Mai Jia, Zhang Jiajia and Jiang Fangzhou, as well as stories of people of different ages and fields and people from other countries and regions. Fat is not only a kind of food, but also a period of memory, which embodies the bitter past, sweet memories and ongoing stories of sweetness, bitterness and bitterness from generation to generation. 《肥肉》是一本以“肥肉”为话题的散文集,由“世界最美的书”获奖者朱赢椿历时六年约稿,精心编辑与设计而成。本书邀请到百余位作者共同讲述“肥肉”的故事,以及多位知名画家制作内文插画。既有沈昌文、钟叔河、苏童、李洱、叶兆言、麦家、张嘉佳、蒋方舟等社会各界知名人士关于肥肉的珍贵记忆,也收录民间不同年龄、不同领域的人和其他国家、地区的人们的肥肉故事。 肥肉不仅是一种食物,更是一段时代记忆,凝聚了一代又一代人辛酸的过往、甜蜜的回忆以及正在发生的酸甜苦辣的故事。物价已回不到往昔,肥肉又有了新故事。全新增订版特别收录陈晓卿、封新城、石光华、地主陆、田原、史航、汪天稳等好文。书中囊括的这几代人的胃,比世间档案更懂中国。

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2018

        The Decay of Courage: Li Guowen Talks about History

        by Li Guowen

        This book selects twenty-one representative articles from Li Guowen’s six works about Chinese history. It is divided into two parts: "the silhouette of the dynasty" and "the tragedy of the literati". It embodies Mr. Li Guowen’s profound thinking on the relationship between imperial power and literati in Chinese history, national character of China, as well as the rise and fall of history.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2010

        Green Beard

        by Serhii Pushyk (Author), Rostyslav Kramar (Illustrator)

        Simple, light, funny, and at the same time wise, these poems awaken the imagination of any reader, introducing them to a world of new things and concepts. Rostyslav Kramar's illustrations perfectly complement the work, as they are as bright and charming as if they were guided by a child's imagination.   From 3 to 8 years,  1330 words Rightsholder contact: Diana Semak,

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        How to survive in a world where you can’t pay rent, can’t afford to focus, be healthy or to remain principled. Dijana Matković tells a powerful story of searching for a room of her own in the late stages of capitalism.


        It is a coming-of-age story for Generation Z. How to grow up or even live in a world where no steady jobs are available, you can’t pay your rent and can’t afford medical or living expenses. Moreover, it touches on how to be a socially engaged artist in such a world, and more so, a woman in a post-me too world? Dijana, a daughter of working-class immigrants, tells the story of her difficult childhood and adolescence, how should became a journalist and later a writer in a society full of prejudices, glass ceilings and obstacles. How she gradually became a stereotypical ‘success story’, even though she still struggles with writing, because she can’t afford a ‘room of her own’.   Dijana is a daughter of working-class immigrants, who came to Slovenia in the eighties in search of a better future. The family is building a house but is made redundant from the local factory when Yugoslavia is in the midst of an economic crisis. When her parents get divorced, Dijana, her older sister and mother struggle with basic needs. She is ashamed of their poverty, her classmates bully her because of her immigrant status, but mostly because of her being ‘white trash’. In the local school she meets teachers with prejudices against immigrants, but is helped by a librarian who spots her talent. When Dijana goes to secondary school, she moves in with her older sister who lives in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Her sister is into rave culture and Dijana starts to explore experimenting with drugs, music and dance. At the secondary school, she is again considered ‘the weird kid’, as she isn’t enough of a foreigner for other immigrant kids because she is from the country, yet she isn’t Slovenian enough for other native kids. She falls even deeper into drug addiction, fails the first year of school and has to move back to live with her mother. She takes on odd jobs to make ends meet. Whilst working as a waitress she encounters sexism and sexual violence from customers and abuse from the boss. She finishes night school and graduates. She meets many ‘lost’ people of her generation along the way, who tell her their stories about precarious, minimum wage jobs, lack of opportunities, expensive rent, etc. Dijana writes for numerous newspapers but loses or quits her job, because she isn’t allowed to write the stories she wants or because of the bad working conditions or the blatant sexual harassment. Due to the high rent in the capital, Dijana has to move to the countryside to live with her mother. She feels lonely there, struggles with anxiety and cannot write a second book, because she is constantly under pressure to make a living. She realises that she must persevere regardless of the obstacles, she must follow her inner truth and by writing about it, try to create a community of like-minded people, a community of people who support each other – all literature/art is social.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        Three Brave Knights

        by Anna Tretyak (Author), Natalya Chorna (Illustrator)

        Once upon a time, three brave knights appeared in the modern world! However, here's the surprise: these knights are actually three cheeky little girls pretending to be knights! Their imagination transforms ordinary objects and people into marvelous creatures, turning an ordinary day into an exciting adventure. They embark on many brave feats during their day, including fighting a dragon and, of course, saving a princess! The author demonstrates that children, and even adults, can be whoever they want with the power of imagination.   From 3 to 6 years, 304 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        How to eat for 0-3-year-old babies

        by Li Ning

        This book combines the classic and practical parenting experience and ideas at home and abroad. From the perspective of science and practice, it introduces the physical development standards, feeding guidance, nutrition concerns, recommended recipes, etc. of 0-3-year-old babies in stages. It points out that the nutrition needs of babies in each growth stage, not only provides the mothers with * baby feeding programs, but also answers the common feeding problems. In addition, the book also introduces 23 kinds of * food for baby growth, 34 channels of special functional recipes for long-term wisdom and 24 kinds of diet adjustment for baby discomfort symptoms in a simple and easy to learn language, which can let new parents master the tips for raising babies.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        FamilyFlow. Ab ins Grüne!

        30 x Entspannen & Entdecken in der Natur für die ganze Familie

        by Mareike Gohla, Viktoria Heyn, Martina Stuhlberger

        Natur erleben mit Kindern Raus ins Grüne mit der ganzen Familie! Diese hochwertige Kartenbox für Kinder ab 3 Jahren ist bis prall gefüllt mit jeder Menge Draußenzeit. Vom Regenbogensammeln in den Farben der Natur über spannende Tier- und Pflanzen-Challenges bis hin zum gemeinsamen Outdoor-Yoga: Die 30 Inspirationen für Auszeiten im Grünen lassen Groß und Klein durchatmen und die Natur in den Familienalltag einziehen. Die hochwertige Box enthält 30 stabile Karten, die sich ganz bequem überall hin mitnehmen lassen. Ein inspirierendes Produkt für gemeinsame Rituale zum Entschleunigen und Entspannen. Ab ins Grüne: 30 Ideen zum Entspannen, Entdecken und Erforschen Spiel und Spaß im Freien: 30 originelle Ideen für Familien mit Kindern ab 3 Jahren. Natur im Familienalltag: Von Outdoor-Yoga bis hin zu Tier- und Pflanzen-Challenges - die Karten bieten Spaß und Spannung für Groß und Klein. Hochwertig ausgestattet: Praktische Kartenbox mit stabilen Karten, die in jede Tasche und in jeden Rucksack passt. Beim Picknick, im Park oder im Wald: Gemeinsame Aktivitäten in der Natur bringen Familien näher zusammen. Ab in die Natur mit der praktischen Kartenbox! Die 30 stabilen Karten bieten spannende Draußen-Aktivitäten für Kinder ab 3 Jahren - vom Regenbogensammeln bis zu Outdoor-Yoga. Ein inspirierendes Produkt für entspannte Familienmomente im Grünen.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2017

        Health Benefits of Green Tea

        An Evidence-based Approach

        by Yukihiko Hara, Chung S Yang, Mamoru Isemura, Isao Tomita, R Agnihotri, Z Apostolides, T Asakawa, Z. M. Chen, S Gaur, Yukihiko Hara, M Inai, Mamoru Isemura, T Kakuda, T Kan, M. J. Lee, Z Lin, M Maeda-Yamamoto, S Masuda, S Meguro, T Minami, N Miyoshi, M Monobe, H Moriwaki, Y Nakamura, O Numata, K Saeki, K Sayama, Y Shimamura, M Shimizu, T Suzuki, H Tachibana, P. W. Taylor, I Tokimitsu, I Tomita, T. A. Tomita, K Unno, H Wang, H Yamada, C. S. Yang, H Yokogoshi

        This book provides evidence to support the health-promoting components of green tea for human health. It explores the significance of green tea and its catechins represented by epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), demonstrating their beneficial effects on diseases including cancer, obesity, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, hepatitis, and neurodegenerative diseases. The present status of human studies and avenues for future research are discussed. It is written by a team of experts from across the globe and makes significant Japanese findings available to international researchers. It is an essential resource for researchers interested in the biochemistry and pharmacology of green tea, and functional foods and beverages.

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        February 2023

        FamilyFlow. Schlaf ein wie dein Lieblingstier

        Einschlafübungen für eine ruhige Nacht

        by Daniela Heidtmann, Daniela Heidtmann

        Schlaf ein und durch wie ein Murmeltier. Ich bin klein, ich schlaf ein – und durch! Fantasiereisen, Übungen zur Körperwahrnehmung, Atemübungen, Streichel- und Massageelemente: Einschlafroutinen helfen Kindern dabei, schneller einzuschlafen und häufiger durchzuschlafen. Verpackt in kurze Geschichten, die von verschiedenen Lieblingstieren erzählen, sind sie ein ideales Einschlafritual. Vor allem in Kombination mit der beruhigenden Musik sind sie so konzipiert, dass Kinder ganzheitlich entspannen. Gute Geschichte, gute Übung, gute Nacht! - Schneller einschlafen und häufiger durchschlafen mit Achtsamkeits-Übungen. - Kleine Geschichten mit Entspannungsübungen für Kinder ab 3 Jahren. - Mental und physisch die beste Vorbereitung auf eine ruhige Nacht.

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        Redemption of Maternal love -- To change a Child's Life in Three Months (for Teenagers)

        by Li Kefu, Xushaobo, Li Dexian

        The book is an adaption of consulting cases in real life and a collection of 90 diaries in 3 months by a mother, recording how a lost teenage girl worked her way through. It can help the majority of parents to learn to re-examine themselves from the perspective of psychology, to reflect on and correct their own behaviors, in order to better solve parent child relationship problems, emotional problems, marital problems, thus re-create a harmonious family atmosphere, and witness the occurrence of healing and change.

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        Health & Personal Development

        Decrease fat of body

        by Zhao Ting

        The book contains several recipes of healthy meals which can help you to decrease your fat level instead of only loosing weight. Healthy meals and detox can help you to keep fit.     内容简介 体脂面前,体重什么都不算!减体重只治标,降体脂才治本!营养师私家亲授减肥食谱,健康进食排毒塑形,吃着吃着就瘦了的饮食减肥法!

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        Children's & YA
        January 2023

        Mr. Cheesecake and Christmas Pampukh

        by Svitlana Linynska (Author), Mariia Hrom-Vurlovska (Illustrator)

        On the eve of Christmas, an unusual incident happened in the town of Yasne. The famous baker Syrnyk didn’t give the last Christmas pampukh (an Ukrainian national dish, similar to a donut) to a girl that came to his bakery for it, because he himself was very hungry. From that moment on, everything tasted bitter for him! Mr. Syrnyk didn’t know what to do. How will he manage to prepare the most delicious pastries now? Who will help the baker? Maybe Doctor Apchih has some healing medicine for bitterness? And maybe a small miracle will happen on the eve of the glorious holiday of Christmas…   From 3 to 8 years, 3074 words. Rightsholders: Diana Semak,

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        Science & Mathematics
        March 2017

        The Handbook of Microbial Metabolism of Amino Acids

        by J P F D'Mello, K Abe, M I Afzal, M Akhtar, J M P Alves, R Balana Fouce, Q Bashir, R A Bender, Simon Brown, Catherine Cailliez-Grimal, R William Caldwell, Barbara Campanini, Yingying Cao, Trinad Chakraborty, D Charlier, N P Chowdhury, O O Coker, Daniela de Biase, Stephane Delaunay, Renwick C J Dobson, Mike F Dunn, D Fulton, Fabio Giovannercole, D E Holmes, A.O Hudson, Y Kera, G D Kornfeld, F Leroy, Z Liao, Rob D Locy, J S Lott, Patrick M Lucas, R Lucas, P Ludovico, J M Moran, A Mozzarelli, A J Nieuwkoop, N Osorio, John V Paietta, Prasit Palittapongarnpim, Emily J Parker, A Parthasarathy, F G Pearce, Eugenia Pennacchietti, Y Perez-Pertejo, R S Phillips, N Rashid, P J Quinn, F Rodrigues, M J Romero, B Sampaio-Marques, M A Savka, K Shibata, David C Simcock, H V Simpson, J A Smith, S Takahashi, Saleh Umair, X Wang, Matthew J Wargo, S Watanabe, Freya Wencker, W Ziebuhr, I W Dawes

        This book collates and reviews recent advances in the microbial metabolism of amino acids, emphasizing diversity - in terms of the range of organisms under investigation and their natural ecology - and the unique features of amino acid metabolism in bacteria, yeasts, fungi, protozoa and nematodes. As well as studying the individual amino acids, including arginine, sulfur amino acids, branched-chain amino acids and aromatic amino acids, a number of themes are explored throughout the work. These include: - Comparative issues between the metabolism of microbes and those of higher organisms, including plants and mammals - Potential for drug targets in pathways of both biosynthesis and degradation of amino acids - Relationship between amino acids or associated enzymes and virulence in parasitic pathogens - Practical implications for food microbiology and pathogen characterization - Future priorities relating to fundamental biochemistry of microrganisms, food quality and safety, human and animal health, plant pathology, drug design and ecology As the volume of research into the metabolism of amino acids grows, this comprehensive study of the subject is a vital tool for researchers in the fields of biological, medical and veterinary sciences, including microbiology, biochemistry, genetics and pathology. This book is also essential for corporate organizations with active research and development programmes, such as those in the pharmaceutical industry. ; This book collates and reviews recent advances in the microbial metabolism of amino acids, emphasizing diversity - in terms of the range of organisms under investigation and their natural ecology - and the unique features of amino acid metabolism in bacteria, yeasts, fungi, protozoa and nematodes. ; -: PrefacePART I: GLUTAMATE1: Structural and Functional Properties of Glutamate Dehydrogenases2: Glutamate Decarboxylase in Bacteria3: The Yeast GABA ShuntPART II: LYSINE, ARGININE AND HYDROXYPROLINE4: Lysine Biosynthesis in Microorganisms5: Arginine Deiminase in Microorganisms6: Arginase and Microbial Pathogenesis in the Lungs7: Arginine and Methionine as Precursors of Polyamines in Trypanosomatids8: Ornithine and Lysine Decarboxylation in Bacteria9: The Role of Nitric Oxide Signalling in Yeast Stress Response and Cell Death10: Hydroxyproline Metabolism in MicroorganismsPART III: SERINE AND THREONINE11: Cellular Responses to Serine in Yeast12: Threonine Degradation in Hyperthermophilic OrganismsPART IV: SULFUR AMINO ACIDS13: Methionine Synthesis in Microbes14: Regulation of Sulfur Amino Acid Metabolism in Fungi15: Insight on O-Acetylserine Sulfhydrylase Structure, Function and Biopharmaceutical ApplicationsPART V: BRANCHED-CHAIN AMINO ACIDS16: Metabolic Engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum for L-Valine Production17: Flavour Formation From Leucine by Lactic Acid BacteriaPART VI: AROMATIC AMINO ACIDS AND HISTIDINE18: Microbial Degradation of Phenolic Amino Acids19: The Biosynthesis of Tryptophan20: Tryptophan Biosynthesis in Bacteria: Drug Targets and Immunology21: The Kynurenine Pathway of Tryptophan Metabolism in Microorganisms22: Histidine Degradation in Bacteria23: Histidine Phosphatase Superfamily in Pathogenic BacteriaPART VII: D-AMINO ACIDS24: Functions and Metabolism of D-Amino Acids in Microorganisms25: Pathways of Utilization of D-Amino Acids in Higher OrganismsPART VIII: ECOLOGY26: Rhizobial Amino Acid Metabolism: Polyamine Biosynthesis and Functions27: Working Together: Amino Acid Biosynthesis in Endosymbiont-Harbouring Trypanosomatidae28: Amino Acid Metabolism in Helminths29: Microbial Degradation of Amino Acids in Anoxic Environments30: Utilization of N-Methylated Amino Acids by Bacteria31: Biofilm Formation: Amino Acid Biomarkers in Candida albicans32: Recent Advances Underpinning Innovative Strategies for the Future

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        The Arts
        September 2017

        Principles and Practices of 3-D Animation Production

        by Liu Shangbing

        This book is based on the real case of the original animation project "Adventure Little Prince" by several national animation companies in Hunan province. The analysis applies 3ds MAX software as the platform, includes theories and practical skills of 3D animation video creation in an all-round way from the aspects of animation plays, audiovisual language, art design, animation models, animation materials, lighting rendering, etc. All cases in the manuscript have been carefully selected and are good representations. At the same time, these project cases contain the most popular ideas and technologies, which can be well applied into practice.

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        Prose: non-fiction


        by Andrii Aliokhin

        Hello, I am Andrii Aliokhin. I have been an actor and a writer for many years living in two capitals: Kyiv and Paris. I was neither a tourist nor an immigrant. This allowed me to see our life and French life from a unique point of view. This book tells a story about what I had learned in France. Not from professional chefs or subtle connoisseurs of culinary delights, but from ordinary French men and women, who cook and eat in France. Real people who love, work, grieve, celebrate, raise children, walk dogs, and go to market in the course of their daily lives. So, you will find here my little stories about the French – memoirs and other nonsense, that actually is called life. In some way it is also a cookbook. Everything collected here are ordinary, simple, French recipes. All ingredients can be easily found on the shelvesof our stores. But this is not just a book about the kitchen. It’s about what I finally realized. I realized why the French are not getting fat. The book by Andre Aliokhin – the most famous and popular Ukrainian blogger. It’s bestseller in Ukraine. The German translation will be published soon.

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        February 2024

        KoboldKroniken 3. Klassenfahrt mit Klabauter

        by Daniel Bleckmann, Uticha Marmon, , Benjamin Ritter, Stefan Kaminski, Thomas Hussung

        Kobold-krasse Klassenfahrt (Hörbuch mit 3 CDs) Im dritten Teil der KoboldKroniken fahren Dario, Lennard und Clara-mit-C mit der Schule an die Nordsee. Entspannung nach den anstrengenden Missionen in der Koboldwelt Kwertz ist angesagt! Rumpel ist natürlich auch mit von der Partie, obwohl ihm Wasser gar nicht geheuer ist. Die Freunde treffen auf einen Kobold vom Klan der Klabauter und ahnen, dass es für sie bald wieder nach Kwertz gehen wird. Dort warten Klabauterprüfungen, Drakkball-Spiele und eine finstere Bedrohung auf Dario und seine Freunde … Die ultimative Koboldwelt Der ultimative Hörspaß zum 3. Band der KoboldKroniken: Das Hörbuch eignet sich perfekt für Kinder ab 9 Jahren. Neue Freunde, neue Mission: Phänomenal inszeniert von Stimmengenie Stefan Kaminski. Ausgezeichnet: Das Hörbuch zu „KoboldKroniken 1. Sie sind unter uns!“ gehört zu den besten Titeln in der Kategorie „Kinder- und Jugendaufnahmen“ auf der Longlist des Preises der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik. Cool erzählt: Im trendigen Tagebuchstil, geschrieben von Daniel Bleckmann. Die KoboldKroniken sind lässige Bücher mit coolen Illus, wenig Text und einer genialen App für Kinder ab 9 Jahren. Die Geschichten sind in Tagebuchform geschrieben und superleicht zu lesen. Sie verbinden die Themen Schule, Freundschaft, Social Media und Gaming mit Fantasy. Für alle Fans dieser interaktiven Buchreihe gibt es ein gigantisches Kobold-Universum mit Hörbüchern, Rätseln, Puzzles, Beschäftigungsbüchern, Exit-Abenteuer, Spielen und eine coole App.

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