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      • Strange Days Books, Social Cooperative Enterprise

        Strange Days Books is a social cooperative publishing firm based in Crete, Greece. Since 2012 we have published almost 100 books. Every year we organize Sand Festival, an online Writers’ Workshop and - in cooperation with literary magazine - the one and only international short story competition based in Greece, plus our International Book Awards. In 2019 SDB was the only publishing house in Greece to receive approval by the European Union’s Creative Europe translation funding program for its project "Strange Days in Europe”. Strange Days Books is an entirely independent publisher, primarily interested in showcasing the wealth of new writing voices in Greece. We work closely with our authors to create books that will appeal to booklovers, books about the present, books that strive to push the art of literature forward, books written with talent and passion, books that challenge the way we see the world, books bursting with new ideas and intriguing perspectives.

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      • Bookline & Thinker

        Hookline Books is our fiction imprint - all authors have attended writing classes to post-graduate university level. All manuscripts are approved by book groups before being accepted for publication. Non-fiction publisher specialising in self-help, travel and social history.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation:

        Case Studies and Plans

        by Secretariat of the First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo Organizing Committee

        China-Africa Economics and Trade Cooperation: Case Studies and Plans comes in 3 languages: Chinese(2 volumes), English(2 volumes), and French(2 volumes). This book series include 101 excellent case studies , which related to 21 Chinese provinces and cities and 31 countries in Africa, containing agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and trade, infrastructure, industrial parks, energy and mining, financing and other fields in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. This set of books is practical and useful for all readers. In addition, the book gives the vivid interpretation on the concept of common prosperity, win-win cooperation, mutual negotiation and construction, shared innovation and progression of Belt and Road Initiative.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2009

        Consumerism and the Co-operative movement in modern British history

        Taking stock

        by Lawrence Black, Nicole Robertson

        Despite the abundance and quality of recent historical writing on consumerism, it cannot be said that the modern Co-operative movement (Co-op) has been well served. It has also been by-passed in studies that locate Britons' identity in their consumption. The reasons for this can be found in the widely perceived decline of the Co-op since the 1950s, but also in various historiographical agendas that have resulted in its relative invisibility in modern British history. This book, by demonstrating the variety of broader issues that can be addressed through the Co-op and the vibrancy of new historical research into consumption, seeks to remedy this. Taking stock, both of the Co-op in a broader context and of new approaches to the history of consumption, combines the work of leading authorities on the Co-op with recent scholarly research. It explores the Co-op's distinctive interface between everyday issues and grander idealistic concerns. The chapters intersect to examine a broad range of themes, notably: the politics of consumerism including consumer protection, ethical and fair trading and alternatives to corporate commerce; design and advertising; the Co-op's relations with other components of the labour movement; and its ideology, image and memory. The collection looks at the Co-operative movement locally (through specific case studies), nationally and also in comparison to the European movement. This collection will appeal to academics, researchers, teachers and students of the economic, cultural and political history of twentieth-century Britain. It will also be of interest to academics and students of business studies, and co-operative members themselves. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        Educational: Art & design

        Pensar el espacio. Reflejos, superficies y colores (Thinking the space. Reflections, sufaces and colors)

        by Chiara Carrer

        The line is the protagonist of this book. She explores the pages and forms figures, colors herself, creates landscapes, characters and, with them, stories that narrate the reflections and joys that creation brings. This book, the third in a growing collection, is a catalog of the possibilities that lie at the base of all art. In the blank pages of this book, lines, figures, shadows, textures, colors, unpublished worlds were born that, in their capricious forms, hide beings that reflect on everything visible, on everything that surrounds them and is the framework for their adventures, which are the adventures of creative thinking in all its simple splendor: space: line, movement, rhythm: seeing, looking, reading: imagining, thinking, doing. Here everything is created and everything is arranged for the creation of the reader, the artist.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        March 2019

        Find the better self

        by Wen Liyang

        This book is a readme for a post-80s lady entrepreneur.Born in 1985, she became a part-time migrant worker after joining secondary school. At work, she pays attention and looks for opportunities; in life, she constantly learns and improves herself. Worked as a clerk, a car salesperson, a tour guide, a dance teacher, and an advertising sales director in an IT company. At the age of 28, he entered the field of e-commerce and decided to start a business. The first year of his business made a profit of 2 million yuan.This book tells how the author grew up step by step, becoming an independent and self-strengthening woman from eight aspects: independent thinking, economic independence, health management, image management, family education, family friends, taste pursuits, and husband and wife relationships. And get the life you want.The story in this book is sincere and touching, and the writing is fluent. It is a inspirational book for young women, which has certain guiding significance for ordinary young girls to find themselves.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2023

        Storm & Partner 2. Die verlorenen Schreie

        by Roxann Hill, Stephan Benson, Viola Müller, Speak Low Verlag und Medienproduktion, CSC creative sound conception, Alexios Saskalidis

        Schrei um dein Leben – niemand wird dich hören! Ein toter Obdachloser in Berlin. Eine reiche Frau mit einem besonderen Interesse an der Aufklärung des Falles. Ein schwerkranker Bandenchef inmitten eines Krieges zweier tschetschenischer Verbrechersyndikate. Und ein BND-Agent mit undurchsichtigen Zielen und Absichten … Helena Groß, Ex-Profikillerin des KGB, hat ihre blutige Vergangenheit endgültig hinter sich gelassen. Sie arbeitet jetzt als Privatermittlerin. Doch dann übernehmen sie und ihr Partner, der Anwalt Maximilian Storm, den vermeintlichen Routinefall des toten Obdachlosen. Bei ihren Recherchen stechen sie in ein wahres Wespennest. Ihre Gegner sind skrupellose Mörder, die in ihrer Gier nach Macht und Geld gnadenlos jeden beseitigen werden, der sich ihnen in den Weg stellt – auch Helena und Maximilian … "Die verlorenen Schreie" ist der zweite Band der Thrillerserie rund um die ebenso geheimnisvolle wie tödliche Helena Groß und den ehemaligen Staranwalt Maximilian Storm. Ungekürzt gelesen von Viola Müller und Stephan Benson

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2018

        An Introduction to Philosophy of Library Science

        by Tang Liguang

        The mission of philosophy is to lead the trend of the times and history. The theoretical construction of philosophy of library science will also assume the historical responsibility of leading the development of contemporary library science theory and practice. This book takes Marx's practical materialism as the theoretical foundation, and examines the thinking mode and main issues of library philosophy, the view of practice and materialism, library dialectics, the labor of librarians and their alienation, the philosophical cultivation and creation of librarians, and such major theoretical issues including various contemporary issues, to a certain extent. Based on this, a theoretical framework based on practical materialism was attempted. This book is a comprehensive work written by the author on the basis of his works Study on Axiology of Library, Study on Ontology of Library,and Study on Epistemology of Library. It is suitable for all who care about library existence and development to read.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Two Planets

        by Masoud Gharabaghi

        People of two neighboring planets have been living together in peace until a scientist invents a device to look at the sky with. The trouble begins when the map of the sky is different for each planet, but whose map is the correct one? The book tries to help children towards thinking objectively despite their biases. It also aims to encourage critical thinking and seeing the differences while taking something into account.

      • Trusted Partner
        Zoology & animal sciences
        May 2021

        Nutrition and Feeding Organic Cattle

        by Robert Blair

        Organic cattle farming is on the increase, with consumer demand for organic milk and meat growing yearly. Beginning with an overview of the aims and principles behind organic cattle production, this book presents extensive information about how to feed cattle so that the milk and meat produced meet organic standards, and provides a comprehensive summary of ruminant digestive processes and nutrition. Since the publication of the first edition, global consumers have increasingly become concerned with the sustainability of meat production. Here, Robert Blair considers the interrelationships of sustainable practices and profitability of organic herds, reviewing how to improve forage production and quality, and minimizing the need for supplementary feeding using off-farm ingredients. This new edition also covers: - Managing a recurrent shortage of organic feed ingredients, due to increased GM feed crop cultivation worldwide - Current findings on appropriate breeds and grazing systems for forage-based organic production - Diet-related health issues in organic herds and the effects of organic production on meat and milk quality. Required reading for animal science researchers, advisory personnel that service the organic milk and beef industries and students interested in organic milk and meat production, this book is also a useful resource for organic farming associations, veterinarians, and feed and food industry personnel.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2024

        Storm & Partner 3. Die tödliche Stille

        by Roxann Hill, Viola Müller, Speak Low Verlag und Medienproduktion, CSC creative sound conception, Alexios Saskalidis

        Hüte dich vor der Stille, denn ihr folgt der Tod Ein verblichenes Foto – mehr hat der krebskranke Lukas Pohl nicht von seinem leiblichen Vater. Verzweifelt sucht er nach ihm, er braucht dessen Rückenmarkspende. Ex-Profikillerin Helena Groß und Anwalt Maximilian Storm übernehmen den tragischen Fall. Kaum finden sie erste Spuren, beschleicht Helena das Gefühl, beschattet zu werden. Spielt ihr Mandant ein falsches Spiel mit ihnen? Als Zeugen, die sie befragen wollten, brutal ermordet werden, wird ihnen klar: Es geht nicht allein um das Aufspüren eines Mannes. Es geht um verschollen geglaubte Diamanten und um einen Täter, der sein böses Geheimnis mit allen Mitteln bewahren will. Gleichzeitig wird Helena von ihrer dunklen Vergangenheit eingeholt. Sie sieht sich gezwungen zu handeln, und die Situation eskaliert. Der Killer schlägt erneut zu. Und alles, was er zurücklässt, ist tödliche Stille… Der dritte Band der Thrillerserie rund um die ebenso geheimnisvolle wie tödliche Helena Groß und den ehemaligen Staranwalt Maximilian Storm. Ungekürzt gelesen von Viola Müller.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        March 2019

        Emotional Intelligence in Tourism and Hospitality

        by Erdogan Koc

        Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capability to recognize one's own emotions and those of others. The use of emotional information guides thinking and behavior, allowing adjustment of emotions to adapt to environments. As tourism and hospitality services are produced and consumed simultaneously, with a high level of contact between employees and customers, the development of EI of employees in tourism and hospitality establishments is vital. This book has a skills-based approach and explains how emotional intelligence can be developed in tourism and hospitality students and employees.

      • Trusted Partner

        How Animals Hammer, Drill and Strike

        Tool Use in the Animal Kingdom

        by Peter-René Becker

        From insects to fish as well as birds and primates: the use of tools is amazingly widespread in the animal kingdom. It’s a misnomer to presume that humans are distinguished by tool use and conscious capacity. So where is culture initiated? The biologist Peter-René Becker has evaluated numerous studies and cites plenty of evidence for the use of the hammer and anvil, lances, bait or sponges. Animals also use “tools as social implements”. Ultimately, the depth of man’s conscience singles him out from other animals.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2024

        Storm & Partner 5. Blutrotes Spiel

        by Roxann Hill, Viola Müller, Stephan Benson, Speak Low Verlag und Medienproduktion, CSC creative sound conception, Alexios Saskalidis

        "Spiel mit mir, der Einsatz ist dein Leben." Der Mann hebt den Revolver, platziert eine einzige Kugel in der Kammer und lässt die Trommel rotieren. "Sag Stopp", meint er lächelnd. Manche Verbrechen sind derartig grausam, dass sie eine schreckliche Rache heraufbeschwören. Ex-Profikillerin Helena Groß und Anwalt Maximilian Storm werden mit einem Fall konfrontiert, der ihnen alles abverlangt, vielleicht sogar ihr Leben. "Blutrotes Spiel" ist der fünfte Band der Thrillerserie rund um die ebenso geheimnisvolle wie tödliche Helena Groß und den ehemaligen Staranwalt Maximilian Storm.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        If you are creative

        by Qian Haiyun/Wang Xiaoxiao

        The book focuses on six inventive professions, namely, costume designer, construction engineer, photographer, film proptechnician, floral designerand cook. It will fully stimulate creative talent of young readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023

        Storm & Partner 1. Die blutige Stadt

        by Roxann Hill, Stephan Benson, Viola Müller, Speak Low Verlag und Medienproduktion, CSC creative sound conception, Alexios Saskalidis

        Sie nennt sich Helena Groß. Sie lebt zurückgezogen in einem heruntergekommenen Berliner Hinterhaus. Sie hütet ein dunkles Geheimnis. Und sie hat Jahre damit verbracht, vor ihrer Vergangenheit davonzulaufen. Helena sieht sich gezwungen, dem ehemaligen Staranwalt Maximilian Storm bei der Aufklärung eines besonders grausamen Mordfalls zu helfen. Ein junger Mann ist in seiner Wohnung lebendig verbrannt. Der Brandstifter hat ihm den Fluchtweg versperrt. Als Helena und Storm denken, das perfide Spiel des Täters endlich durchschaut zu haben, passiert das, was niemals hätte passieren dürfen: Helenas Vergangenheit, voller Gewalt und Tod, holt sie gnadenlos ein. Sie muss sich ihr stellen. In der blutigen Stadt… "Die blutige Stadt" ist der Auftakt einer Thrillerserie rund um die ebenso geheimnisvolle wie tödliche Helena Groß und den ehemaligen Staranwalt Maximilian Storm. Ungekürzt gelesen von Viola Müller und Stephan Benson

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2025

        The theatrical orchestra

        British music ensembles experiment with performance

        by Adrian Curtin

        The Theatrical Orchestra analyses experimental performances by British music ensembles in the twenty-first century. Orchestras are reconceiving how concerts are programmed and presented, how musicians perform, where performance can occur, and the role of the audience in the co-creation of the live event. They are embracing theatricality, thereby realising music more fully as a multi-sensory performance art. This book explains how and why orchestras are thinking theatrically about performance, and uses the work of British music ensembles as exemplars. It analyses performances by Aurora Orchestra, London Contemporary Orchestra, London Sinfonietta, Manchester Collective, Multi-Story Orchestra, Paraorchestra, Scottish Ensemble, and Southbank Sinfonia. The book bridges musicology and theatre studies to analyse the theatrical orchestra on the concert stage and beyond, addressing such topics as visuality, storytelling, physical performance, site-engaged performance, and immersive performance.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Zhangjiajie•“Me and My Motherland”

        by Zhangjiajie•“Me and My Motherland”Editorial Board

        Zhangjiajie• is a book organized and edited by the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. At the beginning of 2019, the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee learned about the news of Zhangjiajie, the birthplace of "My Motherland and Me", and then began a long period of time. Argumentation and planning, the book is composed of 4 chapters: "Birth", "Anthem", "Story" and "The Square". The work uses a large number of little-known song creation details, interesting stories and praises to the landscape and humanities of Zhangjiajie. It restores the creation process of the song "Me and My Motherland" for readers. At the same time, through a large number of incisive essays, multi-dimensional and multi-perspective presented Zhangjiajie people's praise of the motherland in all aspects.

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