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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2016

        The Awful German Language

        by Mark Twain

        Auf seinen Reisen durch Europa, die er in A Tramp Abroad höchst amüsant schildert, macht Mark Twain auch Bekanntschaft mit der deutschen Sprache. Bemüht sich, sie zu erlernen, verzweifelt aber schier an Kasus, Parenthese, Satzstellung und Geschlecht: Die Steckrübe ist weiblich, das hübsche Mädchen aber nicht. Und ist es der Regen, die Regen oder das Regen? The Awful German Language bietet Trost für all jene, die sich mit den Schrecken der deutschen Sprache beschäftigen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2019

        At the Ocean

        by Yuriy Nikitinskiy (Author), Marichka Ruban (Illustrator)

        This story is full of a cheeky sense of humor that little readers will adore. In this book they can find funny poems and beautiful watercolor illustrations to give them the feeling of diving in the ocean. This unique and amazing book was created by the famous Ukrainian writer Yuriy Nikitinskiy and by the fabulous illustrator Marichka Ruban.   From 3 to 8 years, 422 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        (Not So) Amazing Grace

        by Mercedes Helnwein, Moon Notes, Rita Gravert

        In "(Not So) Amazing Grace" von Mercedes Helnwein steckt Grace Welles im Sumpf Floridas in einem Internat fest und schwört sich, durch strenge, selbst auferlegte Einsamkeit zu überleben. Ihre abweisende Haltung funktioniert hervorragend, um potenzielle Freunde fernzuhalten, bis sie unerwartet einen neuen Schüler rettet und ihre Welt der Einsamkeit ins Wanken gerät. Der Neue, Wade Scholfield, entpuppt sich als jemand, der Grace zeigt, dass Schulregeln gebrochen werden können und dass tiefgründige Gespräche zu unerwarteten emotionalen Verbindungen führen. Zusammen mit Wade beginnt Grace zu entdecken, dass das Leben mehr zu bieten hat als ihre bisherige Isolation. Während Grace durch Wade lernt, sich dem Leben und anderen Menschen zu öffnen, steht sie gleichzeitig vor der Frage, was sie bereit ist, für ihre neu entdeckten Gefühle und Träume zu opfern. Die Geschichte entwickelt sich zu einer Erkundung von Freundschaft, Liebe und Selbstfindung gegen den Hintergrund des harten Alltags im Internat. Doch trotz der positiven Entwicklungen kommt es zu einem unerwarteten Wendepunkt, als Grace Wades Herz bricht, was die Leser*innen dazu bringt, über die Komplexität von Beziehungen und die Herausforderungen des Erwachsenwerdens nachzudenken. Helnweins Erzählung ist eine eindringliche Darstellung der Höhen und Tiefen jugendlicher Emotionen und der Suche nach Identität in einer oft unverständlichen Welt. Entdecke die tiefe und komplexe Welt von Grace Welles, einer jungen Frau, die lernt, ihre selbst auferlegte Einsamkeit zu überwinden. Faszinierende Kulisse eines Internats in den Sümpfen Floridas, wo die Regeln nicht immer das sind, was sie zu sein scheinen. Unkonventionelle Liebesgeschichte, die zeigt, wie tiefgründige Gespräche und gemeinsame Entdeckungen zu unerwarteten emotionalen Verbindungen führen können. Folge Grace auf ihrem Weg der Selbstfindung und des Erwachsenwerdens, während sie lernt, was es wirklich bedeutet, sich anderen zu öffnen und für ihre Träume zu kämpfen. Eine Geschichte über Freundschaft, erste Liebe und die schmerzhaften Lektionen, die das Leben zu bieten hat, perfekt für Fans von Rainbow Rowell und jugendlichen Romanen mit Tiefgang. Begleite Grace und Wade auf einer emotionalen Achterbahnfahrt, die dich zum Lachen, Weinen und Nachdenken bringen wird. "(Not So) Amazing Grace" von Mercedes Helnwein ist ein mitreißendes Debüt, das die Herausforderungen und Freuden des Heranwachsens mit einer außergewöhnlichen Hauptfigur erforscht.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories
        January 2021

        What’s the Dark Matter With You?

        by Kyrylo Bezkorovainyi (author), Daria Skybchenko (illustrator)

        Do you know how stars are born and what dark matter that is still considered one of the greatest mysteries in the universe is made of? These questions are worth discussing if you are from a family of astrophysicists as our protagonist and have a real telescope at home. Then it is not hard to imagine that your room is open space. But you are not alone there, because suddenly an amazing girl appears out of nowhere assuring that she comes from... dark matter. Get ready for exciting adventures, and a strong friendship that inspires, motivates you to make new scientific discoveries, and will, after all, last forever.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Amazing Adventures of Zsazsa Zaturnnah

        by Carlo Vergara (author and illustrator)

        A mysterious stone falls from the heavens, granting Ada the ability to transform into Zaturnnah, a superhuman warrior endowed with uncanny strength and remarkable beauty. As Zaturnnah, Ada fearlessly defends a small town from rampaging zombies, power-tripping extraterrestrial Amazons, and…well, you know the drill. Adding color to this simple but riotous tale is the fact that Ada is a homosexual, proprietor of his quaint beauty salon. With his frilly-mouthed assistant Didi and his objet d’amour Dodong, Ada reinforces his belief in acknowledging the decisions of Destiny and begins to explore the potential fullness of life. Zsazsa Zaturnnah is a recipient of the Manila Critics Circle National Book Award. ADVISORY: For mature readers. Contains themes and situations that may not be suitable for young audiences. Reader discretion is advised.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Everyone is amazing-Xiaoxiang Family Letters 2020

        by Xiaoxiang Family Letters Activity Organization

        In the context of the "Xiaoxiang Family Letters" activity carried out across the province, the organizing committee extensively collected family letters and selected 100 family letters to show the spirit of the people in the new era. The main content of the letter includes the gratifying changes in the fight against poverty in Sanxiang, the affectionate concern of the wandering children and the fathers and elders in the hometown, the home and country feelings of heroes and the most beautiful people, and the silent persistence of various industries in specific positions, and so on. The structure of each chapter of the book is divided into two parts: introduction (mainly including the information of the writer and recipient, refer to "Anti-epidemic") and the main text. The structure of the whole book includes the preface, table of contents, main text, and postscript. Further reading or content links. The structure is characterized by conciseness, conciseness and conciseness.

      • September 1904


        by William Shakespeare

        Hamlet is Shakespeare's longest play, and is considered among the most powerful and influential works of world literature, with a story capable of "seemingly endless retelling and adaptation by others". The play likely was one of Shakespeare's most popular works during his lifetime, and still ranks among his most performed, topping the performance list of the Royal Shakespeare Company and its predecessors in Stratford-upon-Avon since 1879. It has inspired many other writers—from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Charles Dickens to James Joyce and Iris Murdoch—and has been described as "the world's most filmed story after Cinderella"

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2010

        Die Pariser Weltausstellung 1889

        Bilder von der Globalisierung

        by Beat Wyss

        Die gelungenste Weltausstellung aller Zeiten war die Exposition Universelle de Paris von 1889. Weit über 32 Millionen Menschen besuchten das gigantische Spektakel mit knapp 62.000 Ausstellern aus 54 Nationen und 17 französischen Kolonien. Das Wahrzeichen der Schau, der Eiffelturm, blieb Paris bis heute erhalten. Einen legendären Ruf erwarb sich auch das offizielle, wöchentlich erscheinende Journal der Weltausstellung. Auf großformatigen, mit Stahlstichen üppig illustrierten Seiten berichtete es von den Sensationen vor Ort, von dreirädrigen selbstfahrenden Karren und ethnologischen Dörfern, in denen es Kamelreiten für die Kinder und Bauchtänze für die Herren gab. Der Schweizer Kunsthistoriker Beat Wyss hat die hundert originellsten Abbildungen ausgewählt. Sie illustrieren, wie die Expo den Erdball auf ein »Weltdorf« zwischen Trocadéro und Champ de Mars schrumpfen lässt, wie räumliche Distanzen abgebaut und dabei kulturelle Differenzen freigelegt werden. Das späte 20. Jahrhundert wird dafür den Begriff der Globalisierung prägen. Beat Wyss zeigt, wie die Gesellschaften seit dem 19. Jahrhundert mit diesem Prozeß umgehen und mit der Verwestlichung der Welt eine Orientalisierung des Westens einhergeht. Dem Leser als Flaneur über die Bühne der Weltausstellung wird klar: Die Expo 1889 belegt nicht nur den aktuellen Zustand einer Zeit, sondern bietet über die spektakuläre Anordnung ihrer Exponate den Vorschein einer gesellschaftlichen Utopie.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Great Transformation

        by Valia Vzdulska (Author), Olya Muzychenko (Illustrator)

        The stag beetle is the largest beetle in Ukraine. Throughout its life, this beautiful creature undergoes amazing transformations. Are you ready to embark on a forest journey to witness the adventures of this unique creature? An exciting story, interesting facts, and colorful illustrations will help both children and adults learn more about the magical world of nature and its inhabitants through this beautiful educational book.   From 5 to 10 years, 650 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Run, Salamader, run!

        by Masha Serdiuk (Author), Mariana Mykytiuk (Illustrator)

        Fiery salamander, rain salamander, sismoloko, lizard, kachur... these are all names given to the spotted lizard that lives in the Carpathian forests! And it is not by chance that she is called fiery, as this salamander has a real superpower that comes in handy during its amazing daily adventures, helping it every time! With an exciting story, interesting facts, and colorful illustrations, this educational book will help children and adults to learn more about the magical world of nature and the inhabitants of the Carpathian forests.   From 5 to 10 years, 690 words Rightsholders: Nargis Gafurova and Anna Tiurina;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        Steamships and Whales

        by Hryhorii Falkovych (Author), Yana Grankovska (Illustrator), Rostyslav Popsky (Illustrator)

        Steamships and Whales is a collection of the most recent poems by Hryhoriy Falkovych, a modern prize-winning Ukrainian-Jewish poet. Aren't we lucky to get to know this incredible poet! He is a sage, a wit, a joker and a gentle lyricist, whose amazing poems stick to the mind from the first reading. Yana Grankovska and Rostyslav Popsky, brilliant young artists, made the poems come alive in their pictures.   From 3 to 6 years, 1201 words Rightsholders: or

      • The Arts
        March 1905

        Concerning the Spiritual in Art

        by Wassily Kandinsky

        A pioneering work in the movement to free art from its traditional bonds to material reality, this book is one of the most important documents in the history of modern art. Written by the famous nonobjective painter Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944), it explains Kandinsky's own theory of painting and crystallizes the ideas that were influencing many other modern artists of the period. Along with his own groundbreaking paintings, this book had a tremendous impact on the development of modern art. Kandinsky's ideas are presented in two parts. The first part, called "About General Aesthetic," issues a call for a spiritual revolution in painting that will let artists express their own inner lives in abstract, non-material terms. Just as musicians do not depend upon the material world for their music, so artists should not have to depend upon the material world for their art. In the second part, "About Painting," Kandinsky discusses the psychology of colors, the language of form and color, and the responsibilities of the artist. An Introduction by the translator, Michael T. H. Sadler, offers additional explanation of Kandinsky's art and theories, while a new Preface by Richard Stratton discusses Kandinsky's career as a whole and the impact of the book. Making the book even more valuable are nine woodcuts by Kandinsky himself that appear at the chapter headings. This English translation of Über das Geistige in der Kunst was a significant contribution to the understanding of nonobjectivism in art. It continues to be a stimulating and necessary reading experience for every artist, art student, and art patron concerned with the direction of 20th-century painting.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2021

        Charming Stories. Spring

        by Zoi Linska (Author), Lena Lion (Illustrator)

        “Spring” is the second of the four-season series Charming Stories about the adventures of Alice and her charming friends Fairy La La and Martha the Cat,  this time with Droplet, Ray,  and Tomtit. Is the Flowers and Colors Party really happening? And what about a prophecy that our protagonists will hear in Fairyland magical history classes? Will Alice manage to have a present ready for her mum?  The readers of these stories will find out about these, and many more amazing adventures, by immersing themselves in a world of fantasy and kind magic.   From 3 to 8 years, 7502 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Amazing Parasites:plants, fungi, animals

        by Alyona Vasnetsova

        We often use the word parasite meaning a lazy sponger. In biology however, organisms living at the expense of others are called parasites. We are surrounded by these creatures, they are everywhere, sometimes inside us, too! What a huge community! Plants, fungi, insects, even fish, birds and animals! Learn about how parasites live, why they are needed in nature and what use they can be to us.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2021

        Storie-e-es of Eka the Excavator

        by Victoria Amelina (Author),Oleksandr Shatokhin (Illustrator)

        Eka is a small excavator. But his adventures are big, sometimes even on a global scale! Eka, like a real superhero, has the power to save the world... maybe. Eka likes to talk about his amazing adventures: on how he scooped up half the sea with a bucket, or how he plucked a star from the sky... or even of when  he almost stole an iceberg in Antarctica. Eka really wants to be important! Perhaps he can help St. Nicholas, or bring a dinosaur skeleton to a museum, or simply save his beloved park from destruction... Maybe, just maybe, like the famous Baron Munchausen, Eka exaggerates a little in his storie-e-es? There is only a way to find out! Storie-e-es of Eka the Excavator is a collection of the funnies stories from the most talkative excavator in the world!   From 6 to 8 years, 6000 words Rightsholders:  Ivan Fedechko,

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Tale of the Old Lion

        by Mariana Savka (Author), Volodymyr Shtanko (Illustrator)

        The old Lion, tired of ruling, settles in glorious Lviv in a beautiful attic with windows overlooking Rynok Square. One day, during the rain, the ceiling of his apartment begins to leak. Someone has to repair it, and the old Lion asks his closest friends, Crocodile, Elephant, and Giraffe, for help. When they arrive in Lviv, amazing things start happening to them. This poetic tale is a true love letter to Lviv, where miracles happen almost every day.    From 3 to 6 years Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        Katrusia's Treasures

        by Zirka Menzatiuk (Author), Nazar Syrotiuk (Illustrator)

        These are stories about treasures. But not about the gold coins that are sometimes found hidden in the ground. Rather, they are about the great, amazing treasures of the Ukrainian  people — their art. Ever since people have lived on Ukrainian land, they have been collecting these treasures: vytynankas, vyshyvankas, earthenware, carved objects of decorative use, artistic paintings, wooden toys, the art of pysanka, and so much more. There is so much to learn!   From 3 to 8 years, 4820 words. Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2018

        The Awful English Grammar

        Die schreckliche englische Grammatik

        by Taylor, Jeremy

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