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        Agronomy & crop production
        September 2010

        Industrial Crops and Uses

        by Randy D Allen, Harbans L Bhardwaj, Benjamin Todd Campbell, Enrico Casadei, Louise Estabrook, Daniel Geller, Lou A Honary, Murray B Isman, Peter Kulakow, Lava Kumar, J E Losey, Denis Murphy, Dharmalingam Pitchy, Sadequr Rahman, Dennis T Ray, Roger Ruan, Sivendra Sahi, Dev S Shrestha, Jorge da Silva, R Siva, Kazuhiro Takamizawa, Donghai Wang, Jay-lin Jane, Ralph E. H Sims, Gillian Eggleston, Renyong Zhao, Sarita Jaiswal. Edited by Bharat P Singh.

        The demand for plant-based industrial raw materials has increased as well as research into expanding the utility of plants for current and future uses. Plants are renewable, have limited or positive environmental impact and have the potential to yield a wide range of products in contrast to petroleum-based materials. Plants can be used in a variety of different industries and products including bioenergy, industrial oil and starch, fibre and dye, rubber and related compounds, insecticide and land rehabilitation. This title offers a comprehensive coverage of each of these uses. Chapters discuss the identification of plant species with desired traits, their cultivation to obtain the needed raw materials, methods utilized in producing different finished products, current and future research in crop production and processing and the present state and future prospects for the industry. Providing the first systematic review of industrial crops and their uses, this book will be an important resource for students and researchers of crop science and agricultural policy makers.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2023

        From India to Germany:What My Father's Journey Tells Usabout Migration and the Kindness ofStrangers

        by Sunita Sukhana

        — An extraordinary story of migration — Contemporary history of the 70s and backgrounds to India, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Bulgaria, the former Yugoslavia, the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany He was the son of the Sikh priest, a successful 400-meter runner and, eventually, a migrant. In 1979, Bagicha Singh turned his back on his homeland and set off with a head full of dreams on the long, turbulent overland journey from India to Germany. It was the year the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and the Islamic Revolution raged in Iran. A year whose aftermath continues to shape the world to this day. More than 40 years later, his daughter tells the story of Bagicha's adventurous journey. The result is a touching document on origin, contemporary history, and the meaning of migration.

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        Film theory & criticism
        February 2014

        The Encyclopedia of British Film

        Fourth edition

        by Edited by Brian McFarlane

        With well over 6,300 articles, including over 500 new entries, this fourth edition of The Encyclopedia of British Film is a fully updated invaluable reference guide to the British film industry. It is the most authoritative volume yet, stretching from the inception of the industry to the present day, with detailed listings of the producers, directors, actors and studios behind a century or so of great British cinema. Brian McFarlane's meticulously researched guide is the definitive companion for anyone interested in the world of film. Previous editions have sold many thousands of copies and this fourth edition will be an essential work of reference for enthusiasts interested in the history of British cinema, and for universities and libraries.

      • Trusted Partner
        The environment

        Philanthrocapitalism and the Erosion of Democracy

        A Global Citizens’ Report on the Corporate Control of Technology, Health, and Agriculture

        by Vandana Shiva

        Philanthrocapitalism and the Erosion of Democracy: A Global Citizens’ Report on the Corporate Control of Technology, Health, and Agriculture details how global philanthrocapitalists like Bill and Melinda Gates and affiliated entities work to monopolize and privatize sectors of land use, food production, and public health on a global scale. This anthology calls to account problematic initiatives that serve to corrode the integrity of democratic institutions, often under a banner of future-oriented innovation. This book lays bare the destructive power of overly capitalistic systems that enable mass human suffering and environmental catastrophe via the entanglement of private investment and public policy. “Vandana Shiva is one of the great minds and truth tellers of our time. This book is a chilling and meticulously documented expose of the reckless and ultimately devastatingly dangerous use of philanthropy by a likely well intentioned technophile capitalist clueless about the needs of living people and the living Earth. A must-read warning for anyone concerned about justice, Earth, and the human future.” 一 David Korten, Author of When Corporations Rule the World; The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community; and Change the Story, Change the Future: A Living Economy for a Living Earth. “In Philanthrocapitalism and the Erosion of Democracy, Dr. Shiva has once again laid bare the emerging threats to our democracy and living planet. Shiva states a compelling case that the digital barons are the new landlords, wielding their unregulated wealth and evading democracy in an attempted takeover of global agriculture. Authoritative contributors further elucidate the dangers of genetic theft, protraction of the Green Revolution legacy, and terrifyingly bold genetic extinction technologies. The reader is left mortified and fully convinced that “Land Back” to Indigenous communities and a return to agroecology is the path to a livable future on planet earth.” 一 Leah Penniman, Co-Founder of Soul Fire Farm, author of Farming While Black

      • Fiction

        Kreta the Time Traveler

        by Gülşah Ozdemir Koryürek - Selin Saygili

        "Time Traveler Kreta" is a science-fiction children's book that tells the effects of our consumption habits on the climate crisis to children aged 8 and above, through the adventures of two alien friends, Kreta and Shiva. While the text is based on the climate crisis, topics such as sustainability, how the world works, time and space, exploration, scientific and technological progress are also covered. The adventurous Earth journey of Kreta and Shiva progresses in a fictional reality that emerges with the narration of scientific data about the climate crisis and ends with proposals for solutions. Kreta, an inquisitive and excited time traveller, want to embark on every adventure without thinking about the end and thus become an experienced time traveller. Once Kreta gains enough experience, they will find their profession and acquire new skills. On the other hand, their friend Shiva is a mature, somewhat lazy, poet alien cat who tries to rein in Kreta in every adventure. Kreta and Shiva travel to the planet Earth to meet humans, but they encounter strange creatures that are not human-like: dinosaurs! Yes, they find the Earth, but they are at the wrong time to meet people. They don't get along well with the dinosaurs and leave Earth, but Kreta is determined to find humans. When they try their luck once again, this time, they go to the 2070s of the world. Despite technological progress, they encounter a dark and hot planet where oxygen and water are scarce. In the world of the 2070s, among robots and other strange creatures, they finally find a human being: Omer. What they learn from Omer, an engineer specializing in climate research, surprises Kreta and Shiva. In the 2070s, the world is struggling with the effects of a big problem called climate change, and this problem cannot be solved. In the light of this information, a brand new task comes before Kreta and Shiva. This mission is to go back to the 2010s, the deadline when the climate crisis can be averted, and deliver a video message to the people. When Kreta and Shiva reach the world of the 2010s, they accidentally land in the middle of Omer's birthday party. Their aim is to deliver the video message to Omer, but during the party, they fail to do so, and they start following Omer. Both at the birthday party and while they follow Omer, Kreta and Shiva witness the culture of waste in the World of the 2010s: huge vehicles designed for people's tiny bodies, aeroplanes, plastic packaging used to present gifts, decorations, single-use plastic serving plates and glasses and vast amounts of waste food... Kreta and Shiva understand why they have been teleported to this date when problems of the 2070s could have been prevented. Kreta and Shiva eventually find Omer in an enormous hotel where his Youtuber mother is visiting for a launching event. They have funny moments when they introduce themselves to Omer. Yet, they manage to deliver the video to Omer and tell him about the problems that will happen in the future. However, when he watched the video, Omer realizes that the problem cannot be solved immediately. He thinks that he cannot persuade other people, either alone or as a child; he cannot change their consumption habits. He tries to ask his mother for her support, but he can't make his mother, who is always busy, listen to him. Kreta and Shiva decide to stay a little longer and help Omer, and they achieve their goals in the launching meeting of Omer's mother. They manage to show the video to thousands of people. The fact that most of the viewers are children is a great advantage because they understand the climate change problem best. Children do not remain silent to the call of the message and take action for the Earths future. The book's pedagogical structure and the scientific data on which it is based were established with experts in these fields. The reading of scientific data was done by the engineer members of the Sustainability Steps Association. The reading in the pedagogical context was carried out by PCG Teachers. The video mentioned in the story is embedded in the book via QR code and can be watched with English subtitles on Youtube.

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment

        Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture

        Sustainable Solutions for Hunger, Poverty, and Climate Change

        by Vandana Shiva

        A synthesis of more than three decades of interdisciplinary research and practice, Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture: Sustainable Solutions for Hunger, Poverty, and Climate Change, provides evidence-based solutions to some of the world’s most pressing crises in global ecology, agriculture and public health. Featuring the work of Navdanya, an organization founded by Dr. Vandana Shiva that promotes agroecology, seed freedom, and a vision of Earth Democracy that seeks justice for the Earth and all living beings, this work serves as a guidebook for agriculture scientists, policy makers, environmentalists and every individual who cares about their own health as well as the vitality of the planet. Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture, provides a detailed analysis of the multiple planetary dilemmas we face due to chemical and industrial agriculture, including land degradation, water depletion, biodiversity erosion, climate change, agrarian crises, and health crises while also focusing on practical and evidence-based solutions. Those solutions include methods of using biodiversity-based organic farming to regenerate soil, conserve water, increase climate change resilience, and ensure food security in rural populations. As editor, Dr. Shiva takes an organized approach to these wide-ranging topics and provides practical knowledge that can inform the future of agriculture and sustainable food systems. With detailed scientific evidence, Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture shows how an ecological agriculture based on working with nature can regenerate the planet, the rural economy and our health.



        At the height of the British Raj, Major Francis Browne, British Resident in the Princely – semi-autonomous - State of Jerupore, is travelling with his family across the burning Rajasthan desert, when his only surviving child Emily falls gravely ill. At the point of death, she revives when an enigmatic Hindu saddhu, Shiva Singh, comes to treat her. Francis dismisses this as mere coincidence, but his wife Louise believes the sadhu has saved Emily's life, and wonders if he could also cure her of the barrenness that has afflicted her since Emily’s difficult birth. Shiva Singh is a radical sadhu, a Brahmin who denounces the caste system and the priesthood and calls for a 'purification' of Hinduism. It is for this reason that a young Brahmin girl, Nirupama, who has narrowly escaped being killed by her family for loving a lower-caste man, becomes one of his most devoted followers. Shiva’s growing influence among the lower castes and dispossessed infuriates the upper castes in the state, who see a threat to their power and privilege. There is a danger of unrest and riots, which concerns the Resident as much as the Maharaja's advisers. At the same time, Louise Browne longs to meet the sadhu again and seek his help, although Francis warns her not to, and in any case Shiva remains upcountry, far from the capital. When she unexpectedly meets the Indian woman who was her husband's mistress and has borne his child, however, Louise resolves to disobey him. Shiva Singh comes to the city of Jerupur at last and Louise goes secretly to hear him speak. Immediately afterwards, upper caste men attack the sadhu's followers, and in the ensuing riot, both Nirupama and one of the attackers are killed. Shiva Singh is arrested on a trumped up charge of murder. The Maharaja wants him tried in Jerupur, but for that he needs the Resident’s consent, for Shiva is a subject of British India. Convinced he has committed no crime, Major Browne at first refuses, believing the sadhu is innocent and knowing he will certainly die if he is tried in Jerupur. But the Maharaja has information with which he can blackmail him, and rather than be disgraced, the Resident surrenders, despite the reproaches of his conscience and the frantic protests of his wife. The sadhu is quickly tried and executed in the traditional manner, trampled by an elephant. But widespread revulsion against the barbarity of his execution leads the Viceroy to replace Major Browne and arrange for the Maharaja to be deposed. In their new, lower, post, Louise bears another son, and reveals to her husband that the sadhu had assured her she would do so. But there is another, stranger, revelation that is gradually borne in upon the reader as the story progresses : Shiva Singh’s life seems uncannily like that of Christ – and the sadhu seems to have known it would be.

      • Mind, Body, Spirit
        February 2017

        Adiyogi - The Source of Yoga

        by Sadhguru

        A book like no other, this extraordinary document is a tribute to Shiva, the Adiyogi, by a living yogi. A chronicle of the progenitor of mysticism by a contemporary mystic. 'Shi-va' is 'that which is not', a primordial emptiness; Shiva is also the first-ever yogi, Adiyogi, the one who first perceived this emptiness.   Adiyogi is symbol and myth, historic figure and living presence, creator and destroyer, outlaw and ascetic, cosmic dancer and passionate lover, all at once. Here science and philosophy merge seamlessly, so do silence and sound, question and answer, to capture the unspeakable enigma of Adiyogi in a spellbinding wave of words and ideas that will leave one entranced, transformed.

      • October 2020

        The Art of Pulp Horror

        An Illustrated History

        by Edited by Stephen Jones; foreword by Robert Silverberg

        The companion title to the award-winning The Art of Horror and The Art of Horror Movies, and from the same creative team behind those acclaimed illustrated volumes, this third title in the series looks at the sexy, sleazy, and sensational subject matter in books, magazines, comics, and movies, which helped to shape modern horror. Compiled by multiple award-winning writer and editor Stephen Jones, and with a foreword by prolific and acclaimed author Robert Silverberg, this visual history brings together insightful and revelatory comment from some of the genre's most highly esteemed experts.

      • Health & Personal Development
        July 2017

        It's Buddha Time: An evening yoga ritual for parents and children; finding peace at last

        An evening yoga ritual for parents and children; finding peace at last

        by Daniela Heidtmann, Teresa Heilmann, Maren Engel, Lara Schmelzeisen

        It’s Bed Time - It’s Buddha Time  An evening spent mindfully, content children who are happy to go to bed,a calm end to the day and some relaxi ng time to yourself.Out of reach?  Not at all, thanks to your evening yoga ritual.    “Muuuuum, where are you?!”  A standard afternoon with my three kids: arguments over mathshomework, the older two are bickering, the little one didn’t nap, the cathas a fev er. We have to visit the orthodontist, the vet and take my eldestto scouts, but my “real work” begins when they’re all in bed. I’m a yogateacher and every day, I practice strategies to prevent the chaos fromengulfing me and to help myself reach my inner sanctuary. Would you liketo join me?  With the help of yoga, Buddha’s wisdom, and meditation, you too canbetter weather the whirlwinds of your life and find the calm in the eye ofthe storm. With a smile on your lips and hand in hand with yourchildren .  This book will show you how!

      • October 2020

        Leonard Cohen, The Untold Stories

        The Early Years, Volume One

        by Michael Posner

        Artist, poet, novelist, singer-songwriter, icon – there has never been a figure like Leonard Cohen. He was a truly international sensation, entertaining and inspiring the world with his art. From his groundbreaking and bestselling novels, Beautiful Losers and The Favourite Game, to timeless songs such as “Suzanne” and “Hallelujah,” Cohen is one of the world’s most cherished artists. His death in 2016 was felt around the world by the legion of fans and fellow artists who would miss his warmth, humor, intellect, and piercing insights.   Leonard Cohen, The Untold Stories follows the great man as he travels the globe developing his style and enigmatic character. This is the story of his early years, from boyhood in Montreal, university, and his growing career in to the 60s that took him to the world’s stage. It probes his public and private life, through the words of those who knew him best: his family and friends, colleagues and contemporaries, rivals, business partners, and his many lovers. From Montreal to Greece, London to Paris and New York, Cohen touched lives everywhere. It's also a snapshot of a golden era – the times that helped foster his talents and successes. In this revealing and entertaining first of three planned volumes, bestselling author and biographer Michael Posner draws on dozens of interviews to present a uniquely true and compelling portrait of Cohen – as if we’re right there beside him, overhearing a private conversation in a New York café.

      • Romance
        October 2015

        Idol of Glass

        by Kindred, Jane

        Madness didn't destroy her; atoning for it might. Looking Glass Gods, Book 3 Ra has ruined everything. Returning to life through "œrenaissance" was her first mistake. Magical excess was her second. Now she must face the consequences of her reckless conjuring. Her beloved Ahr is dead by her hand, and the comfort she'd found in gender-rebel Jak seems lost to her forever. Ra takes solace in punishment—and in communion with her punisher, the mysterious and merciless MeerShiva. But Shiva has spun a skein of secrecy over centuries—secrets about Ra's origins and the origins of the Meer themselves. And as the secrets begin to unravel, someone else's magic is at work from the hidden realm. Someone with the ability to redraw the fabric of the world itself. As the picture becomes clearer, Ra must face some harsh realities: not everything is about her, and punishment isn't enough. She must stand before Jak and try to atone for what she's done. But seeing Jak will reveal one more secret Ra never saw coming—and one that may mean her own undoing.

      • Fortune-telling & divination
        September 2021

        The Power of Symbols, Sacred Images for Meditation and Divination

        Immagini Sacre per Meditare e Divinare

        by Stefano Fusi

        THE POWER OF SYMBOLS Sacred Images for Meditation and Divination by Stefano Fusi Artwork by Stefano Fusi Product Details 41 cards + 68-page guidebook+gold extra thin point marker Guide book size: 85 x 130 mm Card size: 85 x 130 mm ISBN: 978-1-955680-03-5 Imprint: Edizioni LAlbero All our oracles are designed and printed in Italy using only 100% ecofriendly material and non toxic inks and varnishes. Symbols are the signs that reveal and perpetuate the unlimited universe in our world and in our common life. They reveal meanings beyond those obvious to the senses and to our rational sphere. They exist before we can imagine or think about them: like genes and DNA on the physical plane, symbols pre-exist us, they carry with them the original instructions of life. They exist in nature and we have then encoded them to express in perceptible and comprehensible forms the essential forces that structure existence since the beginning. They are a synthetic map of the motions of what we call energy.The Power of Symbols is a deck of 41 Oracles with guide book.

      • The environment
        June 2012

        Earth Is Our Business

        Changing the Rules of the Game

        by Polly Higgins

        Earth is our Business takes forward the argument of Polly Higgins’ first book, Eradicating Ecocide. This book proposes new Earth law, but it is also about something more than law: it advocates a new form of leadership which places the health and well-being of people and planet first. Polly Higgins shows how law can provide the tools and be a bridge to a new way of doing business. She argues, in fact, that Earth is the business of us all, not the exclusive preserve of the executives of the world’s top corporations. Expanding on the proposal in her first book to make Ecocide an international crime, this book sets out the institutional framework for sustainable development and international environmental governance. It proposes new rules of the game to transform our economies, energy supplies and political landscape in a radical, but practical, way. The implications of Polly Higgins’ proposal are far-reaching and profound. Like her award-winning first book, Earth is our Business is written for anyone who is engaging in the new and emerging discourse about the future of our planet. Instead of merely examining the problem, Earth is our Business sets out a solution: new rules of the game. They are, says Polly Higgins, a new set of laws based on the sacredness of all life. Included as appendices are a draft Ecocide Act, a proposal for revising World Bank investment rules, and the indictment used in the mock Ecocide Trial held in the UK Supreme Court in September 2011.Eradicating Ecocide won The People’s Book Prize for non-fiction in 2011. --- Another indication of Polly Higgins, the author’s, growing world recognition is her inclusion with some of the world’s foremost environmental activists and philosophers in a feature film that sheds light upon the new Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth, which has been presented by Bolivia to the United Nations for recognition. The film also features Dr. Vandana Shiva, David Holmgren, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Starhawk, Cormac Cullinan, Father Bob Maguire, John Seed and others

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2016

        Spark of Light

        Short Stories by Women Writers of Odisha

        by Edited by Valerie Henitiuk and Supriya Kar

        Spark of Light is a diverse collection of short stories by women writers from the Indian province of Odisha. Originally written in Odia and dating from the late nineteenth century to the present, these stories offer a multiplicity of voices—some sentimental and melodramatic, others rebellious and bold—and capture the predicament of characters who often live on the margins of society. From a spectrum of viewpoints, writing styles, and motifs, the stories included here provide examples of the great richness of Odishan literary culture. In the often shadowy and grim world depicted in this collection, themes of class, poverty, violence, and family are developed. Together they form a critique of social mores and illuminate the difficult lives of the subaltern in Odisha society. The work of these authors contributes to an ongoing dialogue concerning the challenges, hardships, joys, and successes experienced by women around the world. In these provocative explorations of the short-story form, we discover the voices of these rarely heard women. To learn more about this publisher, click here:

      • Trusted Partner


        A Family Odyssey Through India and Nepal

        by Dena Moes

        Dena Moes, her husband, and their preteen daughters shouldered backpacks and walked away from their American life to criss-cross India and Nepal for eight months. Their journey led them to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the tree where the Buddha sat, and Amma the Divine Mother. From the banks of the Ganges to the Himalayan roof of the world, this enthralling memoir is an unforgettable odyssey, a moving meditation on motherhood and marriage, and a spiritual quest, written with humor and honesty—and filled with love and awe.

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