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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Secret of the Red Umbrella

        by Susana Aliano Casales

        Today the sun shines. The woman is sitting on a bench in the square, under the shade of a large tree. She writes in her notebook.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Nyah Nyah

        by Susana Aliano Casales

        His name is Pedro and he’s a boy, but he looks like a girl. Unlike his sister, Valeria, who looks like a boy. They’re the strangest kids at school.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        My Sheepdog Chiche

        by Susana Aliano Casales

        Chiche was a brown sheepdog that my grandfather gave my older brother for his birthday. When I was born, Chiche had already lived with us for a few years, so he was part of the family before me.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Going Home

        by Susana Aliano Casales

        Sometimes, I don’t feel like going home. I run around a bush a hundred times, or I count all the trees along the avenue once again, or I simply lie down on the grass of the plaza, which is like an enormous green carpet all painted with flowers.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Lakes, Revised Edition

        by Jeanne K. Hanson

        Both a scientific tour and a journey through time, this intriguing, eBook profiles 10 of the world's most exciting lakes. From the Caspian Sea, a giant salt water lake; to Lake Eyre, the lake that vanishes; to the sub-Arctic Great Slave Lake, the story of each lake unfolds with a look at its origins, how it has changed over time, and why. Featured lakes are found in the Middle East, the United States, Russia, South America, Europe, Australia, and Canada. Eye-catching images and illustrations complement the lively text.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        Jahre am Bodensee

        Erinnerungen, Betrachtungen, Briefe und Gedichte

        by Hermann Hesse, Volker Michels

        Hermann Hesse war ein Weltreisender und zugleich an eine Heimat gebunden. Diese Doppelrolle erlaubte es ihm, seine jeweilige Umgebung und deren Bewohner in ihren Besonderheiten, ihre Landschaft im Laufe der Geschichte und im Wechsel der Jahreszeiten präzise zu erfassen. Besonders intensiv und in überwältigenden literarischen Zeugnissen erwies sich Hermann Hesses Sinn für Orte und Stimmungen am Bodensee. Von 1904 bis 1912 lebte er in Gaienhofen, nachdem ihm sein erster Roman "Peter Camenzind" den literarischen Durchbruch gebracht hatte. In dieser Zeit kamen seine drei Söhne zur Welt, hier baute er sich 1907 sein einziges eigenes Haus, nachdem Jahr für Jahr jene Romane, Erzählungen und Gedichtsammlungen erschienen waren, die seinen frühen Ruhm als einen der eigenwilligsten und einflußreichsten Autoren des 20.Jahrhunderts begründet hatten. Dieser reich bebilderte Band versammelt alle poetischen und prosaischen Beschäftigungen Hesses mit dieser alten Kulturlandschaft. Eindringlich kommt in Hesses Berichten das Unverwechselbare dieser Region zum Ausdruck: in der ganzen Vielfalt ihrer landschaftlichen und klimatischen Erscheinungsformen vom tiegfelegenen Seeufer bis zu den Spitzen der Alpen. Doch nicht nur das Leben am See im Wechsel der Jahreszeiten, die Menschen und ihren Alltag vergegenwärtigen diese Aufzeichnungen, sondern auch Hesses Erfahrungen beim Gartenbau oder beim Flug in einem der ersten Zeppelin-Luftschiffe. Das von Volker Michels zusammengestellte Lese- und Bilderbuch zeigt also den Dichter und seine Landschaft – es ist somit ein Buch von und über Hermann Hesse sowie ein Buch zum Reisen mit Hermann Hesse am Bodensee.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2012

        Geschichten vom Bodensee

        by Johannes Winter

        Der Bodensee – von hier ist der Süden zum Greifen nah: blühende Obstgärten, sonnendurchflutete Rebhänge, die Blütenpracht auf der Mainau, die glitzernde Wasserfläche des Sees … Martin Walser, Arnold Stadler, Hermann Hesse, Robert Gernhardt und viele andere mehr erzählen vom See, seiner Umgebung und seinen Menschen, entführen in eine der schönsten und vielfältigsten Landschaften Deutschlands. Die schönsten Bodenseegeschichten für Urlauber und Ausflügler, Sehnsüchtige und Träumer!

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2019

        Crimson Lake

        Thriller | Vorlage zur Mini-Serie »Troppo«

        by Candice Fox, Thomas Wörtche, Andrea O’Brien

        12.46 Uhr: Die dreizehnjährige Claire Bingley steht alleine an einer Bushaltestelle. 12.47 Uhr: Ted Conkaffey hält mit seinem Wagen neben ihr. 12.52 Uhr: Das Mädchen ist verschwunden … Sechs Minuten – mehr braucht es nicht, um das Leben von Detective Ted Conkaffey vollständig zu ruinieren. Die Anklage gegen ihn wird zwar aus Mangel an Beweisen fallengelassen, doch alle Welt glaubt zu wissen, dass einzig und allein er es gewesen ist, der Claire entführt hat. Um der gesellschaftlichen Ächtung zu entgehen, zieht sich der Ex-Cop nach Crimson Lake, einer Kleinstadt im Norden Australiens, zurück. Dort trifft er Amanda Pharrell, die ganz genau weiß, was es heißt, Staatsfeind Nr. 1 zu sein. Vor Jahren musste sie wegen angeblichen Mordes ins Gefängnis. Nun tun sich die beiden Außenseiter zusammen und arbeiten als Privatdetektive. Ihr Fall: Ein berühmter Schriftsteller mit Doppelleben und kaputter Familie ist verschwunden, die örtliche Polizei behindert die Arbeit der beiden mit harschen Methoden. Dann platzt das Inkognito von Conkaffey, die Medien erzeugen Hysterie. Lynchstimmung macht sich breit. Während er den Fall seiner neuen Partnerin wieder aufrollt und sie versucht, ihn zu entlasten, nimmt der Fall des Schriftstellers überraschende Wendungen …

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1971

        Der Ritt über den Bodensee

        by Peter Handke

        Der Ritt über den Bodensee, obwohl ein Stück gegen das Theater, zumindest gegen seine herkömmlichen Formen, trägt dennoch höchst theatralische Züge. Es enthält eine Vielzahl minuziöser Beschreibungen, Beschreibungen von Vorgängen auch aus der Theaterwelt.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2017

        The Lake of Fire

        by Donald Willerton

        Mogi Franklin and his sister Jennifer are delighted to be attending a high school science conference in New Mexico amidst a hundred thousand acres of meadows, mountains, rivers, and volcanoes far older than recorded time. But their focus quickly changes when they learn of the disappearance fifty years ago of a plane with two hundred pounds of plutonium–and of the terrorist nations vying today to find it in those same mountains.Soon, they are engulfed in a complex web of Russian spies, government lies and deceit, an old box full of clues, and the real possibility that the shipment bound decades ago for nearby Los Alamos national laboratory is indeed hidden tantalizingly close to their conference center.Puzzling over the mystery, Mogi sets out with some friends on a backpacking trip to a remote lake. Too late they realize their mistake, as a minor forest fire suddenly explodes into the most dangerous blaze in the state's history, trapping Mogi and the others right in its path. They're fighting for their lives in this fifth book of the Mogi Franklin Mysteries, and if he's going to come up with a way out, he'd better do it fast!

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2017

        Yu Wang Bei Mi

        by Mu Ling

        A fine collection of science fiction by children’s literature writer Mu Ling. Mu Ling’s science fictions pursue a scientific basis of “organic imagination”, has a positive outlook and good spirit of seeking truth. This series collects Mu Ling’s three masterpieces full of fantasy and humanistic concern: Dream Machine, Hei Wa, Yu Wang Bei Mi, which are rare sci-fi theme in children’s literature works of China. This series will lead children step by step to “hard science fiction” which is full of intellectual challenges through “light science fiction” and “soft science fiction”.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018


        by Donald Willerton

        Mogi Franklin is a typical eighth-grader–except for the mysterious things that keep happening in his life. And the adventures they lead to as he and his sister, Jennifer, follow Mogi's unique problem-solving skills–along with dangerous clues from history and the world around them–to unearth a treasure of unexpected secrets.In Outlaw, vacationing Mogi and Jennifer are taking scuba lessons at Lake Powell, Utah, unaware that two hundred feet below them is the route used by Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid to escape pursuers after the biggest train robbery of their career.Meeting a history professor trying to answer questions about Butch and Sundance suddenly draws the two youngsters into involvement in an insane terrorist's incredible plan to blow up the dam holding back Lake Powell–and devastate most of the Southwest. It's not long before Mogi finds himself in the terrible situation of having to choose between preventing the dam's destruction and saving his own life.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2024

        David, Donne and Thirsty Deer

        Selected Essays of Anne Lake Prescott

        by Anne Lake Prescott, Roger Kuin, William A. Oram

        For nearly half a century Anne Lake Prescott has been a force and an inspiration in Renaissance studies. A force, because of her unique blend of learning and wit and an inspiration through her tireless encouragement of younger scholars and students. Her passion has always been the invisible bridge across the Channel: the complex of relations, literary and political, between Britain and France. The essays in this long-awaited collection range from Edmund Spenser to John Donne, from Clément Marot to Pierre de Ronsard. Prescott has a particular fondness for King David, who appears several times; and the reader will encounter chessmen, bishops, male lesbian voices and Roman whores. Always Prescott's immense erudition is accompanied by a sly and gentle wit that invites readers to share her amusement. Reading her is a joyful education.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        Eleventh-century Germany

        The Swabian chronicles

        by I. Robinson

        Three of the most important chronicles of eleventh-century Germany were composed in the south-western duchy of Swabia. The chronicles reveal how between 1049 and 1100 the centripetal attraction of the reform papacy became the dominant fact of intellectual life in German reformed monastic circles. In the abbey of Reichenau Herman 'the Lame' composed a chronicle of the reign of Emperor Henry III (1039-56). His pupil, Berthold of Reichenau, continued his master's work, composing a detailed account of 1076-1079 in Germany. Bernold, a clergyman of Constance, continued the work of Herman and Berthold in a text containing the fullest extant account of 1080-1100. Herman's waning enthusiasm for the monarchy and growing interest in the newly reformed papacy were intensified in Berthold's chronicle, and writing in the new context of the reformed monasteries of south-western Germany, Bernold preached total obedience to the Gregorian papacy. The Swabian chronicles are an indispensable resource to the student of the changing loyalties and conflicts of eleventh-century Germany.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1997

        Reservoir Dogs

        Wilde Hunde

        by Tarantino, Quentin

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2018

        Bovine Tuberculosis

        by Mark Chambers, Stephen Gordon, Francisco Olea-Popelka, Paul Barrow

        This book is contemporary, topical and global in its approach, and provides an essential, comprehensive treatise on bovine tuberculosis and the bacterium that causes it, Mycobacterium bovis. Bovine tuberculosis remains a major cause of economic loss in cattle industries worldwide, exacerbated in some countries by the presence of a substantial wildlife reservoir. It is a major zoonosis, causing human infection through consumption of unpasteurised milk or by close contact with infected animals. Following a systematic approach, expert international authors cover epidemiology and the global situation; microbial virulence and pathogenesis; host responses to the pathogen; and diagnosis and control of the disease. Aimed at researchers and practising veterinarians, this book is essential for those needing comprehensive information on the pathogen and disease, and offers a summary of key information learned from human tuberculosis research. It will be useful to those studying the infection and for those responsible for controlling the disease.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2016

        Spirit Lake

        Die Legende des Wendigo

        by Ross, Christopher

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