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OSV is the largest English-language Catholic publishing house in the United States. Founded in Huntington, Indiana, in 1912 by Father (later Archbishop) John Francis Noll, OSV publishes Catholic periodicals, a wide range of trade books, parish products, Bibles, and Vatican documents, and Spanish, bilingual, and English religion curricula and sacrament preparation materials, all designed to foster an encounter with Christ. Learn more about OSV Publishing and the other products and services that OSV offers to serve the Church at
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September 2018Gun Love
by Jennifer Clement, Nicolai von Schweder-Schreiner
Seit ihrer Geburt lebt Pearl im Auto, sie vorne, ihre Ausreißer-Mutter auf der Rückbank. Vierzehn Jahre stehen die beiden jetzt schon am Rande eines Trailerparks irgendwo in Florida. Draußen vor der Windschutzscheibe ist die Welt den Waffen verfallen: Kinder wachsen mit Pistolen statt Haustieren auf, Schießübungen immer und überall, mal Alligatoren, mal den Fluss, mal Polizisten im Visier, und sonntags sitzt man beim Gottesdienst mit der geschulterten Schrotflinte in der ersten Reihe. Doch im Ford Mercury wirken andere Kräfte, hier lernt Pearl das Träumen. Bis ein schöner Mann und seine Pistolen alles verändern … Gun Love handelt vom Zauber zwischen Mutter und Tochter inmitten des Irrsinns. In strahlenden Bildern erzählt Jennifer Clement eine Geschichte, in der Liebe und Hass, Fantasie und Wirklichkeit haltlos ineinanderfallen. Das literarische Stimmungsbild einer ganzen Nation.
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Humanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2017A community with a shared future for mankind
Chinese Program in Global Governance
by Wang Fan, Ling Shengli
Chinese President Xi Jinping has mentioned the "Chinese Plan" for global governance on several occasions, and pointed that "the world is so big and we have so many problems that the international community looks forward to hearing Chinese voices and seeing China's plans, and China cannot be absent in there". The book tries to find answers to this series of questions.
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Biography & True StoriesOctober 2019Maidan. First-Hand Stories
by Olena Chebaniuk, Oksana Novalova
Five interviews with participants and witnesses of the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine events make up the first book of the series of oral histories Maidan. First-Hand Stories initiated by the National Museum of the Revolution of Dignity. Scientists collected more than 200 interviews between 2014 and 2019 and today the project is still underway. Euromaidan, a dramatic period in the recent history of Ukraine, unfolds in the memories, impressions, and reflections of its participants. They share experiences of personal importance which left the biggest mark on them. According to the principles of oral history as a scientific method, the interviews are published with the preservation of the linguistic and stylistic features of the stories, only with minimal edits needed to facilitate reading. The book is for a wide range of historians, ethnologists, linguists, museum workers, and sociologists, as well as anyone interested in the history of Ukraine.
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Children's & YAA oficina do Cambeva (Cambeva's workshop)
by Lido Loschi
Cambeva's workshop is the first of four books of the collection "Presente de Vô" in partnership with Grupo Ponto de Partida. The book is a mixture of colours and elements that highlight the memory of the world, in which seekers of memories have the mission of bringing light and life to objects found in the travels of two characters: Zalém and Calunga. Cambeva is a restorer who, when the world lost its embrace, tried to reinvent it; he is the grandfather who mends dreams, forgotten things and lost emotions, to whom the seekers ask for help to fix something. In a magical universe, full of children, grandchildren, stories and memories of his lineage of restorers, when faced with this request for restoration, he makes room to bring back an emblematic figure who can no longer sing. A story about memories, care and affection...
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Science & MathematicsOctober 2017UV-B Radiation and Plant Life
Molecular Biology to Ecology
by Brian R Jordan, Pedro J. Aphalo, Amy T. Austin, Carlos L. Ballaré, Paul W. Barnes, Susanne Baldermann, Melanie Binkert, Janet F. Bornman, Isabelle N. Bottger, Stephan D. Flint, Franziska S. Hanschen, Éva Hideg, Marcel A K Jansen, Gareth I. Jenkins, Karel Klem, Susanne Neugart, Monika Schreiner, Åke Strid, Mark A. Tobler, Roman Ulm, Otmar Urban, Jason Wargent, Melanie Wiesner
Ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) has profound effects on plant growth and development, and exposure varies with ozone depletion and across geographic regions, with ecosystem and agricultural consequences. This book deals with large-scale impacts but also how UV-B affects plants at the molecular level is also fascinating, and the UV-B photoreceptor has only recently been characterised. While UV-B radiation can be damaging, it also has a more positive role in plant photomorphogenesis. Consequently UV-B treatments are being developed as innovative approaches to improve horticulture. This book is a timely synthesis of what we know and need to know about UV-B radiation and plants.
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The ArtsDecember 2018Minorities in China
an American University President's Photographic Journey
by Sidney A. Mcphee
This book is a compilation of more than two hundred pictures reflecting the traditional costumes, characteristic buildings, traditional activities, and traditional medicine of Chinese ethnic minorities. Each picture has the story behind it and the testimony of the author. From the perspective of foreigners, the book vividly reproduces the diversity of the Chinese nation, the unique regional culture, and the natural and social environment in the form of pictures and text.
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Children's & YANovember 2019Claire Malone Changes the World
by Nadia L. King / Alisa Knatko
Swedish schoolgirl, Greta Thunberg has captured the world’s attention as she campaigns to raise awareness of climate change and calls world leaders to account. All children can follow Greta’s lead. Claire Malone is the hero of Claire Malone Changes the World, a feisty character with boundless energy to change her world for the better. Armed with her typewriter and the determination to make a difference, Claire is an ordinary kid with an extraordinary desire to change things for the better. Writing letter after letter, Claire advocates for change. One day she notices that her local park needs upgrading and she commits wholeheartedly to the cause. This an empowering and inspiring picture book for young children but especially for girls. You will love the journey of Claire, a strong and ambitious girl, so much that you will want to read this book over and over again.
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The ArtsJune 2017Monstrous adaptations
Generic and thematic mutations in horror film
by Richard Hand, Jay McRoy
The fifteen groundbreaking essays contained in this book address the concept of adaptation in relation to horror cinema. Adaptation is not only a key cultural practice and strategy for filmmakers, but it is also a theme of major importance within horror cinema as a hole. The history of the genre is full of adaptations that have drawn from fiction or folklore, or that have assumed the shape of remakes of pre-existing films. The horror genre itself also abounds with its own myriad transformations and transmutations. The essays within this volume engage with an impressive range of horror texts, from the earliest silent horror films by Thomas Edison and Jean Epstein through to important contemporary phenomena, such as the western appropriation of Japanese horror motifs. Classic works by Alfred Hitchcock, David Cronenberg and Abel Ferrara receive cutting-edge re-examination, as do unjustly neglected works by Mario Bava, Guillermo del Toro and Stan Brakhage.
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Literature & Literary StudiesApril 2018Looking up at the stars in the abyss: the humbleness and pride of celebrities in Wei and Jin Dynasty
by Bei Mingyu
This book is a celebrity biography of Wei Jin Dynasties. The stories are authentic, which take us to review the Wei Jin Dynasties, and appreciate those interesting stories and souls
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January 2016Gun-Jumping.
Verstöße gegen Art. 7 FKVO und Art. 101 AEUV durch den vorzeitigen Vollzug anmeldepflichtiger Zusammenschlüsse.
by Rudowicz, Jan-Christoph
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November 2018Black Hand
Jagd auf die erste Mafia New Yorks
by Stephan Talty, Jan Schönherr
Mit den italienischen Einwanderern sind Kriminelle in die Stadt gekommen, und im Sommer 1903 versinkt New York im Verbrechen: Entführungen, Bombenanschläge, Erpressungen – in großem Stil, verantwortet von einer Organisation: der Black Hand. Gegen sie zieht Joseph Petrosino in den Kampf, er ist der erste italienische Detective New Yorks, seine Methoden knallhart … Stephan Talty erzählt von den Anfängen der amerikanischen Mafia, und dem ersten Mann, der sich ihr entgegenstellt – eine wahre, eine umwerfende Heldengeschichte. Als Kind wandert Joseph Petrosino zusammen mit seiner Familie aus Süditalien nach Amerika aus, Jugend in Little Italy, Prügeleien, Hunger, Jobs als Schuhputzer, Straßenfeger, Kadaverräumer. Doch Petrosino ist fleißig und er will nach oben. Schließlich bekommt er seine Chance bei der Polizei, und als die Black Hand ganz New York mit Terror überzieht, soll er die Stadt retten. Er stellt eine eigene Einheit aus Italienern zusammen, er perfektioniert Verkleidungen, er verdrischt Mafiagrößen auf offener Straße, er kennt keine Furcht. Spektakuläre Festnahmen folgen, darauf der Ruhm des Boulevards und Morddrohungen jeden Tag … Black Hand erzählt die Geschichte eines sagenhaften Mannes, dem am Ende eines Lebens im Kampf gegen das Verbrechen 250.000 Menschen das letzte Geleit geben werden quer durch Manhattan.
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Children's & YAO sumiço do tatu (The disappearance of the armadillo)
by Marília Moreira
Haroldo, a minho, who as he relates to other animals in the garden brings to light issues such as friendship and respect, mixing a harmonic field with an inside-out view of the garden of a house inhabited by some strange animals, among them the (human) balance-beast.
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1980Biblisches Arbeitsbuch / Von Gottes Hand gepackt
Der Prophet Jeremia - Das Buch Hiob
by Bätz, Kurt; Schmidt, Heinz / Herausgegeben von Dessecker, Klaus; Herausgegeben von Kaufmann, Hans B
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Health & Personal DevelopmentMay 20194:30 am at Harvard University
a compulsory course for teenagers from Harvard University
by Wei Xiuying
This book starts with the spirit and temperament of Harvard students (including graduate students) in education and learning, and focuses on cultivating the quality of young students. It guides young students from the ordinary to the aspects of ambition, habits, personality, emotional management, and time management Excellence is the main narrative content! Not only from the perspective of human growth and development, but also from the specific content of time management and self-discipline management to provide references and cases to help young students work hard, stimulate their enthusiasm for learning, guide them to work harder and more consciously to learn knowledge and enhance integration Ability to become a useful resource for society.
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Biography & True StoriesNovember 2019Diary of a Leader in Poverty Reduction
by Zhu Mingxing
The diary was written by Zhu Mingxing, the leader of the village work in Dahua Village (Taohua,Taojiang). He recorded some typical angles of his work when he was in the village,finally comes out the diary for poverty alleviation.