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      • Scholastic Inc.

        For 100 years, Scholastic has partnered with schools to support student learning. Today, the Company is the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books, a leading provider of literacy curriculum, professional services and classroom magazines, and a producer of educational and entertaining children's media.

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      • The Shoestring Publisher

        The Shoestring Publisher is an independent publisher of illustrated books on India’s history and cultural heritage, with a particular focus on the visual arts including architecture, fine art, design, film, photography and textiles.   Founded by Meera Ahuja in 2006, it has received the Indian Tourism Award for Excellence in Publishing for its panoramic limited editions The Monumental India Book (acclaimed as one of the world’s ten best coffee-table books of 2009) and The Sacred India Book. Its most recent publications are America: Films from Elsewhere (2019) and the monograph Mrinalini Mukherjee, published in conjunction with the exhibition “Phenomenal Nature: Mrinalini Mukherjee” at The Met Breuer, NY, in 2019.   Shoestring’s numerous international co-editions include The Monumental India Book (Citadelles & Mazenod, 2007; Schirmer Mosel Verlag, 2008; The Vendome Press, 2008; and Constable & Robinson, 2008), Western Artist and India: Creative Inspirations in Art and Design (Thames & Hudson, 2013) and Mughal Architecture and Gardens (Antique Collectors’ Club, 2011; and Éditions de La Martinière, 2013).

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The School Day Gifts

        China Story Picture Books

        by Xu Lu

        China Story Picture Books is the first set of children's picture books launched by the Bingxin Award Committee. This set of books covers the works of seven Bingxin Award-winning writers of different ages including children's literature masters and promising young writers. The illustrations are full of traditional Chinese cultural elements such as dragon lantern dance, paper cutting, oil paper umbrella, and bamboo. Powerful painters at home and abroad are invited to do illustrations, which brings interesting fusion and collision of Chinese and foreign cultures to the books. In addition to the original illustrations, the stories are more touching. Every child can harvest the courage and wisdom for growing up from these stories.   The series consists of 7 picture books: The Dragon Lantern, The Path of Golden Flowers, The Child in Three-Story Attic, The School Day Gifts, The Secret of Crossing, The Slope of Sisters.   The School Day Gifts tells the story of the growth of a young umbrella maker. After graduating from high school, the protagonist became an umbrella maker, but he had no courage to go back to the school celebration day. Daddy saw what was on his mind and secretly helped him prepare gifts for my teachers and classmates, which were dozens of old-fashioned oilpaper umbrellas made of golden bamboo bones and oilpaper. Eventually he proudly participated in the school day and recited the poet Ai Qing's The Umbrella.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2014

        Listen in terror

        British horror radio from the advent of broadcasting to the digital age

        by Richard Hand

        This groundbreaking book is the first full-length study of British horror radio from the pioneering days of recording and broadcasting right through to the digital audio cultures of our own time. The book offers an historical, critical and theoretical exploration of horror radio and audio performance examining key areas such as writing, narrative, performance practice and reception throughout the history of that most unjustly neglected of popular art forms: radio drama and 'spoken word' auditory cultures. The volume draws on extensive archival research as well as insightful interviews with significant writers, producers and actors. The book offers detailed analysis of major radio series such as Appointment with Fear, The Man in Black, The Price of Fear and Fear on Four as well as one-off horror plays, comedy-horror and experimental uses of binaural and digital technology in producing uncanny audio. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        August 2007

        Monstrous adaptations

        Generic and thematic mutations in horror film

        by Edited by Richard Hand and Jay McRoy

        The fifteen groundbreaking essays contained in this book address the concept of adaptation in relation to horror cinema. Adaptation is not only a key cultural practice and strategy for filmmakers, but it is also a theme of major importance within horror cinema as a hole. The history of the genre is full of adaptations that have drawn from fiction or folklore, or that have assumed the shape of remakes of pre-existing films. The horror genre itself also abounds with its own myriad transformations and transmutations. The essays within this volume engage with an impressive range of horror texts, from the earliest silent horror films by Thomas Edison and Jean Epstein through to important contemporary phenomena, such as the western appropriation of Japanese horror motifs. Classic works by Alfred Hitchcock, David Cronenberg and Abel Ferrara receive cutting-edge re-examination, as do unjustly neglected works by Mario Bava, Guillermo del Toro and Stan Brakhage.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1978

        Die andere Hälfte.

        Szenen einer Liebe.

        by Sundström, Gun B

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Gun Love

        by Jennifer Clement, Nicolai von Schweder-Schreiner

        Seit ihrer Geburt lebt Pearl im Auto, sie vorne, ihre Ausreißer-Mutter auf der Rückbank. Vierzehn Jahre stehen die beiden jetzt schon am Rande eines Trailerparks irgendwo in Florida. Draußen vor der Windschutzscheibe ist die Welt den Waffen verfallen: Kinder wachsen mit Pistolen statt Haustieren auf, Schießübungen immer und überall, mal Alligatoren, mal den Fluss, mal Polizisten im Visier, und sonntags sitzt man beim Gottesdienst mit der geschulterten Schrotflinte in der ersten Reihe. Doch im Ford Mercury wirken andere Kräfte, hier lernt Pearl das Träumen. Bis ein schöner Mann und seine Pistolen alles verändern … Gun Love handelt vom Zauber zwischen Mutter und Tochter inmitten des Irrsinns. In strahlenden Bildern erzählt Jennifer Clement eine Geschichte, in der Liebe und Hass, Fantasie und Wirklichkeit haltlos ineinanderfallen. Das literarische Stimmungsbild einer ganzen Nation.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Gun Love

        by Jennifer Clement, Nicolai Schweder-Schreiner

        Seit ihrer Geburt lebt Pearl im Auto, sie vorne, ihre Ausreißer-Mutter auf der Rückbank. Vierzehn Jahre stehen die beiden jetzt schon am Rande eines Trailerparks irgendwo in Florida. Draußen vor der Windschutzscheibe ist die Welt den Waffen verfallen: Kinder wachsen mit Pistolen statt Haustieren auf, Schießübungen immer und überall, mal Alligatoren, mal den Fluss, mal Polizisten im Visier, und sonntags sitzt man beim Gottesdienst mit der geschulterten Schrotflinte in der ersten Reihe. Doch im Ford Mercury wirken andere Kräfte, hier lernt Pearl das Träumen. Bis ein schöner Mann und seine Pistolen alles verändern … Gun Love handelt vom Zauber zwischen Mutter und Tochter inmitten des Irrsinns. In strahlenden Bildern erzählt Jennifer Clement eine Geschichte, in der Liebe und Hass, Fantasie und Wirklichkeit haltlos ineinander fallen. Das literarische Stimmungsbild einer ganzen Nation.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult: general non-fiction

        School Studies

        by Halyna Tkachuk

        The book introduces its readers to teaching methods and subjects in different times, from Kyivan Rus to the USSR, and shows how different schooling used to be. It also tells about some punishments for disobedience and misconduct which, luckily, can only be found in books today. All this makes “School Studies” an exciting and optimistic book which can rekindle the love for school even in those who are not very enthusiastic about studies. Written with lots humor and insights.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        October 2019

        Maidan. First-Hand Stories

        by Olena Chebaniuk, Oksana Novalova

        Five interviews with participants and witnesses of the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine events make up the first book of the series of oral histories Maidan. First-Hand Stories initiated by the National Museum of the Revolution of Dignity. Scientists collected more than 200 interviews between 2014 and 2019 and today the project is still underway. Euromaidan, a dramatic period in the recent history of Ukraine, unfolds in the memories, impressions, and reflections of its participants. They share experiences of personal importance which left the biggest mark on them. According to the principles of oral history as a scientific method, the interviews are published with the preservation of the linguistic and stylistic features of the stories, only with minimal edits needed to facilitate reading. The book is for a wide range of historians, ethnologists, linguists, museum workers, and sociologists, as well as anyone interested in the history of Ukraine.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Holiday I Had to Take

        by Kateryna Yehorushkina (Author), Sonia Avdieieva (Illustrator)

        When the holidays draw near, schoolchildren begin to think about rest and travel. Sadly, this time, Vira's (Faith) holidays will be different due to the war. She, along with her parents and younger brother, has to move to the basement floor of their apartment building to hide from the bombardments. The family members do all they can to adapt to this new reality: they melt snow when they run out of water, try to warm themselves up by singing when they run out of heating, and reassure themselves that all the people close to them are safe when they cannot hear from them. The usual way of life seems like a distant memory, surviving perhaps only in our imagination or in computer games. Yet, even in these activities, and in supporting our loved ones, we can learn how to find a light inside that no missile will ever be able to reach. The Holiday I Had to Take is not only the moving story of Vira; readers of Kateryna Yehorushkina's book will also find advice and soothing practices from psychologist Svitlana Royz to support everyone finding themselves in difficult times   From 3 to 8 years, 2138 words. Rightsholders: Natalie Miroshnyk,

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        School Management Research in Republic of China

        by CHENG Sihui

        During the Republic of China, the Chinese school was transformed into modern schools by the Chinese school, the new school in the Qing Dynasty. Large to school name, school type, small to the student management system, school faculty said that it is basically clear and formulated in this period. The book has passed the content arrangement of the next two, and the school management history of the Republic of China will be combed from two different dimensions. Upline mainly for school research, from national universities, private universities, church schools, etc. Home and principals study their school management claims and specific practices. Through the priority historical examination and fine logic analysis, the panoramic reducing and presenting the original appearance of the school management development during this historical period.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2018

        Black Hand

        Jagd auf die erste Mafia New Yorks

        by Stephan Talty, Jan Schönherr

        Mit den italienischen Einwanderern sind Kriminelle in die Stadt gekommen, und im Sommer 1903 versinkt New York im Verbrechen: Entführungen, Bombenanschläge, Erpressungen – in großem Stil, verantwortet von einer Organisation: der Black Hand. Gegen sie zieht Joseph Petrosino in den Kampf, er ist der erste italienische Detective New Yorks, seine Methoden knallhart … Stephan Talty erzählt von den Anfängen der amerikanischen Mafia, und dem ersten Mann, der sich ihr entgegenstellt – eine wahre, eine umwerfende Heldengeschichte. Als Kind wandert Joseph Petrosino zusammen mit seiner Familie aus Süditalien nach Amerika aus, Jugend in Little Italy, Prügeleien, Hunger, Jobs als Schuhputzer, Straßenfeger, Kadaverräumer. Doch Petrosino ist fleißig und er will nach oben. Schließlich bekommt er seine Chance bei der Polizei, und als die Black Hand ganz New York mit Terror überzieht, soll er die Stadt retten. Er stellt eine eigene Einheit aus Italienern zusammen, er perfektioniert Verkleidungen, er verdrischt Mafiagrößen auf offener Straße, er kennt keine Furcht. Spektakuläre Festnahmen folgen, darauf der Ruhm des Boulevards und Morddrohungen jeden Tag … Black Hand erzählt die Geschichte eines sagenhaften Mannes, dem am Ende eines Lebens im Kampf gegen das Verbrechen 250.000 Menschen das letzte Geleit geben werden quer durch Manhattan.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2005

        Reich mir die Hand

        Buch der Freundschaft und Versöhnung. Texte und Bilder

        by Simone Frieling, Simone Frieling

        Die Hand ist das erste und wichtigste Werkzeug des Menschen; ohne sie wäre kein Fortschritt möglich. Nicht nur bei der Arbeit ist die Hand unverzichtbar. Wir brauchen sie fast noch nötiger im sozialen Miteinander. Sie beschützt den Schwächeren, sie versöhnt die Feinde, und sie segnet die Gläubigen. Für den Künstler ist die Hand mehr als ein Werkzeug. Er benutzt sie und macht sie gleichzeitig zum Objekt seiner Kunst. Ein Buch zum Lesen und zum Betrachten, mit Texten von Rilke und Hesse, Shakespeare und Lichtenberg, Neruda und Ted Hughes, Lasker-Schüler und Bachmann sowie mit Bildern von Michelangelo und Dürer, Füssli und Runge, van Gogh, Max Ernst und vielen anderen.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2000

        Anna und der König

        Der Roman zum Film

        by Hand, Elizabeth

      • Trusted Partner
        Botany & plant sciences
        July 1998

        Take-All Disease of Cereals

        A Regional Perspective

        by Geoffrey L Bateman, Richard J Gutteridge, Philippe Lucas, Anne E Osbourn, Elaine Ward. Edited by David Hornby.

        Take-all is the most important root disease of cereals worldwide and a major disease problem in northern European wheat-growing regions. It is regarded by many as an intractable problem because of the lack of economically-viable chemical controls and resistant cultivars. It remains one of the great challenges of plant pathology and serves as an ideal model for many of the problems of root diseases in general. This book, an initiative of the IACR/ADAS/Universities Cereal Root Pathology Group, is the first since 1981 to provide an up-to-date review of the practical aspects of take-all research. It contains the experience of several contributors with long and active careers in take-all research or the advisory services and includes a comprehensive worldwide bibliography of relevant literature published over the last 15 years. The book concentrates on Europe, particularly the UK and France, and this regional theme is developed through comparisons with approaches used in, for example, North America and Australia. Chapters deal with history, disease and epidemiology, take-all in relation to cereal production systems, strategies for management, the pathogens and related fungi, field techniques and future prospects. This book is essential reading for advanced students and professionals in cereal crop protection research and will be of interest to plant pathologists as well as agricultural advisors.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Listen in terror

        by Richard J. Hand

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Success Without School

        Unschooling My Children from Birth to College

        by Jean Proffitt Nunnally

        Consequences of ongoing pandemics have seriously affected educational systems in the U.S. and around the world. School closures and the opportunities or nightmares of remote learning have caused many parents to reconsider options for schooling their children. Alternatives to going back to conventional school are currently hot topics, strongly motivated by growing racism and the social bullying that confront many youngsters and teens in today’s school environment. {New Yorker Magazine, June 21, 2021, “The Rise of Black Homeschooling.”} Jean Nunnally’s memoir of her trials and triumphs in unschooling her two children from birth to college provides an enlightening insight into the innate learning ability of humans, showing how self-esteem, trust and personal responsibility were preserved and strengthened for herself and her kids. “Unschooling,” the author says, “is the way we have learned throughout time and the way adults learn when they are free to pursue their interests.” Her book gives an overview of unschooling or self-directed learning, but so much more. Jean not only did the work, but her son and daughter are proof that unschooling works. They were each accepted in and graduated from prestigious U.S. colleges and testify, in personal reflections at the end of the narrative, to the happiness and fulfillment of their elementary and high school years following their passions, their hobbies, their music, their dreams, often in stark contrast to the struggles with traditional forms their peers were required to submit to. Those unfamiliar with this unique educational approach, a subset of homeschooling, often argue from misunderstandings of the process. “What about socializing with their peers?” “Do I have to be a trained teacher?” they ask. Success Without School offers Nunnally’s disputation of these and other popular myths surrounding the subject. Along the way, Jean Nunnally points out aspects of her own transformation from a traditional background and a corporate career to the lesser traveled path of alternative education. She explains how her view of school changed, and changed her, as she proceeded to unschool her children. She leaves the reader with an encouraging description of the three jobs of an unschooling parent— exposure, facilitation, and modeling; and offers her unique approach to preparing an unschooled teen for college, and the specific challenges that required.

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        Children's & YA
        October 2021

        The 4 Police Soaps

        by Christine Warugaba/ Valerie Bouthyette

        In one school bathroom, four soaps decide to take action after being ignored by children for many years. They become police soaps.

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