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      • Grupo Planeta

        Grupo Planeta is Spain’s leading family-owned publishing and media group and it boasts an extensive product offering at the service of culture, learning, news and audiovisual entertainment. In the years since Editorial Planeta was founded in Barcelona by José Manuel Lara Hernández, in 1949, the Group has become a multinational enterprise. It combines a solid business tradition with its capacity for innovation and its European and international vocation, with an especially prominent presence in Spain, France, Portugal and Latin America.

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      • Editorial Planeta

        Grupo Planeta is Spain’s leading family-owned publishing and media group and it boasts an extensive product offering at the service of culture, learning, news and audiovisual entertainment.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Horror & ghost stories, chillers (Children's/YA)
        October 2021

        El año de la rata

        by Jorge Alderete

        Our forests are shrinking every year due to fires forestry. Trees and all life that inhabits them, from tiny microorganisms to families of birds and animals are destroyed by flames that in most cases, are caused by we, humans.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Ponto de Ruptura

        by Olufunke Ogundimu

        Olufunke Ogundimu explora neste potente conto a sua escrita afrofuturista, num 2087 aterradoramente próximo, quando tudo muda, menos a barreira entre quem tem e quem não tem. Onde os pobres ficaram do lado fora de onde é fácil negar a realidade, num mundo distorcido de quem acredita que mudança climática é fake news. Até o planeta terra atingir o ponto de ruptura e mover as areias dos grandes desertos arrasando fronteiras nacionais, cidades, assoreando rios e oceanos impondo novas formas de viver aos humanos.

      • Trusted Partner
        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        El espacio entre la hierba

        by María José Ferrada, Andrés López

        This book object, composed of 30 cards, invites the reader to stop in the poetry that surrounds us.

      • Trusted Partner

        Desde el Principio

        by Ron Adam

        Desde el Principio – Novela de suspense apocalíptica por Ron Adam Como en una tragedia griega, los Estados Unidos avanza inexorablemente hacia una colisión con la mayor de las amenazas: la combinación letal del islamismo fanático, armas nucleares y los mayores recursos energéticos del planeta. El 11 de septiembre de 2001, Osama Bin Laden demostró al mundo cómo aprovechar los dólares y la tecnología norteamericanos para utilizarlos como bumerang con el fin de asestar un golpe en el corazón de los Estados Unidos. Aunque sea terrible, no cuesta imaginarse qué puede suceder en cuanto ese celo fanático disponga del monstruoso poder de las armas nucleares. Una rápida mirada en el mapa muestra que los Estados Unidos han aprendido la lección y que las guerras en Afganistán y en Irak han venido a cerrar el círculo alrededor de la verdadera amenaza: Irán. Desde el principio le arrastra al torbellino que barre el mundo, desde una guerra local en el Golfo Pérsico pasando por un golpe militar en Rusia, la nueva vieja aliada de Irán, hasta un verdadero holocausto nuclear. La tripulación exclusivamente masculina de un submarino estadounidense que jugó involuntariamente un papel activo en la destrucción de la humanidad, comprueba después de los hechos que la tarea opuesta, reconstituir la raza humana Desde el principio reposa sobre sus hombros. Después de pasar sumergidos nueve meses, emergen en una remota isla del Pacífico en la que las condiciones pueden de nuevo soportar la vida. Equipados con tecnologías de punta, llevan con ellos dos docenas de óvulos fertilizados congelados, destinados a convertirse en nuevas Evas, que juntas serán las madres de la nueva humanidad. Lamentablemente, hay en la isla demasiados “Adanes”. Más de cien hombres esperan ansiosos que las 24 bebitas maduren y se conviertan en mujeres maduras y por lo tanto, la lucha por el control de tan precioso “recurso” está predeterminada. Estos hombres comprueban que no es posible cambiar la naturaleza humana. Incluso después de la terrible guerra que lo ha destruido todo, el hombre seguirá usando la fuerza bruta para obtener lo que desea y para resolver disputas. A pesar del escenario pesimista, el libro es esencialmente optimista y lo impulsa la fe en la ley de la historia: el bien a la larga se impondrá, aun cuando sea a costa de sufrimientos y a un tremendo precio. El autor es piloto de caza, oficial de marina y experimentado ingeniero de alta tecnología. Ron Adam tiene en su haber una brillante carrera militar y ha servido en un submarino y en un navío de la Marina Israelí y como piloto de caza, comandante de un portaaviones, instructor de vuelo y oficial de rango superior de guerra electrónica en la Fuerza Aérea israelí. Adam, licenciado en Ingeniería electrónica, ha dirigido un proyecto militar con un coste de 1200 millones de dólares y también ha establecido tres emprendimientos de alta tecnología. Hoy día Adam es un asesor ejecutivo de la industria aeroespacial y divide su tiempo entre la ingeniería de nivel superior y la escritura de libros y libretos. Está casado y tiene tres hijos.

      • Trusted Partner


        by HUGO N. GERSTL

        LA POLÍTICA DEL ODIO  – Una aguda y reveladora visión de la política norteamericana    De cómo obstruccionistas, medios de comunicación e intereses creados están convirtiendo a los Estados Unidos en un país del tercer mundo y CÓMO PODEMOS RECUPERARNOS    por HUGO N. GERSTL Los Estados Unidos están siendo destruidos de manera sistemática, no desde afuera por terroristas, sino desde adentro, por intereses creados. El país está siendo destruido por políticos, por presentadores de programa de entrevistas, magnates mediáticos y demagogos populistas, que procuran conservar su «territorio» a cualquier precio, obstruyendo la aprobación de leyes provechosas, mediante mentiras y acusaciones escandalosas, campañas negativas y agravios injustificados. Estos «redentores» no presentan ninguna idea constructiva que hayan concebido para ayudar a salir del atolladero en el que nuestro país se encuentra. En lo único que piensan los políticos es en ser electos y reelectos. El señuelo de USD 100.000 de honorarios de conferencista es un potente afrodisíaco. El señuelo del poder es un afrodisíaco aún más potente. Políticos, metemiedos, parlanchines y líderes empresariales se deleitan con su fama, su gloria y su autoproclamada sabiduría, en momentos en que el país está más endeudado que cualquier otra nación en la historia y cuando año a año avanzamos cada vez más rápido hacia la posibilidad de convertirnos en un país del tercer mundo. Si el público comienza a sumar dos más dos, la respuesta lógica debe ser cuatro. Pero hasta ahora, aún se puede hacer creer al estadounidense promedio que dos más dos equivale a cualquier número que a los maestros del rollo político se les ocurra. Lo peor es que más del 40% de los estadounidenses aceptan la política de miedo, cizaña y atropello, sin siquiera detenerse un momento a pensar qué es exactamente lo que estos traficantes del odio político ofrecen a cambio de echar a un lado a una facción y asegurarse para ellos mismos las ventajas del poder. Pero independientemente de las querellas políticas internas o externas, lo que hacemos es algo parecido a dos pulgas que se pelean para saber cuál de ellas es la propietaria del perro. Parece que no nos damos cuenta de que el tiempo y el dinero se nos han acabado, que ya no podemos permitirnos el lujo de astutas maniobras políticas y de inútiles y estúpidas reyertas. Aunque este oportuno libro señala a quién es el culpable, va también un poco más allá y cuenta cómo los Estados Unidos, la nación más poderosa del planeta, pueden recuperar el control de su destino y curar su propia enfermedad.    HUGO N. GERSTL obtuvo una licenciatura en ciencias políticas e historia de la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles (UCLA) y después cursó estudios y se graduó en la Facultad de Derecho de la misma universidad. Gerstl rechazó una invitación para postularse para el Congreso por el partido Republicano, ya que eso hubiera significado competir con su amigo y colega, el abogado León Panetta, que acababa de completar su primera cadencia en el Congreso. Gerstl es ampliamente conocido en todo el país hace ya cuarenta y seis años como abogado penalista y sigue siendo eternamente optimista acerca de la capacidad de recuperación del pueblo estadounidense.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Animal Welfare in a Changing World

        by Edited by Andrew Butterworth

        Contemporary and challenging, this thought-provoking book outlines a number of the key dilemmas in animal welfare for today's, and tomorrow's, world. The issues discussed range from the welfare of hunted animals, to debates around intensive farming versus sustainability, and the effects of climate and environmental change. The book explores the effects of fences on wild animals and human impacts on carrion animals; the impacts of tourism on animal welfare; philosophical questions about speciesism; and the quality and quantity of animal lives. The welfare impacts of human-animal interactions are explored, including human impacts on marine mammals, fish, wildlife, and companion and farm animals. Animal Welfare in a Changing World provides: Concise, opinion-based views on important issues in animal welfare by world experts and key opinion leaders. Pieces based on experience, which balance evidence-based approaches and the welfare impacts of direct engagement through training, campaigning and education. A wide-ranging collection of examples and descriptions of animal welfare topics which outline dilemmas in the real world, that are sometimes challenging, and not always comfortable reading. This is a 'must-read' book for animal and veterinary scientists, ethologists, policy and opinion leaders, NGOs, conservation biologists and anyone who feels passionately about the welfare of animals

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Animal Welfare in a Changing World

        by Andrew Butterworth, Rebecca Aldworth, Shelley M. Alexander, Regina Asmutis-Silvia, Panayiotis (Panos) Azmanis, Prof Daniel Berckmans, Lotta Berg, Harry Blokhuis, Xavier Boivin, Dr John Bradshaw, Prof. Victoria Braithwaite, Stijn Bruers, Henry Buller, Andrew Butterworth, Joyce D’Silva, Sarah Dolman, Chris Draper, David A. Fennell, Dr Charles Foster, Taryn Glass, Temple Grandin, Adam Hart, Dr Sophia Hepple, Kristof Hermans, Elly Hiby, Dr Miel Hostens, Mark Jones, Michael J Kuba, Philip Lymbery, Miriam Martin, Tomas Norton, Geert Opsomer, Maria Panagiotopoulou, Paul C. Paquet, Conor Ryan, Mark Simmonds, Kalliopi Stara, Rigas Tsiakiris, Dr Bonny Van Ranst, Paul Whittington, Dr James Yeates

        Contemporary and challenging, this thought-provoking book outlines a number of the key dilemmas in animal welfare for today's, and tomorrow's, world. The issues discussed range from the welfare of hunted animals, to debates around intensive farming versus sustainability, and the effects of climate and environmental change. The book explores the effects of fences on wild animals and human impacts on carrion animals; the impacts of tourism on animal welfare; philosophical questions about speciesism; and the quality and quantity of animal lives. The welfare impacts of human-animal interactions are explored, including human impacts on marine mammals, fish, wildlife, and companion and farm animals. Animal Welfare in a Changing World provides: Concise, opinion-based views on important issues in animal welfare by world experts and key opinion leaders. Pieces based on experience, which balance evidence-based approaches and the welfare impacts of direct engagement through training, campaigning and education. A wide-ranging collection of examples and descriptions of animal welfare topics which outline dilemmas in the real world, that are sometimes challenging, and not always comfortable reading. This is a 'must-read' book for animal and veterinary scientists, ethologists, policy and opinion leaders, NGOs, conservation biologists and anyone who feels passionately about the welfare of animals

      • Fiction
        September 2019

        Heart Land

        by Luz Gabás

        A brilliant novel that brings together a beautiful story of autumn love, a crime investigation, the defense of the earth, and the countryside as a universal heritage. Alira, heiress of the mansion and lands her family has held onto for generations, must choose between staying true to her origins or adapting to the new times. When she thinks she found an answer to her questions, a mysterious disappearance upsets the apparent calm at her home—the only inhabited house in a small abandoned village. A twist of fate makes her face her past and question everything that had been solid for her. From that moment on, she will start to feel something she never knew she was ready for: love!

      • Graphic novels

        Mocha Dick

        The legend of the White Whale

        by Francisco Ortega, Gonzalo Martínez

        After turning 15, Caleb Hienam, son of a whaling businessman, goes on his first journey to learn the family business. In the ship he meets Aliro Leftraru, one of the sailors, a descendant of the mapuche people. When the ship where they work bumps into a whaling ship filled with survivors from a monstrous white whale attack, Caleb and Aliro will discover the story of Mocha and will develop a plan to prevent the indiscriminate hunting of whales on the Pacific Ocean... An adventure that history will never forget. Based on the real story that inspired Moby Dick! Mocha Dick has been published in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, México, Spain, Colombia and France.

      • Children's & YA


        by Ngügï wa Thiong’o / Illustrations: Antonia Lara

        Ngügi wa Thiong’o (Kenya 1938) is one of today’s leading African writers and has been nominated for the Nobel Prize several times. The story originally aimed to reconnect African children with their language, knowledge and history, in a continent marked by colonialist rule that largely erased their culture. In this sense, its main theme of rescuing the traditional knowledge of dominated cultures, especially their connection with nature, makes this book contain a universal message that goes beyond time and frontiers. In these times of deep social changes this story acquires maximum relevance for the world of children and youth. Njamba Nene and the Flying Bus, originally written in gikuyu and translated into English in 1986, has been specially translated and illustrated for this edition of Planeta Sostenible.

      • October 2022

        Frida's Cook

        by Florencia Etcheves

        Mexico, 1939. Nayeli Cruz is fourteen years old and is facing the same fate as her older sister: being married off to a man she does not know. Like so many women, she has no choice but to leave her home in Tehuantepec for Mexico City, and forge her own path. There she will meet the painter Frida Kahlo and will become not only her cook, but also her right-hand woman.  Argentina, 2018. Paloma’s -Nayeli’s granddaughter- discovers that there is a part of her past her grandmother knows nothing about. When she inherits a painting worth millions of dollars, she suddenly finds her life in danger as a group of swindlers try to steal it. What’s more, one of the criminals appears to be the man she loves.   Strong Women  Nayeli’s story unfolds in a time when women were not taken seriously – when they could not make decisions about their own lives. But the female characters in this tale have drive, and a rebellious nature, allowing them to escape the fate of many.    Emotion and Mystery  A journey full of twists and revelations that brings together the past and the present. As Nayeli’s story unfolds, Paloma’s discoveries are explained, and Paloma herself must fight to stay alive.     A Synergy Between Fact and Fiction  Historical and fictitious events come together to create a unique, captivating narrative. Frida Kahlo’s real experiences are presented through the eyes of Nayeli, who, although she never actually existed, represents many similar women from that era.

      • February 2023

        The Third World Cup

        by Alejandro Wall and Gastón Edul

        In April 2022, soccer fans worldwide finally found out which teams would be in Group C of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar: Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Poland, and Mexico. One month before Argentina’s first game, the team’s situation was critical: some players were injured, others had not played for a long time, and a third group was not performing well with the international teams where they regularly played. Even worse, Lionel Messi injured his ankle the Saturday before Argentina’s first World Cup game.   Argentina started on the wrong foot. On November 22nd, they lost their first match to Saudi Arabia but four days later Argentina scored two goals against Mexico and repeated their success against Poland in the last soccer match of their group. Argentine soccer fans and fans around the world thought that this team will be eliminated as easily as it had been in the 2022 World Cup in Korea and Japan, but it fought back. Their players fought to prove that they were not the ‘dark horse’ of the competition.  Three more matches were enough to take Argentina to the final game on December 18th, 2022: first, a victory against Australia; then a tie against the Netherlands (broken later with a set of penalties), and finally a victory against Croatia.   This is the difficult road taken by the Argentinean national team which waited 36 years to win the World Cup. Every kick, every goal, and every penalty was another step to ultimate victory in the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

      • February 2023

        The Middle Sister

        by Fabiola Hablützel

        In March 2017, Fabiola is about to celebrate her 50th birthday and the 27th anniversary of her marriage to Alfredo. To make her joy complete for these special occasions, her beloved aunt Nélida returns from the United States to visit her sister, Fabiola's mother, and participate in her niece‘s celebrations. Shortly before, Fabiola’s mother is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, which affects her ability to speak. She cannot complete most of her sentences, so her daughter, husband, and other relatives help her to express herself.  The three women go to a swimming pool and have a delicious lunch on a sunny afternoon. Afterward, Fabiola’s mother wants to chat with her daughter and sister. Thanks to the signs and sounds made by her mother, Fabiola discovers that she was adopted after her mother had a miscarriage. The desperate daughter immediately visits another aunt and asks her for more details about her adoption: indeed, Fabiola and Luis (the protagonist’s adoptive parents) were visited by a Chilean social worker who helped the couple with all the official paperwork to adopt a Chilean baby girl.  Fabiola wants to find out more about her biological family in Chile: she knows only that she has a Chilean step-sister and the possible name of her birth mother: Elena. What family secrets will she discover and how will they affect Fabiola’s relationship with her adoptive mother?

      • Fiction


        by Santiago Díaz

        Marta Aguilera, a journalist committed to her job, receives news that will change her destiny: a tumor threatens her health and she has barely two months to live. With nothing to lose or anyone to answer, Marta feels that reality is a threatening place and decides to occupy the time that is left to impart justice. In a race against time for her own life and against the unbreakable inspector Daniela Gutiérrez, Marta Aguilera will try to apply her particular law of talion. A shocking thriller, different from all the others. A novel that you will read as if you were the main character.

      • Fiction

        El mensaje de Pandora

        Siempre que un dogma cae, un nuevo mundo nace

        by Javier Sierra

        On the day Arys turns eighteen, a large green envelope arrives from Athens. It contains a handwritten letter, filled with drawings and diagrams, that has been sent to her by her aunt. The letter’s tone in some ways feels like a farewell, and in its opening lines her aunt recalls some of her most treasured memories of Arys, including conversations and travels inspired by their shared passion for Greek mythology. Arys’s aunt reveals that over the course of her life she has faced many illnesses and, more importantly, a few pandemics like the one that has recently paralyzed the entire world. In fact, it’s the outbreak of covid-19 that has prompted her to write to her niece. She feels an urgency to do so because Arys represents the future...a future that finds itself sorely threatened. In turning to ancient myths and stories from Classical Greece, this epistolary novel explores various ways of approaching the meaning of life, as well as that of death. These two energies are mutually dependent upon each other, just as light relies on darkness to manifest itself in all its splendor. Arys’s aunt invites her niece to reflect upon the origin of plagues, pandemics, viruses, sickness – by situating them in a place we seldom explore. Pandora's Message is an inspiring text that utilizes simple direct language, akin to that of a fable, to transmit a fundamental, even lyrical, understanding of the fact that the Earth and its evolution are intrinsically related to what happens in the rest of the Universe. And that only from such a point of view will we manage to face the challenges that life presents us. If the letter is read in the heat of the covid-19 pandemic, it will help us to face the "monster," the Pestilence, in a different manner, more openly and optimistically.

      • Fiction
        February 2020

        El último verano de Silvia Blanch

        by Lorena Franco

        THE LAST SUMMER OF SILVIA BLANCH / A forbidden love always entails lying. A crime always leaves traces. The last person to see Silvia Blanch – disappeared without trace in the summer of 2017 – is now dead.  Alex, a young journalist is sent for a weekend to a village in the Montseny mountains where Silvia lived, to talk with her family and to write a commemorative article a year after the disappearance. She becomes so involved in the case that she decides to spend the summer in the village to find out really what happened. However, she realizes soon enough that her presence annoys the inhabitants of the village, especially Silvia’s cousin, Jan, with whom she falls in love despite the disturbing secrets he hides.

      • Fiction
        February 2021

        Todos buscan a Nora Roy

        by Lorena Franco

        EVERYBODY IS LOOKING FOR NORA ROY / Nobody knows what drove Nora Roy, a young patient in theVera de la Cruz psychiatric centre, to kill a renownedpsychiatrist, Gabriel Herranz, and the nurse, Ana Torrents.Nobody can understand how she was able to lock them inthe basement, kill them and disappear unnoticed.When throughout Spain a search for Nora is carried out,Eva, a funeral make-up artist who escapes the reality bysubmerging herself in fiction, puts up in her flat Charlotte, astrange and rather guarded Parisian. One evening, Evameets Adrián, the man of her dreams, in a discotheque andends up hoping for a promising night at her flat. But in themorning Adrián is gone and the walls of the room whereCharlotte stayed are covered with blood. Charlotte hasdisappeared too.

      • Fiction
        February 2017


        by Roberto Santiago

        Ana Tramel: With A for attorney. With A for addicted to alcohol, pills and sex. And with A for anaesthetized (to emotions, adjectives, and sycophants). In this story absolutely everything revolves around her, the protagonist, narrator and dynamo of the plot. In her forties, she’s about to experience a journey to the dark side of the gambling world, and to come up against an international corporation that deals in thousands of millions and has hundreds of lawyers on their payroll. Said with the utmost humility: from this moment on, we are all AnaTramel. In ANA nothing is what it seems. Not one of the characters is exactly a saint. And as Patricia Highsmith said of one of her stories ‘they are going to see a woman do what no male protagonist in literature of the past forty years would dare: behave with compassion, heroism and expose her body and soul to humiliation’.

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