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      • Publishing House Nova Knjiga

        Nova knjiga insists to create good connection between comercial and elite.We pay close attention to all aspects of the publishing business according to the highest standards and criteria always taking care of the high quality of the translation, covers and textblock.Publishing sectors: fiction, non-fiction, classics, children books. Nova knjiga has a network of own bookstores in biggest towns which covers Montenegrin market. Beside the publishing we have great developed network of wholesale and we are main suppliers of the books in Montenegro. We provide to all companies in Montenegro and region easy way to buy all our editions and editions of other publishing houses.

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      • Academy of Management - AOM Insights

        Empower your audience with the world’s best evidence-based management content License AOM Insights Content Insights is an online magazine for managers and business leaders, published by the Academy of Management (AOM), the world’s preeminent professional association for management scholars. Founded in 1936, AOM has nearly 20,000 members today, from more than 120 countries.   Insights offers evidence-based, cutting-edge research findings from the world’s top management and organization scholars in easy-to-read summaries, based on articles from AOM's top-ranked publications.

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        Children's & YA

        In Search of Winter Sleep

        by Tetiana Rumenko (Author), Tetyana Yatsura (Illustrator)

        Kvitochka is a small brown bear. She is convinced that the world is arranged for the comfort and happiness of all animals. But winter came, and the quiet life of the residents of the Rehabilitation Center for Brown Bears was filled with anxiety - someone stole the sleep from the bears! Kvitochka decided to find out who the thief was and find their sleep back. So now the little bear has a long journey ahead of her, full of unexpected encounters and many discoveries. Let’s go with her - and find out where the bears' sleep has gone and how to get it back!   From 3 to 8 years, 1480 words. Rightsholders: Rumenko Tetiana,;

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        April 2024

        I love you…

        by Julien Tănase

        The book "I Love You..." is part of the trilogy..., "I love you, till death..." and "I love you, as long as my heart beats”, autobiographical love novels which include chapters from life in a couple of the writer Julien Tănase and his wife, Magdi, with whom he has been in a relationship for 30 years, all against the background of the events that Romania has gone through in recent decades, after the Revolution of '89. A trilogy about the endurance over time of a young couple in love, who have gone through events that are out of touch with reality in Romania where sleeping with a gun under the pillow, the fear of having their child kidnapped, and even the "wars" waged against the corruption of magistrates, politicians and the information systems of a civil society gripped by the widespread corruption in Romania, including the lawsuit invented by the DNA (National Anticorruption Directorate) to stop his work as a journalist and finally won by the writer, makes the autobiography of writer Julien Tănase a fascinating one that leaves you with a bitter taste in your mouth and a big question mark; ... "such things have happened and continue to happen in Romania"?... The writer Julien Tănase: "A friend in the Italian Police told me, and I quote him: "... if you had done in Italy what you did for your country, today a street would bear your name! But you had been dead!"

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023

        Love and revolution

        A politics for the deep commons

        by Matt York

        Based on award-winning research, Love and revolution brings classical and contemporary anarchist thought into a mutually beneficial dialogue with a global cross-section of ecological, anti-capitalist, feminist and anti-racist activists - discussing real-life examples of the loving-caring relations that underpin many contemporary struggles. Such a (r)evolutionary love is discovered to be a common embodied experience among the activists contributing to this collective vision, manifested as a radical solidarity, as political direct action, as long-term processes of struggle, and as a deeply relational more-than-human ethics. This book provides an essential resource for all those interested in building a free society grounded in solidarity and care, and offers a timely contribution to contemporary movement discourse.

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        Good Evening, Good Night

        The cultural history of sleep

        by Karoline Walter

        What we associate with sleep is shaped by the culture we live in. Whereas the God of the Bible never sleeps, the sinful human falls asleep every night and is thus marked as an inferior being. In the Age of Enlightenment, (too much) sleep was considered a waste of strength, which could otherwise be used to change the world. These days, sleep seems to be subject to the same tenets of usefulness as everything else and is seen to assist with the optimization of one’s self. However, culture and technology also influence how we sleep: for example, the constant availability of light, the modern conditions of work and all sorts of distractions have meant that we no longer follow our natural rhythm – a first sleep before midnight and a second sleep after a longer period of wakefulness, during which we may be active. In “Good Evening, Good Night”, Karoline Walter uses numerous examples from history, literature and research to illustrate how sleep and sleeping have changed across cultures and eras – an entertaining read, certainly nothing to put you to sleep.

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        August 2014

        The First Year of the Love Calendar

        by Wang Yuewen

        Sun Li, the protagonist of the novel, is a bestseller writer and his wife Xizi is the head of a university library. Their son Sun Yichi has been rebellious and unruly since childhood, remaining distant from his mother. Afraid of the exhaustion of his creativity, the middle-aged Sun Li begins to question the meaning of his writings. He thus suffers from serious insomnia and anxiety. Just at this time, his wife Xizi begins to have her own amorous secrets. Sun Li also finds himself unable to leave Li Qiao, director of New Evening Paper. These affairs have pushed their seemingly peaceful family life to the verge of collapse. The love calendar refers to the calendar that belongs only to Sun Li and his wife Xizi for their love. But such turbulent life experience has caused them to temporarily betray their love calendar … They eventually begin again the first year of their love calendar. Through the depiction of the love, marriage, and family life of Sun Li and Xizi, the novel becomes a retrospection of the spiritual tendency, emotional development and love pattern of the Chinese over the past 20 to 30 years. It also vividly outlines the changes of social mores in China over the past years in a figurative way. Even amorous entanglements are not devoid of elements of the officialdom, with honest and corrupt officials still on the scene. According to Wang Yuewen, this is an element of reality rather than of officialdom – “after all nobody can live in a vacuum space”.

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        Health & Personal Development

        Kizere Wets The Bed

        by Safari Jean Marie Vianney

        Many children wet the bed.  This comic storybook takes us on the journey of Kizere trying to overcome it. Gladly, with the help from parents and friends, she overcame it.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2024

        ‘Survival Capitalism’ and the Big Bang

        Culture, contingency and capital in the making of the 1980s financial revolution

        by Emma Barrett

        This book about the Thatcher government and the City of London tells the compelling human story of the people and processes that made Britain's 1980s financial revolution. Fusing insider testimony with new archival discoveries, it examines high stakes and networked solutions, and uncovers new objectives that drove reforms. In so doing it demystifies a major shift in capitalism. This has implications for our understandings of government and capitalism, from the way we think about the origins of subsequent financial crises to today's growing inequalities. Survival Capitalism offers new insights into the last major restructuring of the City, disrupts myths surrounding the logics of the market, and pays attention to people and processes at a time when the City of London again faces major change as Britain seeks to find its place outside the European Union in the wake of Brexit.

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        Family & home stories (Children's/YA)

        The Other Home

        by Oksana Lushchevska

        The early 21st century. The humanity is on the verge of the apocalypse, or so they tell on every TV channel. But the mass psychosis sometimes covers up more important problems, so people don’t see the true collapse is looming over their private lives. The life of Polya and Artem, the protagonists of Oksana Lushchevska’s ‘The Other Home’, has divided into two parts – before and after their parents divorced. Now the kids have to build new relationships with their Mom and Dad separately. Can they do it? Can they make themselves at home at the other home? Can they accept new circumstances and overcome the challenges? And what’s more, will the teenage love be an obstacle or a driver of change?

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        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Bear Does Not Want to Sleep

        by Oksana Bula

        Like every year, at the end of the autumn the bear was going to go to sleep. He doing his final preparations and was waiting for Tukoni, who was to help him to settle down in his den. However, the bear met the bison, who told him about animals who do not hibernate and have fun in the winter forest . And how can the bear go to sleep after this?

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        Botany & plant sciences
        June 2007

        Poisonous Plants

        Global Research and Solutions

        by Edited by Kip Panter, Terrie L Wierenga, James Pfister

        Despite decades of research, poisonous plants continue to be responsible for large economic losses to livestock producers throughout the world. As the expansion into rural areas and the use of rangelands increases, an understanding of plant toxicology has become ever more important. This book represents the product of a wide-range of research aimed at solving the various issues surrounding poisonous plants. Broader themes include plant biochemistry, toxic effects in animals and humans, and rangeland management approaches to prevent poisoning amongst others. Individual chapters address plant animal relationships, various classes of secondary plant compounds, isolation, identification and effects of these toxins on biological mammalian systems and analytical methods, diagnostic tools and management strategies for plant toxicoses in animals and humans.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2023

        Negotiating relief and freedom

        Responses to disaster in the British Caribbean, 1812-1907

        by Oscar Webber

        Negotiating relief and freedom is an investigation of short- and long-term responses to disaster in the British Caribbean colonies during the 'long' nineteenth century. It explores how colonial environmental degradation made their inhabitants both more vulnerable to and expanded the impact of natural phenomena such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. It shows that British approaches to disaster 'relief' prioritised colonial control and 'fiscal prudence' ahead of the relief of the relief of suffering. In turn, that this pattern played out continuously in the long nineteenth century is a reminder that in the Caribbean the transition from slavery to waged labour was not a clean one. Times of crisis brought racial and social tensions to the fore and freedoms once granted, were often quickly curtailed.

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        Solution-Focused Treatment and Coaching

        by Lara de Bruin

        These fans contain questions that can be used in a variety of different setting and offer a solution-focused perspective. The user is guided through the fan by topics. The front of the cards provide guidance to help construct a conversation, while the back of the cards focus on specific situations or clients.   Target Group: therapists, coaches, managers

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        The Practice of Pharmacy

        Textbook for pharmacy interns Handbook for the pharmacy

        by Dr. Michael Sax, founded by Dr. Herbert Gebler and Dr. Gerd Kindl

        After pharmacy studies have ended, the fascinating world of the pharmacy awaits – simultaneously varied and challenging. This is no problem with this well-established standard work to hand! The 7th edition, with a new editor and new structure, goes through the various stages of pharmacy operation. Beginning with the social mandate to supply medicines and then considering the organisational and economic orientation of a pharmacy, one delves ever deeper into its inner workings. In every area, the appropriate specific information can be found about pharmaceutical law and practice – whether this concerns the back office, over-the-counter medicines, dispensary and dispensing, or the supply of care homes, or preparation of cytotoxic drugs. In addition to the important topic “Dispensing of drugs and medical devices on prescription”, particular attention is paid to the principal activity in the pharmacy – giving advice on self-medication. The contents are based on the regulations for registration of pharmacists and the guidelines of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists for the practical training of pharmacy interns in the pharmacy. The Practice of Pharmacy safely navigates the user through the practical training year and is the ideal preparation for the 3rd State Examination! Returnees, pharmacies that provide training and pharmacists of many years’ experience, will also benefit from this textbook and reference work.

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        September 2020

        It was always love

        by Hotel, Nikola

        She’s had enough of men, but he can’t get enough of her...   Away. Just get out of here. That's all Aubree thinks about when she gets kicked out of college after a party. She buys an incredibly old car, throws the few things she owns into the trunk and flees to her best friend Ivy in New Hampshire.    There, all she wants is to pull the blanket over her head and think of nothing else. Not about that night. Not about the party. And most of all, not that picture that's been circulating on the Internet ever since. But it doesn't work. Because instead of her friend, she meets Noah, Ivy's stepbrother. With his impulsive but surprisingly sensitive nature, Noah evokes feelings in her that she doesn't need right now. And which, nevertheless, sweep her away like a storm...     Second volume of a romantic and exciting dilogy with 20 lavishly illustrated hand-lettered pages by Carolin Magunia. Including a playlist that can be found on Spotify and contains songs which match perfectly with the story! It was always you (Vol. 1) entered the Spiegel bestseller list immediately after its publication. Both titles can be read separately. For all fans of Mona Kasten, Laura Kneidl and Kelly Moran! 30.000 copies of vol. 1 + 2 were sold since June 2020!

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