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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2018

        Popular science and public opinion in eighteenth-century France

        by Michael Lynn, Joseph Bergin, Penny Roberts, Bill Naphy

        In this book, Michael R. Lynn analyses the popularisation of science in Enlightenment France. He examines the content of popular science, the methods of dissemination, the status of the popularisers and the audience, and the settings for dissemination and appropriation. Lynn introduces individuals like Jean-Antoine Nollet, who made a career out of applying electric shocks to people, and Perrin, who used his talented dog to lure customers to his physics show. He also examines scientifically oriented clubs like Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier's Musée de Monsieur which provided locations for people interested in science. Phenomena such as divining rods, used to find water and ores as well as to solve crimes; and balloons, the most spectacular of all types of popular science, demonstrate how people made use of their new knowledge. Lynn's study provides a clearer understanding of the role played by science in the Republic of Letters and the participation of the general population in the formation of public opinion on scientific matters.

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        June 2024


        Eine herzerwärmende Graphic Novel über die erste große Liebe

        by Kevin Panetta

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        European history
        October 2013

        Popular science and public opinion in eighteenth-century France

        by Michael R. Lynn

        Now available in paperback, Michael R. Lynn's book analyses the popularisation of science in Enlightenment France. He examines the content of popular science, the methods of dissemination, the status of the popularisers and the audience, and the settings for dissemination and appropriation. Lynn introduces individuals like Jean-Antoine Nollet, who made a career out of applying electric shocks to people, and Perrin, who used his talented dog to lure customers to his physics show. He also examines scientifically oriented clubs like Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier's Musée de Monsieur which provided locations for people interested in science. Phenomena such as divining rods, used to find water and ores as well as to solve crimes; and balloons, the most spectacular of all types of popular science, demonstrate how people made use of their new knowledge. Lynn's study provides a clearer understanding of the role played by science in the Republic of Letters and the participation of the general population in the formation of public opinion on scientific matters.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2022

        Fashioning Italian youth

        by Cecilia Brioni

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        Business, Economics & Law
        April 2022

        Youth and the Rural Economy in Africa

        Hard Work and Hazard

        by James Sumberg, Jordan Chamberlin, Barbara Crossouard, Máiréad Dunne, Justin Flynn, Marjoke Oosterom, Carolina Szyp, Dorte Thorsen, Felix Kwame Yeboah, Thomas Yeboah

        This book brings together recent findings from quantitative and qualitative research from across Africa to illuminate how young men and women engage with the rural economy, imagine their futures and how development policies and interventions find traction (or not) with these realities. Through framing, overview and evidence-based chapters, it provides a critical perspective on current discourse, research and development interventions around youth and rural development. It is organised around commonly-made foundational claims: that large numbers of young people are leaving rural areas; have no interest in agriculture; cannot access land; are stuck in permanent waithood; that the rural economy provides (or can provide) a wealth of opportunity; and that they can be the engine of rural transformation. It draws from existing literature and new analysis arising from several multi-country and multi-disciplinary studies, focusing on gender and other aspects of social difference. It is a major contribution to current debates and development policy about youth, agriculture and employment in rural Africa.

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        June 1984

        The Jewishness of Mr. Bloom


        by Wolfgang Hildesheimer

        Wolfgang Hildesheimer wurde am 9. Dezember 1916 als Sohn jüdischer Eltern in Hamburg geboren und starb am 21. August 1991 in Poschiavo in der Schweiz. 1933 emigrierte er über England nach Palästina, wo er eine Schreinerlehre absolvierte. 1937 begann er an der Central School of Arts and Crafts (London) Malerei, Textilentwurf und Bühnenbildnerei zu studieren und nahm von London aus am Sommerkurs für Bühnenbild bei Emil Pirchan in Salzburg teil. Anfang 1939 gestaltete er in London am Tavistock Little Theatre sein erstes Bühnenbild. Nach dem Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs kehrte er nach Palästina zurück, arbeitete als Information Officer, war Englisch-Lehrer am British Institute und leitete zusammen mit einem Freund einige Zeit die Werbeagentur »HW«. Er beteiligte sich an Kunstausstellungen und veröffentlichte einige Gedichte, Essays und Kritiken. 1946 kehrte er nach London zurück, um Bühnenbildner zu werden, wurde aber für die Nürnberger Prozesse engagiert. Im Januar 1947 reiste er nach Nürnberg, dolmetschte für die amerikanische Besatzungsmacht und beteiligte sich wieder an Kunstausstellungen. 1949 zog er nach Ambach am Starnberger See, um als freier Maler und Grafiker zu arbeiten, schrieb im Januar 1950 aber eine Geschichte für Kinder – der Beginn seiner literarischen Karriere. Bereits 1951 wurde er zur Gruppe 47 eingeladen, 1955 erhielt er den Hörspielpreis der Kriegsblinden und im selben Jahr wurde zudem sein erstes Theaterstück von Gustav Gründgens uraufgeführt; ebenfalls in diesem Jahr begann er auch wieder zu malen. Nachdem er 1953 nach München gezogen war, übersiedelte er 1957 nach Poschiavo und widmete sich einer neuen Art von Theaterstücken, deren Besonderheiten er 1960 mit der Rede Über das absurde Theater fundierte. Anlässlich der Internationalen Theaterwoche der Studentenbühnen in Erlangen gehalten, sorgte diese für Aufsehen. Sein Prosabuch Tynset wurde 1966 mit dem Georg-Büchner-Preis und dem Bremer Literaturpreis ausgezeichnet. Sein Bestseller Mozart (1977) beeinflusste das Theaterstück und den Film Amadeus. Seit 1961 beteiligte er sich wieder an Ausstellungen, seit 1965 wurde sein bildkünstlerisches Werk in rund fünfzig Einzelausstellungen gezeigt. 1980 hielt Hildesheimer die Eröffnungsrede der Salzburger Festspiele Was sagt Musik aus. Neben seinen literarischen Werken verfertigte Hildesheimer auch Collagen, die er in mehreren Bänden sammelte. Spektakulär war 1984 seine Ankündigung, angesichts der drohenden Umweltkatastrophe nicht mehr zu schreiben, sondern zur bildenden Kunst zurückzukehren.

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        August 2015

        Miao Ethnic Group:Hundreds of Thousands Flowers Bloom on the Eighth day of the Fourth Month

        by Wang Yimei, Liao Zhenghua

        Festivals of Chinese Ethnic Groups was co-authored by China's well-beloved authors of children's literature including Fang Suzhen, Tang Sulan, Wang Yimei, and was illustrated by celebrated Chinese illustrators such as Cai Gao, Chen Yadan and Zhu Xunde. This series covers intriguing, outstanding and poetic folk tales on festivals and customs from China's ten most representative ethnic groups. Showcasing their courage, gentleness and indomitable will, these delightful stories allow readers to learn more about the distinct and charming characteristics of these ethnic groups. Recommended as parent-child reading by CCTV during the Dragon Boat Festival, this series has won the Most Beautiful Picture Book 2024 prize given by China Library Journal. It was also nominated for the top picture books prize in China for the Chinese Government Award.

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        January 2020

        Encephalitis, Second Edition

        by Alan Hecht D.C., Ona Bloom, and Jennifer Morgan

        Encephalitis is a brain inflammation that can come on suddenly and be fatal—is most commonly caused by a virus, but may also be the result of bacterial infection. Chapters include: Encephalitis Virus Human Genome Project (HGP) Immune System and Viral Infections Etiology of Encephalitis Glia Diagnosis and Treatment of Encephalitis Viral Encephalitis Prevention of Encephalitis

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