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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2016

        Chagos Islanders in Mauritius and the UK

        Forced displacement and onward migration

        by Laura Jeffery, Alexander Smith

        The Chagos islanders were forcibly uprooted from the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean between 1965 and 1973. This is the first book to compare the experiences of displaced Chagos islanders in Mauritius with the experiences of those Chagossians who have moved to the UK since 2002. It thus provides a unique ethnographic comparative study of forced displacement and onward migration within the living memory of one community. Based on in-depth ethnographic fieldwork in Mauritius and Crawley (West Sussex), the six chapters explore Chagossians' challenging lives in Mauritius, the mobilisation of the community, reformulations of the homeland, the politics of culture in exile, onward migration to Crawley, and attempts to make a home in successive locations. Jeffery illuminates how displaced people romanticise their homeland through an exploration of changing representations of the Chagos Archipelago in song lyrics. Offering further ethnographic insights into the politics of culture, she shows how Chagossians in exile engage with contrasting conceptions of culture ranging from expectations of continuity and authenticity to enactments of change, loss and revival. The book will appeal particularly to social scientists specialising in the fields of migration studies, the anthropology of displacement, political and legal anthropology, African studies, Indian Ocean studies, and the anthropology of Britain, as well as to readers interested in the Chagossian case study. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Science and society in southern Africa

        by Saul Dubow

        This collection, dealing with case studies drawn from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Mauritius, examines the relationship between scientific claims and practices, and the exercise of colonial power. It challenges conventional views that portray science as a detached mode of reasoning with the capacity to confer benefits in a more or less even-handed manner. That science has the potential to further the collective good is not fundamentally at issue, but science can also be seen as complicit in processes of colonial domination. Not only did science assist in bolstering aspects of colonial power and exploitation, it also possessed a significant ideological component: it offered a means of legitimating colonial authority by counter-poising Western rationality to native superstition and it served to enhance the self-image of colonial or settler elites in important respects. This innovative volume ranges broadly through topics such as statistics, medicine, eugenics, agriculture, entomology and botany.

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        September 2011

        Schmitz' Mama

        Andere haben Probleme, ich hab' Familie

        by Schmitz, Ralf

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        September 2014

        Schmitz' Häuschen

        Wer Handwerker hat, braucht keine Feinde mehr

        by Schmitz, Ralf

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1999

        Meine alte, unglückliche Familie Schmitz

        Elios Tagebuch und andere Zeugnisse

        by Schmitz, Elio; Svevo, Italo

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2012

        Das Wiesenhaus


        by Christoph Schmitz

        Im Körper von Johannes Schneider regiert der Krebs. Auch wenn seine Familie sich rührend kümmert, es besteht wenig Hoffnung. Er fürchtet sich vor dem, was kommt, und davor, daß nichts bleibt von ihm und seinem Leben. Im Schreiben geht er gegen die Angst und das Vergessen an und träumt sich zurück in seine Kindheit im Rheinischen, an einen geradezu mythischen Ort - ins Wiesenhaus. Hier blüht das Leben wie die Landschaft. Doch bringt der Blick zurück auch Verdrängtes ans Licht, unerwartet bekommt das Familienidyll erste Risse. Langsam, aber sicher schreibt Schneider sich voran, hin zur Wahrheit darüber, was damals wirklich geschah und wie er zu dem wurde, der er heute ist. Mit großer Empathie erzählt Christoph Schmitz von einem Mann, der sich erinnert, um eine Zukunft zu haben.

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        Children's & YA

        Tales of Mauritius

        by Shenaz Patel, Sébastien Pelon

        How did Tizan manage to change a grasshopper into a cow? How can an elephant and a whale both be convinced that a small hare is much stronger than them? This collection gathers the popular characters belonging to Mauritian oral history, such as Tizan, Mister Jaco, the tortoise and the hare. Some of the nine funny and cunning tales composing this book are an adaptation of the 19th century tales of Charles Baissac.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1999

        Mauritius von Craun


        by Reinitzer, Heimo

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        Christian Dualist Heresies in the Byzantine World, c. 650-c. 1450

        by Janet Hamilton, Bernard Hamilton

        Christian dualism originated in the reign of Constans II (641-68). It was a popular religion, which shared with orthodoxy an acceptance of scriptual authority and apostolic tradition and held a sacramental doctrine of salvation, but understood all these in a radically different way to the Orthodox Church. One of the differences was the strong part demonology played in the belief system. This text traces, through original sources, the origins of dualist Christianity throughout the Byzantine Empire, focusing on the Paulician movement in Armenia and Bogomilism in Bulgaria. It presents not only the theological texts, but puts the movements into their social and political context.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The dodo with golden feathers

        by Corinne Fleury, Sébastien Pelon

        A dodo with golden feathers lives in a village in Mauritius. Every day he lays an egg containing a golden nugget. His heart also has incredible powers. When the greedy villagers discover his powers, they all want to catch him. The dodo is in danger. Old Mimine is the only one to protect him…

      • Trusted Partner
        Migration, immigration & emigration
        July 2013

        Chagos Islanders in Mauritius and the UK

        by Laura Jeffery

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2010

        Lebenslust mit Christian Morgenstern

        by Christian Morgenstern, Thomas Kluge

        Christian Morgenstern wurde am 6. Mai 1871 in München geboren. 1892/93 begann er ein Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Breslau, das er bald abbrach. Er zog nach Berlin und war dort als Journalist, Kultur- und Literaturkritiker und Redakteur tätig und veröffentlichte zahlreiche Beiträge und Glossen in Zeitschriften. Sein erster von seinen insgesamt vierzehn Lyrik-Bänden In Phantas Schloß erschien 1895. In der Folgezeit beschäftigte er sich mit der Übersetzung und Herausgabe der Werke von August Strindberg und Henrik Ibsen und schrieb für Max Reinhardts Berliner Kabarett »Schall und Rauch«. Von 1903 bis 1905 war er Redakteur der Zeitschrift »Das Theater« im Verlag von Bruno Cassirer, für den er auch als freier Lektor arbeitete. 1909 schloß sich Morgenstern dem Kreis der antroposophischen Gesellschaft um Rudolf Steiner an. Am 31. März 1914 starb er in Meran / Italien an den Folgen einer Tuberkulose-Erkrankung.

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        May 2014

        As Dead as a Dodo

        by Shen Fuyu

        Winner of the “China’s Most Beautiful Book Prize” in 2014. Dead As a Dodo tells the stories of 30 species which have already died out or are currently threatened with extinction.     The last dodo died in 1681 by gunshot.  Mauritius, the last passenger pigeon on earth died in 1914 in the United States in her cage at the Cincinnati Zoo. The animals described in this book are gone, we are still here. After closing the book, everyone will ask:  what kind of pain has our behavior brought to the earth? Have we overdrawn our future for the sake of temporary benefits?A lonely human being is a sad human being and every time we kill an animal, we take another step toward global loneliness.   Each story in the book is accompanied by beautiful and touching illustrations from the hands of the painter Wei Eternity.

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