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      • Enrich Publishing Limited

        Enrich Publishing 天窗出版  Founded in Hong Kong in 2004, Enrich Publishing Limited aims to publish fine books of high quality. With more than 300 books published so far, each of our titles has brought inspiration and enjoyment to our readers.   We actively collaborate with renowned and insightful authors, experts, and scholars, to produce a series of influential titles on topics of interest in fields of society, business management, financial investment, humanities, and so on. Skywalker Press 天行者出版  Skywalker Press is on the cutting edge of publishing trends for younger generations. Believing in the value of storytelling, we partner with creative and popular authors to produce fascinating titles which have gained wide recognition in not only Hong King but also Mainland China and Taiwan.   As part of our commitment to encourage local creative writing, we launched a creative writing contest — “Skywalker Fiction Award.” Each year, a distinguished panel of judges will select up to 2 winning manuscripts from hundreds of fantastic pieces of writing.Click here for more information

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      • Rodin Educational Consultancy

        Rodin Educational Consultancyhas developed a range of Teaching Tools to Empower Thinking. With over 30,000 copies sold, Reflections on Classroom Thinking Strategies is a popular resource for teachers, with easy to use tools and worksheets for empowering students to think, and engage in a lifelong love of learning.

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        by Abdul Latip Talib, Nor Azmi

        Enrique from Malacca is a man of Malay descent who participated in Ferdinand Magellan's voyage around the world. Enrique became a slave of the Portuguese explorer, Ferdinand Magellan in 1511 at the age of 14 when the Portuguese colonized Malacca. Enrique is documented to have traveled with Magellan from Malacca to Cebu in two segments, namely from Malacca to Portugal in 1511, and from Spain to Cebu from 1519 to 1521. Enrique's name is recorded in the list of names of the main crew in the voyage to the Moluccas led by Magellan, which is Trinidad.Some historians argue that it is possible that Enrique was the first person to circumnavigate the globe and return to his starting point. However, there are no records or sources to confirm this. Is it true that Enrique was the first Malay to circumnavigate the world?

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        September 2022

        Der Süden / Bene

        Spanische Bibliothek

        by Adelaida García Morales, Anne Sorg-Schumacher, Imme Bergmaier

        Der Vater tot, die Mutter fort, das Haus verwaist. Nach dem Suizid ihres Vaters sucht die Erzählerin von Der Süden das Zwiegespräch mit dem Verstorbenen. Wer war der Mann, der dem Kind so rätselhaft erschien? Ein Zauberer, der mit seiner Wünschelrute Verborgenes aufspürt? Ihr Verbündeter gegen die verbitterte Mutter? Auf der Suche nach seinem Geheimnis begibt sie sich in den Süden – doch was anfangen mit Antworten, die zu spät kommen? Karges Land, verrümpelte Turmzimmer, Eukalyptuswälder – abgründig sind die Schauplätze der Kindheit, die Adelaida García Morales in Bene erzählt. Ein mysteriöses neues Dienstmädchen bringt das eintönige Familienleben ins Wanken. Bene ist verwandt mit Bettlern, vorlaut, frivol – und darf doch bleiben. Ist es die Milde des Vaters oder steckt mehr dahinter? Zwischen Aberglauben, Antiziganismus und Albträumen forscht die Erzählerin nach der Wahrheit. Adelaida García Morales' Novellen sind magische Beschwörungen der Vergangenheit. Lakonisch und eindringlich erzählen sie von Familie, Leid und obsessiver Liebe. Wie, fragen sie unaufhörlich, kann man Trauer in Sinn verwandeln?

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        October 1989

        Werkausgabe. 11 Bände in Kassette

        Band 7: Bild-Beschreibung. Natur, Raum und Geschichte in der Kunst

        by Max Raphael, Hans-Jürgen Heinrichs, Bernd Growe, Bernd Growe, Klaus Growe

        Einleitung des Herausgebers Geschichte und Geschichtsbilder Über den Geschichtsmaler Kurt Seligmann Die drei Einheiten - Raum, Zeit, Handlung Anmerkungen zum Barock Figur, Licht und Raum bei Tilman Riemenschneider Hat Leonardo eine Hieroglyphe entziffert? Fläche und Raum im Abendmahl Leonardos Raum und Körper (Figur) bei Raffael und Leonardo Tintoretto: Die Auffindung Mosis und Vergleich mit Tizians Venus und Adonis El Greco: Ansicht von Toledo El Greco: Portrait eines Kardinals Jan Vermeer: Schlafendes Mädchen Hals, Velasquez und van Dyck Zur Weltanschauung von Frans Hals Anmerkungen zum Vergleich zwischen Hals und van Dyck Das Daseinsgefühl bei Hals und Velasquez Abbildungen Hals, van Dyck, Velasquez Abbildungsnachweise Kommentierte Textnachweise Nachwort von Bernd Growe Register

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2004


        Liebesszenen und Liebeslieder

        by William Shakespeare, Jutta Kaußen

        Shakespeare, der »Mann des Jahrtausends« (Time Magazine), hat die berühmtesten Liebespaare und die spannendsten Liebesgeschichten der Weltliteratur erfunden, die, obwohl schon 400 Jahre alt, selbst im heutigen Medienzeitalter ihr Publikum in den Bann ziehen.Wie kein anderer Dichter schildert Shakespeare die Verstrickungen der Liebe in all ihren erfahrbaren Aspekten und in allen Schattierungen. Ihm ist ihre seelenvolle und glückliche Seite ebenso nah wie ihre Nachtseite: die rein sexuelle und berechnende Liebe; der Betrug, Krankheit und Wahnsinn. In seinen Protagonisten oder dem lyrischen Ich der Sonette unterwirft er sich bedingungslos auch den leidvollen Folgen, nimmt sie als Prüfung an und wendet die Wunde: Die Liebe erfährt eine Wiederbelebung und Erneuerung durch Transformation der Gestalten oder durch Veränderung der Verhältnisse. Die Liebe überdauert den Tod. Der Band versammelt die Verserzählungen Venus und Adonis, Der Liebenden Klage, Der Phönix und die Taube, eine großzügige Auswahl der schönsten Sonette, einzelne Gedichte aus Der liebende Pilger und verstreut in den Stücken erschienene Lieder und Gedichte, ergänzt durch poetische Liebesszenen.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2013

        »Der zarte Faden, den die Schönheit spinnt«

        Hundert Gedichte

        by Edward Vere, Earl of Oxford, Kurt Kreiler

        Überrascht blicken wir auf das Werk eines jungen Autors des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts, den die englische Literaturgeschichte nicht kennt oder als Marginalie behandelt. Seine Gedichte besitzen Strahlkraft, Intelligenz und Entschiedenheit. Der Dichter – Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford (1550–1604) – verbirgt seinen Namen von Anfang an hinter dem Schleier diverser Pseudonyme: Meritum petere grave, Fortunatus Infoelix, Ferenda Natura, Spraeta tamen vivunt, My lucke is losse, Phaeton. Ab 1593 (im Herbst dieses Jahres erscheint unter dem Namen William Shakespeare ein Versepos, »Venus and Adonis«) ist es dann nur noch eines: William Shakespeare. Diese hundert Gedichte eines rollenkundigen Spötters und sprachspielverliebten Dialektikers, die fast ausnahmslos um das Mit- und Gegeneinander von Liebe und Zurückweisung, Sehnsucht und Widerwillen, Leidenschaft und Bezähmung kreisen, sind eine Neuerscheinung in der Welt der Literatur. Sie gewinnen ihren Wert nicht durch die Zuschreibung an William Shakespeare. Umgekehrt: Ihre Qualität stützt die These, dass Edward de Vere ab 1593 unter dem Pseudonym William Shakespeare publizierte.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2024

        Deirdre Madden

        New critical perspectives

        by Anne Fogarty, Marisol Morales-Ladrón

        The Irish writer, Deirdre Madden, has written key novels about the Northern Irish Troubles and about contemporary Ireland. In these works, she weighs up the aftermath of violence and the impact of the shift to a more open but materialist society in the country overall. Memory, trauma, and the abiding but elusive links between the past and the present are central concerns of her fiction. This pioneering set of essays by leading experts in Irish Studies explores the many dimensions of her novels from a wide variety of perspectives. Madden's skill at interweaving novels of ideas with artist novels that draw out the complex inner predicaments of her characters is highlighted. States of dislocation are concentrated on in her texts, but also the quest for a home in the world and a lasting set of values that allows for personal integrity and authenticity. These multifaceted explorations bear out the compelling and enduring aspects of Madden's highly regarded novels.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        Perla der Superhund

        Das erste Bilderbuch der Bestsellerautorin | Für Kinder ab 4 Jahre

        by Isabel Allende, Sandy Rodríguez, Svenja Becker

        Eine Mut machende Geschichte über einen kleinen Hund mit großem Herzen, erzählt von der internationalen Bestsellerautorin. Optimistisch, charmant und in fröhlich farbenfrohen Bildern illustriert von Sandy Rodriguez. Der kleine Hund Perla hat zwei Superkräfte: Sie kann jeden dazu bringen, sie zu lieben. Und sie kann brüllen wie ein Löwe. In der Familie Rico schließt sie natürlich jeder gleich ins Herz, ganz besonders der siebenjährige Nico. Doch immer öfter ist er traurig, da ein Junge in der Schule ziemlich gemein zu ihm ist. Perla weiß, dass nun ihre Superkraft gefragt ist, damit Nico neues Selbstvertrauen findet.

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        The Self: Between Existence and Creation

        by Bensalem Himmich

        Far more than a straightforward autobiography, celebrated Moroccan writer and former minister of culture Bensalem Himmich diffuses life with literary and intellectual dimensions.   Himmich opens his book with a discussion on autobiographical writing, followed by chapters on the author’s early life, starting with his childhood in Meknes. In Paris, he completes a doctorate degree and there marries a Greek woman, Paneyota. The heroic figures of his “rebellious youth” are Marx and Sartre, and the challenges of these and other radical thinkers, in both Arabic and European languages, find their way into his doctoral thesis, Ideological Patterns in Islam: Ijtihad and History (in Arabic, 1990). Subsequent chapters move into the domain of creation, with four categories reflecting the author’s literary, intellectual, linguistic, and cultural interests. Starting with an epigraph of Italo Calvino, the “literary” chapter focuses on the novel, its history, and its complexities. The chapter on the “intellectual” dimension turns on the author’s lifelong interest in the two pillars of philosophy and history. For Himmich, philosophical thought is “the creative and innovative force through which truths and meanings are sought.” The two-part “linguistic” chapter opens with a discussion of identity as “a constantly developing entity”. In the second part he expresses disapproval of the worldwide prevalence of “Anglo-American English” and the weakening effects that a lack of language authority has on the sense of national identity. The “cultural” chapter includes Himmich’s observations from his career, including the poor state of public education and a decline in reading in Morocco. He also considers his time as the Moroccan Minister of Culture and the inevitable complexities of the political system within which he had to operate. The penultimate chapter entitled “My Polemics” offers four of his own polemical stands: on fundamentalist trends—specifically Islam and “Islamism”; on the prevalence in Moroccan publications of the Latin alphabet; and specific issues with the well-known littérateurs Adonis and Youssef Ziedan. The work closes with the author’s reflection on the emergence of a new and negative kind of cultural “hegemony”, the awareness of which he attributes with gratitude to Edward Said and the latter’s interpretation of the work of Franz Fanon.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2021

        Rules and ethics

        Perspectives from anthropology and history

        by Morgan Clarke, Emily Corran

        This book investigates the pronounced enthusiasm that many traditions display for codes of ethics characterised by a multitude of rules. Recent anthropological interest in ethics and historical explorations of 'self-fashioning' have led to extensive study of the virtuous self, but existing scholarship tends to pass over the kind of morality that involves legalistic reasoning. Rules and ethics corrects that omission by demonstrating the importance of rules in everyday moral life in a variety of contexts. In a nutshell, it argues that legalistic moral rules are not necessarily an obstruction to a rounded ethical self, but can be an integral part of it. An extended introduction first sets out the theoretical basis for studies of ethical systems that are characterised by detailed rules. This is followed by a series of empirical studies of rule-oriented moral traditions in a comparative perspective.

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        November 2020

        Veterinary Ethics in Practice

        by James W Yeates

        Veterinary Ethics in Practice gives non-specialist veterinary professionals an introduction to ethics. It helps readers to think about, and discuss, ethical dilemmas and viewpoints faced by practitioners in their daily practice. The book: · Is an important primer and introduction to basic ethical dilemmas. · Helps improve ethical reasoning, through the use of numerous worked examples, leading to increased confidence in decisions and actions. · Explains key ethical concepts and terminology making the subject easier to understand. · Contains case studies which help bring real dilemmas to life. With carefully crafted themes and problem cases in farm animal, companion animal, equine, wildlife, zoo and laboratory settings, the book provides an important yet concise and accessible introduction to moral decision-making in veterinary practice.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        December 2024


        Aquaculture, Biology and Health Management

        by Kim Thompson, Craig A. Shoemaker, David C Little, Alastair Hamilton, Alvin C. Camus, Andrew P. Shinn, Annette Boerlage, Benjamin R. LaFrentz, Carlos Garcia de Leaniz, Channarong Rodkhum, D. Allen Davis, Darci Carlos Fornari, De-Hai Xu, Divya Divya, Esteban M. Soto, Francis Murray, Gustavo Ramirez Paredes, Ha Thanh Dong, Halina Sobolewska, Hetron M. Munang’andu, Ian Goulding, Janina Costa, Joke van der Giessen, Jorge del-Pozo, Junning Cai, Matt J. Griffin, Mona Dverdal Jansen, Nopadon Pirarat, Olga L. M. Haenen, Partho Pratim Debnath, Ram C Bhujel, Roger S. V. Pullin, Ruth Zadoks, Saengchan Senapin, Sonia Rey Planellas, Taylor I. Heckman, Thomas P. Loch, Waldemar Rossi, Jr, Warren Turner

        Tilapia are a group of cichlid fish endemic to tropical freshwater in Africa, Jordan and Israel, that are extremely nutritious and in high global demand. They are a popular species to farm because of their relative ease of culture, their tolerance to relatively high stocking densities, large size, rapid growth and palatability. As a thorough exploration of tilapia aquaculture, this book emphasizes the significance of this group of fish and discusses the crucial elements of tilapia farming, including their reproductive and genetic characteristics, the various cultivation systems employed and the emerging governance of the practice. It also addresses important health management issues, focusing on nutrition, immunology, and animal welfare and extensively analyses the diseases that afflict tilapia, how they are diagnosed and what potential zoonotic hazards exist. The value of the book includes: Contributing to the wider understanding of tilapia aquaculture and the importance of the species to global food security. Providing an in-depth discussion on tilapia fish health, including major diseases, nutrition, immunology and disease prevention. Giving detailed insights into tilapia genetics, production systems, and reproduction. Written by an international team of experts to advance the long-term, sustainable growth of the global aquaculture industry, this book is a comprehensive and essential resource for anyone involved in or learning about tilapia farming.

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        Activating the Knee

        120 exercises for osteoarthritis and after joint placement, injuries and surgery

        by Joachim Merk and Thomas Horstmann

        Activating the Knee provides 120 exercises to stretch, strengthen and improve mobility, with detailed photographs and clear instructions. They can be combined to create a personalized exercise program.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2024

        Governance, democracy and ethics in crisis-decision-making

        The pandemic and beyond

        by Caroline Redhead, Melanie Smallman

        This book is a powerful addition to a developing literature informed by arts and humanities research carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic. Investigating the impacts of crisis governance and decision-making on people and populations, the book brings together microbial organisms and humans, children and data, decision-making and infection prevention, publics and process, global vaccine distribution and citizens' juries. Through its eight chapters, the book stimulates broadly-drawn discussions about exceptional executive powers in an emergency, the role of trust, and the importance of the principles of good governance - such as selflessness, ethics, integrity, accountability and honesty in leadership. The lessons drawn out in this book will support future decision-makers in both ordinary times and extra-ordinary emergencies.

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