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      • Martini Maria Cristina | MMC Edizioni

        MMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment

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      • AG Book Publishing / AG Solutions sas di Angela Cristofaro & C.

        AG BOOK PUBLISHING is a small, independent, strictly no-fee, Rome–based publishing house. We publish a wide range of fiction and non-fiction titles, with particular attention to performing arts, environment and nature, social and educational issues, and children's literature.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        October 2018

        The Pineapple

        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Garth M Sanewski, Duane P Bartholomew, Robert E Paull, Duane P Bartholomew, J. R. Botella, C. C. Chen, G. Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge, S. A. de Assis, A. P. de Matos, E. H. de Souza, F. V. Duarte Souza, M-F. Duval, S. Hamill, J. V. Jiménez, D. T. Junghans, H-L. Ko, F. Leal, J. M. Marconcini, T. Padua, R. E. Paull, D. H. Reinhardt, G. M. Sanewski, A. R. Sena Neto, B. Sipes, A. Soler

        Completely updated with new content and full-colour figures throughout, the second edition of this successful book continues to provide a comprehensive coverage of pineapple breeding, production and yield. Pineapple is an increasingly important crop and demand for fresh pineapple is steadily growing; stakeholders in the value chain are worldwide. The Pineapple: Botany, Production and Uses provides essential coverage from botany through to postharvest handling and provides the technical information required by all those working with the crop. The second edition: - Contains new chapters on organic production and production for other uses (fibre and ornamentals). - Includes major updates to content on taxonomy, biotechnology, cultural systems, nutrition, varieties and genetic improvement. - Explores physiological changes associated with the year-round growing of pineapple in addition to the associated cultural practices and mineral nutrition. - Considers the impacts of climate change and environmental issues on pineapple crops, and relevant mitigation strategies. - Looks at the effects of new cultivars and technologies on cultural practices and plant nutrition. Written by an international team of experts, this book is an essential resource for researchers, growers and all those involved in the pineapple industry.

      • Sinos d'Alma


        by Cristóvão Neto

        Angolan literature collection It blooms in the Angolan soil, with the strength and stubbornness of the vegetation that renews itself in the lands consumed by the burning, finding in the ashes themselves the vitalizing element of the sap that runs in its veins, a literature that, seeking to be specifically Angolan, is taking big steps towards the conquest of a position in the whole of universal literature (Carlos Ervedosa - A Literatura Angolana). This collection of Angolan Literature gives voice to Angolan authors who find in difficulties the reason to follow their path and the disclosure of Angola, of Africa.

      • March 2011

        Selected Poetry, 1937–1990

        by João Cabral de Melo Neto, edited by Djelal Kadir

        Brings together a representative selection of the work of one of Brazil’s most respected poets, including many poems published in English for the first time.

      • Children's & YA
        April 2021


        by Antonio Ramos Revillas

        Efraín’s life —complicated and with shortcomings— continues impassive, until one day his Mum is violently taken by the police. He and his brothers, Fredy and Marcos, will have to look for all the ways to release her from a cruel system that labels and discriminates them. To build a future for their family, they will have to be cautious of asking help from the wrong people, as any false step could entangle them with the cartels of his neighborhood.

      • Hoarse and sufocatted

        the tobacco industry is alive and killing

        by João Peres & Moriti Neto

        Few people know that Brazil, the world's largest exporter of tobacco leaf since the 1990s, fills the world's lungs with nicotine. Robbed and Suffocated offers a unique portrait of the Rio Pardo Valley, in Rio Grande do Sul, the heart of the national tobacco industry. It is from there that the discourse - and the lobby - in defense of cigarettes emanates. The authors analyze the rhetoric that mixes the survival of small farmers with the interests of megacorporations in search of ever greater profits, and reveal how this articulation is used to halt public health and tobacco control policies. Behind the smokescreen, politicians, the media, trade unions, organizations claiming to fight smuggling and even fake internet profiles are intertwined. Deputies and senators, mayors, former ministers, members of the Supreme Court and former IRS secretaries: a vast and powerful network of favors emerges in the disguised defense of an economic sector that kills half of its own clientele.

      • July 2013

        Advances in Alzheimer’s Disease Management

        by Serge Gauthier, Pedro Rosa-Neto

        This book provides an update on various issues pertaining to the management of Alzheimer’s disease, incorporating findings from the latest literature, and also provides insight into future developments from the expert contributing authors. The chapters address new diagnostic approaches in early- as well as late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, genetic aspects, available and forthcoming medications, new targets for therapy and other issues associated with the management of this difficult disease.

      • Poetry


        A poetry book written by Enrique Bunbury, focusing on his personal life and microdoses as a form of self-discovery.

        by Enrique Bunbury

        MicroDosis is a diary written during the last two years in which Enrique Bunbury decides to experiment in his conscience the ingestion of microdoses of psilocybin. The genre chosen by the author to narrate this inner journey is poetry. In this way Bunbury consolidates his incursion into literature after the appearance in 2021 of his first collection of poems Exilio Topanga (La Bella Varsovia) adding to the aesthetic features present in that one an atmosphere of psychedelia and a critique of "the mental norm" of the system. MicroDosis is an experiential and intimate book that contemplates the daily routine with eyes that open without hesitation the doors of another perception. Space and time acquire a new depth, just as they do in Krishnamurti's diaries, grafting onto its passages the heritage of the American beat generation, the oneirism of David Lynch and a very filmic plasticity that runs through Los Angeles with a neural network in flames. Taking the words of Vicente Gallego in his prologue: "Of that extinction of oneself in the cosmic amplitude, of those inner journeys where the familiar becomes unacceptable and the prodigious dawns to its prodigality the pages of this book written with his underpants off, but full of affection for everything, including the always vain spectacle of this world, speak to us." Four editions since March 2023 6000 copies sold

      • The Arts

        Bauhaus Women Designers

        History of a silent revolution

        by María Vadillo

        In 1919, Walter Gropius founded the Staatliche Bauhaus in Weimar (Germany): a place for construction. The project was born as a utopian school in which to train, integrating various artistic disciplines through the object and architecture, the new craftsmen that would be demanded for a sweeping beginning of the century. An idea that would evolve into design from its headquarters in Dessau with the famous "art and technology: a new unity". However, the intellectual recognition of the Bauhaus is a fact that historically focused on its male protagonists, forgetting a number of women artists, designers, set designers, painters or architects trained there who contributed decisively to this "revolution", and whose work in the imaginary about the Bauhaus has remained invisible, despite developing their respective careers with an unquestionable international impact. With this work, Marisa Vadillo fills this gap, completing the reality of the school by recounting the outstanding role of these fundamental authors in an unrepeatable episode of twentieth-century art.

      • January 2020

        La transferencia de conocimiento en educación

        Un desafío estratégico

        by Miguel Ángel Santos Rego

        El progreso y bienestar de las sociedades que tenemos por desarrolladas se ha debido, en buena medida, a la sistemática transferencia de conocimiento desde los diversos ámbitos del saber a los sectores productivos, especialmente en la industria, la tecnología y los servicios.Curiosa y paradójicamente, el campo de las Ciencias de la Educación ha permanecido falto de análisis, cuando no bastante invisible, en tal dinámica histórica, pese a las cadenas de valor social, cultural y económico generadas en procesos de investigación, y también de innovación, dentro y fuera de las aulas, para beneficio cognitivo de personas y oportuna proyección de las comunidades.Lo que en este libro se pretende no es otra cosa que reivindicar, con razones de peso epistémico y de neto pragmatismo, la necesidad de entender la transferencia de conocimiento en educación como un asunto de acciones, que han de servir a la formación de profesionales capacitados para seguir aprendiendo y resolver problemas reales en sus entornos de vida.

      • 2020

        Iniciação à direção teatral

        by Machado Santos, Gláucio

        "A historiografia sobre as artes cênicas no ocidente, em linhas gerais, concorda que a moderna encenação teatral possui sua certidão de batismo em dois textos fundadores: 1884, A arte da encenação: ensaio de estética teatral de Louis Bec de Fouquières, e 1903, Conversas sobre a encenação de André Antoine. Assim, em termos de cultura teatral ocidental, pode-se considerar que o conceito de moderna direção teatral e consequentemente o perfil do diretor possuiriam pouco mais de cem anos de idade. O que dizer então do processo de transmissão deste jovem ofício às novas gerações? Ensaiar, dirigir, encenar, performar. Esses são verbos que, na língua portuguesa, sinalizam atitudes criativas distintas em relação ao palco. O comportamento criativo do coordenador da cena teatral reflete a mentalidade de sua época. Assim, o ensaiador luso-brasileiro esteve condicionado pela técnica teatral associada aos gêneros dramáticos; o moderno diretor passou a ser o porta-voz, o mediador poético das palavras do autor da peça; enquanto que o encenador procurou expressar, por meio de uma escrita cênica arrojada, mais sobre si próprio e suas inquietações sobre o mundo do que sobre o resíduo escrito por outrem; e o performador vem performando na contemporaneidade, atritando mais do que nunca o real e o ficcional, o autobiográfico e o discurso sobre as minorias e temas atinentes à pós-modernidade, reciclando formas e gêneros. Como estabelecer então os fundamentos desta formação técnica e desta arte centenária? Simples. Leia este livro que você tem em mãos e aventure-se. Descubra o diretor teatral que existe em você. Conciliando fundamentos do ensino dispensado nos Conservatórios europeus com a teoria e prática do teatro advindas do ensino universitário, Gláucio Machado nos oferece caminhos seguros os quais associam esforço criativo e trabalho intelectual para oferecer uma sólida iniciação à formação do diretor teatral. — WALTER LIMA TORRES NETO (Professor titular de Estudos Teatrais na UFPR em Curitiba)."

      • Sagas
        August 2017

        O Onironauta

        Devaneio - Livro 01

        by Otaviano Lacet

        “Between reality and Dreaming, a third force emerged... capable of destroying both!” Allow yourself to embark on an epic journey through a universe hidden in the dreams of human consciousness. Endowed with incredible worlds and beings, heroes unlikely and powerful forces in the midst of the outbreak of war, this combination explosive promises to give the reader a unique experience to be lived in one breath! Together with Aziz Mandral, a frustrated and bankrupt young journalist, unveil dreamlike secrets of a reality that can only be seen with closed eyes. Travel with him through ‘lucid dreams’ showered with a lot of rock n ’roll, confusions and selfdiscoveries, all mixed with a dose of frank humor that will captivate from start to finish. Live a world where time is nothing more than a piece to be shaped by skillful hands, like Kazuo's - The Cartographer of Dreams. And if you still with your eyes closed, get drunk on Seiji's confused adventures Miura: a mercenary and warrior monk from the forests of Mt. Ōmine will drive through trails, at least, mindblowing! But don't be fooled by the charms of the dream world and don't whistle so loudly carefree songs, my dear Onironaut... for here you never know what that lurks behind the blackness of the night. Know that where the grass scorching sands are on the rise - and the term ‘nightmare’ gets new Meanings... Yes, a lifetime in one night ... this is the proposal, no less. But you're not a coward, are you? So sleep now: you are challenged to be won over!

      • Fiction
        April 2018

        My old guerrilla

        by Álvaro Filho

        A narrative full of time, memories on the shoulders, rusty bodies smelling of sea air, a testimony of uncertain memories of stories. The novel 'My old guerrilla' tells the story of a exiled writer abroad who returns to hometown (Olinda), mother's request, to try to dissuade the father of the idea of ​​killing the president, who took power after a coup. Alvaro Filho teaches us that we must "silence to hear the wind," time to understand the affection of places and things, calmly swallowing discomfort, and wisdom to understand our ancestry. 'My old guerrilla' is like a reef solid melts into air, and the wind sweeping "flesh, bone, blood, paper and ink."

      • Nori e Eu


        Nori&Eu; is a project with three voices. Caeto, a Brazilian author of comics and an illustrator, is the editor and brings together two versions of one family’s story: the narrative of Sonia and her son Massanori, or Nori. Sonia tells her story beginning with the birth of Massanori, the difficulties in diagnosing her autistic son, his relationships with the other siblings, family, school and friends. A story of love and dedication, but full of prejudice and difficulties as well. Moving and dramatic. Massanori in turn, a student in Caeto’s drawing course and author of mangas (fanzines), tells his story in a peculiar manner, circumscribed by world events. As explained by his mother: “I perceive my son’s mind as a compendium relating facts and dates, today not only limited to Disney related subjects or super heroes, but historical facts, cultural landmarks and family stories that he finds in books, encyclopedias and by talking with family members… It’s his security blanket.”

      • The Arts
        August 2020


        2005-2020 projects

        by Abilio Guerra (editor), Marcos Grinspum Ferraz (editor) & Silvana Romano Santos (editor)

        With critical essays and a large number of images and technical information, this book retrieves the expressive architectural production of the Brasil Arquitetura office, which greatly contributes to the appreciation and plurality of one of the most expressive Brazilian cultural manifestations – Architecture

      • Classic fiction (pre c 1945)

        Juana and Gabriela. Silhouette of Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz

        by Gabriela Mistral

        Three centuries separate Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz and Gabriela Mistral,the two greatest poets of the Spanish language, according to Octavio Paz.But so much more unites them, building bridges through time to allowtheir meeting: the brilliant intellect, the love of nature, the writing , thededication to others, the critical look at the position of women in societyand lack of recognition of their intellectual capacity. Gabriela tells us, inthese writings published almost a century ago on her first trip to Mexico,about Juana’s life from her childhood near the Mexican volcanoes, untilher death by infection when taking care of the sick in the convent. Indescribing Juana’s profile, Gabriela puts herself in front of a mirror andallows us as readers to have a view into her own way of seeing the world.This is how Juana and Gabriela, two tremendously inspiring women, findthemselves together beyond time.

      • Children's & YA
        June 2020


        by Severino Rodrigues

        Letícia and Makoto both faced difficult situations. She had quite a scare – imagine having a near-heart attack before the age of 20? He lost his beloved grandfather and since then, a great sadness has invaded him. Together, they will discover what it means to live, grow and overcome the problems life throws our way.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2019


        Policies of oblivion

        by Giselle Beiguelman

        Giselle Beiguelman assembles textual and visual essays in the field of the aesthetics of memory that gravitate around experimental works and research conducted in artistic interventions, in order to propose a reflection on the right to memory as opposed to the systematic policies of oblivion.

      • Literature: history & criticism
        February 2023

        Comerse a Venezuela, en 14 platos nacionales

        by Ramón David León / Daniel León / Julio León

        "Comerse a Venezuela, en 14 platos nacionales", es una selección de 14 biografías culinarias incluidas en la obra original: "Geografía Gastronómica Venezolana", publicada en 1954. La nueva edición: "Geografía de Venezuela: Una experiencia culinaria - Siglo XXI- Limitada Edition", desde su publicación en marzo de 2019, ha sido distinguida en siete categorías por los Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, durante los años 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, y 2023.

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