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        January 1982

        Innovation und Technologietransfer.

        Gesamtwirtschaftliche und einzelwirtschaftliche Probleme. Festschrift zum sechzigsten Geburtstag von Herbert Wilhelm.

        by Herausgegeben von Engeleiter, Hans-Joachim; Herausgegeben von Corsten, Hans

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        August 2002



        by Bärbel Reetz

        Wendezeit. Die westdeutsche Chirurgin Dorothea Mayfeld fliegt zu einem Kongreß nach Prag, trifft ihren amerikanischen Kollegen und Geliebten Henry Goldstein und dessen ostdeutschen Freund, Hermann Nehmer, ohne den Goldstein, so erzählt er Dorothea, nicht am Leben wäre. Eine schicksalshafte Beziehung aus NS-Zeit und Krieg, in die auch die Frau sich unversehens hineingezogen fühlt.Aber auch bei ihr durchdringen sich bei der Begegnung mit Nehmer Gegenwart und Vergangenheit, meint sie doch, in einer Déjà-vu-Situation einen Zeitsprung zu erleben und einen längst vergessen Geglaubten zu sehen: Grewe, den geheimnisvollen Geliebten der Mutter, das Skandalon der kleinen Stadt am Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs.Eine Geschichte der Verarbeitung. Verarbeitung von Geschichte und Geschichten. Und eine (Liebes-) Geschichte zwischen zwei Menschen, die sich am Ende verlieren.Bärbel Reetz, geboren 1942, Studium der Germanistik und Anglistik, arbeitet als freie Journalistin und Autorin in Berlin und Kiel. Zuletzt veröffentlichte sie die Biographie Emmy Ball-Hennings. Leben im Vielleicht (st 3240). 1994 erhielt sie für ihre Erzählung Virginia oder die Gleichzeitigkeit den Bettina-von-Arnim-Preis.

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        Martial, Buch VI

        Ein Kommentar

        by Grewing, Farouk

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        August 1998

        Toto notus in orbe

        Perspektiven der Martial-Interpretation

        by Herausgegeben von Grewing, Farouk

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        July 2000

        Lexis und Logos

        Studien zur antiken Grammatik und Rhetorik

        by Ax, Wolfram / Herausgegeben von Grewing, Farouk

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        January 1993


        Eine Jahres-Chronik. Von Günther Gillessen. Unter Mitarbeit von Regine Ebert, Markus Grewe, Ulrike Hellwig, Susanne Hessing, Anja Kaatz, Martina Kaiser, Nicolette Klein, Ulrich Paulus, Mahnas Rassapur-Ebersberger, Imke Schneider, Geoffrey Smith, Karin Vey

        by Günther Gillessen, Franz-Heinrich Hackel, Regine Ebert, Markus Grewe, Ulrike Hellwie, Susanne Hessing, Anja Kaatz, Martina Kaiser, Nicolette Klein, Ulrich Paulus, Mahnas Rassapur-Ebersberger, Imke Schneider, Geoffrey Smith, Karin Vey, Reiner Voß, Stephan Zimmermann

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        Children's & YA
        October 2021

        A tale about two brothers and a sister

        by Dara Kornii

        The World was beautiful and happy then. There was no hatred, malice, or envy. The earth gave birth generously, the sun shone gently, the sky poured with a bountiful rain, and children grew in harmony with nature. The Creator admired his beloved creation. Two brothers, Morok and Zhytnyk, and the youngest sister Veselka grew up in one glorious family. They were beautiful children, generously gifted with talents. Everything changed when one of the brothers wanted to feel like God and shed the first innocent blood. And the other brother did not stop him. Evil, envy, hatred, and temptation entered the World. The Creator knew in advance how everything would end for this World and decided to destroy people. But not everything is so simple, because this is a fairy tale. Who or what saved people from death? Why is it so important to value other people's lives, love the land you walk on, and reject temptations, even if they promise you omnipotence?

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        Children's & YA

        Ai Wan’s Daffodil Ball

        by Huang Beijia

        After several years of conception and more than one year of writing, Huang Beijia, a famous children’s literature writer, has recently published her new dedication named 'Ai Wan’s Daffodil Ball' in Jiangsu Children Press. The story is set in China in the early 1980s. At that time, the country was like a sleeping giant who was about to wake up. It was easy for people to get lost in that restless, unstable society. This is the setting for the story of the eight-year-old Aiwan. She grew up quietly with her brothers and sisters in an ordinary family in the small town of Qingyang. The story of Aiwan's upbringing is the same as that of many other girls during that period. Her ordinary life style was peaceful and low-key, just like the daffodil in the conch pot, which would be satisfied even with just a little water, all the while sending out a gentle fragrance. Her philosophy of life was learnt from her own life experience in this family, instead of being taught by others. Hard and restrained as her childhood was, we could still imagine that once she grew up, she would discover the wings to fly out into this wide world, and her wealth of experiences would become her fortune, helping her to create a bright, amazing future.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences


        by Wolfgang Büscher

        In the middle of the woods, in the middle of Germany: Wolfgang Büscher‘s fascinating journey into its very core. Night after night, a boy stands at the window of his parents’ house and watches the sun as it disappears from view behind the rolling hills in the west. He roams through the woods with his friends, building wooden shacks which the foresters destroy. It’s the early sixties. Decades later, Wolfgang Büscher makes his childhood dream come true. He moves to the woods and experiences spring, summer and autumn there. An aristocratic family on the border of Hessen and Westphalia where Büscher grew up allows him to stay in a hunting lodge in the middle of the woods, in the middle of Germany.  This is where he puts up his camp bed. He has no electricity or running water. He prepares himself for quiet times alone, chopping wood and making fires, the odd hunting expedition, hiking, a marksmen’s festival, extreme loneliness and a nighttime blackness never seen in the city. The year takes an unexpectedly dramatic turn as storms, heat and plagues of beetles kill half of the woods. And something else happens which turns everything on its head: Büscher’s mother dies that summer, meaning the house he grew up in is left empty, but full of memories. This is a homecoming more existential than he could have imagined. A book far removed from the deafening din of today‘s world. An exploration of a nation, floods of memories and a “sentimental education” all rolled into one - literary, perceptive and overwhelming.

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        August 2015

        When We Were Young

        by Jiu Yehui

        This is a novel of youth. A group of children grew up in the alleys of Beijing;they missed and misunderstood each other when they split for different schools and residences; they faced totally different situation as everyone became adult and involved in affairs and career. No matter how intimate they used to be, they had to deal with their own problems independently.

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        Children's & YA
        June 2016

        Gan Jiang and Mo Ye

        by Cai Gao

        Gan Jiang and Mo Ye were husband and wife of blacksmith in ancient China. They spent three years casting two superexcellent swords. Gan Jiang presented one of them to the king, however, the king put him to death because he didn’t present the other one together. When Gan Jiang’s son grew up, he stepped on a tragic and heroic road of vengeance with the other sword.

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        Picture storybooks
        March 2022

        Abnindranath's The house of stories

        by Likla Lall

        A furious storm rips across Calcutta, bringing thunder and rain! At #5 Jorasanko, the floorboards creak and the windows rattle. The lightning turns shadows into monsters. Young Abanindranath pulls his razai close and shivers. What would you do if you grew up in a house bigger than the world? How would you know if the house is a friend or a foe? Find out about the life of celebrated artist Abanindranath Tagore and his childhood home in the Art Exploration Series.

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        Children's & YA
        May 2012 - May 2022

        The Call of the Sky

        by Cao Wenxuan

        Dian Er is a swan that grew up in a flock of geese. He has a happy family, and a mother that loves him very much. When spring comes, he hears the call of the sky, and Dian Er can't stop himself from beating his wings and soaring off into the sky. But will he be able to leave his loving mother as well as his brothers and sisters behind? The book is a moving description of the conflict between natural instinct and emotions.

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        The Cherry Tree

        by Zhang Mudi, Wen Aining

        In this picture book, the author depicts the last period of the grandfather’s life. After the grandfather moved to the “room of spring” from the “room of winter”, as he got rid of diseases and pain, a pink cherry tree grew from his body. Life continues in a gentle and good way. Children will, more or less, face parting in their lives. Through delicate poetry and brilliant pictures, this picture book turns “parting” poetic, bringing comfort to children’s souls. Though dealing with the topic of parting, it tells stories full of love and hope.

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        January 2023

        The Angora Rabbit

        by Mu Ling

        By chance, a good breed of rabbit, No. 03, enters the wilderness in crisis. The male rabbit grew up in a cage and became a weakling who was humiliated and began a life of fearful escape...... The experience of the storm prompted the awakening of the wild nature, and 03 was integrated into the nature step by step, becoming a "wild" rabbit. It has been hunted by carnivorous beasts, even people and hunting dogs, and has experienced calamities including thunder, lightning, water and fire, and finally gained the right to live in the wilderness.

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        Genetics (non-medical)
        November 2001

        Securing the Harvest

        Biotechnology, Breeding and Seed Systems for African Crops

        by Joseph deVries. Edited by Gary Toenniessen

        Improved food security, led by increased productivity among Africa’s many small-scale farmers, has been the aim of significant national and international effort in recent decades.This book grew out of a two-year exploration conducted by the food security theme of The Rockefeller Foundation focusing on the potential for crop genetic improvement to contribute to food security among rural populations in Africa. It provides a critical assessment of the ways in which recent breakthroughs in biotechnology, participatory plant breeding, and seed systems can be broadly employed in developing and delivering more productive crop varieties in Africa’s diverse agricultural environments.

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