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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2023

        Sleep and its spaces in Middle English literature

        Emotions, ethics, dreams

        by Megan Leitch

        Middle English literature is intimately concerned with sleep and the spaces in which it takes place. In the medieval English imagination, sleep is an embodied and culturally determined act. It is both performed and interpreted by characters and contemporaries, subject to a particular habitus and understood through particular hermeneutic lenses. While illuminating the intersecting medical and moral discourses by which it is shaped, sleep also sheds light on subjects in favour of which it has hitherto been overlooked: what sleep can enable (dreams and dream poetry) or what it can stand in for or supersede (desire and sex). This book argues that sleep mediates thematic concerns and questions in ways that have ethical, affective and oneiric implications. At the same time, it offers important contributions to understanding different Middle English genres: romance, dream vision, drama and fabliau.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        Die Stille zwischen den Sekunden

        by Witte, Tania

        Nur knapp ist Mara einem Bombenattentat in der U-Bahn entgangen. Ihre Mitschüler nennen sie seither „Das Mädchen, das überlebt hat“ und erwarten Betroffenheit von ihr. Aber Mara hat ganz andere Sorgen. Ihre Freundin Sirîn meldet sich immer seltener und scheint plötzlich komplett unerreichbar. Je mehr Mara ihr zu helfen versucht, desto mehr Unverständnis und Ablehnung erntet sie. Was verheimlichen alle vor ihr? Erst als sich ihr Schwarm Chriso in die Suche einschaltet, kommt die erschütternde Wahrheit ans Licht. "Ein Buch, das unter die Haut geht." Corinna Schmitz, Blog „buecherweltcorniholmes“ "Ein Buch, das aktueller nicht sein könnte!" Timo Muth, Blog „rainbookworld“ "Ein Roman, der mich unsagbar berührt und völlig verloren und erschüttert zurückgelassen hat." Susanne Matiaschek, „Magische Momente Alys Bücherblog“ "Wer gerne feinfühlige, spannende, emotionale und lebensnahe Jugendbücher liest, sollte unbedingt zu „Die Stille zwischen den Sekunden“ von Tania Witte greifen. Mich hat die Geschichte komplett von den Füßen gerissen und ich bin in jeglicher Hinsicht begeistert." Blog "Buchstabenträumerei"

      • Trusted Partner

        Good Evening, Good Night

        The cultural history of sleep

        by Karoline Walter

        What we associate with sleep is shaped by the culture we live in. Whereas the God of the Bible never sleeps, the sinful human falls asleep every night and is thus marked as an inferior being. In the Age of Enlightenment, (too much) sleep was considered a waste of strength, which could otherwise be used to change the world. These days, sleep seems to be subject to the same tenets of usefulness as everything else and is seen to assist with the optimization of one’s self. However, culture and technology also influence how we sleep: for example, the constant availability of light, the modern conditions of work and all sorts of distractions have meant that we no longer follow our natural rhythm – a first sleep before midnight and a second sleep after a longer period of wakefulness, during which we may be active. In “Good Evening, Good Night”, Karoline Walter uses numerous examples from history, literature and research to illustrate how sleep and sleeping have changed across cultures and eras – an entertaining read, certainly nothing to put you to sleep.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2015

        Noras zweites Gesicht


        by J. K. Johansson, Elina Kritzokat

        Ein dunkler psychologischer Thriller in Zeiten des Internet Wenn »Gone Girl« und »Twin Peaks« aufeinandertreffen ... Am ersten Schultag nach den Ferien macht es schnell die Runde: Laura Anderson ist verschwunden. Schließlich wird am Strand von Palokaski die Leiche einer jungen Frau gefunden, Laura. Die Polizei geht von einem Unfall aus und der Fall wird zu den Akten gelegt. Aber Nora, eine Mitschülerin, will gesehen haben, wie Laura von einer Klippe gestoßen wurde – und sie nennt einen Verdächtigen. Keiner glaubt ihr. Dann taucht im Netz der Blog einer gewissen Maddy auf und heizt die Spekulationen mit immer neuen Details wieder an. Aber so schnell Maddy aufgetaucht ist, so schnell ist sie auch wieder verschwunden. Und verschwunden ist jetzt auch Nora. Teil 2 der Palokaski-Trilogie: 1. »Lauras letzte Party«2. »Noras zweites Gesicht«3. »Venlas dunkles Geheimnis«

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        Sleep Disorders, Second Edition

        by Mary Brophy Marcus and Christine Adamec

        Sleep is as important to the human body as food and water. Recent research suggests that those who get less than the recommended eight hours a night are more likely to become sick and die sooner than their well-rested counterparts. Though there is much about sleep that remains a mystery to scientists, there is mounting evidence of health risks as more and more Americans cut back on needed rest and bad sleep habits are being passed on to children. Sleep Disorders, Second Edition is a concise guide to sleep and sheds helpful light on how it functions and how it can be disrupted. Coverage includes sleep disorders such as insomnia, snoring, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, and sleepwalking. Sleep’s relationship to chronic illnesses is also discussed. Chapters include: What Is Sleep? Insomnia Sleep Apnea Movement Disorders Narcolepsy Childhood Sleep Disorders

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        International Trade in Forest Products

        Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples

        by G Cornelis van Kooten, Linda Voss

        Because of the long-standing Canada-U.S. lumber trade dispute and the current pressure on the world's forests as a renewable energy source, much attention has been directed toward the modelling of international trade in wood products. Two types of trade models are described in this book: one is rooted in economic theory and mathematical programming, and the other consists of two econometric/statistical models--a gravity model rooted in theory and an approach known as GVAR that relies on time series analyses. The purpose of the book is to provide the background theory behind models and facilitate readers in easily constructing their own models to analyse policy questions that they wish to address, whether in forestry or some other sector. Examples in the book are meant to illustrate how models can be used to say something about a variety of issues, including identification of the gains and losses to various players in the North American softwood lumber business, and the potential for redirecting sales of lumber to countries outside the United States. The discussion is expanded to include other products besides lumber, and used to examine, for example, the effects of log export restrictions by one nation on all other forestry jurisdictions, the impacts of climate policies as they relate to the global forest sector, and the impact of oil prices on forest product markets throughout the world. This book will appeal to practising economists and researchers who wish to examine various policies that affect international trade, whether their interest is local or international in scope. Because the book provides the theoretical bases underlying various models, students and practitioners will find this a valuable reference book or supplementary textbook.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 2015

        Kilroy was here

        Ein immerwährender Kalender

        by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Kat Menschik

        Zum Lesen, Verwerfen, Mitschreiben und Selbstdichten. Mit einer kurzen Geschichte vom geheimnisvollen Leben Kilroys und einem Daumenkino von Kat Menschik. Zur Aufmunterung des Denkens: ein Dreizeiler für jeden Tag »Der schlichte Dreizeiler / entwaffnet die Ungeduld / durch seine Kürze.« Kilroys Dreizeiler reichen für ein ganzes Jahr. Obwohl das japanische Wort haiku soviel bedeutet wie »lustiger Vers«, können es die hier präsentierten Dreizeiler nicht mit dieser ehrwürdigen Tradition aufnehmen; denn Kilroy hält es mit dem einfachen Kreidestrich. Das Graffito zieht er dem Tweet, dem Blog und dem Chat vor. Man kann seine Dreizeiler also in die Tasche stecken. Sie handeln von allem, was der Fall ist, beispielsweise von einem Frosch oder von der Europäischen Zentralbank. Wem der zu einem jeden Jahrestag gebotene Dreizeiler aber nicht gefällt, der kann ihn einfach durchstreichen und einen anderen verfassen. Denn in Kilroys kleinem Buch gibt es nicht nur unter jedem Jahrestag Platz für Notizen, sondern auch genügend Freiraum für neue, selbsterfundene Dreizeiler. Eine kurze Geschichte Kilroys und wie er sich in jede FAZ-Ausgabe des Jahres 2014 zu schmuggeln verstand, lässt den »Immerwährenden« denn doch ein gutes Ende nehmen. Und sollte noch immer jemand an Kilroys Existenz zweifeln, so wird ihn Kat Menschiks Daumenkino davon überzeugen, dass er quicklebendig ist.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        In Search of Winter Sleep

        by Tetiana Rumenko (Author), Tetyana Yatsura (Illustrator)

        Kvitochka is a small brown bear. She is convinced that the world is arranged for the comfort and happiness of all animals. But winter came, and the quiet life of the residents of the Rehabilitation Center for Brown Bears was filled with anxiety - someone stole the sleep from the bears! Kvitochka decided to find out who the thief was and find their sleep back. So now the little bear has a long journey ahead of her, full of unexpected encounters and many discoveries. Let’s go with her - and find out where the bears' sleep has gone and how to get it back!   From 3 to 8 years, 1480 words. Rightsholders: Rumenko Tetiana,;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult: general non-fiction
        February 2022

        Einfach erklärt: Influencer – Cybermobbing – Deine Daten im Web

        by Manfred Theisen

        Simply Explained: Influencers – Cyber-Bullying - Your Data on the Web

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult: general non-fiction

        The Majestic Cathedrals of Ukraine

        by Zirka Menzatiuk

        This book will bring you closer to heaven. To the light. To beauty. It will help to open distant pages of history and reveal the secrets of sacred art. The temples that rise on the territory of Ukraine, built in different times, in different styles hide many secrets. Many legends are connected with their construction, and many miracles happened during the building and restoration. A special feature of the publication is that an ordinary schoolboy became interested in the history of the temples. He decided to tell about them on his Instagram blog to attract the attention of as many followers as possible. Did he succeed? Read it, take a look at the blog — and find out what happened.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2002

        Angela Davis löscht ihre Website

        Listen, Refrains, Abbildungen

        by Andreas Neumeister

        »Erst wenn schließlich auch die Werbeblöcke gestrichen werden,« so eine zuverlässige Faustregel, »ist die Sache wirklich ernst.« Eine weltmachterschütternde Kamikaze-Aktion oder wenigstens ein rekordverdächtiger Amoklauf vor der eigenen Haustür – es muß knüppeldick kommen, um die tägliche Infotainment-Maschinerie aus dem Takt zu bringen. »Das System, in dem wir leben«, ist auf den ersten Blick mehr ein mediales als ein politisch-ökonomisches. Auf den zweiten Blick ist beides identisch. In »Angela Davis löscht ihre Website« verbinden sich politisches Denken und Pop, der forcierte Blick auf die Gegenwarts-Oberfläche und dessen ständige Infragestellung vor dem Hintergrund der Historie auf. »Vortäuschung falscher Tatsachen«, so die Frage, »oder Vortäuschung richtiger Tatsachen?« Schwer zu durchschauen – gerade angesichts von Gewalt und kriegerischer Auseinandersetzung und ihren jeweiligen Rechtfertigungen –, was Realität ist, was Medienrealität, was auslösende Gewalt, was angeblich gerechte »Vergeltung der Vergeltung der Vergeltung«. »Gibt es die neue Weltordnung schon?« In »Angela Davis löscht ihre Website« geht es um nichts Geringeres als um »das Zeitalter, in dem wir leben/ die Epoche, in der wir leben«, in der Gegensätze und Haltungen mitunter ununterscheidbar geworden sind; Veronas Welt und Sofies Welt stehen ebenso selbstverständlich nebeneinander wie MTV und CNN. »Kriegsfilm?/ Antikriegsfilm?/ Kriegsberichterstattung?« heißt es wiederholt aus dem Off, denn es gilt die unmißverständliche Losung: »seit 5 Uhr 45 wird zurückgefragt.«

      • Trusted Partner

        Sanxiang Net Affairs

        by Wang Lijun

        This book is mainly written in the process of poverty alleviation. Various e-commerce platforms have emerged at the historic moment, and have been stationed in rural areas. The extensive sales network has helped the poor in a special way and improved the production and life of rural areas. Many poor people rely on e-commerce. Not only do they get rid of poverty, they also bring others out of poverty. Although some poor people have encountered difficulties in the process of e-commerce, the party and government, as well as the poverty alleviation cadres sent by the society, and the poverty alleviation teams from all walks of life are doing their best Help them break through the bottleneck and other true stories, and write about the advent of the e-commerce era, making many remote villages that were originally barren and backward to counterattack into moving scenes of rich life, full of vitality and beautiful villages; writing about the trend of Hunan people in the era China's pragmatism and responsibility, tenacity and strength, reflect China's e-commerce miracle that China has demonstrated to the world with the Hunan e-commerce story.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        The Skeleton without a Closet

        by Oksana Lushchevska

        In life of every teenager there are moments of loneliness... Anya has practically no friends. Her classmates are constantly bullying her because of her body type. Anya's best friend Kira has moved to another town… The only joy for the girl is Science, Anatomy in particular. She dreams to become a Medical Expert, so she writes her blog on Anatomy. Anya also has a secret friend, who will always support, understand and console her. And he’ll probably help her to become more confident and popular among her classmates. The story by Oksana Lushchevska The Skeleton without a Closet describes the problems of bullying, soul searching and asserting opinion.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        August 2020


        by Poznanski, Ursula

        Where do we go when Nowhere is the only destination left?   Kerrybrook is Jana‘s favourite virtual escape. An idyllic fishing village with beautiful nature and, every now and then, a breeze of fresh air from the nearby sea. Jana, is this world‘s designer and person in power, she’s satisfied with her masterpiece. Best job so far. Until one day, a dead body is found, in both, ’Virtual Reality‘ and the real world. In times of climate change, VR is the only safe place for humankind. That‘s why Jana needs to solve the crime, she’s responsible for stopping the destruction.   • CliFi Thriller (Climate Fiction): Climate change & virtual reality • For fans of Black Mirror (Netflix) • All age readers • Strong, female protagonist • Highly relevant topic   WHITE RAVENS recommendation (2021):   "In the not too distant future, the world is an inhospitable place: droughts, storms, floods. That’s why world designers construct »alternative realities«, such as landscapes populated by dinosaurs, life at court in the Middle Ages, and surfing and chilling out on a beach. People can switch between these worlds at will and, when they die there, they are not truly dead; instead, they merely return to the »real world« – same as at night when they sleep. Then they are reunited with their body, which is lying inside a capsule.   In »Cryptos«, Ursula Poznanski pulls out all the stops of storytelling: She embeds numerous references to human and intellectual history in an action-packed and extremely suspenseful thriller plot. In the process, she raises central existential and ontological questions that result from the interplay between the real and the virtual worlds. This complex dystopian novel is narrated in such an enjoyable way that readers will hardly notice their brains going into overdrive as they devour it."

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Ukraine’s Maidan, Russia’s War: A Chronicle and Analysis of the Revolution of Dignity

        by Mykhailo Vynnytskyi

        Ukraine’s Maidan, Russia’s War: A Chronicle and Analysis of the Revolution of Dignity is a book by Mykhailo Wynnytskyj, which covers in detail and consistently the events in Ukraine in 2013-2018. This historical work combines the point of view of a scientist and a participating observer who took an active part in the protests. During the Revolution of Dignity, Mykhailo Wynnytskyj was a regular commentator in the English-language media, analyzing current events in his blog "Thoughts from Kyiv". Later he wrote this book, which was first published in 2019 in English and became the author's contribution to defending Ukraine's position in the many years of information war.

      • Trusted Partner
        Management of land & natural resources
        September 2015

        Land-Use Change Impacts on Soil Processes

        Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems

        by Raghavan Dinesh, Arkalgud Ganeshamurthy, Subrata Ghoshal Chaudhuri, Heather D’Angelo, Krista L. McGuire, Caitlyn Gillikin, Dina C. Merrer. Edited by Francis Q Brearley, Andrew D Thomas

        This book examines the effects that land-use changes (notably agricultural intensification, logging, soil erosion, urbanisation and mining) have on soil characteristics and processes in tropical and savannah environments. It covers a range of geographical regions and environments as impacts of land use change are often site specific. The effects of land use change on various aspects of the soil ecosystem from both a chemical and biological perspective will be examined.

      • Trusted Partner

        Le secret de Bou'ghttat

        by Jihane Andaloussi

        Sitting on his bed with his knees drawn up to his chest, Jaber found his thoughts inevitably drifting to Bou’ghtat. Each night, this shadowy demon with a vague outline would haunt him, immobilizing him with overwhelming fear. Even wrapped in warm blankets, he trembled at the prospect of closing his eyes, fearing to enter once again a realm where he felt utterly exposed and defenseless.

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