Ana Bilic
Ana Bilic is a literary author, screenwriter and
View Rights PortalJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Wiley)is a renowned, global publishing company focusing on academic publishing for professionals and researchers within the field of science and medicine.
View Rights PortalThis book is about encounters between art and industry in nineteenth-century Britain. It looks beyond the oppositions established by later interpretations of the work of John Ruskin, William Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement to reveal surprising examples of collaboration - between artists, craftspeople, designers, inventors, curators, engineers and educators - during a crucial period in the formation of the cultural and commercial identity of Britain and its colonies. Across thirteen chapters by fourteen contributors, Art versus industry? explores such diverse subjects as the production of lace, the mechanical translation of sculpture, the display of stained glass, the use of the kaleidoscope in painting and pattern design, the emergence of domestic electric lighting and the development of art and design education and international exhibitions in India.
Replacing the highly-acclaimed first edition, this second, newly-researched, fully-revised, expanded and updated edition now includes details of 29 major University centres and their Institutions of Higher Education. It takes full advantage of the recent technological revolution, highlighting a whole range of internet sites for job opportunities, course registration, accommodation, tourism and leisure. The practical help and advice are based on the authors' many years of experience as year abroad tutors at the University of Birmingham. Whether spending a few weeks on a vacation course or a half- or a full year in academic study, or as an English assistant or on a work experience placement, the visiting student and, doubtless many a parent, will draw considerable comfort from the information and advice contained within these pages. ;
This volume proposes new insights into the uses of classical mythology by Shakespeare and his contemporaries, focusing on interweaving processes in early modern appropriations of myth. Its 11 essays show how early modern writing intertwines diverse myths and plays with variant versions of individual myths that derive from multiple classical sources, as well as medieval, Tudor and early modern retellings and translations. Works discussed include poems and plays by William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and others. Essays concentrate on specific plays including The Merchant of Venice and Dido Queen of Carthage, tracing interactions between myths, chronicles, the Bible and contemporary genres. Mythological figures are considered to demonstrate how the weaving together of sources deconstructs gendered representations. New meanings emerge from these readings, which open up methodological perspectives on multi-textuality, artistic appropriation and cultural hybridity.
Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Dieser TikTok-Hit erobert sämtliche Herzen im Sturm: Ein New Adult Roman – smart, spicy, queer und einfach unwiderstehlich. Jetzt auch auf Deutsch. Delilah Green hat sich geschworen, nie wieder nach Bright Falls zurückzukehren. Mittlerweile lebt sie in New York, ihre Karriere als Fotografin nimmt langsam Fahrt auf, und ihr Bett ist niemals leer. Als ihre Stiefschwester Astrid sie mit einem dicken Scheck lockt, ihre Hochzeit zu fotografieren, wirft Delilah ihre Vorsätze über Bord und macht sich auf in das verfluchte Städtchen, das sie einst ihr Zuhause nannte. Bei den Hochzeitsvorbereitungen trifft sie auf Claire Sutherland, eine von Astrids hochnäsigen Freundinnen. Dabei stellt Delilah fest, dass doch nicht alles so unattraktiv ist in Bright Falls, wie zunächst gedacht… Das alles ist so herzerwärmend und witzig, dass wir sicher sind: Bright Falls lässt nicht nur Delilah, sondern auch dich nicht mehr los. Bright Falls 1. Delilah Green Doesn't Care: Von zweiten Chancen und diversen Formen der Liebe. Dein Must-Read mit über 5 Millionen Views auf TikTok in den USA. Die LGBTQI+ Rom-Com der amerikanischen Bestsellerautorin Ashley Herring Blake. So cool: Liebesgeschichte zwischen zwei Frauen mit viel Humor und noch mehr Spice. Freu dich auf New York und eine Kleinstadt, alte Freunde und ganz neue Gefühle. Young und New Adult Bücher ab 16 Jahren Welcome to Bright Falls! Der Reihen-Auftakt der queer-romantischen Komödie startete in den USA auf BookTok als absoluter Hit. Kein Wunder, so viel Romance und Diversity zugleich wirst auch du lieben. Band 1: Bright Falls 1. Delilah Green Doesn't Care Band 2: Bright Falls 2. Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail
Intensely practical and down to earth, this timely new text covers the breadth of health emergency preparedness, resilience and response topics in the context of inter-disciplinary and whole society responses to a range of threats. It includes public, private and third sector roles in preparation for and in response to natural and man-made events, such as: major incident planning; infectious disease epidemics and pandemics; natural disasters; terrorist threats; and business and service continuity management. The book builds upon the basics of risk assessment and writing an emergency plan, and then covers inter-agency working, command and control, communication, personal impact and business continuity as well as training, exercises and post-incident follow up. Detailing the full emergency preparedness and civil protection planning cycle, the book is illustrated throughout with real-life examples and case studies from global experts in the field for countries with both advanced and developing healthcare systems. This practical handbook covering the essential aspects of major incident and disaster management is ideal for undergraduate and master's students in emergency management and public health, as well as for practitioners in emergency preparedness and civil protection. It will be valuable to all health practitioners from ambulance, hospital, primary and community care, mental health and public health backgrounds. Read the first chapter for free: Introduction: Why Do We Need to Prepare? ; Intensely practical and illustrated with real-life examples, this text covers the breadth of health emergency preparedness, resilience and response topics in the context of inter-disciplinary and whole society responses. It includes public, private and third sector roles in preparation for and in response to natural and man-made events. ; 1: Introduction: Why do we need to Prepare?2: The Planning Process3: Risk Assessment4: Writing an Emergency Plan5: Emergency Planning and Response: Working in Partnership6: Interprofessional Working: Understanding some Emotional Barriers and Unconscious Processes That Might Influence Practice in Group and Team Work7: Command, Control and Communication8: Communications during a Health Emergency9: Psychosocial and Mental Health Care Before, During and After Emergencies, Disasters and Major Incidents10: Business Continuity11: Training and Exercising for Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response12: Post-incident Follow-up13: Mass Casualty Incidents14: Preparedness and Response to Pandemics and other Infectious Disease Emergencies15: CBRN Incidents16: A Military Case Study17: From Pandemics to Earthquakes: Health and Emergencies in Canterbury, New Zealand
Despite the intense processes of deindustrialisation around the world, the working class continues to play an important role in post-industrial societies. However, working-class people are often stigmatised, morally judged and depicted negatively in dominant discourses. This book challenges stereotypical representations of workers, building on research into the everyday worlds of working-class and ordinary people in Russia's post-industrial cities. The urban life of workers in post-Soviet Russia is centred on the stories of local communities engaged in the everyday struggles that occur in deindustrialising settings under neoliberal neo-authoritarianism. The book suggests a novel approach to everyday life in post-industrial cities. Drawing on an ethnographic study with elements of arts-based research, the book presents a new genre of writing about workers influenced by the avant-garde documentary tradition and working-class literature.
Postmodern, postcolonial and post-truth are broadly used terms. But where do they come from? When and why did the habit of interpreting the world in post-terms emerge? And who exactly were the 'post boys' responsible for this? Post-everything examines why post-Christian, post-industrial and post-bourgeois were terms that resonated, not only among academics, but also in the popular press. It delves into the historical roots of postmodern and poststructuralist, while also subjecting more recent post-constructions (posthumanist, postfeminist) to critical scrutiny. This study is the first to offer a comprehensive history of post-concepts. In tracing how these concepts found their way into a broad range of genres and disciplines, Post-everything contributes to a rapprochement between the history of the humanities and the history of the social sciences.
Au Backe! Hat Tom da etwa richtig gehört? Plant Papa allen Ernstes einen Campingausflug? Die Reaktionen der Familie Gates sind durchwachsen: Mama in Panik, Tom total dafür, Delia mürrisch (also wie immer). Das kann ja heiter werden … Ob sich Papas Idee vielleicht doch noch als absoluter Volltreffer entpuppt und Tom den besten Urlaub aller Zeiten erlebt?
A compelling account of the project to transform post-war Manchester, revealing the clash between utopian vision and compromised reality. Urban renewal in Britain was thrilling in its vision, yet partial and incomplete in its implementation. For the first time, this deep study of a renewal city reveals the complex networks of actors behind physical change and stagnation in post-war Britain. Using the nested scales of region, city and case-study sites, the book explores the relationships between Whitehall legislation, its interpretation by local government planning officers and the on-the-ground impact through urban architectural projects. Each chapter highlights the connections between policy goals, global narratives and the design and construction of cities. The Cold War, decolonialisation, rising consumerism and the oil crisis all feature in a richly illustrated account of architecture and planning in post-war Manchester.
Was, wenn du die große Liebe im schlimmsten Chaos triffst? Eine Amerikanerin in Paris: Ihr Studium an einer berühmten Modeschule führt die 19-jährige Emma nach Paris. Gemeinsam mit einer Studienfreundin möchte sie mit einigen Drinks in ihrer Lieblingsbar im 10. Arrondissement das Wochenende einläuten, als plötzlich bewaffnete Männer das Lokal stürmen und in die Menge feuern. Emma und der 23-jährige Lucien sind gerade zufällig im hinteren Teil der Bar und können sich gemeinsam in einem Lagerraum verschanzen. Stundenlang lenken sie sich dort mit Gesprächen von der Panik ab. Doch dann geht das Leben weiter und den beiden gelingt es nicht, das intensive Kennenlernen und die in dieser Extremsituation entstandenen Gefühle füreinander in die Realität ihrer grundverschiedenen Leben zu retten. Zu vieles steht zwischen ihnen, nicht zuletzt Luciens Familie. Haben sie dennoch eine Chance? Zwei, die sich finden und wieder zu verlieren drohen. Liebe gegen alle Widerstände nach einem dramatischen Kennenlernen. Dein Lieblings-Topic „Forbidden Love“ mit True-Crime-Elementen und Tiefgang. Emma in Paris: Mode im angesagten Uni-Setting.
This is the first major study of Britain's pioneering graphic satirist, Sir Francis Carruthers Gould (1844-1925), the first staff political cartoonist on a daily newspaper in Britain, and the first of his kind to be knighted. Written by the distinguished media historian, Colin Seymour-Ure, it is essential reading for anyone interested in cartoons, caricature and illustration and will also be welcomed by students of history, politics and the media. It examines Gould's career in Fleet Street until his retirement after the First World War. It also discusses his illustrations for magazines and books and there is an analysis of his use of symbolism and literary allusion to lampoon such eminent politicians as Gladstone and Joseph Chamberlain. As Lord Baker says in his Foreword, this book is 'a major contribution to our knowledge of British cartooning.'
Richard Haass and Mitchell Reiss, as autonomous diplomats in the George W. Bush State Department, were able to alter US intervention in Northern Ireland and play critical roles in the post-1998 peace process. Their contributions have not been fully appreciated or understood. The restoration of Northern Ireland's power-sharing government in 2007 was made possible by State Department-led intervention in the peace process. There are few references to Northern Ireland in work examining the foreign policy legacy of the George W. Bush presidency. Moreover, the ability to control US foreign policy towards the region brought one of George W. Bush's Northern Ireland special envoys into direct diplomatic conflict with the most senior actors inside the British government. This book will uncover the extent of this fall-out and provide original accounts on how diplomatic relations between these old allies became so fraught.
Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Fake Dating vom Feinsten – humorvoll und prickelnd! Um Iris Kelly herum sind alle verliebt. Und sie freut sich für jeden von ihnen. Wirklich. Schließlich hat sie ja eine Karriere als Romance-Autorin gemacht. Leider sind ihr dabei die Ideen fürs Dating ausgegangen. Ein Abend in einer Bar mit einer sexy Fremden namens Stevie entwickelt sich zum schlimmsten One-Night-Stand, den Iris je hatte. Um sich abzulenken, bewirbt sie sich bei einer Theatergruppe - und trifft dort Stevie wieder. Diese bittet Iris, ihre Freundin zu spielen. Iris willigt skeptisch ein. Während die beiden so tun, als seien sie ein Paar, fängt es zwischen ihnen gewaltig zu knistern an. Und bald geht es nur noch darum, wer den ersten Schritt macht... Die prickelnde RomCom lässt die Herzen von New-Adult-Fans ab 16 Jahren höher schlagen. Der dritte Band der „Bright Falls“-Reihe von Ashley Herring Blake erzählt eine witzige und gefühlvolle LGBTQIA+-Story mit dem beliebten Trope „Fake Dating“. Eine smarte und humorvolle Romance über die Liebe zwischen zwei Frauen, die Leser*innen begeistern wird. Iris Kelly doesn't date: Band 3 der erfolgreichen Reihe „Bright Falls“ Gefühle, Liebe und LGBTQIA+: Eine prickelnde Romantic Comedy für Leser*innen ab 16 Jahren. Voll im Trend: Humorvolle Gay Romance mit dem beliebten Trope „Fake Dating“. Witzig und gefühlvoll: Eine New-Adult-Romance über die Wendungen des Lebens und die Magie der Liebe. Die TikTok-Sensation: Band 3 der „Bright Falls“-Reihe von der amerikanischen Bestsellerautorin Ashley Herring Blake, die einen TikTok-Hype ausgelöst hat. Genial ausgestattet in der Erstauflage: Softcover mit Klappen, trendig illustriertem Buchschnitt und coolem Lesezeichen zum Abtrennen. Die Romance für junge Frauen erzählt eine witzige und gefühlvolle LGBTQIA+-Geschichte über Iris Kelly und ihren desaströsen One-Night-Stand. Eine spicy RomCom für alle Fans von Alice Oseman und Casey McQuiston, die beweist, dass die Liebe oft dort zu finden ist, wo man sie am wenigsten erwartet.