Bebel Books
Founded in 2012 by Bebel Abreu, Bebel Books strives to occupy the narrative space with constructive and critical content.
View Rights PortalFounded in 2012 by Bebel Abreu, Bebel Books strives to occupy the narrative space with constructive and critical content.
View Rights PortalReiser is the traveller, one who explores the world, changes perspective and observes, experiences, records. Our authors’ books are characterized by mobility of point of view, originality of approach, novelty of research. From different disciplinary perspectives, often in dialogue with each other. Today, borders are crossed in order to retrace the outline of opinions, to acquire new knowledge. Reiser helps its authors to impart their knowledge and research in the most appropriate forms and through the best qualified publishers. With a view to shared experience that will enrich both writer and reader.
View Rights PortalThe book is a story that combines childhood living in the 1960s deserts, before current forms of technology and virtualization. In this narrative text, it was not a matter of resurrecting a moment in a fleeting life in a non-stop chronology, but of shaping it into concepts that reconstruct it in an abstract way. The text does not present an individual story, but rather redraws the boundaries of an entire generation’s experience, a generation that saw the light after Morocco’s independence, with all of its subsequent achievements, failures, victories, and tragedies. The narrator in the text does not present ready-made theories; instead, he captures life in its events and facts and elevates it to an abstract level pending contemplation. The event in the text is an excuse for restoring life in the form of a “human experience,” and that is the outlet for returning academic knowledge to its role as an incubator for people’s concerns as depicted by their narratives, stories, and beliefs. What people experience by instinct; the story turns into another story constructed in the abstract. We do not simply live, we also contemplate our own living, and this is the sublime function of narration.
Is fidelity an agreement with an expiration date?Does infidelity always involve heartbreak and conflict?After we discovered an infidelity, is it possible to repair and restore trust?Living a committed and loving relationship is a deeply human longing. The issue ofinfidelity (a frequent love conflict) must be addressed by integrating thecontradictions and ambivalences of human nature, particularly on the topic oflove. Infidelity is a very complex phenomenon that is characterized by theexistence of a “villain” and a “victim”. Many times it is explained in a moralistic wayand that prevents exploring the motivations that drive it, the beliefs that supportit and the procedures that complicate it. Love requires commitment andcertainties, while erotic desire opens different paths within the same territory oflove. The correct management of these two forces is key to understanding andovercoming infidelity.
In seinem Manifest »Eine Ohrfeige dem öffentlichen Geschmack« forderte Velimir Chlebnikov 1912, »die alten Großen« – Puschkin, Dostojewski, Tolstoi usw. – »vom Dampfer der Gegenwart zu stoßen«. Der Begründer des russischen Futurismus, Generationengenosse von Franz Kafka und James Joyce, von Kurt Schwitters und Raoul Hausmann, träumte von einer radikalen poetischen Erneuerung der Sprache. Er war Wegbereiter der konkreten Poesie und des Surrealismus. In seinen Gedichten kombiniert er die »Sternensprache« mit der Alltagssprache, den »Zaum« (eine Sprache der Laute und der Zufallsschöpfungen) mit der »Zahlenrede«. Der Reprint erscheint zum 100. Todestag des Autors und zum 50. Geburtstag der legendären Gesamtausgabe, die Peter Urban 1972 im Rowohlt Verlag als exzeptionelles übersetzerisches Kollektivunternehmen realisiert hat. Mitwirkende waren u.a. H.C. Artmann, Paul Celan, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Ernst Jandl, Friederike Mayröcker, Franz Mon, Oskar Pastior und Gerhard Rühm. Ein anarchisches Experiment, in dessen Bahnen sich die translinguale Poesie heute bewegt.
Thomas Dekker's The Shoemaker's Holiday is one of the most popular of Elizabethan plays, entertaining, racy and vivid in its characterisation. Revealing a vital portrait of Elizabethan London and the interaction of social classes within the city, its social commentary is on the whole optimistic, though darker tones are discernible. The play has the whole optimistic, though darker tones are discernible. The play has had a lively history of performance on both the professional and amateur stage; the roles of Simon and Madgy Eyre in particular have proved worthy vehicles for the talents of such performers as Sir Donald Wolfit and Dame Edith Evans, and a notable production was directed by Orson Wells. The editors offer a study of the text; a historical and critical introduction, which includes a study of the play's relationship with contemporary life and drama and of its place in Dekker's work; a stage history' a detailed commentary and a reprint of source materials. ;
This new edition is a reprint of the hardback book, first published in 2005. As the pace of life increases and the effects of globalisation invade more and more areas of everyday life, free time becomes an increasingly precious resource. For those who are experiencing a shortage of free time - a 'time-squeeze' - and for the growing numbers looking forward to abundant free time in retirement, leisure has never been more vital for ensuring individual and social health and wellbeing and the enhancement of social capital and the quality of lifeThis book is an expanded and updated edition of a previous work entitled World Leisure Participation: Free Time in the Global Village, by the same editors (CABI, 1996). It brings together the results of the most recent national leisure participation surveys from 15 countries, including three countries not previously covered. The book also includes increased coverage of time-budget surveys and new themes such as public policy dimensions. It also examines the methodological problems and challenges of conducting national surveys in the field, and their future prospects.
Die Geschichte von Aucassin und Nicolette, die altfranzösische Vers- und Prosaerzählung eines unbekannten Dichters aus dem 13. Jahrhundert, die in geist- und phantasievoller Frische die abenteuerliche Geschichte von Trennung und Wiedervereinigung des Grafen von Beaucaire mit seiner geliebten Nicolette, einer sarazenischen Kriegsgefangenen, erzählt, ist sicher bekannter als ihr einfühlsamer und meisterhafter Illustrator aus dem 20. Jahrhundert, Fritz Kredel. Die altmeisterlich wirkenden Holzschnitte bilden Ruhepunkte in dem bewegten Handlungsgeschehen, indem sie auf ihre Weise die Erzählung noch einmal erzählen und deren Helden bildhaft vorstellen.Fritz Kredel wurde am 8. Februar 1900 in Michelstadt im Odenwald geboren; er starb am 11. Juni 1973 in New York. Seine gemüts- und humorvolle, leicht faßbare und klare, lebendige Darstellungsweise rückt ihn in die Nähe von Künstlerpersönlichkeiten wie Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Moritz von Schwind, Ludwig Richter oder Adolf von Menzel. Erstmals erschien Die Geschichte von Aucassin und Nicolette 1956 als Band Nr. 14. Dem Reprint liegt ein nach Vorlagen Fritz Kredels von Martin Schauer kolorierter Band zugrunde.
Metrophobia is the second book of poetry by Miroslav Layuk. It is the space of language and the world it creates. A world that begins with small autobiographical stories (according to the author), marked with a dash-and-dot line of school trees, abandoned buildings, nursing homes, children's mental hospitals and cemeteries, and it grows into a Sonnetarium – the grand and disparate world of Ezra, in which all connoisseurs of this not very common today poetic genre will live luxuriously. The splendid artistic design by Zhanna Kadyrova further reveals this world, gives it a structure and monumental features, but at the same time seems to build a separate parallel, a separate perspective of movement into the depth of consideration, reading, and interpretation. Metrophobia was recognized as the best poetry collection of 2015 by the annual LitAkcent Literary Prize.
A practical self-defense guide based on Krav Maga, the renowned Israeli system of unarmed combat. Though once a secret method strictly confined to security agents and members of elite IDF units, Krav Maga is rapidly gaining in popularity and earning recognition by experts the world over. In the US and several European countries, this unique self-defense method has already been taught to and used by official law enforcement agencies, as well as many ordinary citizens. An English-language edition of How to Defend Yourself against Armed Assault was first published in summer 2001 and has already been reprinted ten times. It was shortly followed by a Japanese edition, as well as Mexican-Spanish and Dutch-language editions (2002). German and European-Spanish editions were published in 2003, and a Czech edition appeared in 2004. French and Hungarian-language editions were published in mid-2006, and a Polish edition was published in fall 2008. A Korean edition was published in summer 2014, And an Italian edition was published in spring 2015. A Chinese edition was published in late 2020 and already reprinted several times.
This book tells the history of western art from primitive art to modern art in a simple and easy way in a short space of 25 lectures. The main words are not complicated, and the style is precise. Therefore, it has even been adopted as a textbook by many colleges and vocational schools. For art lovers and ordinary readers, it is also a good concise book for popular art appreciation. An art gallery without walls, Ancient Greece, Impressionism, Romanticism... Twenty-five fine galleries of Western art, each displaying only three or five works. A history of minimalist western art from primitive painting to modern abstract art, under the guidance of an art historian, from form to color, from color to light, from light to shadow, are so three-dimensional and vivid. A new reprint of the once popular Western art appreciation manual, an art bible to take with you. This book is included in the catalogue of Middle and Primary School Reading Books of Zhongnan Media.
Of course, the fate of the artist was formed in a certain way because he realized his vocation - to be a poet. On the other hand, he lived his life as a professional artist. After graduating from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, T. Shevchenko worked as an artist in the Temporary Commission for the consideration of ancient acts (Kyiv Archaeographic Commission), applied for the position of drawing teacher at the University of St. Volodymyr in Kyiv. And when his plans were broken by arrest, then in exile, despite the strict imperial ban on writing and drawing, the artist was able to work in his specialty, although not officially. Shevchenko devoted the last years of his life to the development of etching, having received the title of academician in engraving. The publication consists of two parts. The first is devoted to the works of the artist, made in graphic techniques, as well as sepia and watercolor. Given the fact that there are few oil paintings in the artist's works, we singled them out in the second part, trying to break stereotypes about their perception. Each section of the first part is devoted to a separate genre, which was addressed by T. Shevchenko. The largest of the sections are divided into thematic headings, which allows you to see the works of the artist from a new, perhaps unexpected, angle. In turn, the commentary to each work contains a brief history of creation (places, circumstances, relationships, etc.) and artistic characteristics that reveal the performing skills of the author. In addition, an important addition is the part of the commentary "Interesting" and quotes from the novels, Diary, correspondence of the artist, memoirs of his contemporaries. You can start your acquaintance with the publication from any section or even heading. Traveling through Shevchenko's paintings on separate routes you will have a complete rich journey through the original world of the artist.
In the 1920s, Jin Yanxi, the son of Jin Quan, Prime Minister of Beiyang Warlord Cabinet, and a civilian woman named Lengqing Autumn, the seeds of love once sprouted and took root in their hearts. The spirit of love and rebellion linked them together. They were together because of love, but they were cruel feudal consciousness. Destroying their love, they finally chose to abandon and separate...
Published in Rouen in 1767 and reprinted two years later, Voltaire's Candide en Dannemarc, ou l'optimisme des honnêtes gens wraps up the adventures of Candide. Turning his back on both Voltairean satire and scepticism, the novelist proposes a moralistic fable - the focal point of which is a rehabilitation of Leibniz's Theory of Optimism. The main body of the novel tells the story of Candide and his new wife, the noble Zénoïde, in their sumptuous Copenhagen townhouse. Before achieving this happy state, however, the couple endures various trials and tribulations reminiscent of the newly minted gothic genre. Candide en Dannemarc also features a satirical portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. ;
According to the climate, soil, market and other factors of southern provinces, this book systematically introduces 9 kinds of vegetable crops (pepper, tomato, cucumber, Luffa, pumpkin, balsam pear, wax gourd, cowpea and Zilian) suitable for cultivation in southern provinces, and their cultivation modes and specific cultivation techniques. The Cultivation Techniques of each crop are divided into separate chapters, and each chapter is based on the requirements, types and varieties of crops for environmental conditions, and the cultivation methods Because of its unique biological characteristics and value, the combination mode of Seed Lotus, fish, shrimp and other aquatic products has been added.
Rereading Chaucer and Spenser is a much-needed volume that brings together established and early career scholars to provide new critical approaches to the relationship between Geoffrey Chaucer and Edmund Spenser. By reading one of the greatest poets of the Middle Ages alongside one of the greatest poets of the English Renaissance, this collection poses questions about poetic authority, influence, and the nature of intertextual relations in a more wide-ranging manner than ever before. With its dual focus on authors from periods often conceived as radically separate, the collection also responds to current interests in periodisation. This approach will engage academics, researchers and students of Medieval and Early Modern culture.
Published in Rouen in 1767 and reprinted two years later, Voltaire's Candide en Dannemarc, ou l'optimisme des honnêtes gens wraps up the adventures of Candide. Turning his back on both Voltairean satire and scepticism, the novelist proposes a moralistic fable - the focal point of which is a rehabilitation of Leibniz's Theory of Optimism. The main body of the novel tells the story of Candide and his new wife, the noble Zénoïde, in their sumptuous Copenhagen townhouse. Before achieving this happy state, however, the couple endures various trials and tribulations reminiscent of the newly minted gothic genre. Candide en Dannemarc also features a satirical portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
The purpose of this concise 64-page workbook, designed especially for foreign-language students who plan to pursue advanced studies in mathematics at English-speaking universities, is to teach them how to comprehend technical writing in mathematics. The book is composed of twelve texts in university-level mathematics, especially written to highlight different aspects of technical mathematical style. Each text is followed by exercises intended to check the students’ comprehension of the text, acquisition of vocabulary, and awareness of some of the fine points of mathematical writing. A bilingual Japanese-language edition of this title was published and reprinted in Tokyo by Maruzen Co., Ltd. 160 pages, 15X23 cm
An anthology of writings in Italian which examine the origins, nature and culture of the Sicilian mafia. Separate chapters are devoted to the culture from which the mafia emerged, the economic and business activities in which it is now engaged, its relations with politics and politicians, as well as its structure and historical evolution. There are portraits of prominent mafiosi as well as of the people and organizations that have struggled against mafia crime. The individual pieces come from a diverse range of sources, including newspapers, historical and sociological works. There is an introduction in English, as well as a full vocabulary and a glossary of terms associated with the mafia.
Ruth Harrison's Animal Machines now a unique historical classic, had a profound impact on public opinion and the quality of life of farmed animals when it was published in 1964. * Reprinted in its entirety, gives an accurate, and sometimes shocking, account of intensive farming in the 1960's, still current in large parts of the world today. * Harrison's work greatly increased public awareness of animal welfare and led to legal reforms, shaping our closer understanding of farm conditions today. * Provides a fascinating insight into the system we continue to live with as the global population increases. * Includes foreword by Rachel Carson and new chapters by international experts in animal welfare including Marion Stamp Dawkins, discussing the book's significant legacy and impact today.