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      • Al-Kamel Verlag / Manshourat Al Jama

        Manshurat Al Jamal was founded in 1983 by Khalid Al Maaly in Cologne ,in 2008 based in Beirut and a further branch in Bagdad .The program focus on :- Classic ,Modern Arab literature- Fiction short stories poems - Philosophy- Sociology Manshurat Al-Jamal is the publisher of a lot of authors: G.Grass O. Pamuk J. Habermas Robert Musil H.Qureishi G. Sinoue P. Celan W. Gombrowicz J. Derrida M. Horkheimer T. Adorno A. Kristof

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2001


        by Jamal Tuschick, Robert Schuler

        Eine nächtliche Wolfsjagd in den Wäldern Nordhessens vor tausend Jahren steht am Anfang von »Kattenbeat«. Ein später Nachkomme des Jägers, der zum Mörder wird, stürzt in der Frankfurter Gegenwart ab. Jamal Tuschick erzählt facettenreich von den Gedanken und Gefühlen einer Jugend in Deutschland – mit all ihren Widersprüchen zwischen Aufbegehren, Anpassung und dem Traum vom wirklichen Leben – und verknüpft das mit der Geschichte von Städten. Drei Episoden, drei Städte und drei Helden: Koller, Kran und Teichmann. »Die Namen meiner Gefährten haben für mich eine außerordentliche Bedeutung. Sie klingen zusammen mit Kattenbeat. Kattenbeat ist eine Losung, eine Brüderlichkeitsparole«, die auf die Chatten anspielt, den Volksstamm, aus dem die Hessen hervorgingen.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2000

        Extraterritoriale Beweisbeschaffung im deutschen Zivilprozeß.

        Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Beweisbeschaffung außerhalb des internationalen Rechtshilfeweges.

        by Daoudi, Jamal

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022


        Ein Reader

        by Daniel Loick, Vanessa E. Thompson

        »Abolitionismus« bezeichnet sowohl einen theoretischen Ansatz als auch eine politische und soziale Bewegung, die sich für die Überwindung staatlicher Gewaltinstitutionen wie Gefängnis und Polizei einsetzt. In der Tradition des Kampfes gegen die Versklavung Schwarzer Menschen betonen Abolitionist:innen die rassistische Geschichte staatlicher Gewaltapparate und ihre Komplizenschaft mit Formen kapitalistischer Ausbeutung und patriarchaler Unterdrückung. Dieser Band macht erstmals die wichtigsten Stimmen dieser internationalen Diskussion in deutscher Sprache zugänglich. Mit Texten u. a. von Angela Davis, Michel Foucault, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Amna Akbar, Joy James, Klaus Günther, Assa Traoré, Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Mimi E. Kim, Sarah Lamble, Robyn Maynard und Alex Vitale.

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        Children's & YA

        What's On Your Face?

        by Fatima Jamal Abdullah

        Amin, a little boy, is the narrator of this story. Ill with the vitiligo disease, which causes his skin to have large white stains, Amin struggles in school.As Amin describes his daily challenges, young readers gain a better understanding of his behaviors and learn valuable lessons about tolerance and acceptance. As his parents say, what matters is that he has a white heart, pure and kind

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        Rejoice, My Heart

        by Alawiya Sobh

        Ghassan, a musician and Oud player, leaves for New York, fleeing the Lebanese civil war after his extremist bother, Afif, murdered his older and pacifist brother Jamal, who sought to open the door to Muslim-Christian dialogue. In New York, Ghassan struggles to erase all his memories but his thoughts would always bring him back to his hometown, Dar El Ezz, as it was long before the war. ///Soon, he falls in love with and marries Kristin, becomes more emotionally stable, and embraces American culture. But when he must return to Lebanon for his father’s funeral, nostalgia for his homeland and a series of events force Ghassan to face a convergence of two cultures. ///“Efrah Ya Qalbi” (Rejoice, My Heart!) is a novel about love, music, identity, one’s sense of belonging, brotherly conflicts, and the diaspora. It dives into the lives, troubles, and dilemmas of the characters. ///The stories intertwine amid a fascinating narrative, thus revealing the turmoil and troubles of the Lebanese community torn by wars and outbursts. The novel also addresses the relationship between the East and the West, where struggling and cracked identities are silenced and offers a new vision through analysis and narration.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2018

        Islamic Tourism

        Management of Travel Destinations

        by Ahmad Jamal, Kevin Griffin, Razaq Raj

        Islamic tourism is tourism primarily undertaken by its followers within the Muslim world. It is not just motivated by religious feeling - it also includes participants pursuing similar leisure experiences to non-Muslims but within the parameters set by Islam, and destinations are therefore not necessarily locations where Shari'a or full Islamic law is enacted. Demand for Islamic tourism destinations is increasing as the Muslim population expands worldwide, with the market forecast to be worth US$238 billion by 2019. This book bridges the ever-widening gap between specialists within the religious, tourism, management and education sectors through a collection of contemporary perspectives. It provides practical applications, models and illustrations of religious tourism and pilgrimage management from a variety of international perspectives and introduces theories and models in an accessible structure. The book: - Includes a range of contemporary case studies of religious and pilgrimage activity - Covers ancient, sacred and emerging tourist destinations - Reviews new forms of pilgrimage, faith systems and quasi-religious activities A timely re-assessment of the increasing linkages and interconnections between Muslim consumers, this book provides an important overview of the subject for researchers of religious tourism, pilgrimage and related subjects.

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        Sport & leisure industries
        October 2006

        Adventure Tourism

        by Ralf C Buckley

        Adventure tourism is a new, rapidly growing area at both practical and academic levels. Written at an introductory level, Adventure Tourism provides a basic background and covers commercial adventure tourism products across a range of adventure tourism sectors.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2017

        Tourism and Leisure Behaviour in an Ageing World

        by Ian Patterson

        Tourism and Leisure Behaviour in an Ageing World, based on Ian Patterson's previously published Growing Older, provides an overview of the latest research concerning tourist behaviour and leisure needs of baby boomers, seniors, and older adults. With an increasingly ageing population, industry interest has intensified and there has been a corresponding explosion in related research activity. Covering marketplace trends that attract the older market, this new edition: - Provides an understanding of the older tourism and leisure market, discussing how to effectively provide for this expanding group; - Discusses growing areas such as independent travel, the leisure experience, cultural and heritage tourism, cruises, and health and wellness tourism; - Supplies case studies of tourism and leisure organizations successfully catering to the needs of the older market. This book is an invaluable resource for researchers and students interested in senior leisure and travel, a section with the money and the time to invest heavily in leisure and tourism activities. It can also be applied by professionals to improve their product offerings for this sector, which, while valuable, brings its own unique challenges.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2017

        Tour Operators and Operations

        Development, Management and Responsibility

        by Jacqueline Holland, David Leslie

        With a focus on the creation and distribution of packaged holidays, this text covers the fundamentals of business and the relationship between tour operators and destinations. With particular reference to the sustainability of both parties, it reviews the impacts and influences of tour operations and practices on destinations within the overriding context of tour operator responsibility. It addresses the entirety of this key component of the tourism sector, and reflects the shift in recent years from traditional 'sun, sea and sand' holiday to more bespoke packages. Taking into account tour operators as a growing factor among the major emergent economies of the world, this book is: - The first textbook to provide such in-depth content of tour operators and operations. - Written by authors with industry, research and teaching experience. - A wealth of information regarding popular eco, nature and adventure trips, as well as myriad niche and special interest products. Full of international and highly topical case studies, exercises and discussion questions, Tour Operators and Operations: Development, Management and Responsibility is a fundamental text for students of tourism.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2017

        Transforming Travel

        Realising the potential of sustainable tourism

        by Jeremy Smith

        Transforming Travel combines stories from leading companies, interviews with pioneers and thinkers, along with thorough analysis of the industry's potential to make lasting, positive change. - A unique collection of case studies and stories of the most successful, inspirational, impactful and innovative travel businesses in the world. - A vital presentation of the latest research and statistics on the positive impacts and potential of transformative, sustainable tourism, - A positive and realistic vision of the scope of tourism to promote sustainable development at a time when travel and interaction with foreign cultures is facing numerous existential challenges. Written in a highly engaging style Transforming Travel presents an urgent argument for transforming tourism so it might reach its potential to promote tolerance, restore communities and regenerate habitats, while providing a vital guide for anyone looking to develop the successful sustainable tourism enterprises and destinations needed to do so.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        August 2017

        Visitor Experience Design

        by Noel Scott, Jun Gao, Jianyu Ma, Pierre J Benckendorff, Ana Claudia Campos, I-Ling Chen, Peiyi Ding, Rouven Doran, Afiya Holder, Shan Jiang, Svein Larsen, Dung Le, Kuan-Huei Lee, Shanshi Li, Xiang Li, Wei Liu, Júlio Mendes, Brent Moyle, Liubov Skavronskaya, Beverley Sparks, Patricia Valle, Gabby Walters, Ying Wang, Katharina Wolff, Laurie Wu, Lihua Gao

        Most discussion of visitor experiences uses a behavioural or managerial approach where the way the visitor thinks is ignored - it's a black box. Visitor Experience Design is the first book of its kind to examine best practice in creating and delivering exciting and memorable travel and visitation experiences from a cognitive psychological perspective - it opens the black box. The chapters draw on recent findings from cognitive psychology, cognitive science and neuroscience to provide a basis for a better understanding of the antecedents of a memorable experience, including: · The psychological process of the formation or creation of a visitor's experiences · Psychological aspects of tourism experiences such as attention, emotion, memory and mindfulness · Pre-stage experience: customer inputs such as knowledge, myths, values and memories from previous travel · On-site experience: co-creation processes · Post-stage experience: immediate and long term outcomes including happiness and well-being · Experience design cases Tourism, hospitality and event managers seek to provide WOW experiences to their visitors through better design and management.This book encourages the discussion of different facets of experience design such as emotions, attentions, sensations, learning, the process of co-creation and experiential stimuli design. It will be of interest to tourism researchers and postgraduate students studying tourism management, marketing and product design.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2019

        Adventure Tourism and Outdoor Activities Management

        A 21st Century Toolkit

        by Ian Jenkins

        An essential resource for those wishing to understand the key factors behind the operation of an adventure tourism company and how to be able to deliver a profitable as well as a sustainable product. It discusses important factors such as how the use of technologies and the current importance of environmental impacts and climate change are areas that are key to adventure tourism firms. To remain profitable companies need to address these issues along with the important elements of risk and safety. Key features include: Industry Perspective case studies Sustainable Adventure Tourism Developments Management of Products and Customers Created from the author's experience in delivering adventure tourism courses over the last 20 years, this long-awaited book is aimed at both university courses on adventure tourism and outdoor recreation as well as those working within the industry.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2019

        Tourism Information Technology

        by Pierre J Benckendorff, Zheng Xiang, Pauline J Sheldon

        This third edition of 'Tourism Information Technology' provides a contemporary update on the complexities of using information technology in the tourism industry. It examines IT applications in all sectors including airlines, travel intermediaries, accommodation, foodservice, destinations, attractions, events and entertainment. Fully updated throughout and organised around the stages of the visitor journey, the book reviews how tourists are using technologies to support decision making before their trip, during their travels and at the destination. It: · Provides comprehensive and up to date coverage of all key topics in tourism information technologies · Covers new areas such as (among others) augmented and virtual reality, robotics, smart destinations, disruptive innovation and the collaborative economy, crowdsourcing for sustainability, online reputation management and big data · Incorporates a wealth of pedagogic features to aid student learning, including key models and concepts, research and industry insights, case studies, key terms, discussion questions, and links to useful websites. Accompanied online by instructor PowerPoint slides, multiple choice questions and further case studies, this book provides a comprehensive and learning-focused text for students of tourism and related subjects.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2017

        Tourism and Resilience

        by Richard W Butler

        This is the first book to address the concept of resilience and its specific application and relevance to tourism, in particular tourism destinations. Resilience relates to the ability of organisms, communities, ecosystems and populations to withstand the impacts of external forces while retaining their integrity and ability to continue functioning. It is particularly applicable to tourism destinations and attractions which are exposed to the potentially harmful and sometimes severe effects of tourism development and visitation, but which also can experience increased resilience from the economic benefits of tourism. Phenomena such as destination communities, wildlife populations and ecosystems are discussed, as well as the ability of places and communities to use tourism and its infrastructure to recover from disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, unrest and disease. This book: · Compares the relevance of resilience to sustainability · Contains contributions from many of the leading international authors · Brings together varying viewpoints of both conceptual and applied issues · Includes example case studies from Whistler, western Canada; Sri Lanka; Purnululu National Park, Australia; and the remote Pitcairn Island in the Pacific Tourism and Resilience is relevant for researchers, students and practitioners in tourism and related fields such as development studies, geography, sociology, anthropology, economics and business/management. ; This book discusses the concept of resilience and its application to tourism. It compares the relevance of resilience to sustainability; the former focusing on the well-being and survival of the places affected and the latter focusing on the agent of impact, tourism itself. ; PART ONE: INTRODUCTION1: INTRODUCTION2: THE DEVELOPMENT OF RESILIENCE THINKING3: COMMUNITY TOURISM RESILIENCE: SOME APPLICATIONS OF THE SCALE, CHANGE AND RESILIENE (SCR) MODELPART 2: SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL RESILIENCE4: SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL BALANCE IN COMMUNITY BASED TOURISM EXPERIENCES: A RESARCH PROPOSAL5: RESILIENCE AND DESTINATION GOVERNANCE6: RESILIENCE AND DESTINATION GOVERNANCE: WHISTLER, B.C.PART 3: RESILIENCE AND RESPONSE TO DISASTERS7: SRI LANKAN TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLICATIONS FOR RESILIENCE8: RESILIENCE, TOURISM AND DISASTERS9: RESILIENCE AND PERCEPTIONS OF PROBLEMS IN ALPINE REGIONSPART 4: RESILIENCE IN PROTECTED NATURAL AREAS AND INSULAR LOCATIONS10: Tourism Resilience in UK National Parks11: RESILIENCE AND PROTECTED AREA TOURISM IN PURNULULU NATIONAL PARK: UNDERSTANDING INTERACTIONS WITH A FOCUS ON COMMUNITY BENEFITS12: RESILIENCE AND TOURISM IN ISLANDS: INSIGHTS FROM THE CARIBBEAN13: RESILIENCE AND TOURISM IN REMOTE LOCATIONS: PITCAIRN ISLANDSPART 5: RESILIENCE AND THE TOURISM INDUSTRY14: ISSUES OF RESILIENCE, SUSTAINABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY IN TOURISM15: BETTING ON CASINO TOURISM RESILIENCE: A CASE STUDY OF CASINO EXPANSION IN MACAO AND THE ASIA REGION16: RESILIENCE AS NEW POLITICAL REALITYPART 6: CONCLUSIONS

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        March 2017

        Arctic Tourism Experiences

        Production, Consumption and Sustainability

        by Young-Sook Lee, David Weaver, Nina K Prebensen

        An exploration of Arctic tourism, focusing on tourist experiences and industry provision of those experiences; this is the first compilation to concentrate on the fundamental essence of the Arctic as being a geographical periphery, but also an experiential core that offers peak tourism experiences. Part 1 investigates the depth and dimensions of tourist experiences in the Arctic. Chapters examine the essence of diverse peak experiences and delve into the factors that give rise to these experiences. Part 2 considers the links between these core experiences and the tourism industry that seeks to sustain itself by facilitating such satisfying outcomes. ; The book focuses on tourist experiences and industry provision of those experiences. It concentrates on the fundamental essence of the Arctic as being a geographical periphery, but also an experiential core that offers peak tourism experiences. ; PART I: INTRODUCTION AND ISSUES: TOURIST EXPERIENCES OF THE ARCTIC AND CREATING TOURIST EXPERIENCES.Chapter 1: Arctic Destinations and Attractions as Evolving Peripheral Settings for the Production and Consumption of Peak Tourism ExperiencesChapter 2: Experiencing the Arctic in the Past: French Visitors to Finnmark in the Late 1700s and Early 1800sChapter 3: Roles of Adventure Guides in Balancing Perceptions of Risk and SafetyChapter 4: The Central Role of Identity in the Arctic PeripheryChapter 5: Tourists and Narration in the Arctic: The Changing Experience of MuseumsChapter 6: World Heritage List = Tourism Attractiveness?PART II: CREATING TOURIST EXPERIENCES IN THE ARCTICChapter 7: Degrees of Peripherality in the Production and Consumption of Leisure Tourism in GreenlandChapter 8: Northern Lights Experiences in the Arctic Dark: Old Imaginaries and New Tourism NarrativesChapter 9: Exploring the Extreme Iditarod Trail in AlaskaChapter 10: The Arctic Tourism Experience from an Evolving Chinese PerspectiveChapter 11: Tourists’ Interpretations of a “Feelgood In Lapland” Holiday- A Case StudyChapter 12: Negotiating Sami Place and Identity: Do Scottish Traditions Help Sami to be More Sami?Chapter 13: Emergence of Experience Production Systems for Mass Tourism Participation in Peripheral Regions: Evidence from Arctic ScandinaviaChapter 14: Factors of Peripherality: Whale Watching in Northern NorwayChapter 15: Responsible Fishing Tourism in the ArcticChapter 16: Long way up: Powered Two-Wheeled Journeys in Northern PeripheriesChapter 17: Experiences of Marine Adventurers in the Canadian ArcticChapter 18: Arctic Tourism in Russia: Attractions, Experiences, Challenges and PotentialsChapter 19: Tourism Experiences of Post-Soviet Arctic BorderlandsChapter 20: Arctic Tourism Experiences: Opportunities, Challenges and Future Research Directions for a Changing Periphery

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2017

        Tourism and Geopolitics

        Issues and Concepts from Central and Eastern Europe

        by Derek R Hall

        With 29 contributors from across Europe and beyond, this work represents a unique and important resource that examines the many relationships between tourism and geopolitics, with a focus on experiences drawn from Central and Eastern Europe. It begins by assessing the changing nature of 'geopolitics', from pejorative associations with Nazism to the more recent critical and feminist geopolitics of social science's 'cultural turn'. The book then addresses the important historical role of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in geopolitical thinking, before exemplifying a range of contemporary interactions between tourism and geopolitics within this critical region. Edited by a renowned authority on tourism geopolitics, this book: · Provides the most comprehensive overview of tourism and geopolitics available · Applies a range of geopolitical concepts and approaches to empirical experiences of tourism and mobility in Central and Eastern Europe · Embraces contributions from both established and new academic voices. Pursuing innovative analytical paths, the book demonstrates the interrelated nature of tourism and geopolitics and emphasizes the freshness of this research area. Addressing key principles and ideas which are applicable globally, it is an essential source for researchers, teachers and students of tourism, geography, political science and European studies, as well as for diplomatic, business and consultant practitioners. ; This book is a unique and important resource that discusses the relationship between tourism and geopolitics, with a focus on experience from Central and Eastern Europe ; Part I: Introduction and Overviews1: Bringing geopolitics to tourism2: Tourism and geopolitics: the political imaginary of territory, tourism and space3: Tourism in the geopolitical construction of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)Part II: Reconfiguring Conceptions and Reality4: The Adriatic as a (re-)emerging cultural space5: Crimea: geopolitics and tourism6: The geopolitical trial of tourism in modern Ukraine7: Under pressure: the impact of Russian tourism investment in MontenegroPart III: Tourism and Transnationalism8: Large-scale tourism development in a Czech rural area: contestation over the meaning of modernity9: The expansion of international hotel groups into Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 – strategic couplings and local responses10: Conceptualising trans-national hotel chain penetration in Bulgaria11: New consumption spaces and cross-border mobilitiesPart IV: Borderlands12: From divided to shared spaces: transborder tourism in the Polish-Czech borderlands13: Finnish-Russian border mobility and tourism: localism overruled by geopolitics14: Kaliningrad as a tourism enclave/exclave?15: An evaluation of tourism development in KaliningradPart V: Identity and Image16: Mutli-ethnic food in the mono-ethnic city: tourism, gastronomy and identity in central Warsaw17: Rural tourism as a meeting ground in Bosnia and Herzegovina?18: Interrogating tourism’s relevance: mediating between polarities in Kosovo19: European Night of Museums and the geopolitics of events in Romania20: The power of the Web: blogging destination image in Bucharest and SofiaPart VI: Mobilities21: The role of pioneering tour companies22: The geopolitics of low-cost carriers in Central and Eastern Europe23: Tourism and a geopolitics of connectivity: the Albanian nexus24: Heroes or ‘Others’? A geopolitics of international footballer mobility25: Tourism, mobilities and the geopolitics of erasurePart VII: Conclusions26: In conclusion

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