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        Bastei Lübbe AG

        Bastei Lübbe AG, based in Cologne, Germany, is a large, both traditional and modern company in the German publishing industry, specializing in the publication of books, audio books and eBooks with fiction and popular science content. The company's core business also includes periodically published novel books. The product range of the twelve imprints of the media company currently comprises a total of around 3,600 titles from the fiction, non-fiction, children's and youth book sectors. International and national bestselling authors such as Ken Follett, Dan Brown, Jeff Kinney, Rebecca Gablé, Petra Hülsmann, Andreas Eschbach, Timur Vermes and many more have published their books at the Cologne publishing house, some of them for decades. Die in Köln ansässige Bastei Lübbe AG ist ein großes, sowohl traditionsreiches wie auch modernes Unternehmen im deutschen Verlagswesen, das auf die Herausgabe von Büchern, Hörbüchern und eBooks mit belletristischen und populärwissenschaftlichen Inhalten spezialisiert ist. Zum Kerngeschäft des Unternehmens gehören auch die periodisch erscheinenden Romanhefte. Das Angebot der zwölf Verlage und Imprints des vor mehr als 60 Jahren gegründeten Medienhauses umfasst derzeit insgesamt rund 3.600 Titel aus den Bereichen Belletristik, Sach-, Kinder- und Jugendbuch. Internationale und nationale Bestsellerautoren wie Ken Follett, Dan Brown, Jeff Kinney, Rebecca Gablé, Petra Hülsmann, Andreas Eschbach, Timur Vermes und viele mehr veröffentlichen ihre Bücher zum Teil seit Jahrzehnten im Kölner Verlagshaus.

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      • Almatykitab Baspassy

        Almatykitap Baspassy was founded in 1999 and focuses on a wide range children’s books for ages between 2 and 18, including education and non-fiction titles. There are also a number of ethnographic titles on Kazakh culture, its traditions and nature.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Basic Painting Teaching

        by Xu Hao

        Basic Painting Teaching is a set of comprehensive and practical books on painting teaching. The complete set is divided into six books namely, Gypsum Geometry, Still Life Sketch, Portrait Sketch, Character Sketch, Color Still Life and Color Scenery.-

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Basic Nutrition, Third Edition

        by Lori A. Smolin, Ph.D. and Mary B. Grosvenor, M.S., R.D.

        The body uses food to fuel its processes and to stay healthy. Basic Nutrition, Third Edition includes important information regarding the six classes of nutrients, how each is broken down and used by the body, and how much of each nutrient an individual needs. In a stimulating and easy-to-understand format, this informative title also provides guidance for planning a healthy diet.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Basic Monitoring in Canine and Feline Emergent Patients

        by Elizabeth J. Thomovsky, Paula A. Johnson, Aimee C. Brooks

        This book discusses the various basic monitoring techniques available for emergency patients. The book elaborates on and explains monitoring techniques that can be easily performed in basic ER clinics and primary care clinics. This includes blood pressure, capnography, ECGs, pulse oximetry, and point of care monitoring ranging from the physical exam to bedside diagnostic tests like PCV/TP, urine specific gravity, blood glucose, and lactate. Each chapter is structured in the following way: basic physiology as related to the monitor, how the monitor/piece of equipment works, pros and cons of the monitor/piece of equipment, when not to trust the monitor, and clinical applications/examples of how to use the monitor in clinical settings.

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        Children's & YA

        Ayélévi's Secret

        by Simon de Saint-Dzokotoe, Maryse Montron

        Little Ayélévi is very cunning. She always wins at the game of "Who would win the most beautiful flower." This situation intrigued his brother who wanted to understand the secret of these repeated successes. Ayélévi is very clever; will it still be for a long time?

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        Basic Stimulation – The Workbook

        by Andreas Fröhlich

        This workbook on the concept of basic stimulation in nursing, its elements, and its application for patients suffering from perceptional deficits, developmental delays, and mental handicaps, offers impressive examples, illustrations, and basic knowledge to train and implement basic stimulation in nursing and professional health care. Accounts of personal experience and exercises that help refl ect on the reader’s own experience are used throughout the text to strengthen the personal role of nurses offering basic stimulation in daily care.   Target Group: Nurses

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        Children's & YA

        Strange book

        by Alexander Asatiani

        All books have either writing, pictures or both in it, but the book that Ellen got as a gift has neither. It does, however, have extraordinary recording powers. Like in so many of Sandro’s stories, in The Strange Book it is completely natural for dreams to merge with reality. Through the matter-of-fact occurrence of unlikely events, The Strange Book tells a story of growing up without abandoning the inner child.

      • Trusted Partner

        JIU-JITSU Brasileña: Technicas Basicas

        by Fabio Gurgel

        JIU-JITSU Brasileña: Technicas Basicas - por Fabio Gurgel Jiu-Jitsu, cuyo significado literal es "el arte noble", es un método de autodefensa de gran aceptación, que no se basa necesariamente en la fuerza y el poder físico. Fabio Gurgel, cuatro veces campeón del mundo, nos presenta una exhaustiva serie de dos volúmenes que otorga sencillez a los complejos movimientos de este arte marcial a medida que revela paso a paso los secretos del Jiu-Jitsu. Los libros, titulados BJJ Basics and Advanced BJJ (Fundamentos del Jiu-Jitsu brasileño y Jiu-Jitsu brasileño para avanzados), están profusamente ilustrados y simplifican las expresiones técnicas del arte para facilitar al estudiante el aprendizaje y ayudarlo a mejorar. El Jiu-Jitsu fue desarrollado originalmente por los samurai, los antiguos guerreros que apenas usaban armadura y a veces ninguna para protegerse de enemigos más fuertes y bien armados. Como tal, el Jiu-Jitsu se considera el padre de las artes marciales, incluidos judo y aikido y ha influenciado el karate y otros estilos de artes marciales. Su técnica consiste en ataques, llaves, bloqueos, derribos y evasiones. En el aspecto mental, el Jiu-Jitsu otorga a quien lo practica confianza en sí mismo, incrementa la autoestima, alivia el estrés y aumenta la capacidad de concentración. El Jiu-Jitsu utiliza la física y la ciencia mediante la optimización y el conocimiento de la anatomía humana para sobreponerse a cualquier atacante con el menor esfuerzo y la menor fuerza física posibles. El Jiu-Jitsu brasileño difiere de su versión tradicional en que se desarrolló en un entorno y en un área diferentes como respuesta a necesidades diferentes. Esto ha llevado al desarrollo de técnicas adicionales que son más relevantes para la lucha en el suelo y ciertas necesidades pertinentes para enfrentarse a la violencia en el medio urbano moderno. Hoy día el Jiu-Jitsu brasileño es famoso por sus excelentes técnicas de lucha en el suelo, sus torneos y competidores de alto nivel, así como por su concepción y maniobras tácticas.  Fabio Duca Gurgel do Amaral, siete veces campeón del mundo, comenzó a practicar el Jiu-Jitsu a los 13 años y recibió su cinturón negro a los 19. Junto con su maestro Romero Jacaré es el cofundador del Alliance Team, dos veces campeón mundial, con 40 academias en todo el mundo, de Venezuela a Nueva York y de Finlandia a Alemania. Gurgel continúa enseñando en su propia academia en San Pablo y organiza seminarios en todo el mundo. También es presidente de la Liga profesional de Jiu-Jitsu. En febrero de 2007 se publicó una versión en inglés americano. Se prevé la publicación de una versión en checo en 2010. 176 páginas; 16,5 x 24 cm.

      • Trusted Partner

        Fun Coloring Sticker Book for Babies

        by Green Books

        Fun Coloring Sticker Book for Babies consists of stickers and coloring. It guides children to use hands and brains simultaneously, and stimulates children's unlimited potential with multidirectional play. It's specially designed for children aged 2-5. Children can not only play stickers, but also paint in the process of reading. The figures are cute and colorful, enabling children to easily recognize the common things around and improve the ability of visual discernment and concentration, making babies’ early education enlightenment more diversified and intelligent!

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        Medical parasitology
        October 2002

        Taenia solium Cysticercosis: From Basic to Clinical Science

        by Edited by Gagandeep Singh, Sudesh Prabhakar

        Taenia solium cysticercosis is a parasitic disease caused by the dissemination of the larval form of the pork tapeworm and affects an estimated 50 million people worldwide. It is endemic in several developing countries, including many in Central and South America, Africa and South Asia. Through increased immigration and international travel, it is also of emerging significance in developed countries such as the USA.This book, written by international leading experts in the field, covers the basic science and clinical aspects of Taenia solium, its pathology, investigational aspects of neurocysticercosis, and therapy and prevention

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        Children's & YA

        Believe me, I'm Not an Egret!

        by Hossein Ghorbani

        This story is a recreation of a fable originally written in “Kalila and Demna”, an ancient book with Indian roots. In the original story, an old egret tricks the fish into thinking that they are being taken to a safe lake, but they are in fact becoming the egret’s food. Until one day, the crab also asks the egret to take him to the lake and sees the remaining fish bones while riding on his back. He then returns and informs the others. “Believe Me, I’m not an Egret!” is a parody of the original fable, encouraging the children to think about and question what they hear.

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        Children's & YA

        Two Planets

        by Masoud Gharabaghi

        People of two neighboring planets have been living together in peace until a scientist invents a device to look at the sky with. The trouble begins when the map of the sky is different for each planet, but whose map is the correct one? The book tries to help children towards thinking objectively despite their biases. It also aims to encourage critical thinking and seeing the differences while taking something into account.

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        March 2023


        by Anne Schlebusch

        Fully early pandemic “locked down” in an old age home, 70-year-old boomer, Maggie, ditches her bra, browses an old diary and reconnects with her artist self. While the world is happier with its oldies locked away, the lovable and maverick elders of Hazyview Mansions, galvanised by Maggie and her four close friends, have their own ideas. Romance, old loves; individual, local and global issues drive the story of this consequential movement with sustained and gentle humour. This book is both enormous fun and truly weighty.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2011

        Sending Law to the Countryside: Research on China's Basic-Level Judical System

        by Su Li

        The author explores answers to these questions: What kind of law can effectively respond to the actual needs to construct a fair and orderly society? With a vast expanse of rural areas different from the urban areas, what should China do to deal with its basic judicial system for the rural society? Just like Mr. Fei Xiaotong, the pioneering sociologist and anthropologist, Professor Su Li stayed in the countryside, studied the rule of law at the grassroots level and solved practical problems, thus making his contribution in law for the grassroots people. This book presents ideas that are quite new and subversive to Chinese intellectuals who are accustomed to the principles of Western jurisprudence, and has aroused heated debate in China’s jurisprudential circle since its publication.

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        Children's Art Manual Game Book

        by Green Book

        Basics of Interesting Paper-cut: Basics of Interesting Paper-cut is a book for guiding children to have fun origami. The strength of DIY ability directly reflects the flexibility of the brain, so improving children's DIY ability is an important way to promote intellectual development, while hand craft is a good way to fully develop children's intelligence.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2017

        Research on The Book of Songs (Shi Jing)

        by Zhu Xiuquan

        This book examines and demonstrates some part of The Books of Songs, and presents the author's personal perspective in a clear way. It is divided into 10 chapters: Chapter 1 Research on the movement Da Wu composed in the Western Zhou Dynasty and its evolution Chapter 2 Study on The Song of Zhou and the corresponding rituals  Chapter 3 Ode to the Success of King of the Age—— A Study of the Theme of the Three Ode in The Book of Songs Chapter 4 Discussion on characteristics of the times reflecting from The Song of Zhou ......

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