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      • Atlantic Books

        Atlantic Books is an independent British publishing house founded in 2000. It has since developed a list that has a world-wide reputation for quality, originality and breadth, and includes fiction, history, politics, memoir and current affairs. Publishers of recent successes such as bestsellers My Sister the Serial Killer, Call Me By Your Name,Crazy Rich Asians, Wild and Why We Get the Wrong Politicians, Atlantic Books strives to publish some of the very best fiction and non-fiction written today, from its headquarters in the heart of literary London.

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      • Atlantyca Entertainment S.p.A.

        Atlantyca Entertainment develops properties for children’s publishing, animation and consumer products licensing. We handle over 8.000 translation and publishing contracts with renowned publishers worldwide. Our offices are in Milan and Beijing.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2023

        Taschenatlas der abgelegenen Inseln

        Fünfundfünfzig Inseln, auf denen ich nie war und niemals sein werde

        by Judith Schalansky

        Als Judith Schalanskys Atlas 2009 erschien, herrschte zwar allgemeine Verzückung über Idee, Konzept und Gestaltung: fünfzig entlegene Inseln – von Tristan da Cunha bis zum Clipperton-Atoll, von der Weihnachts- bis zur Osterinsel – nach Ozeanen geordnet, kunstvoll illustriert und mit je einer absurd-abgründigen Geschichte, die von historischen Begebenheiten und naturwissenschaftlichen Berichten inspiriert ist. Niemand konnte jedoch ahnen, dass der Atlas nicht nur zum internationalen Bestseller und mit diversen Preisen ausgezeichneten Designobjekt werden, sondern ein regelrechtes Zeitalter der »poetischen Atlanten« einläuten und weltweit unzählige Nachahmer finden würde. Und nie war so aktuell wie heute, was dieses Buch beweist: dass die abenteuerlichsten Reisen im Kopf stattfinden, mit dem Finger auf der Landkarte. Die erweiterte Erfolgsausgabe von 2021 mit neuem Vorwort und fünf neuen Inseln wird hier in einer schön gestalteten, gebundenen Taschenbuchausgabe vorgelegt.

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        September 2024

        A Colour Atlas of Companion Animal Parasites

        Life Cycles and Morphological Identification

        by John McGarry, Hany Elsheikha, Suzanne Taylor

        A Colour Atlas of Companion Animal Parasites: Life Cycles and Morphological Identification illustrates how to identify common parasites of dogs, cats and horses using simple morphological features. It presents parasite life cycles in straightforward, accurate terms, and covers: - the general features of major arthropods, helminths and protozoa of dogs, cats and horses; - morphological identification of both adult parasites and their immature stages in tissues, with particular consideration given to differential identification; - major parasites of companion animals which may shift regions because of climate change, animal movement and other anthropogenic factors. Parasite identification is fundamental, not only for planning treatment, prevention and management of parasitic disease, but also for surveillance of invasive exotic parasites and for monitoring the spread of endemic species. With 600 parasite specimens photographed and annotated as a quick reference resource, this book mirrors what a practitioner might view down a microscope, bringing the subject alive. It forms a complete and practical resource for all veterinary students, veterinarians, and anyone interested in parasite control.

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        November 2018

        Bird Atlas of Hunan Province

        by Li Jianzhi

        The bird Atlas of Hunan Province introduces the regional distribution map of abundant bird resources, bird watching knowledge, bird external morphology map, commonly used terms of birds and the color photos, bird names, field identification characteristics, living habits, breeding characteristics, living conditions, population number and the degree of difficulty encountered by 446 kinds of birds recorded in Hunan Province. What's more, each kind of bird is equipped with 2-3 color photos, either male and female, or winter and summer feathers, or one-stop flying, or different posture, which fully shows the morphological characteristics and ecological habits of birds.

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        September 2020

        Das Jahr ohne Worte

        Eine wahre Liebesgeschichte

        by Atlas, Syd

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2011

        An Historical Atlas of Staffordshire

        by A. D. M. Phillips, C. B. Phillips

        Within its ancient boundaries, Staffordshire is a county of diverse and contrasting historic landscapes. World-renowned industrial complexes sit alongside agricultural systems; castles rub shoulders with urban-industrial housing; the cathedral centre of a vast diocese lies close to the birthplace of primitive Methodism; overtly planned landscapes mingle with the uplands of the Moorlands and the heathlands of Cannock Chase. These many and varied landscapes are both products and reflections of a multiplicity of histories, and students of the county have been keen to explore and relate these pasts. However, no systematic attempt has previously been made to express these accounts in spatial form. This book seeks to demonstrate by maps the various histories that contribute to the diversity of Staffordshire. With its succinct discussions and detailed map presentations of these themes, incorporating new thinking and recent research, the atlas provides an innovative and major contribution to the study of the history of Staffordshire. ;

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        Geographical atlas of the world

        by SSPE "Kartographia"

        The Geographical Atlas of the World is a modern reference cartographic publication containing up to 100 political and physical maps of the world and political maps of individual countries and groups of countries. Political and administrative maps of the regions of Ukraine are presented separately. At the end of each separate section, a reference block with flags and a selection of modern, necessary information about the countries is provided from the "Political and political-geographical maps" section. In the second part of "Physical Maps", each map is supplemented with thematic illustrations, reference data, and interesting facts inherent in the corresponding region of our planet. The index of geographical names, which includes more than 16 thousand proper names of geographical objects in its list, will help you quickly find them on pages of the atlas. Modern design and printing capabilities were used to create the atlas.

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        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Atlas of the world "Let's travel to the wonderland"

        by SSPE "Kartographia"

        Let's travel to the Wonderland! Geographical atlas for the youngest. An interesting and unusual journey awaits the little reader in this book. Together with the fairy-tale boy Telesyk and Goosenya, he will go on a space journey, where he will get to know the stars and planets. And when he returns to the Earth, he will be able to look into all its corners, find out how many countries there are on it, what their flags are and how the inhabitants of these countries dress. And then you will get to know the various plants and animals characteristic of each region of the world, find out where such familiar plants come from, and who was the first to domesticate domestic animals. Telesyk with Geese will help the baby to get to know his native Ukraine better, its nature, to look at the bright colored maps that are produced and grown on its lands, which are crafts and crafts in Ukraine. And then everyone together will return to the world of fairy tales of Europe and America, Africa and Asia, Australia and Ukraine. The book is beautifully illustrated. The cartographic material is aimed at the reading level of the youngest schoolboy. The publication is a laureate of the national competition "Book Art of Ukraine", awarded with diplomas of the Forum of Publishers in Lviv and the Committee of Radio and Television of Ukraine.

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        October 2000

        Der Fischer Atlas Sexualität

        Fakten Trends Zusammenhänge

        by Mackay, Judith

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