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        February 2022

        Manual of Animal Andrology

        by Peter J Chenoweth, Steven Lorton, Roslyn Bathgate, Robert V. Knox, Paul R. Loomis, Cheryl Lopate, Jane M. Morrell, Clifford F Shipley, Kara R. Stewart, Ahmed Tibary

        A succinct reference for those assessing and managing the reproductive functionality of male animals, this practical manual contains both generic and species-specific information suitable for widespread worldwide application. It covers all relevant aspects such as handling and restraint, physical examination, reproductive examination, important reproductive diseases, biosecurity, semen collection and its assessment, mating behaviour, and fundamentals of semen handling and preservation for artificial breeding. A simple, concise 'go-to' for the useful techniques and procedures of animal andrology, this book: - Covers a wide range of species, including cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, water buffalo, camelids and dogs - Provides normal values and ranges for important male reproductive traits, as well as guidelines for breeding soundness evaluations - Includes extra supplementary illustrations, protocols and resources through accompanying website to enable further learning. With information presented in a manner that will remain useful for years to come, Manual of Animal Andrology is an essential resource for veterinarians, theriogenologists, animal breeders, and students of veterinary and animal sciences.

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        August 2023


        Wissen statt Mythen – rheumatische Erkrankungen verstehen und in den Griff bekommen

        by Aries, Peer

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        Aquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques
        June 2014

        Manual for Tilapia Business Management

        by Ram C Bhujel

        Tilapias are an increasingly important farmed fish for human consumption. Hailed as an important source of protein for growing populations, production is set to double within the next ten years and expand beyond traditional areas of production in Africa and Asia. With a practical focus, this book is aimed at tilapia farmers and producers, describing best practice production methods, egg management, new technologies, nutrition, business practices, marketing, equipment maintenance, accounting and logistics.

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        March 2004

        Das kleine Buch fürs Wesentliche

        Weisungen für ein spirituelles Leben (nur Innentitel)

        by Dass, Ram

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        Animal stories (Children's/YA)

        The Case of the Prowling Panther

        by Vaishnavi Ram Mohan

        Book 4 in SUDEF Wildlife Detective series - In this book, Lemunyatta hoped to see a fabled black panther during a visit to its forest home. But rumours are rife saying the black panther is an evil curse. She and her friends have to separete facts, from fiction and find the truth about the evil going on in the forest and in the surrounding community.

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        January 2018

        Kleine Hasen werden groß

        by Michels, Tilde

        Die beiden Wildkaninchen Silla und Ram haben Nachwunchs bekommen. Und der stolze Papa stellt erstaunt fest, dass seine Sprösslinge ganz anders aussehen als die Feldhäschen. Spannend und liebevoll erzählt Tilde Michels, wie die Hasenkinder groß werden und wie unterschiedlich Wildkaninchen und Feldhasen leben.

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        October 1988

        Heiße Küste


        by Marguerite Duras, Georg Goyert

        Ja, sie ist sehr heiß, die Küste am Pazifik, unerträglich heiß. Die Ebene ist sumpfig, die Wüste unfruchtbar. Und die Menschen sind bitterarm. Alle drei, die Mutter, Suzanne und Joseph, hatten den Kauf eines Pferdes für eine gute Idee gehalten. Ein Pferd mit Wagen würde hinausführen aus der Gottverlassenheit ihres Lebens, würde sie nach Ram bringen, und beim Anblick von Menschen würden sie Trost und Zerstreuung finden. Das Pferd aber fraß nicht, es ließ den Kopf hängen und war nach acht Tagen krepiert.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        Angry Goat

        by Volodymyr Rutkivsky (Author). Natalia Kudlak (Illustrator)

        This cheerful and witty book tells the story of the amazing friendship between the boy Severin and a giant goat, who, perhaps unfairly, was called the Аngry Goat. When Severin came to his grandmother's village for the summer, Goat tried to ram him. But then - quite unexpectedly - he became the boy's best friend. Now Severin is not afraid of Goat anymore. Severin gives to Goat the most delicious carrots from his grandmother's garden, and bends the branches of a maple tree for him, because his new friend likes new leaves so much! In return, Goat pushes Severin and his friend on the swing, and makes them laugh with his antics. And one day he even saved a bird that fell out of the nest... Together with Severin, little readers will learn step by step the secrets of a world that opens up to you if you are not afraid to go outside of Grandma's gate for the first time!   From 6 to 8 years, 13006 words Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko,

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        Environmental science, engineering & technology
        December 2013

        Conservation Agriculture

        Global Prospects and Challenges

        by Edited by Ram Jat, Kanwar L Sahrawat, Amir H Kassam

        The book covers the spread of conservation agriculture (CA) to regions including Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Australia, Europe and emerging CA destinations in Asia and Africa. Topics covered include the various components of CA, and how their individual and combined implementation influence productivity, soil health and environmental quality under diverse edaphic and climatic conditions. The book will be useful to teachers, researchers, extensionists, farmers, and students interested in environmental quality.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 1999

        French society in revolution 1789–1799

        by David Andress, Mark Greengrass

        French society in revolution aims to retrieve the social history of the French Revolution from unjustified neglect. This study examines both the structural and cultural elements behind the breakdown of the eighteenth-century monarchic state and its aris. . . . ;

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        by Israel (Puchu) Wiesler

        RAMÓN QUE SE LE PERDIÓ EL PANTALÓN (En medio del baile) por Israel (Puchu) Wiesler Este es un cuento acerca de un niño flaco, que al principio no le apetecía comer y que era muy delgado, pero que después, cuando al fin comenzó a comer, no podía parar. Era horrible: cuando era flaco se le caían los pantalones y al subir de peso le reventaban las costuras. ?Que se podía hacer? Preguntad a su madre, que tenía una solución para cada problema. Este libro, que en los últimos diez años ha registrado ventas muy buenas en Israel, se ha vuelto últimamente de mayor aceptación, gracias a la creciente conciencia tanto de padres como de niños sobre el problema de la obesidad en la infancia. Aun cuando este relato tiene una moraleja, su gran éxito (?hasta ahora se han publicado 12 ediciones!) deriva principalmente de lo divertido que es para los lectores jóvenes. El autor, Israel Wiesler, cuyo apodo es “Puchu”, nació en Tel Aviv y publicó su primer libro, “Qué pandilla” a los 26 años. Desde entonces ha escrito Wiesler más de treinta libros y docenas de libretos para series de televisión destinados a niños y a adultos jóvenes. Las obras de Wiesler, escritas con un cálido y especial sentido del humor, fueron galardonadas con seis premios literarios en Israel. El acreditado “Léxico Ofek” de literatura para niños en hebreo, describe a Wiesler como “como el mejor escritor humorista para niños y adultos jóvenes de Israel”. Puchu ha sido uno de los tres únicos escritores israelíes que fueron honrados el año pasado con la emisión de un sello de correo que muestra la portada de uno de sus libros.

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