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Promoted ContentMarch 2018
So enden wir
by Daniel Galera, Nicolai Schweder-Schreiner
Sie waren unsterblich – damals, Ende der Neunziger, wütend und voller Aufbruch, drei Jungs und eine Frau, Protagonisten der neuen Gegenkultur aus späten Punks, krassen Künstlern und digitalen Bohemiens. Allen voran Duke, riesiges Schriftstellertalent, genialisch, unnahbar. Jetzt ist Duke tot, zufälliges Opfer eines Raubüberfalls, es ist das Jahr 2014 und Porto Alegre wie paralysiert von der sengenden Hitze und dem Streik. Am Grab ihres alten Mitstreiters kommen Aurora, Antero und Emiliano zusammen, nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit wie Fremde. Unweigerlicher Blick zurück: Wie war das früher, und was ist aus ihnen geworden, aus den Idealen, Lebensplänen, Hoffnungen? Und: Wer war dieser Duke wirklich? War er ihr Freund? Oder hat er sie nicht doch bloß für seine Zwecke benutzt? Die immer skurrilere Suche nach einer Antwort führt die drei zu einer Hinterlassenschaft, die so berührend wie erschütternd ist. Was gibt dem Leben Halt, wenn das Wünschen nicht mehr hilft? Daniel Galera hat einen virtuos agilen, unerschrockenen Generationen- und Gegenwartsroman geschrieben. Über Auf- und Abbrüche, über Ankünfte und Verlorenheiten und über das ungelöste – vielleicht unlösbare? – Geheimnis menschlicher Nähe.
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MedicineJanuary 2018Mediterranean quarantines, 1780-1914
by David Cantor, John Chircop, Francisco Javier Martinez, Quim Bonastra, Dominique Bon, Anna Rosenberg, Costas Tsiamis, Effie Poulakou-Rebelakou, Eleni Thalassinou, Angelos Hatzakis, Malika Ezzahidi, Christian Promitzer, Laurinda Abreu, Jon Arrizabalaga, Lisa Rosner, Pere Salas-Vives, Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora
Trusted Partner
MedicineMarch 2018Mediterranean quarantines, 1750–1914
Space, identity and power
by David Cantor, John Chircop, Francisco Javier Martinez, Quim Bonastra, Dominique Bon, Anna Rosenberg, Costas Tsiamis, Effie Poulakou-Rebelakou, Eleni Thalassinou, Angelos Hatzakis, Malika Ezzahidi, Christian Promitzer, Laurinda Abreu, Jon Arrizabalaga, Lisa Rosner, Pere Salas-Vives, Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora
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Lifestyle, Sport & LeisureOrgy for coloring in
by Bebel Abreu (editor) / Alex Vieira (author) / André Valente (author) / Feppa Rodrigues (author) / Flavio Zerloti (author) / Indio San (author) / Janara Lopes (author) / João Montanaro (author) / Kiko Dinucci (author) / Laerte (author) / Luciana Bastos (author) / Luciano Feijão (author) /Marcelo Araújo (author) / Max Kisman (author) / Oga Mendonca (author) / Orlando Pedroso (author) / Samuel Rodrigues (author) / Tiago Elcerdo (author) / Adão Iturrusgarai (author) / Ale Kalko (author) / Alejandro Magallanes (author) / Christiano Mascaro (author) / Diego Sanches (author) / Eduardo Belga (author) / Gabriel Goés (author) / Fabio Zimbres (author) / Fernanda Guedes (author) / Flávio Flock (author) / Guma (author) / Maël Boutin (author) / Renata Miwa (author) / Rogerio Nunes (author) / Santiago Mourão (author) / Sen Hesse (aka Carlo Giovani) (author) / Thais dos Anjos (author) / Zé Otavio (author)
The first coloring book for adults only! 34 drawings of orgies in fun and naughty variations: marine, idyllic, somber, poetic and much more. Drawn by 35 different artists especially for this publication. The kit contains 2 sets with 17 different orgies each + crayons + sticker of the orgy drawn by the great cartoonist Laerte, wrapped in a special (and discreet) package.
49 Poemas (1948-1985)
by Antero Abreu
Angolan literature collection It blooms in the Angolan soil, with the strength and stubbornness of the vegetation that renews itself in the lands consumed by the burning, finding in the ashes themselves the vitalizing element of the sap that runs in its veins, a literature that, seeking to be specifically Angolan, is taking big steps towards the conquest of a position in the whole of universal literature (Carlos Ervedosa - A Literatura Angolana). This collection of Angolan Literature gives voice to Angolan authors who find in difficulties the reason to follow their path and the disclosure of Angola, of Africa.
FictionFebruary 2018
The Knight Of Nobody's Land
by Sinval Medina
With a combination of documental record and pure fiction, Brazilian Sinval Medina brings us in this great work an historical figure that had his life on the wire in Brazil.Cristóvão Pereira de Abreu, the protagonist, was born in Portugal in 1678, and travelled to Brazil in an early age. Bonded with family ties to the economical elite of Rio de Janeiro, he becomes a man of great local deals. The true life of Cristóvão is novelized here in this stunning journey through the south of Brazil, since he was the man responsible for the discovering of the new land rails to the territories of the South.
Affirming LGBTQ+ Stuudents in Higher Education
by David P. Rivera, Roberto L. Abreu, Kirsten A. Gonzalez
This book will guide institutions of higher learning in making practical and effective changes at many levels to better support LGBTQ+ students and, ultimately, improving the campus climate for all. For college students with marginalized gender identities and sexual orientations, simply getting through a day of study—not to mention work, exercise, and social life—can be taxing in the extreme, due to the additional weight of minority stress.However, there are many steps higher education leaders can take, both to boost students’ resilience and to dismantle the very structures that create minority stress. These steps may involve changes to facilities, student health and resource centers, housing, administrative policy, faculty training, curriculum, and other areas. This book presents research-based needs assessment frameworks and best practices for integrating a broad array of institutional changes to improve LGBTQ+ students’ higher education experience. Chapters describe student populations with multiple intersecting identities: transgender students, students of color, students with disabilities, student athletes, international students, and first-generation college students. The authors also address issues unique to different settings, including community colleges, religious institutions, and historically Black colleges and universities.
Children's & YA
Wildlife From Brasil Playbook
by Nik Neves (illustrations), Manaira Abreu (design), Livia Aguiar (text)
This activity book invites kids to play with the fauna and flora of the 5 main biomes of Brasil. There are 12 pages of activities, like creating new patterns for the jaguars' furs, find the 7 mistakes, draw a flower for the collibri, and more, combined with with fun information about the country's native wildlife in Pantanal, Atlantic Forest, Amazon, Cerrado, Pampas and Caatinga. It is print in black and white, so it is also a coloring book! Each book comes with colorful stickers of plants and animals. The project was developed by Mandacaru Design in partnership with illustrator Nik Neves for the Brazilian Pavillion's gift shop at the Dubai World Expo 2020, distributed by Bebel Books.
Children's & YAAugust 2020
Radio Popov
What if you were all alone in the world – but one night you discovered that the Sharp Ears always hear you when you sigh?
by Anja Portin
Nine-year-old Alfred lives virtually alone. His mother has disappeared long ago, and his father, who stays away on business trips, doesn’t always seem to remember that Alfred exists. One night, Alfred sets off in the company of the mysterious Sneak, who puts things through letterboxes–not just newspapers, but apples, woollen socks and sandwiches. Thus begins an unforgettable adventure that changes everything, and not just for Albert. Sneak turns out the eccentric Amanda Lehtimaja, a paperwoman who is one of the Sharp Ears. At Amanda’s home Alfred finds an old radio transmitter designed by a Russian physicist, A.S. Popov. He starts making a secret, nightly radio broadcast that all the other forgotten children in the city listen to. But how can Amanda and Alfred help the children, and what will Alfred’s father do when he notices that his son is gone? And who exactly are the Sharp Ears? “Some stories start with a trivial little whimsical idea, like someone deciding to find out if they would sleep better on the hallway floor than in their own bed. Like I decided to do one night.” Radio Popov is an exciting and humorous, warm-hearted story that brings to mind the most beloved classics of children’s literature, like the fairy tale novels of Astrid Lindgren.
Medicine: general issuesNovember 2014
Acute Medicine 2015
by Declan O'Kane
Acute Medicine is written for registrars, junior doctors and medical students working on the wards. It is a current and concise guide to hospital emergency medicine which provides: • detailed management of acute medical and surgical emergencies, including in pregnancy • general ward management issues • descriptions of key procedures • normal laboratory values • drug formulary covering the common drugs you will use every day. It is not just a list of instructions, but contains detailed pathophysiology and useful clinical pearls. It is designed to be carried round in a pocket for easy reference.
Veterinary medicineOctober 2022
Fundamentals of Veterinary Anatomy
by T.S. Chandrasekhara Rao & P. Jagapathi Ramayya
Thebook meets the requirementts of the students and faculty. The material available in the this book has been prepared based on our previous experiences in practical classes and also some information was collected from the standard text books of Veterinary Anatomy and also Madras Veterinary College Lecture Notes prepared by Faculty of Madras Veterinary College, Chennai. In this book every topic is supported by hand drawn diagrams and photographs of original specimens available in the department.
Humanities & Social Sciences
Sick Boi
Real illustrated stories about toxic masculinity
by Carol Ito (editor and author) / Helô D'Angelo (editor and author) / Bebel Abreu (editor and lettering) / Bruna Maia (author) / Ale Kalko (author) / Tai (author) / Lila Cruz (author) / Marília Marz (author) / Bennê Oliveira (author) / Cecília Marins (author) / Vitorelo (author) / Luiza Lemos (author)
This collection brings 11 real stories about toxic masculinity, sent by women and non-binary people, adapted to comics by 11 diverse artists. They are made to inspire laughter and reflection about sexist behaviors, especially in romantic relationships.
Agriculture & farmingAugust 2015
Elements of Entomology
by H.Lewin Devasahayam
Acquiring knowledge about different aspects of entomology is of vital importance in adopting appropriate measures for the control of pests and also for utilizing the beneficial insects for the benefits of man. This book deals with the basic concepts of entomology, which include: - Morphology, anatomy, adaptation and classification of insects, especially the parasitic ones, which do harm to plants, livestock and even to man. Economic role of insects with special reference to productive ones such as, honeybee, silk worm and lac insect as well as beneficial ones such as, parasitoids, predators pollinators etc. Pest management that covers usage of various plant protection chemicals, plant protection equipments, toxicology of pesticides, compatibility of pesticides etc. Non-insect pests viz., nematodes and mites, their economic role and control measures. The text is substantiated with many fine, hand-drawn figures and illustrations that will help better understanding of the text. The book, which is primarily intended for the undergraduate students of agriculture, will be of use to the postgraduate students of agriculture, to the officials working in the department of agriculture, especially those involved in plant protection work and also to the elite public who are interested in scientific agriculture.